3 research outputs found

    The lowest-mortality countries: their specifics and trends of development

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    Státy s nejnižší úrovní úmrtnosti na světě: jejich specifika a trendy vývoje Abstrakt Hlavním cílem této práce je analyzovat úmrtnostní poměry ve státech s nejnižší úrovní úmrtnosti mezi lety 1990 a 2013 za každé pohlaví odděleně. Pro zhodnocení vývojových trendů celkové úmrtnosti byl použit ukazatel naděje dožití při narození, dále pravděpodobnost úmrtí, která umožnila vyjádřit změny úmrtnosti podle věku, pomocí jednorozměrné dekompozice byly určeny příspěvky jednotlivých věkových skupin ke změně naděje dožití při narození. Pro detailnější pohled byla hodnocena úmrtnost na vybrané skupiny příčin smrti, která byla analyzována pomocí standardizované míry úmrtnosti. Dvourozměrná dekompozice umožnila kvantifikovat příspěvek věkových skupin a hlavních tříd příčin smrti a tím zhodnotit, jak se která věková skupina a skupina příčin smrti podílela na změně naděje dožití při narození. U všech států dochází ke snižování celkové úrovně úmrtnosti a není pozorováno žádné přerušení tohoto trendu. Výsledky ukazují, že se k sobě jednotlivé státy přibližují a nevykazují příliš velké rozdíly. Všechny vybrané státy se vyznačují poklesem úmrtnosti hlavně ve starších věkových skupinách. U států také dochází ke změně pořadí nejvýznamnějších příčin smrti, kdy skupinu příčin smrti na nemoci oběhové soustavy začínají postupně...The lowest-mortality countries: their specifics and trends of development Abstract The main objective of this work is to analyze mortality rates in countries with the lowest mortality rates between 1990 and 2013 for each gender separately. The life expectancy at birth indicator was used to assess the developmental trends of overall mortality, followed by the probability of death, which allowed for the expression of age-related mortality changes, and the contribution of individual age groups to the change in life expectancy at birth was determined by one-dimensional decomposition. For a more detailed look, the mortality rate of selected group of death causes was assessed using a standardized mortality rate. The two-dimensional decomposition allowed to quantify the contribution of age groups and the main causes of death and thus to evaluate how the age group and cause of death contributed to the change in life expectancy at birth. In all countries, the overall mortality rate is decreasing and no interruption of this trend is observed. The results show that the states are getting closer to each other and do not show much differences. All selected countries are characterized by a decline in mortality, mainly in older age groups. The states also change the order of the most important causes of death, when a...Katedra demografie a geodemografieDepartment of Demography and GeodemographyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    The lowest-mortality countries: their specifics and trends of development

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    The lowest-mortality countries: their specifics and trends of development Abstract The main objective of this work is to analyze mortality rates in the countries with the lowest mortality rates in the world between 1990 and 2013 for males and females separately. In order to assess development trends, indicators of life expectancy at birth, probability of death, which served to assess the mortality by age and using one-dimensional decomposition, the contributions of different age groups to the change in life expectancy at birth were determined. For a more detailed analysis, mortality was assessed for selected groups of death causes using standardized mortality rates and the view was complemented by a two-dimensional decomposition, which determined the contributions of age groups and major cause classes to assess how age group and cause of death has contributed to the change in life expectancy at birth. All countries have increased their life expectancy at birth and no signs of slowing are observed. The results show that each country is approaching and there are not too many differences. Selected countries have similar trends in decreasing mortality rates in older age groups and changing the order of the most important causes of death. Key words: Mortality, age and gender, causes of death, life expectancy,..

    Analysis of EU divorce rates in countries in socio-demographic perspective

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    Analysis of EU divorce rates in socio-demographic perspective Abstract The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the basic trends in the development of the divorce rate in selected countries of the European Union, in the period of 1995 through 2015 and to find similar or different trends among them. The work is focused not only on the development of individual indicators of the divorce intensity, but also on the possible causes of changes in family behavior, both from a demographic and sociological point of view. Therefore, the second part of the work focuses on attitude analysis of the evaluators by particular country of the European Union, namely the specific attitudes of choosing a family, marriage and an opinion on divorce. The intensity of divorce rates increases during the observed period in all monitored countries, therefore the share of divorced persons in the European population increasing, too. The reasons are mainly the social and economic changes in society, which go along with the changes in family behavior. Divorce is tolerated by society and as behavior is justifiable for most people. On the other hand, family and marriage are still very important values for the people of European countries. Keywords: divorce rate, family, Europe, attitudes, binary logistic regression, cluster analysi