31 research outputs found

    Women at high risk of HIV-infection in Kampala, Uganda, and their candidacy for PrEP.

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    Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), antiretroviral medication for prevention of HIV-acquisition, is part of biomedical HIV prevention strategies recommended for people at risk of HIV-infection. A decision to take PrEP depends on an assessment of 'being at risk' either by an individual, or healthcare provider. In this paper, we draw on the concept of 'candidacy' to examine the different ways in which women attending a dedicated clinic in Kampala, Uganda, for women at risk of HIV infection (including sex workers), assessed their suitability for PrEP. We conducted in-depth interviews with 30 HIV negative women up to four different times, to gather information on the motives for taking PrEP, and their life history and daily life. All the women described the relevance of PrEP to mitigate their risk of HIV infection. However, there were challenges to adherence because of alcohol use, irregular working hours and a fear of being seen taking pills that others might assume to be HIV treatment. The ways in which the different women used PrEP and interpreted the place of PrEP in their lives were not solely based on their assessment of protecting themselves during sex work. They also used PrEP to guard against infection from their regular partners, and as a tool to allow them to make more money safely, by having sex without a condom with clients. While eligibility to access PrEP was predicated on the women's being in an 'at risk' population group, an incentive to use PrEP was to protect themselves from HIV acquisition from a long-term partner and preserve the 'trust' in their intimate relationship by having condom-less sex. Applying a candidacy lens we highlight the complexity in how women experience and present as being 'at risk' and query the criteria on which categories of risk and PrEP eligibility are determined

    Lived experiences of frontline healthcare providers offering maternal and newborn services amidst the novel corona virus disease 19 pandemic in Uganda: A qualitative study.

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    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many health systems in low resource settings to their knees. The pandemic has had crippling effects on the already strained health systems in provision of maternal and newborn healthcare. With the travel restrictions, social distancing associated with the containment of theCOVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers could be faced with challenges of accessing their work stations, and risked burnout as they offered maternal and newborn services. This study sought to understand the experiences and perceptions of healthcare providers at the frontline during the first phase of the lockdown as they offered maternal and newborn health care services in both public and private health facilities in Uganda with the aim of streamlining patient care in face of the current COVID-19 pandemic and in future disasters. METHODS: Between June 2020 and December 2020, 25 in-depth interviews were conducted among healthcare providers of different cadres in eight Public, Private-Not-for Profit and Private Health facilities in Kampala, Uganda. The interview guide primarily explored the lived experiences of healthcare providers as they offered maternal and newborn healthcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic. All of the in depth interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Themes and subthemes were identified using both inductive thematic and phenomenological approaches. RESULTS: The content analysis of the in depth interviews revealed that the facilitators of maternal and newborn care service delivery among the healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic included; salary bonuses, the passion to serve their patients, availability of accommodation during the pandemic, transportation to and from the health facilities by the health facilities, teamwork, fear of losing their jobs and fear of litigation if something went wrong with the mothers or their babies. The barriers to their service delivery included; lack of transport means to access their work stations, fear of contracting COVID-19 and transmitting it to their family members, salary cuts, loss of jobs especially in the private health facilities, closure of the non-essential services to combat high patient numbers, inadequate supply of Personal Protective equipment (PPE), being put in isolation or quarantine for two weeks which meant no earning, brutality from the security personnel during curfew hours and burnout from long hours of work and high patient turnovers. CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 Pandemic has led to a decline in quality of maternal and newborn service delivery by the healthcare providers as evidenced by shorter consultation time and failure to keep appointments to attend to patients. Challenges with transport, fears of losing jobs and fear of contracting COVID-19 with the limited access to personal protective equipment affected majority of the participants. The healthcare providers in Uganda despite the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic are driven by the inherent passion to serve their patients. Availability of accommodation and transport at the health facilities, provision of PPE, bonuses and inter professional teamwork are critical motivators that needed to be tapped to drive teams during the current and future pandemics

    Lived experiences of frontline healthcare providers offering maternal and newborn services amidst the novel corona virus disease 19 pandemic in Uganda: A qualitative study.

