66 research outputs found

    Autonomous house in Klimkovice

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    Import 23/07/2015Bakalářská práce s názvem ,,Autonomní dům v Klimkovicích“ se zabývá projektem rodinného domu v Klimkovicích, konkrétně v části Klimkovic zvané Hýlov. Projekt vychází z předchozí architektonické studie stavby rodinného domu v rámci Ateliérové tvorby I. Dílčí část tohoto projektu je rozvedena do stupně projektové dokumentace pro provádění stavby. Práce je dělena na textovou a výkresovou dokumentaci. Textová část obsahuje průvodní a technickou zprávu objektu. Výkresová část je doplněna o architektonický detail interiéru a fasády. Cílem bylo vytvořit soběstačný rodinný důmv pasivním standardu pro čtyřčlennou rodinu, pokud možno za použití přírodních materiálů.Bachelor thesis entitled,, Autonomous house in Klimkovice " deals with the project of the family house in Klimkovice, specifically in the area called Hýlov. The project builds on the previous architectural study of building a house within the Studio work I. Sub-part of this project is further developed to a degree of of project documentation for construction Work is divided into textual and drawing documentation. Text section contains the accompanying and technical report of object. The drawings are complemented by architectural detail of the interior and facade. The aim was to create a self-contained house in the passive standard for a family of four, if possible, using natural materials.226 - Katedra architekturyvýborn

    A 200 km suspected impact crater Kotuykanskaya near Popigai, Siberia, in the light of new gravity aspects from EIGEN 6C4, and other data

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    We provide arguments in favour of impact origin of a 200 km suspected impact crater Kotuykanskaya near Popigai, Siberia, Russia. We use the gravity aspects (gravity disturbances, the Marussi tensor of the second derivatives of the disturbing geopotential, the gravity invariants and their specific ratio, the strike angles and the virtual deformations), all derived from the combined static gravity field model EIGEN 6C4, with the ground resolution of about 10 km and a precision of about 10 milliGals. We also use the magnetic anomalies from the model EMAG2 and emphasize the evidence of much deeper sources in the suspected area, constraining the impact origin of this structure.Web of Science101art. no. 609

    Teachers' work with e-resources: a comparison of face-to-face and distance teaching

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    Tato diplomová práce zkoumá přístupy dvou učitelek k elektronickým výukovým zdrojům. Téma je potřeba zkoumat hlavně z důvodu možného přesunutí prezenčního vzdělávání opět do distanční formy, a proto je nutné vědět, jak učitelé pracují a využívají elektronické materiály při přípravě na výuku a v samotné výuce. Cílem práce je tedy přístupy dvou výše zmíněných učitelek porovnat a zjistit, jakým způsobem využívají e-zdroje při prezenční a distanční výuce a jak se používání e-zdrojů při obou formách výuky liší, nebo je naopak podobné. Jedná se o kvalitativní výzkum, při kterém badatelka volí dvě metody - rozhovor a pozorování. Práce obsahuje teoretickou a praktickou část. V části teoretické se autorka práce věnuje vymezení pojmů učitel, výukové zdroje, ICT a elektronické výukové zdroje. Všechny tyto vyjmenované termíny souvisí s empirickou částí. V ní badatelka porovnává přístupy dvou učitelek na prvním stupni základní školy k elektronickým výukovým zdrojům pomocí sedmi identifikovaných kategorií. V diskuzní části je porovnáno nejen používání e-zdrojů v rámci prezenční a distanční výuky, ale také přístupy obou učitelek k e-zdrojům. V závěru práce zjišťujeme, že i přes rozdílné osobnosti, věk a místo působení učitelek jsou způsoby práce s e- zdroji podobné při obou formách výuky. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA učitel 1....This diploma thesis explores two teachers' approaches to electronic learning resources. The topic is in the current context relevant more than ever, especially when the eventuality of face- to-face education again shifting back to distance learning remains possible. Therefore, it is necessary to know how teachers work with and use electronic materials in preparation for classes and directly when teaching. The main aim of this work is to find out how have the two selected teachers used e-resources in face-to-face and distance learning and to compare their approaches in order to identify differences and similarities in their attitudes. This thesis is qualitative research in which the researcher chooses two methods - interview and observation. Apart from that, it contains theoretical and empirical part. In the former, the author defines the terms teacher, teaching resources, ICT, and e-learning resources. All these listed terms relate to the empirical part where the particular approaches of both teachers are explored with the help of seven identified categories. In the discussion, the use of electronic teaching resources in face-to-face and distance learning as well as approaches of both teachers are compared. The paper concludes by finding out that despite the differences in personalities, age and...Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogikyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Indirect distance measuring as applied upon both connecting surveys and orientation one

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    As per Regulation of the Czech Mining Office Board No. 435/1992 of Law Digest, in wording of later rulings, there is a duty to survey any and all mining workings in the state reference system of S-JTSK type. Tasks for both connecting and orientation surveys on the Earth’s surface are to identify the end point position for the plummet segment and especially to identify their bearing. Connecting the horizon in the mine plays a role in transferring the coordinate values from said plummet segment to the points ensuring the basic orientation line of the connected mine working. Distance measurement is done by means of survey compared tape. Time demand and difficultness in organizing the works represent a disadvantage of this standard solution. Connecting and Orientation measuring might be executed such a way, that end point coordinates for plummeted segment both on the surface and underground ones are identified thru the total station using the surveying omnidirectional prism inserted coaxially above said plumb lob. Then, distances are not measured using the survey tape, but by means of electronic optical distance meters.Web of Science16427527

