292 research outputs found

    Ex-vivo and In-vivo Characterization of Human Accommodation

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    A completely satisfying approach to restoring accommodation still needs to be developed. Besides, there are considerable discrepancies between objective and subjective trials to evaluate the therapeutic success. A substantial biomechanical understanding of all structures and processes involved in accommodation as well as presbyopia are needed to develop promising new strategies. This contribution focuses on developing advanced imaging techniques to create a basic understanding of accommodation and presbyopia and to evaluate existing concepts for restoring accommodation. Besides, the emphasis is also on replacing stiff presbyopic lenses by a material that imitates the young crystalline lens

    Collagen Cross-Linking: Current Status and Future Directions

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    Collagen cross-linking (CXL) using UVA light and riboflavin (vitamin B2) was introduced as a clinical application to stabilize the cornea by inducing cross-links within and between collagen fibers. CXL has been investigated extensively and has been shown clinically to arrest the progression of keratoconic or post-LASIK ectasia. With its minimal cost, simplicity, and proven positive clinical outcome, CXL can be regarded as a useful approach to reduce the number of penetrating keratoplasties performed. Small case series have also indicated that CXL is beneficial in corneal edema by reducing stromal swelling behavior and in keratitis by inhibiting pathogen growth. Despite these encouraging results, CXL remains a relatively new method that is potentially associated with complications. Aspects such as side effects and recurrence rates have still to be elucidated. In light of the growing interest in CXL, our paper summarizes present knowledge about this promising approach. We have intentionally endeavored to include the more relevant studies from the recent literature to provide an overview of the current status of CXL

    Burst of corneal dendritic cells during Trastuzumab and Paclitaxel treatment

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    During breast cancer therapy, paclitaxel and trastuzumab are both associated with adverse effects such as chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and other systemic side effects including ocular complications. Corneal nerves are considered part of the peripheral nervous system and can be imaged non-invasively by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) on the cellular level. Thus, in vivo CLSM imaging of structures of the corneal subbasal nerve plexus (SNP) such as sensory nerves or dendritic cells (DCs) can be a powerful tool for the assessment of corneal complications during cancer treatment. During the present study, the SNP of a breast cancer patient was analyzed over time by using large-scale in vivo CLSM in the course of paclitaxel and trastuzumab therapy. The same corneal regions could be re-identified over time. While the subbasal nerve morphology did not alter significantly, a change in dendritic cell density and an additional local burst within the first 11 weeks of therapy was detected, indicating treatment-mediated corneal inflammatory processes. Ocular structures such as nerves and dendritic cells could represent useful biomarkers for the assessment of ocular adverse effects during cancer therapy and their management, leading to a better visual prognosis

    Subjective and objective accommodation of the Crystalens Advanced Optics (AO) in patients 6 months after bilateral implantation

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    Background: The aim of this study was to analyze and compare objective and subjective accommodation in patients after bilateral implantation of the FDA-approved accommodating Crystalens Advanced Optics (AO). Material and methods: This study was performed on 8 eyes of 4 patients. The subjective accommodation was measured by monocular and binocular defocus curves under photopic and mesopic conditions. The objective accommodation was analyzed using partial coherence interferometry (PCI) and wavefront aberration. Pupil diameter at different set-ups and refraction were derived from wavefront data. Results: Uncorrected and corrected distance and uncorrected near visual acuity improved significantly following implantation of the Crystalens AO in all eyes. Only one patient needed spectacles to correct distance visual acuity. Mean distance uncorrected visual acuity was 0.05 ± 0.06 logMAR. All patients were able to read newspapers without spectacles. Mean near uncorrected visual acuity was 0.17 ± 0.12 logMAR. Subjective accommodative amplitude under photopic conditions was significantly better binocularly than monocularly (p = 0.03) and was significant worse monocularly under mesopic conditions than photopic conditions (p = 0.016). No significant changes in anterior chamber depth were observed by PCI, with a fixation on optical stimuli at different distances. There were also no significant changes in the wavefront aberrations between the different set-ups. Pupil diameter increased significantly in the near set-up under mesopic conditions. Conclusions: No objective change in lens configuration was observed under different set-ups. Due to a variety of factors involved in pseudoaccommodation (e.g. pupil diameter, astigmatism, and multifocality), the subjective accommodative amplitude tends to be overestimated relative to objective measurements. No real accommodative action was observed

    In vivo monitoring of corneal dendritic cells in the subbasal nerve plexus during Trastuzumab and Paclitaxel breast cancer therapy - a one-year follow-up

