7 research outputs found

    TIC-320687387 B: a long-period eclipsing M-dwarf close to the hydrogen burning limit

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    We are using precise radial velocities from CORALIE together with precision photometry from the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) to follow-up stars with single-transit events detected with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). As part of this survey, we identified a single transit on the star TIC-320687387, a bright (T = 11.6) G-dwarf observed by TESS in Sectors 13 and 27. From subsequent monitoring of TIC-320687387 with CORALIE, NGTS, and Lesedi we determined that the companion, TIC-320687387 B, is a very low-mass star with a mass of 96.2±1.92.0 MJ and radius of 1.14±0.020.02 RJ placing it close to the hydrogen burning limit (∼80 MJ). TIC-320687387 B is tidally decoupled and has an eccentric orbit, with a period of 29.77381 d and an eccentricity of 0.366 ± 0.003. Eclipsing systems such as TIC-320687387 AB allow us to test stellar evolution models for low-mass stars, which in turn are needed to calculate accurate masses and radii for exoplanets orbiting single low-mass stars. The sizeable orbital period of TIC-320687387 B makes it particularly valuable as its evolution can be assumed to be free from perturbations caused by tidal interactions with its G-type host star.</p

    NGTS-19b: a high-mass transiting brown dwarf in a 17-d eccentric orbit

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    We present the discovery of NGTS-19b, a high mass transiting brown dwarf discovered by the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS). We investigate the system using follow up photometry from the South African Astronomical Observatory, as well as sector 11 TESS data, in combination with radial velocity measurements from the CORALIE spectrograph to precisely characterise the system. We find that NGTS-19b is a brown dwarf companion to a K-star, with a mass of 69.5−5.4+5.769.5 ^{+5.7}_{-5.4} MJup_{Jup} and radius of 1.034−0.053+0.0551.034 ^{+0.055}_{-0.053} RJup_{Jup}. The system has a reasonably long period of 17.84 days, and a high degree of eccentricity of 0.3767−0.0061+0.00610.3767 ^{+0.0061}_{-0.0061}. The mass and radius of the brown dwarf imply an age of 0.46−0.15+0.260.46 ^{+0.26}_{-0.15} Gyr, however this is inconsistent with the age determined from the host star SED, suggesting that the brown dwarf may be inflated. This is unusual given that its large mass and relatively low levels of irradiation would make it much harder to inflate. NGTS-19b adds to the small, but growing number of brown dwarfs transiting main sequence stars, and is a valuable addition as we begin to populate the so called brown dwarf desert

    Planet Hunters NGTS: New Planet Candidates from a Citizen Science Search of the Next Generation Transit Survey Public Data

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    We present the results from the first two years of the Planet Hunters Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) citizen science project, which searches for transiting planet candidates in data from the NGTS by enlisting the help of members of the general public. Over 8000 registered volunteers reviewed 138,198 light curves from the NGTS Public Data Releases 1 and 2. We utilize a user weighting scheme to combine the classifications of multiple users to identify the most promising planet candidates not initially discovered by the NGTS team. We highlight the five most interesting planet candidates detected through this search, which are all candidate short-period giant planets. This includes the TIC-165227846 system that, if confirmed, would be the lowest-mass star to host a close-in giant planet. We assess the detection efficiency of the project by determining the number of confirmed planets from the NASA Exoplanet Archive and TESS Objects of Interest (TOIs) successfully recovered by this search and find that 74% of confirmed planets and 63% of TOIs detected by NGTS are recovered by the Planet Hunters NGTS project. The identification of new planet candidates shows that the citizen science approach can provide a complementary method to the detection of exoplanets with ground-based surveys such as NGTS.</p

    NGTS-11 b / TIC-54002556 b: A transiting warm Saturn recovered from a TESS single-transit event

