157 research outputs found

    Vergleichende bilaterale magnetresonanztomographische Untersuchung der Hufregion im Niederfeld-MRT

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    Durch die EinfĂŒhrung der MRT-Untersuchung am stehenden sedierten Pferd ist deren Anzahl deutlich angestiegen. Hierbei stellen sich neue Fragen und Herausforderungen bezĂŒglich der EinschĂ€tzung der Vielzahl an auftretenden SignalverĂ€nderungen. Es ergeben sich aber auch neue Möglichkeiten bezĂŒglich der statistischen Auswertung von Befunden mit aussagekrĂ€ftigen Fallzahlen. In dieser Studie sollte daher untersucht werden, wie SignalverĂ€nderungen statistisch verwendbar beschrieben und eingestuft werden können. Weiterhin sollte die Verteilung der Befunde insgesamt und bei der bilateralen Untersuchung der Vordergliedmaßen bestimmt werden. Mögliche RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf deren klinische Bedeutung sollten gezogen werden. Hierzu wurden 120 bilaterale Niederfeld-MRT-Untersuchungen der Hufregion (240 Gliedmaßen) am stehenden Pferd durch zwei TierĂ€rzte gesichtet und eine Befundbeschreibung mit einem Einstufungsschema (Grade 1-4) entsprechend dem vorgefundenen Spektrum an SignalverĂ€nderungen erstellt. Durch Anwendung und Zusammenfassung 66 wiederholte Diskussion der verschiedenen Kriterien im 1. Bewertungsdurchgang wurden die Beschreibungen und Grade auf Grundlage bestehender Literatur ausgearbeitet. In einem 2. Bewertungsdurchgang wurden die Strukturen eingestuft und die Ergebnisse statistisch ausgewertet. Hierbei wurden die generellen HĂ€ufigkeiten der Signalabweichungen erfasst und deren Zusammenhang zum Auftreten von unilateralen oder bilateralen Lahmheiten beachtet. Signalabweichungen am Strahlbein, der Tiefen Beugesehne und dem Hufgelenk standen deutlich im Vordergrund. Hierbei waren StrahlbeinverĂ€nderungen signifikant hĂ€ufiger bei beidseitig lahmen Pferden zu finden, wĂ€hrend SehnenverĂ€nderungen deutlich hĂ€ufiger bei einseitig lahmen Pferden vorgefunden wurden. HufgelenkverĂ€nderungen wurden hingegen nicht signifikant vermehrt bei bilateralen oder unilateralen Lahmheiten festgestellt. Die Fesselbein-Strahlbein-HufbeinbĂ€nder zeigten eine HĂ€ufung von Signalabweichungen bei lahmen Gliedmaßen, wobei diese vermehrt in Zusammenhang mit starken VerĂ€nderungen des Strahlbeins zu beobachten waren. Bei den ĂŒbrigen Strukturen ließ sich kein statistisch aussagekrĂ€ftiger Zusammenhang feststellen, da die Fallzahlen mit dem deutlichsten Befund an diesen Strukturen zu gering fĂŒr eine Auswertung waren. Die entstandene Befundbeschreibung mit Einstufungsschema ermöglicht Vergleiche der MRT-VerĂ€nderungen z.B. mit klinischen Parametern. Signalabweichungen bestimmter Strukturen konnten statistisch eindeutig mit dem Auftreten und der Art der Lahmheit in Verbindung gebracht werden, wĂ€hrend dies bei anderen Strukturen nicht möglich war. Hieraus ergeben sich Hinweise fĂŒr die EinschĂ€tzung der Befunde und ihrer klinischen Relevanz. Insbesondere geringgradige Befunde sollten vorsichtig bewertet werden, da diese auch hĂ€ufig bei nicht lahmen Gliedmaßen auftraten. Weitere statistische Vergleiche mit klinischen Parametern sind möglich und notwendig um das Krankheitsbild des „Equinen palmaren Fußsyndroms“ weiter zu untersuchen.As a result of adopting MRI examinations for standing sedated horses their number has increased significantly. In this respect there are new questions and challenges being faced regarding estimating the huge number of occurring signal changes. New possibilities also arise regarding the statistical analysis of findings with convincing number of examined cases. In this study therefore it should be investigated how signal changes can be suitably described and classified statistically. Furthermore, the distribution of the findings as a whole and in the bilateral investigations of the forelimbs should be ascertained. Possible conclusions should be drawn regarding their clinical significance. Concerning this, 120 bilateral low-field-MRI examinations of the foot (240 limbs) on a standing horse were looked at by two veterinarians and a description of the analysis with a classification scheme (grades 1-4) corresponding to the existing spectrum of signal changes was compiled. By applying and repeatedly discussing the various Summary 68 criteria in the first evaluation round the descriptions and grades were worked out on the basis of existing literature. In a second evaluation round the structures were classified and the results statistically evaluated. In this regard the general frequency of signal deviations was recorded and its connection to the occurrence of unilateral or bilateral lameness was observed. Signal deviations at the navicular bone, deep digital flexor tendon and the coffin joint noticeably prevailed. In this respect changes to the navicular bone were found significantly more frequently in bilaterally lame horses while changes in tendons were found significantly more often in unilaterally lame horses. In contrast, changes in the coffin joint were not significantly more in bilateral or unilateral lameness. The collateral sesamoidean ligaments showed an accumulation of signal deviations at lame limbs, whereby this was observed more frequently in connection with pronounced changes of the navicular bone. In the remaining structures no statistically significant connection was found as the number of examined cases with the most significant results at these structures was too low for an evaluation. The related description of the findings with a classification scheme enables comparisons of MRI changes e.g. with clinical parameters. Signal deviations of certain structures were found to be clearly statistically associated with the occurrence and type of lameness, while this was not possible at other structures. This provides useful information for evaluating findings and their clinical relevance. Low-grade findings should be interpreted with caution since these also occurred frequently at non-lame limbs Further statistical comparisons with clinical parameters are possible and necessary in order to further examine the clinical picture of the equine palmar foot syndrome

