67 research outputs found

    Erfaringer fra fire skolers arbeid med å bli lærende organisasjoner

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    -​Denne rapporten tar for seg fire videregående skolers utvikling mot å bli bedre lærende organisasjoner. Arbeidet er en del av prosjektet ”Redusert bortvalg i en lærende organisasjon”. Rapporten bygger på kvalitative og kvantitative data om oppfatningene til medarbeidere ved disse fire skolene. I første kapittel introduseres prosjektet og datainnsamlingen

    Fare på merde? : Behov for endret sikkerhetsarbeid ved norske oppdrettsanlegg

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    -Denne rapporten er en del av forskningarbeidet i HITS og er en rapport om resultater fra en kvalitativ undersøkelse av skkerhet i arbeidet på og rundt et oppdrettsanlegg i to regioner i Norge

    We’re in the middle of it: Consultants' role in risk management in the Norwegian petroleum sector

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    Most risk management research focuses on owner/operators and regulators, and ignores other actors. Preventing major accidents in the offshore oil and gas sector is a key responsibility of the companies that own and operate the infrastructure. Regulatory oversight of their activities comes in the form of industry-specific goal-based regulation administered by a specialist regulatory agency. In this paper we focus on a third actor in the system – the consultants who provide specialist services regarding safety and risk. Our study draws on interviews with experienced consultants in the Norwegian oil and gas sector (n = 11, average experience 20+ years). Power’s concept of riskwork is used to examine how consultants interact with their clients and how they see their role in relation to risk management. The analysis shows that the role of experienced consultants goes well beyond metaphor of the fox guarding the hen house. Rather, consultants contribute to regulatory compliance on the part of their clients but, further, they try to positively influence decision makers beyond simple compliance in order to promote what they believe to be the best safety decision making. The paper argues that consultants’ role in the system is under examined and under theorized. Alongside earlier research, our study indicates that consultants play a big role in risk management, which should be both recognized and scrutinized.We’re in the middle of it: Consultants' role in risk management in the Norwegian petroleum sectorpublishedVersio

    Comparison of Norwegian health and welfare regulatory frameworks in salmon and chicken production

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    The health and welfare of farmed fish are often regarded with less concern than for other production animals. This review compares the Norwegian legal health and welfare frameworks for broiler chickens and farmed salmon, with the aim of improving regulations for salmon farming in Norway. Highlighting differences in laws, regulations and governmental organisation are also highly relevant in general, especially in developing welfare regulations for farmed fish in other countries. Norwegian chicken farmers must comply with two main laws, the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act and the Food Act, governed by the same ministry and governmental agency. The salmon farmers must in addition relate to the Aquaculture Act, different ministries and several agencies with different objectives. Compared to the regulation of chicken farming, the regulation of salmon farming is more complex, has potentially conflicting aims and uses less positive welfare phrasings. Thus, the regulation may be perceived as focusing on profitability over welfare. Despite having many similar paragraphs to regulation for chicken farming, salmon farming regulation is less strict in the daily securing of animals and recordings of mortality. There is no specified slaughterhouse control of high‐density productions, as there is for broiler chickens. There are also differences in the mandatory welfare courses, one being that infection prevention is a stated topic for chickens. The Norwegian Animal Welfare Act has no possibility of dispensation, meaning exceptions, and treats fish and other animals equally. Future regulatory frameworks for farmed fish production should avoid unintended downgrading of fish health and welfare.publishedVersio

    Innovation policy in the Norwegian aquaculture industry: Reshaping aquaculture production innovation networks

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    While aquaculture production in a number of countries has been highly successful in terms of production growth, there is also a number of instances where the rapid growth has been curtailed due to sustainability challenges. In response, fostering sustainable aquaculture production has become a key policy and research agenda. The point of departure for this paper is the radical technological innovations based sustainable restructuring dynamics of the Norwegian salmon farming industry, which despite becoming one of the most profitable aquaculture industries in the world, has in recent years seen its growth curtailed due to sustainability challenges. To address these challenges and to enable the use of new areas currently inaccessible by the incumbent aquaculture technology, the Norwegian authorities launched in 2015 a new type of innovation policy instrument, known as development licences. Based on a mapping of the aquaculture production technology development projects as well as in-depth interviews, this paper elucidates how the targeted innovation policy instrument has instigated the sustainable restructuring process of the Norwegian aquaculture industry. Our findings indicate that in the short term, the innovation policy appears to have succeeded in the reconfiguration, and more precisely, the ’renewal’ process of the aquaculture production technology innovation networks (ecosystems) thanks to the entry of the new capable actors into the segment. However, we emphasise that the overall success of the innovation policy instrument will ultimately hinge upon sufficiently addressing certain aspects of the institutional failures in the sector.Innovation policy in the Norwegian aquaculture industry: Reshaping aquaculture production innovation networkspublishedVersio

    Minding the Gaps in Fish Welfare: The Untapped Potential of Fish Farm Workers

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    The welfare of farmed fish is often regarded with less concern than the welfare of other husbandry animals, as fish are not universally classified as sentient beings. In Norway, farmed fish and other husbandry animals are legally protected under the same laws. Additionally, the legislature has defined a number of aquaculture-specific amendments, including mandatory welfare courses for fish farmers who have a key role in securing animal welfare, also with regards to noting welfare challenges in the production process. This article uses fish welfare courses as a site from which to inquire about the common-sense understanding of fish welfare in Norwegian fish farming. The focus is specifically on fish farm employees, their experiences of welfare-related issues and contradictions in their daily work, and the struggle to act responsibly in aquaculture settings. Through participant observation at welfare courses, as well as interviews and conversations with fish farm workers, the article details how challenges are experienced ‘on the ground’, and suggests how fish farm workers’ own experiential knowledge might be mobilized to improve the general welfare of farmed fish.publishedVersio