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    We report the discovery of NGTS-11 b (=TIC-54002556 b), a transiting Saturn in a 35.46-day orbit around a mid K-type star (Teff=5050+-80 K). The system was initially identified from a single-transit event in our TESS full-frame image light-curves. Following seventy-nine nights of photometric monitoring with an NGTS telescope, we observed a second full transit of NGTS-11 b approximately one year after the TESS single-transit event. The NGTS transit confirmed the parameters of the transit signal and restricted the orbital period to a set of 13 discrete periods. We combined our transit detections with precise radial velocity measurements to determine the true orbital period and measure the mass of the planet. We find NGTS-11 b has a radius of 0.823+-0.035 RJup, a mass of 0.37+-0.14 MJup, and an equilibrium temperature of just 440+-40 K, making it one of the coolest known transiting gas giants. NGTS-11 b is the first exoplanet to be discovered after being initially identified as a TESS single transit event, and its discovery highlights the power of intense photometric monitoring in recovering longer-period transiting exoplanets from single-transit events

    NGTS 15b, 16b, 17b and 18b: four hot Jupiters from the Next Generation Transit Survey

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    We report the discovery of four new hot Jupiters with the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS). NGTS-15b, NGTS-16b, NGTS-17b, and NGTS-18b are short-period (P<5P<5d) planets orbiting G-type main sequence stars, with radii and masses between 1.10−1.301.10-1.30 RJR_J and 0.41−0.760.41-0.76 MJM_J. By considering the host star luminosities and the planets' small orbital separations (0.039−0.0520.039-0.052 AU), we find that all four hot Jupiters are highly irradiated and therefore occupy a region of parameter space in which planetary inflation mechanisms become effective. Comparison with statistical studies and a consideration of the planets' high incident fluxes reveals that NGTS-16b, NGTS-17b, and NGTS-18b are indeed likely inflated, although some disparities arise upon analysis with current Bayesian inflationary models. However, the underlying relationships which govern radius inflation remain poorly understood. We postulate that the inclusion of additional hyperparameters to describe latent factors such as heavy element fraction, as well as the addition of an updated catalogue of hot Jupiters, would refine inflationary models, thus furthering our understanding of the physical processes which give rise to inflated planets

    NGTS 15b, 16b, 17b and 18b: four hot Jupiters from the Next Generation Transit Survey

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    We report the discovery of four new hot Jupiters with the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS). NGTS-15b, NGTS-16b, NGTS-17b, and NGTS-18b are short-period (P<5P<5d) planets orbiting G-type main sequence stars, with radii and masses between 1.10−1.301.10-1.30 RJR_J and 0.41−0.760.41-0.76 MJM_J. By considering the host star luminosities and the planets' small orbital separations (0.039−0.0520.039-0.052 AU), we find that all four hot Jupiters are highly irradiated and therefore occupy a region of parameter space in which planetary inflation mechanisms become effective. Comparison with statistical studies and a consideration of the planets' high incident fluxes reveals that NGTS-16b, NGTS-17b, and NGTS-18b are indeed likely inflated, although some disparities arise upon analysis with current Bayesian inflationary models. However, the underlying relationships which govern radius inflation remain poorly understood. We postulate that the inclusion of additional hyperparameters to describe latent factors such as heavy element fraction, as well as the addition of an updated catalogue of hot Jupiters, would refine inflationary models, thus furthering our understanding of the physical processes which give rise to inflated planets

    A transit timing variation observed for the long-period extremely low density exoplanet HIP 41378f

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    HIP 41378 f is a temperate 9.2 ± 0.1 R⊕ planet with period of 542.08 d and an extremely low density of 0.09 ± 0.02 g cm−3. It transits the bright star HIP 41378 (V = 8.93), making it an exciting target for atmospheric characterization including transmission spectroscopy. HIP 41378 was monitored photometrically between the dates of 2019 November 19 and 28. We detected a transit of HIP 41378 f with NGTS, just the third transit ever detected for this planet, which confirms the orbital period. This is also the first ground-based detection of a transit of HIP 41378 f. Additional ground-based photometry was also obtained and used to constrain the time of the transit. The transit was measured to occur 1.50 h earlier than predicted. We use an analytic transit timing variation (TTV) model to show the observed TTV can be explained by interactions between HIP 41378 e and HIP 41378 f. Using our TTV model, we predict the epochs of future transits of HIP 41378 f, with derived transit centres of TC, 4 = 2459355.087+0.031−0.022 (2021 May) and TC, 5 = 2459897.078+0.114−0.060 (2022 November)