537 research outputs found

    International Antisuit Injunctions: Enjoining Foreign Litigations and Arbitrations - Beholding the System from Outside

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    Antisuit injunctions are issued by a court to prevent a party from bringing suit in another forum. They are a powerful tool available to American courts to implement their decision on jurisdiction. It goes without saying that granting such an injunction de facto affects the capability of the other forum to hear the dispute, which conflicts with the principle of comity. American courts therefore only enjoin a party from proceeding in another forum if certain criteria are satisfied. This paper discusses these criteria in the context of international litigations and arbitrations. It analyzes the case law on this issue and proposes an alternative approach, which approach tries to bring antisuit injunctions into line with other forms of injunctions and suggests, based on the New York Convention, that they should only be granted with reticence in the context of international commercial arbitrations

    Contract Law and Decisions on Costs

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    The national statutes on international commercial arbitration, the leges arbitri, do, as a rule, not contain provisions on costs. In the final award, an arbitrator has to determine the costs of the arbitration (the fees of the arbitral tribunals, of expert witnesses mandated by the arbitral tribunal etc.), which cost incurred by the parties during the arbitration are recoverable and which party has to bear what share of the costs. A decision on these issues forms part of the ordinary course of an arbitration. Further cost-related issues may arise due to the peculiarities of the case, such as a refusal of one of the parties to contribute to the financing of the arbitration. Resorting to agreements may provide a satisfactory means for certain decisions on costs in arbitration proceedings; this is by making use of the contractual nature of these agreements; by asking whether these agreements can be interpreted in a way that gives an answer to the issue at stake or - as in the case of security for costs - whether the contract may be amended to grant a motion for security for costs. It is submitted that the reasoning so achieved is at least as convincing and consistent as other approaches solicited by doctrine. Therefore, it is further submitted that this approach should be considered when an issue arises that is not addressed in the lex arbitri or the institutional arbitration rules

    Förderung einer gesunden, ressourcenschonenden Esskultur : Bildungskonzept, Bildungsangebot und Wirkungsanalyse bei Jugendlichen

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    Good food, a sound environment, good health, the solution of world hunger and a world without animal suffering are desired by most humans. Still Swiss consumers invest less and less money and time into quality products and the preparation of meals, as statistics show. Studies proved: The average Swiss eating habits are the main cause for environmental stress, a major risk factor for the country’s most widespread diseases, the reason for a very intense use of farm animals and partially responsible for world hunger – which is not commonly known. Consumers need the competences that allow them to scrutinize their own habits and to implement solution based approaches. They must know what they eat and understand the consequences of it. They should develop their behavior consciously. This paper examines how an institutional education of juveniles can reach a positive contribution to the aforementioned development.Gutes Essen, eine intakte Umwelt, eine gute Gesundheit, die Lösung des Welthungerproblems und eine Welt ohne Tierleid wünschen sich grundsätzlich alle Menschen. Trotzdem sind den Schweizer Konsumierenden hochwertige Lebensmittel und die Mahlzeitenzubereitung immer weniger Geld und Zeit wert, wie Statistiken belegen. Studien zeigen: Das Essverhalten der Durchschnittsschweizer ist der Hauptverursacher ihrer Umweltbelastungen, ein Hauptrisikofaktor für ihre Volkskrankheiten, der Grund für die äusserst intensive Nutztierhaltung und ein Auslöser von Welthunger – vielen ist das nicht bewusst. Die Konsumierenden benötigen Kompetenzen, die das Hinterfragen des eigenen Essverhaltens und das Umsetzen von Lösungsansätzen ermöglichen. Sie müssen wissen, was sie essen, und die Auswirkungen davon verstehen. Ihr Verhalten sollen sie bewusst gestalten können. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte, wie die institutionelle Bildung von Jugendlichen einen positiven Beitrag dazu leisten kann

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationDuring formation of a functioning neuronal network, nerve processes have to travel long distances to reach their target tissue. Along their paths, axons are directed by guidance cues. For normal pathfinding, correct host tissue patterning is necessary to ensure the right set of guidance cues being expressed at the right place and time. One of the wonders of nervous system development is how a small set of morphogens, regulating tissue patterning, and guidance molecules, acting directly on growth cones, lay out the tracks for the vast number of axons along their most diverse pathways in a complex nervous system like ours. Even more surprising, it has become evident that the same molecules act both in tissue patterning and as guidance cues, depending on the spatial and temporal context. One such molecule found in both roles is Sonic hedgehog (Shh). The research presented in this dissertation used the zebrafish retinotectal system as a model to study the role of Shh in axon pathfinding. Zebrafish mutant for shh exhibit intraretinal axon pathfinding errors, where axons fail to exit the eye. Whether these errors are due to mispatterning of ocular tissue or the lack of direct guidance cues was not clear. We used temporal and spatial inhibition of the Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway to determine if Shh acts as a morphogen in tissue patterning or as guidance cue to regulate intraretinal axon pathfinding. Our results strongly suggest that Hh signaling regulates intraretinal pathfinding indirectly through tissue patterning. This is further supported by the finding that several optic stalk markers are downregulated in shh mutants. We further investigated the role of one of these markers, cxcl12a, a chemokine known to be involved in axon guidance. Our analysis uncovered an interaction between the Hh and chemokine pathways for intraretinal axon pathfinding. In summary, I determined that Hh signaling plays an indirect role in intraretinal axon pathfinding through patterning of the optic stalk and regulating the expression of the axon guidance molecule, cxcl12a, at the optic disc. These findings reveal a novel interaction between the Hh and chemokine pathways for the guidance of retinal axons out of the eye