    Sjømatnæringen og Covid-19 - Tiltak, strategier, muligheter og utfordringer

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    I mars 2020 erklærte Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO) at Covid-19 var en pandemi og den norske regjeringen innførte en nasjonal nedstenging av samfunnet. Denne rapporten presenterer en studie av konsekvenser av korona for den norske sjømatnæringen, tiltak og strategier, muligheter og utfordringer. Intervju med aktører i næringen synligjør at det var viktig at næringen ble definert som samfunnskritisk og at forum dialog mellom myndigheter og næring ble etablert tidlig. Samtidig traff tiltak knyttet til stengte grenser havbruk og hvitfisksektoren ulikt. Rapporten gir kunnskap som kan være verdifull for fremtidig krisehåndtering i næringen.publishedVersio

    Fish protection during fish production. Organizational conditions for fish welfare

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    Too many salmon die during production at Norwegian fish farms. Earlier research shows that most farmed salmon die in operations partly related to protection of the wild salmon (from salmon lice), but it is not known how this relates to other conditions positive or negative for fish welfare. Fish farm personnel are experts on the organizational conditions during production. This is thus a study of what fish farm personnel consider contributing to fish welfare. Data are gathered through interviews, observation, and a small-scale survey. The results suggest that the personnel stand in a multiple protection dilemma, where fish welfare loses in a battle with objectives of profitable production, and protection of wild salmon. In this context of conditions emphasizing other objectives, the personnel act as a buffer for farmed fish welfare. In particular, the study indicates that fish health personnel perceive themselves and are perceived as advocates for fish welfare. This important role, and the multiple protection dilemma that comes from the conflict between product and environment, are not earlier described in organizational literature. Multiple protection dilemmas can be relevant for all production in open environment, so personnel and organizations should be structured to reduce and handle it.publishedVersio

    Barrierer mot kollisjoner mellom fartøy og innretninger. Identifisering, vurderinger og mulige forbedringstiltak

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    -Denne rapporten omhandler Statoil Marine Operasjoner sin logistikk-kjede og er en evaluering av eksisterende barrierer mot kollisjon mellom forsyningsfartøy og innretning. Rapporten er et resultat av en studie gjennomført på oppdrag fra Statoil Marine Operasjoner. Hovedmålsettingen for studien var tredelt. Vi ønsket å kartlegge hvordan kollisjoner mellom fartøy og innretning kan oppstå, hvilke barrierer som eksisterer og hvor gode disse barrierene er. Totalt 47 personer fra logistikk-kjeden er blitt intervjuet. I tillegg er det blitt gjennomført en fareidentifikasjon (HAZID) med en håndplukket ekspertgruppe som representerte de sentrale leddene i logistikk-kjeden. Dette materialet dannet bakgrunnen for en oversikt og godhetsvurdering av 32 sentrale primær- og sekundærbarrierer som er identifisert, da knyttet til følgende aktiviteter: fartøyanskaffelser, baseaktiviteter, seiling, entring av sikkerhetssonen, lossing/lasting, og avgang fra innretning. Hovedinntrykket er at det er mange, godt fungerende barrierer som reduserer sannsynligheten for sammenstøt mellom fartøy og innretning. Likevel peker denne rapporten på noen områder der barrierene kan styrkes ytterligere. I prioritert rekkefølge vi vil spesielt fremheve fire slike områder: 1.Fartøymannskapet bør tilbys mer trening på manuell manøvrering av fartøy for å styrke håndteringen av eventuelt bortfall av Dynamisk posisjonering (DP), framdriftsproblemer og nødsituasjoner under losse- og lasteoperasjoner. 2.Vi viser til mangler ved DP-referansesystemer (Radius, Fanbeam) ved en rekke innretninger som svekker redundansen. Her er vår anbefaling at redundansen styrkes ved å sørge for at referansesystemer blir montert på samtlige installasjoner. 3.Det bør legges til rette for en større involvering av personell fra innretningene i utarbeidelsen av laste- og seilingsplaner. Dette vil redusere risikoen for sammenstøt mellom fartøy og innretning ved at liggetid ved innretninger reduseres. 4.En bedre logistikkplanlegging knyttet til rigger kan også redusere liggetiden

    HMS-undersøkelsen i havbruk 2023

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    Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene fra en digital spørreundersøkelse blant 1283 ansatte i havbruksnæringen. Et stort flertall vurderte egen helse som god og trives på jobb. Samtidig var flere eksponert for negative arbeidsmiljøfaktorer som stress, ensidig arbeid og støy. Andre utfordringer kan knyttes til bemanning, målkonflikter mellom sikkerhet og produksjon og involvering i prosedyre-utforming og -innføring. 62 % oppga å ha opplevd nestenulykker i løpet av de siste to årene og 17 % hadde hatt fravær som var arbeidsrelatert i løpet av de siste 12 månedene. Generelt rapporterer de som hovedsakelig jobber på sjø å være mer eksponert for utfordringer knyttet til sikkerhet og arbeidsmiljø sammenlignet med de som jobber på land. Samarbeid, høye effektivitetskrav og verdsetting av arbeidet er områder som kan forbedres i grensesnittet mellom leverandører og oppdrettsselskapene. Se kapittel 8 for utfyllende oppsummering.Fiskeri - og havbruksnæringens forskningsfinansieringpublishedVersio