    Investment Horizons and Price Indeterminacy in Financial Markets

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    We examine how diïŹ€erent investment horizons, and consequently the number of hands through which a security passes during its life, aïŹ€ect prices in a laboratory market populated by overlapping generations of investors. We ïŹnd that (i) price deviations are larger in markets populated only by short-horizon investors compared to markets with long-horizon investors; (ii) for a given maturity of security, price deviations increase as investment horizons shrink (and frequency of transfers increases); and (iii) short investment horizons create upward pressure on prices when liquidity is high and downward pressure when liquidity is low

    Speculation and Price Indeterminacy in Financial Markets: An Experimental Study

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    To explore how speculative trading influences prices in ïŹnancial markets, we conduct a laboratory market experiment with speculating investors (who do not collect dividends and trade only for capital gains) and dividend-collecting investors. Moreover, we operate markets at two diïŹ€erent levels of money supply. We ïŹnd that in phases with only speculating investors present (i) price deviations from fundamentals are larger; (ii) prices are more volatile; (iii) mispricing increases with the number of transfers until maturity; and (iv) speculative trading pushes prices upward (downward) when the supply of money is high (low). These results suggest that controlling the money supply can help to stabilize asset prices

    Success Factors of Communities for User Driven Content: the Case of Ciao.com

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    Virtual communities that produce “user driven content ” are a relatively new phenomenon. In this study we present the findings of an exploratory empirical study that focus on the success factors that stimulate content production from the perspective of community members. One main finding is that methods or tools that advance the transparency of what is going on in the community platform results in more content production. This accents the importance of new tools like RSS for example. Furthermore an ambiguous role of sociological motives was found. On the one hand there is statistical evidence that sociological motives and content production activities are closely linked. But on the other hand our descriptive data indicates only very weak sociological forces at work. We discuss some causes that may explain this result. KEYWORDS: Virtual communities, user driven content, exploratory empirical stud

