3,658 research outputs found

    About adaptive coding on countable alphabets

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    This paper sheds light on universal coding with respect to classes of memoryless sources over a countable alphabet defined by an envelope function with finite and non-decreasing hazard rate. We prove that the auto-censuring AC code introduced by Bontemps (2011) is adaptive with respect to the collection of such classes. The analysis builds on the tight characterization of universal redundancy rate in terms of metric entropy % of small source classes by Opper and Haussler (1997) and on a careful analysis of the performance of the AC-coding algorithm. The latter relies on non-asymptotic bounds for maxima of samples from discrete distributions with finite and non-decreasing hazard rate

    Correlations between cancellous bone architecture and its dynamic behaviour

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    Previous studies showed that in vivo evaluation of the fracture risk of cancellous bone can be assessed by identifying the relationships between its microarchitecture description extracted from clinical imaging and its mechanical properties. The mechanical properties under dynamic loadings (with and without confinement) were obtained and compared to quasi-static ones. The architectural parameters of each specimen were extracted from pQCT images and split into four groups: geometry, topology, connectivity and anisotropy. Results show that architectural parameters are strong determinants of mechanical behaviour for the different applied boundary conditions.http://icills2014.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Marrianne-Prot.pd

    Structural changes in industrial R&D in Europe and the US: towards a new model?

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    We analyse the structural changes that have characterised the organisation of industrial R&D over the last 25 years. Taking Mowery's work (Industrial and Corporate Change, 2009, 18(1), 1-50) on the US as a starting point, we reconsider the different aspects of structural change he examined, discuss their impact and the overall logic underlying them. We then examine Europe to discover to what extent these structural changes have occurred in recent years. While a certain structural evolution is perceptible, it is not on the same scale as that analysed for the US. Finally, we consider the extent to which the new structures are more or less ‘efficient' than previous ones. We conclude with the implications for R&D and innovation policy implication

    Tunnel current in self-assembled monolayers of 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane

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    The current density-voltage (J-V) characteristics of self assembled monolayers of 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS) chemisorbed on the native oxide surface of p+-doped Si demonstrate the excellent tunnel dielectric behavior of organic monolayers down to 3 carbon atoms. The J-V characteristics of MPTMS SAMs on Si are found to be asymmetric, and the direction of rectification has been found to depend upon the applied voltage range. At voltages < 2.45V, the reverse bias current was found to be higher than forward bias current; while at higher voltages this trend was reversed. This result is in agreement with Simmons theory. The tunnel barrier heights for this short chain (2.56 and 2.14 eV respectively at Au and Si interfaces) are in good agreement with the ones for longer chains (>10 carbon atoms) if the chain is chemisorbed at the electrodes. These results extend all previous experiments on such molecular tunnel dielectrics down to 3 carbon atoms. This suggests that these molecular monolayers, having good tunnel behavior (up to 2.5 eV) over a large bias range, can be used as gate dielectric well below the limits of Si-based dielectrics.Comment: Small, in pres

    Les agences de notation sociétale : la quête de légitimité dans un champ organisationnel en construction

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    La notation sociétale s'insère dans un champ organisationnel au sens de Di Maggio et Powell (1983). Les organisations y sont d'autant plus en quête de légitimité que c'est un champ en construction. Nous nous proposons de mettre en évidence la pertinence de la notion de champ organisationnel proposée par les théoriciens néo-institutionnels et d'analyser les mécanismes par lesquels la légitimité y est recherchée. Tout en nous efforçant d'intégrer les multiples acteurs de ce champ, nous concentrerons notre étude sur des acteurs pivots de ce champ, à savoir les agences de notation sociétale et nous prendrons à titre d'illustration le domaine de la gouvernance. Notre étude repose sur la connaissance de ce champ que nous avons peu à peu constituée au travers de nos recherches sur la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise et sur la gouvernance et sur de multiples entretiens et observations in situ avec des membres issus de différentes fonctions et de différents niveaux d'agences de notation sociétale. Mais dans un souci à la fois de confidentialité et d'intelligibilité, nous adopterons une démarche idéal-typique : les caractéristiques des agences A, B et C qui servent de support à notre étude peuvent être empruntées à une ou plusieurs agences réelles, mais tout aussi bien peuvent ne pas exister dans la réalité.Notation sociétale ; responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise ; gouvernance ; champ organisationnel ; investissement socialement responsable ; indice éthique

    MidiShare joins the Open Source Softwares

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    International audienceMidiShare is a realtime, multi-tasks operating system dedicated to musical MIDI applications. It was awarded the Apple Trophy (1989), the Paris-City price (1990) and more recently, the Max d'Or at the Bourges International Musical Software Competition (1999). Multi-platform support, powerful inter-applications communication, accurate realtime performances are among the significant services provided by the kernel. Freely available on the Internet to developers since several years, MidiShare is now supported by a growing number of projects. Its developers mailing list count 250 members on average. The MidiShare project itself is reaching a state which requires a different management policy: the MidiShare source code is now publicly available to allow collaborative contributions over the Internet. The poster session will present this new project, including changes in the kernel architecture, the source code portability issues and the organization of the collaborative development over the Internet

    An Algebraic approach to Block Diagram Constructions

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    International audienceWe propose an algebraic approach to block diagram construction as an alternative to the classical graph approach inspired by dataflow models. This block diagram algebra is based on three binary operations : sequential, parallel and recursive constructions. These operations can be seen as high level connection schemes that set several connections at once in order to combine two block diagrams to form a new one. Such algebraic representations have interesting applications for visual languages based on block diagrams. In particular they are very useful to specify the formal semantic of these languages