67 research outputs found

    Zaburzenia psychicznie u chorych na nowotwory w wieku podeszłym

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    Emotional problems are frequent among cancer patients. The most common are depressive episodes ofdifferent severity usually requiring treatment. Since more than 60% malignancies affect elderly, psychiatricdisorders prevalent in this age group such as dementia, delirium and anxiety should be considered inassessment of patient mental status. These disorders are often diagnosed concomitantly with cancer,but also their symptoms can be associated with malignacy and/or be side effects of treatment. Properdiagnosis of mental disorders provides the opportunity for effective psychiatric therapeutic interventionwhich contributes to optimalization of antineoplastic treatment and improvement of patients well being.U blisko połowy chorych na nowotwory występują problemy emocjonalne. Najczęstsze są zaburzenia depresyjnew nasileniu od łagodnego do ciężkiego, niejednokrotnie wymagające specjalistycznego leczenia.Ponieważ około 60% nowotworów występuje u osób w wieku podeszłym, w ocenie stanu psychicznegochorych należy brać pod uwagę również szereg zaburzeń charakterystycznych dla tej grupy wiekowej.Otępienie, majaczenie, zaburzenia lękowe mogą współistnieć z chorobą nowotworową, ale również byćjej skutkiem lub powikłaniem leczenia. W każdym przypadku rozpoznanie zaburzenia psychicznegopozwala na ustalenie prawidłowego postępowania terapeutycznego, a tym samym na optymalizacjęleczenia przeciwnowotworowego oraz poprawę samopoczucia chorych

    Well-being of Polish university students after the first year of the coronavirus pandemic : the role of core self-evaluations, social support and fear of COVID-19

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    Background The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic represents an unprecedented situation in the most recent history. It has had a number of negative consequences for individuals and for whole societies. Individual effects of the pandemic include not only loss of life and of physical health, but also deteriorated quality of life. Objective This study examines the effect of core self-evaluations (CSE), social support and fear of COVID-19 on the well-being of university students in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods We conducted an online survey on a nationwide group of 1,000 students of Polish universities. The survey was carried out between 1 and 15 March 2021. The respondents filled out the following set of tools: World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale, Core Self-Evaluations Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support and The Fear of COVID-19 Scale. Results The findings showed that core self-evaluations (CSE) were significantly positively associated with well-being in each of the four domains studied: physical health (r = 0.519), psychological (r = 0.763), social relationships (r = 0.465) and environment (r = 0.496). Similarly, social support correlated positively with physical health (r = 0.277), psychological health (r = 0.306), social relationships (r = 0.552) and environment (r = 0.496). Fear of COVID-19 correlated negatively with well-being in the domain of physical health (r = 0.188), in social relationships (r = 0.042) and with regard to the environment (r = 0.071), the correlations were weak. However, the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and well-being in the psychological domain was not confirmed. Conclusion The findings point to the significant role of CSE and the role of social support in the perceived quality of life of young people during the pandemic. They provide valuable data concerning individuals who are particularly vulnerable to the adverse psychological effects at the time of the pandemic. They also prove that research conducted to explore other factors protecting individual well-being in difficult situations, including that of the pandemic, should be continued

    Topsoil texture maps based on calibration of soil electrical conductivity with soil datasets varying in size

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    The purpose of the study was to verify the possibility of creation of reliable soil texture class (STC) maps of a topsoil based on a linear calibration of shallow (0-30cm) soil electrical conductivity (ECsh) with small datasets of soil samples with laboratory determined STC . ECsh values were calibrated against four datasets of soil samples. The smallest datasets (5-6 soil samples per field) were selected: 1) in an arbitrary way; or 2) based on the quartiles of ECsh values. A dataset of an intermediate size (11-17 points) and a full dataset of all ST data available (33-38 points) were also tested. For one field, the calibration with ECsh quartiles produced STC maps with greater agreement with field's status than the complete dataset of laboratory results. Although, the root mean square errors and mean absolute errors were greater for quartiles than for the other datasets. The ECsh values depended on the content of fine soil (<2 mm) fractions to a depth of 90 cm, so ECsh measurements are efficient in mapping the topsoil texture of fields with relatively uniform texture in subsoil. The datasets, which produced lower values of errors did not always permit to prepare more accurate STC maps.

    Adaptation of global hemostasis to therapeutic hypothermia in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: Thromboelastography study

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    Background: The use of mild therapeutic hypothermia (MTH) in patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) who are undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) can protect patients from thromboembolic complications. The aim of the study was to evaluate the adaptive mecha- nisms of the coagulation system in MTH-treated comatose OHCA survivors. Methods: Twenty one comatose OHCA survivors with acute coronary syndrome undergoing imme- diate pPCI were treated with MTH. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of physical clot properties were performed using thromboelastography (TEG). Two analysis time points were proposed: 1) during MTH with in vitro rewarming conditions (37°C) and 2) after restoration of normothermia (NT) under normal (37°C) and in vitro cooling conditions (32°C). Results: During MTH compared to NT, reaction time (R) was lengthened, clot kinetic parameter (a) was significantly reduced, but no effect on clot strength (MA) was observed. Finally, the coagulation index (CI) was significantly reduced with clot fibrinolysis attenuated during MTH. The clot lysis time (CLT) was shortened, and clot stability (LY60) was lower compared with those values during NT. In vitro cooling generally influenced clot kinetics and reduced clot stability after treatment. Conclusions: Thromboelastography is a useful method for evaluation of coagulation system dysfunc- tion in OHCA survivors undergoing MTH. Coagulation impairment in hypothermia was associated with a reduced rate of clot formation, increased weakness of clot strength, and disturbances of fibrinoly- sis. Blood sample analyses performed at 32°C during MTH, instead of the standard 37°C, seems to enhance the accuracy of the evaluation of coagulation impairment in hypothermia.

    Adaptation of global hemostasis to therapeutic hypothermia in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest : thromboelastography study

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    Background: The use of mild therapeutic hypothermia (MTH) in patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) who are undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) can protect patients from thromboembolic complications. The aim of the study was to evaluate the adaptive mechanisms of the coagulation system in MTH-treated comatose OHCA survivors

    Factors Associated with Physical Activity in People with Diabetes

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease related to the occurrence of numerous metabolic disorders. Their common feature is hyperglycaemia, caused by insufficient insulin secretion or its malfunction. The World Health Organization states that 346 million people worldwide have diabetes. The studies in adults with type 2 diabetes clearly demonstrate that the change of lifestyle behaviours effectively improves glycemic control. The modifications of lifestyle habits, such as regular physical activity and healthier dietary habits prove to be beneficial for patients. The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting the level of physical activity in people with diabetes mellitus. Methods: Research material consisted of the data gathered from a diagnostic survey, which was conducted in a form of a questionnaire. The study included 60 people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Results: Unfortunately, the results show that not all of them were active enough, which is so crucial for stabilizing the disease. Conclusions: The diagnosis of diabetes in the respondents resulted in more time being spent by them on physical activity, which resulted in the improvement of diabetes control and the normalization of body weight according to BMI, thus increasing the effectiveness of diabetes treatment and reducing complications. The frequency of the physical activity undertaken by the respondents prior to the disease was not related to gender, however, after the diagnosis, it was dependent on gende