    Frequency- adaptive control of a three-phase single-stage grid-connected photovoltaic system under grid voltage sags

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    The low-voltage ride-through service is carried out in this paper according to the voltage profile described by the IEC 61400-21 European normative when short-duration voltage sags happen, and some instantaneous reactive power is delivered to the grid in accordance with the Spanish grid code; the mandatory limitation of the amplitude of the three-phase inverter currents to its nominal value is carried out with a novel control strategy, in which a certain amount of instantaneous constant active power can also be delivered to the grid when small or moderate voltage sags happen. A Multiple second order generalized integrator frequency-locked loop synchronization algorithm is employed in order to estimate the system frequency without harmonic distortions, as well as to output the positive- and the negative- sequence of the αÎČ quantities of the three-phase grid voltages when balanced and unbalanced voltage sags happen in a frequency- adaptive scheme. The current control is carried out in the stationary reference frame, which guarantees the cancellation of the harmonic distortions in the utility grid currents using a Harmonic compensation structure, and the implementation of a constant active power control in order to protect the DC link capacitor from thermal stresses avoiding the appearance of large harmonic distortions at twice the fundamental frequency in the DC link voltage. A case study of a three-phase single-stage grid-connected PV system with a maximum apparent power about 500 kVA is tested with several simulations using MATLAB/SIMULINK firstly, and secondly, with some experiments using the Controller hardware-in-the-loop (CHIL) simulation technique for several types of voltage sags in order to do the final validation of the control algorithms.This work was supported by the project “Nuevas topologĂ­as para convertidores en MT para grandes Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas” from the Spanish Government (Ref. TEC2016-80136-P) (A. B. Rey-BouĂ©) and the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Program (H2020/2014-2020) in project “ERIGrid” (Grant Agreement No. 654113) under the Trans-national Access (TA) User Project: 04.003-201

    Frequency-adaptive control of a three-phase single-stage grid-connected photovoltaic system under grid voltage sags

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    The low-voltage ride-through service is carried out in this paper according to the voltage profile described by the IEC 61400-21 European normative when short-duration voltage sags happen, and some instantaneous reactive power is delivered to the grid in accordance with the Spanish grid code; the mandatory limitation of the amplitude of the three-phase inverter currents to its nominal value is carried out with a novel control strategy, in which a certain amount of instantaneous constant active power can also be delivered to the grid when small or moderate voltage sags happen. A Multiple second order generalized integrator frequency-locked loop synchronization algorithm is employed in order to estimate the system frequency without harmonic distortions, as well as to output the positive- and the negative- sequence of the {\alpha}\b{eta} quantities of the three-phase grid voltages when balanced and unbalanced voltage sags happen in a frequency-adaptive scheme. The current control is carried out in the stationary reference frame, which guarantees the cancellation of the harmonic distortions in the utility grid currents using a Harmonic compensation structure, and the implementation of a constant active power control in order to protect the DC link capacitor from thermal stresses avoiding the appearance of large harmonic distortions at twice the fundamental frequency in the DC link voltage. A case study of a three-phase single-stage grid-connected PV system with a maximum apparent power about 500 kVA is tested with several simulations using MATLAB/SIMULINK firstly, and secondly, with some experiments using the Controller hardware-in-the-loop (CHIL) simulation technique for several types of voltage sags in order to do the final validation of the control algorithms

    Improving the proteome coverage of Daphnia magna - implications for future ecotoxicoproteomics studies