    Evaluation of superplastic forming and co-diffusion bonding of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy expanded sandwich structures

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    The application of the superplastic forming/diffusion bonding (SPF/DB) process to supersonic cruise research is investigated. The capability of an SPF/DB titanium structure to meet the structural requirements of the inner wing area of the NASA arrow-wing advanced supersonic transport design is evaluated. Selection of structural concepts and their optimization for minimum weight, SPF/DB process optimization, fabrication of representative specimens, and specimen testing and evaluation are described. The structural area used includes both upper and lower wing panels, where the upper wing panel is used for static compression strength evaluation and the lower panel, in tension, is used for fracture mechanics evaluations. The individual test specimens, cut from six large panels, consist of 39 static specimens, 10 fracture mechanics specimens, and one each full size panel for compression stability and fracture mechanics testing. Tests are performed at temperatures of -54 C (-65 F), room temperature, and 260 C (500 F)

    Was zählt wirklich? - Den Therapieprozess unterstützende Faktoren der therapeutischen Beziehung in der Ergotherapie aus Sicht eines Klienten

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    Hintergrund: Ergotherapeutinnen schreiben der therapeutischen Beziehung zwischen Therapeutin und Klient hinsichtlich eines erfolgreichen Therapieverlaufs grosse Bedeutung zu und Studien zeigen einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Qualität der therapeutische Beziehung und dem funktionalen Outcome auf. Die Sichtweise des Klienten auf die Therapeut-Klient-Beziehung in der Ergotherapie jedoch ist wenig erforscht. Fragestellung: Welche Faktoren charakterisieren aus Klientensicht für erwachsene Klienten in der Ergotherapie eine den Therapieprozess unterstützende therapeutische Beziehung? Methode: Zur Beantwortung der Fragestellung wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche in den Datenbanken OTDBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library und PubMed durchgeführt. Fünf Studien, welche die therapeutische Beziehung in der Ergotherapie untersuchten, erfüllten alle Einschlusskriterien und wurden für die vorliegende Arbeit bezüglich ihrer Güte beurteilt. Ergebnisse: Klienten messen psychosozialen und kommunikativen Kompetenzen der Therapeutin sowie der Haltung der Therapeutin dem Klienten gegenüber als beziehungsfördernde und den Therapieprozess unterstützende Faktoren grosse Bedeutung zu. Von grosser Wichtigkeit sind für Klienten ebenfalls die Berücksichtigung der Werte und Bedürfnisse des Klienten, die Relevanz der Therapieinhalte für ihren Alltag und die Zeit, welche die Therapeutin ihnen zukommen lässt. Schlussfolgerung: Dem Klienten soll mit Respekt vor seiner Person und Rücksicht gegenüber seinen Bedürfnissen, Werten und seinem Wunsch nach aktiver Mitbeteiligung an der Therapieplanung begegnet werden. Um dem Aspekt der Klientenzentrierung gerecht zu werden, ist es notwendig, die therapeutische Beziehung in der Ergotherapie selbst klientengerecht zu gestalten und das eigene Rollenverhalten in der Beziehung dem jeweiligen Klienten gegenüber anzupassen

    Playing with Fire. The Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian Leviathan

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    After the fall of Mubarak, the Muslim Brotherhood decided to act as a stabilising force, to abandon the street and to lend democratic legitimacy to the political process designed by the army. The outcome of this strategy was that the MB was first ‘burned’ politically and then harshly repressed after having exhausted its stabilising role. The main mistakes the Brothers made were, first, to turn their back on several opportunities to spearhead the revolt by leading popular forces and, second, to keep their strategy for change gradualist and conservative, seeking compromises with parts of the former regime even though the turmoil and expectations in the country required a much bolder strategy

    Egypt’s 2011–2012 parliamentary elections: Voting for religious vs. secular democracy?

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    This study investigates whether individuals’ attitudes towards democracy and secular politics have any influence on voting behavior in Egypt. Based on data from a survey conducted immediately after the Egyptian parliamentary elections in January 2012, this study finds that Egyptians’ attitudes towards democratic governance were quite negative around the parliamentary elections, yet Egyptians still endorsed democracy as the ideal political system for their country. However, empirical findings suggest that support for democracy has a limited impact on electoral results. On the other hand, the main division in Egyptian society around the first free and fair parliamentary elections was the religious-secular cleavage. As people support secular politics more, they become significantly less likely to vote for Islamist parties. These results illustrate that preferences in regard to the type of democracy – either a liberal and secular or a religious democracy – were the main determinant of the historic 2012 elections in Egypt