    Surveying activities during the construction of linear structures within the context of both contemporary legislation and practice

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    Cílem článku je popsat současný stav technických a právních předpisů v součinnosti zeměměřických činností při realizaci výstavby liniové stavby a mostního objektu. Důležitou částí článku je popis posloupnosti a provázanosti zákonů, vyhlášek, norem a technických předpisů vztahujících se k této problematice. Posloupnost je pak znázorněna na praktické realizaci stavby, kde se zeměměřické činnosti sestávaly z vybudování měřické sítě technologií GNSS (Globální navigační satelitní systémy), vytyčovacích prací jednotlivých etap výstavby komunikace a mostního objektu, kontrolního měření geometrických parametrů v průběhu výstavby a zaměření skutečného provedení stavby po její realizaci. Hlavním přínosem článku je klíčový obraz problematiky geodetických činností v procesu výstavby, kdy je velmi důležitá správná a komplexní součinnost zeměměřičů jednak s investory stavby a jednak s konkrétními stavebními účastníky procesu výstavby stavebního objektuTarget of the article herein is to describe contemporary state of both technical and legal means in connection with running surveying activities during the performance and building/erection of a line construction (of public interest type) and/or bridge object. Description of sequence and cohesion of acts, regulations, standards, and technical terms related to this topic, represent an important part of this article. Subsequently, sequence is depicted in practical performance of the construction, where surveying activities consisted of establishing the survey grid for GNSS technology application (Global Navigation Satellite System), setting out works for particular road construction stages and bridge object, control measurement of geometric parameters during the construction itself, and surveying “as built” performance. Main contribution of the article herein is giving a comprehensive compendium of geodetic activities done during the construction stage, where proper and complex synergism of conveyors both with project investors and with particular building participants of the overall building object construction process are of great importance

    Micro-network creation in industrial surveying

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    Industrial surveying is special field of work within engineering surveying. In this article we have documented some procedures and principles which are very special in industrial surveying. A micro-network consists of net points which are set as a base for all surveying in the industry. These points create coordinate system for all measured parts of the machine. For realization of micro-network are used well known geodetic methods such as triangulation, trilateration, levelling or trigonometric high. As horizontal and vertical controls do not exist in a factory hall, a surveyor has to find some different method to start working

    Application of Ott's mine coordinate system in the past and in present day

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    The coal district system of coordinates for mines located in the Ostrava region was established in 1858 by Dipl. Ing. František Ott, Surveyor of the Emperor Ferdinand Northern Railway (Severní dráha Ferdinandova). Coordinates of all significant points of existing mine shafts, characteristic mine surface points, and points in terrain, were determined by establishing mine triangulation within the Western part of the Ostrava-Karviná Coal District (OKR) on an area comprising almost 58 km2. Said points were stabilized by granite stones. The reason to establish this system of coordinates was to determine the points of a uniform basis of coordinates for making surveys both on the mine surface, i.e. for connecting the underground mine working, and simultaneously for removing any discrepancies occurring with respect to mine boundaries among particular proprietors, i.e. to allow for exact demarcation of mine areas bestowed to them by the state. Thus, nowadays Ott's system of coordinates that used to be applied during the period, in which within the OKR redevelopment works took place, like abatement the coal mining consequences

    A principle of forming and developing geodetic bases in the Czech Republic

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    The development of satellite geodesy and creation of geocentric and geodetic bases have become an impulse for the integration and modernization of national geodesic bases into the global continental frame. In the area of cadastral practice, classic planar coordinate systems and established figures have been used for a long time. Nowadays, searching for relationship between standard (classic) geodetic systems and the newly existing geocentric system is still the current issue of geodetic practice. Article in English Geodezinių bazių formavimo ir plėtros principai Čekijos Respublikoje Išplėtota kosminė geodezija bei geocentrinių ir geodezinių bazių sukūrimas tapo impulsu modernizuoti ir integruoti į globalųjį kontinentinį pagrindą nacionalines geodezines bazes. Kadastrinių darbų praktikoje ilgą laiką taikyta klasikinės planarinės koordinačių sistemos. Standartinių (klasikinių) geodezinių sistemų sąsajų su naujai sukurtomis geocentrinėmis sistemomis paieška vis dar yra aktualus geodezinės praktikos uždavinys. Reikšminiai žodžiai: stabilus kadastras, geodezinės bazės, erdvinės atramos sistema, klasikinė koordinačių sistema, kadastro sistema.

    Měřické technologie pro BIM

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    The history of mine surveying and mining maps

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    The beginnings of the mining history date back to ancient times, up to the second century B.C. One field closely related to mining activities is mine surveying. Mine surveying and mapping are disciplines that deal with the surveying and displaying of underground works and mining claims, in which their spatial relationships are determined against the surface. The introductory part of the paper is dedicated to the history and development of the mine surveying discipline and mapping, and to the profession of a mine surveyor. The second part of the article is devoted to historical mining maps produced in Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Historical mine maps belong to the significant treasures of past times, and from today's perspective they are often considered to be pieces of art. In the time of their origin they belonged to the most sophisticated technical-natural documents that were used for the registration of property rights, and for the performance of mining activities. With regard to the period in which they were created they are accurate, yet there are few records on their history