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    Aquatic pollution is an increasing problem and requires extensive research efforts to understand associated consequences and to find suitable solutions. The crustacean Daphnia is a keystone species in lacustrine ecosystems by connecting primary producers with higher trophic levels. Therefore, Daphnia is perfectly suitable to investigate biological effects of freshwater pollution and is frequently used as an important model organism in ecotoxicology. The field of ecotoxicoproteomics has become increasingly prevalent, as proteins are important for an organism's physiology and respond rapidly to changing environmental conditions. However, one obstacle in proteome analysis of Daphnia is highly abundant proteins like vitellogenin, decreasing the analytical depth of proteome analysis. To improve proteome coverage in Daphnia, we established an easy-to-use procedure based on the LC-MS/MS of whole daphnids and the dissected Daphnia gut, which is the main tissue getting in contact with soluble and particulate pollutants, separately. Using a comprehensive spectral library, generated by gas-phase fractionation and a data-independent acquisition method, we identified 4621 and 5233 protein groups at high confidence (false discovery rate < 0.01) in Daphnia and Daphnia gut samples, respectively. By combining both datasets, a proteome coverage of 6027 proteins was achieved, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach

    Application of gas diffusion electrodes in bioeconomy: An update

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    The transition of today's fossil fuel based chemical industry toward sustainable production requires improvement of established production processes as well as development of new sustainable and bio-based synthesis routes within a circular economy. Thereby, the combination of electrochemical and biotechnological advantages in such routes represents one important keystone. For the electrochemical generation of reactants from gaseous substrates such as O2 or CO2, gas diffusion electrodes (GDE) represent the electrodes of choice since they overcome solubility-based mass transport limitations. Within this article, we illustrate the architecture, function principle and fabrication of GDE. We highlight the application of GDE for conversion of CO2 using abiotic catalysts for subsequent biosynthesis as well as the application of microbial catalysts at GDE for CO2 conversion. The reduction of oxygen at GDE is summarized for the application of oxygen depolarized cathodes in microbial fuel cells and generation of H2O2 to drive enzymatic reactions. Finally, engineering aspects such as scale-up and the modeling of GDE-based processes are described. This review presents an update on the application of GDE in bio-based production systems and emphasizes their large potential for sustainable development of new pathways in bioeconomy

    Assessment of Sprint Parameters in Top Speed Interval in 100 m Sprint—A Pilot Study Under Field Conditions

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    Improving performances in sprinting requires feedback on sprint parameters such as step length and step time. However, these parameters from the top speed interval (TSI) are difficult to collect in a competition setting. Recent advances in tracking technology allows to provide positional data with high spatio-temporal resolution. This pilot study, therefore, aims to automatically obtain general sprint parameters, parameters characterizing, and derived from TSI from raw speed. In addition, we propose a method for obtaining the intra-cyclic speed amplitude in TSI. We analyzed 32 100 m-sprints of 7 male and 9 female athletes (18.9 ± 2.8 years; 100 m PB 10.55–12.41 s, respectively, 12.18–13.31 s). Spatio-temporal data was collected with a radio-based position detection system (RedFIR, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany). A general velocity curve was fitted to the overall speed curve (vbase), TSI (upper quintile of vbase values) was determined and a cosine term was added to vbase within TSI (vcycle) to capture the cyclic nature of speed. This allowed to derive TSI parameters including TSI amplitude from the fitted parameters of the cosine term. Results showed good approximation for vbase (error: 5.0 ± 1.0%) and for vcycle (2.0 ± 1.0%). For validation we compared spatio-temporal TSI parameters to criterion values from laser measurement (speed) and optoelectric systems (step time and step length) showing acceptable RMSEs for mean speed (0.08 m/s), for step time (0.004 s), and for step length (0.03 m). Top speed interval amplitude showed a significant difference between males (mean: 1.41 m/s) and females (mean: 0.71 m/s) and correlations showed its independence from other sprint parameters. Gender comparisons for validation revealed the expected differences. This pilot study investigated the feasibility of estimating sprint parameters from high-quality tracking data. The proposed method is independent of the data source and allows to automatically obtain general sprint parameters and TSI parameters, including TSI amplitude assessed here for the first time in a competition-like setting