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    Paclitaxel and trastuzumab have been associated with adverse effects including chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) or ocular complications. In vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) of the cornea could be suitable for assessing side effects since the cornea is susceptible to, i.e., neurotoxic stimuli. The study represents a one-year follow-up of a breast cancer patient including large-area in vivo CLSM of the subbasal nerve plexus (SNP), nerve function testing, and questionnaires during paclitaxel and trastuzumab therapy. Six monitoring sessions (one baseline, four during, and one after therapy) over 58 weeks were carried out. Large-area mosaics of the SNP were generated, and identical regions within all sessions were assigned. While corneal nerve morphology did not cause alterations, the number of dendritic cells (DCs) showed dynamic changes with a local burst at 11 weeks after baseline. Simultaneously, paclitaxel treatment was terminated due to side effects, which, together with DCs, returned to normal levels as the therapy progressed. Longitudinal in vivo CLSM of the SNP could complement routine examinations and be helpful to generate a comprehensive clinical picture. The applied techniques, with corneal structures acting as biomarkers could represent a diagnostic tool for the objective assessment of the severity of adverse events and the outcome

    Taxane-Induced Neuropathy and Its Ocular Effects—A Longitudinal Follow-up Study in Breast Cancer Patients

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    A common severe neurotoxic side effect of breast cancer (BC) therapy is chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) and intervention is highly needed for the detection, prevention, and treatment of CIPN at an early stage. As the eye is susceptible to neurotoxic stimuli, the present study aims to determine whether CIPN signs in paclitaxel-treated BC patients correlate with ocular changes by applying advanced non-invasive biophotonic in vivo imaging. Patients (n = 14, 10 controls) underwent monitoring sessions after diagnosis, during, and after therapy (T0-T3). Monitoring sessions included general anamnesis, assessment of their quality of life, neurological scores, ophthalmological status, macular optical coherence tomography (OCT), and imaging of their subbasal nerve plexus (SNP) by large-area confocal laser-scanning microscopy (CLSM). At T0, no significant differences were detected between patients and controls. During treatment, patients’ scores significantly changed while the greatest differences were found between T0 and T3. None of the patients developed severe CIPN but retinal thickenings could be detected. CLSM revealed large SNP mosaics with identical areas while corneal nerves remained stable. The study represents the first longitudinal study combining oncological examinations with advanced biophotonic imaging techniques, demonstrating a powerful tool for the objective assessment of the severity of neurotoxic events with ocular structures acting as potential biomarkers

    Assessment of dynamic corneal nerve changes using static landmarks by in vivo large-area confocal microscopy—a longitudinal proof-of-concept study

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    Background: The purpose of the present proof-of-concept study was to use large-area in vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) mosaics to determine the migration rates of nerve branching points in the human corneal subbasal nerve plexus (SNP). Methods: Three healthy individuals were examined roughly weekly over a total period of six weeks by large-area in vivo confocal microscopy of the central cornea. An in-house developed prototype system for guided eye movement with an acquisition time of 40 s was used to image and generate large-area mosaics of the SNP. Kobayashi-structures and nerve entry points (EPs) were used as fixed structures to enable precise mosaic registration over time. The migration rate of 10 prominent nerve fiber branching points per participant was tracked and quantified over the longitudinal period. Results: Total investigation times of 10 minutes maximum per participant were used to generate mosaic images with an average size of 3.61 mm2 (range: 3.18–4.42 mm2). Overall mean branching point migration rates of (46.4±14.3), (48.8±15.5), and (50.9±13.9) µm/week were found for the three participants with no statistically significant difference. Longitudinal analyses of nerve branching point migration over time revealed significant time-dependent changes in migration rate only in participant 3 between the last two measurements [(63.7±12.3) and (43.0±12.5) µm/week, P<0.01]. Considering individual branching point dynamics, significant differences in nerve migration rate from the mean were only found in a few exceptions. Conclusions: The results of this proof-of-concept study have demonstrated the feasibility of using in vivo confocal microscopy to study the migration rates of corneal subbasal nerves within large areas of the central human cornea (>1 mm2). The ability to monitor dynamic changes in the SNP opens a window to future studies of corneal nerve health and regenerative capacity in a number of systemic and ocular diseases. Since corneal nerves are considered part of the peripheral nervous system, this technique could also offer an objective diagnostic tool and biomarker for disease- or treatment-induced neuropathic changes