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    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many health systems in low resource settings to their knees. The pandemic has had crippling effects on the already strained health systems in provision of maternal and newborn healthcare. With the travel restrictions, social distancing associated with the containment of theCOVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers could be faced with challenges of accessing their work stations, and risked burnout as they offered maternal and newborn services. This study sought to understand the experiences and perceptions of healthcare providers at the frontline during the first phase of the lockdown as they offered maternal and newborn health care services in both public and private health facilities in Uganda with the aim of streamlining patient care in face of the current COVID-19 pandemic and in future disasters. METHODS: Between June 2020 and December 2020, 25 in-depth interviews were conducted among healthcare providers of different cadres in eight Public, Private-Not-for Profit and Private Health facilities in Kampala, Uganda. The interview guide primarily explored the lived experiences of healthcare providers as they offered maternal and newborn healthcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic. All of the in depth interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Themes and subthemes were identified using both inductive thematic and phenomenological approaches. RESULTS: The content analysis of the in depth interviews revealed that the facilitators of maternal and newborn care service delivery among the healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic included; salary bonuses, the passion to serve their patients, availability of accommodation during the pandemic, transportation to and from the health facilities by the health facilities, teamwork, fear of losing their jobs and fear of litigation if something went wrong with the mothers or their babies. The barriers to their service delivery included; lack of transport means to access their work stations, fear of contracting COVID-19 and transmitting it to their family members, salary cuts, loss of jobs especially in the private health facilities, closure of the non-essential services to combat high patient numbers, inadequate supply of Personal Protective equipment (PPE), being put in isolation or quarantine for two weeks which meant no earning, brutality from the security personnel during curfew hours and burnout from long hours of work and high patient turnovers. CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 Pandemic has led to a decline in quality of maternal and newborn service delivery by the healthcare providers as evidenced by shorter consultation time and failure to keep appointments to attend to patients. Challenges with transport, fears of losing jobs and fear of contracting COVID-19 with the limited access to personal protective equipment affected majority of the participants. The healthcare providers in Uganda despite the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic are driven by the inherent passion to serve their patients. Availability of accommodation and transport at the health facilities, provision of PPE, bonuses and inter professional teamwork are critical motivators that needed to be tapped to drive teams during the current and future pandemics

    Moving forward through consensus: a national Delphi approach to determine the top research priorities in prostate cancer in Uganda

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify key areas for research in prostate cancer (PC) in the Ugandan context by establishing the major health system, socioeconomic and clinical barriers to seeking, reaching and receiving high-quality cancer care. DESIGN: Modified Delphi Technique. SETTING: Government and private-not-for-profit hospitals. METHODS: We applied a two-stage modified Delphi technique to identify the consensus view across cancer experts. In round 1, experts received a questionnaire containing 21 statements drawn from a systematic review identifying the reason for the delay in accessing cancer care. Each statement was scored out of 20. Statements scoring ≥15 from over 70% of participants were prioritised for inclusion while statements for which <30% of participants gave a score of ≥15 were excluded. Sixteen statements were included in round 2 as they did not receive consensus for inclusion or exclusion. RESULTS: We found that the top six research priority areas arise from challenges including: (1) lack of diagnostic services-ultrasound, laboratory tests and biopsy facilities; (2) high costs of services, for example, surgery, radiotherapy, hormone therapy are unaffordable to most patients, (3) lack of essential medicines, (4) limited radiotherapy capacity, (5) lack of awareness of cancer as a disease and low recognition of symptoms, (6) low healthcare literacy. The lack of critical surgical supplies, high diagnostic and treatment costs were ranked highest in order of importance in round 1. Round 2 also revealed lack of diagnostic services, unavailability of critical medicines, lack of radiotherapy options, high costs of treatments and lack of critical surgical supplies as the top priorities. CONCLUSION: These research priority areas ought to be addressed in future research to improve prompt PC diagnosis and care in Uganda. There is need to improve the supply of high-quality affordable anticancer medicines for PC patients so as to improve the survivorship from the cancer

    Assessing knowledge, acceptability and social implications of a peer-to-peer HIV self-testing kit distribution model among adolescents aged 15-24 in Zambia and Uganda-HISTAZU: a mixed-method study protocol.

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    INTRODUCTION: HIV self-testing (HIVST) across sub-Saharan African countries may be acceptable as it overcomes significant barriers to clinic-based HIV testing services such as privacy and confidentiality. There are a number of suggested HIVST distribution models. However, they may not be responsive to the testing service needs of adolescents and young people (AYP). We will investigate the knowledge, acceptability and social implications of a peer-to-peer distribution model of HIVST kits on uptake of HIV prevention including pre-exposure prophylaxis, condoms, and voluntary medical male circumcision and testing services and linkage to anti-retroviral therapy among AYP aged 15-24 in Zambia and Uganda. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We will conduct an exploratory mixed methods study among AYP aged 15-24 in Uganda and Zambia. Qualitative data will be collected using audio-recorded in-depth interviews (IDIs), focus group discussions (FGDs), and participant observations. All IDIs and FGDs will be transcribed verbatim, coded and analysed through a thematic-content analysis. The quantitative data will be collected through a structured survey questionnaire derived from the preliminary findings of the qualitative work and programme evaluation quantitative data collected on uptake of services from a Zambian trial. The quantitative phase will evaluate the number of AYP reached and interested in HIVST and the implication of this on household social relations and social harms. The quantitative data will be analysed through bivariate analyses. The study will explore any social-cultural and study design barriers or facilitators to uptake of HIVST. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study is approved by the Uganda Virus Research Institute Research and Ethics committee, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, University of Zambia Biomedical Ethics Committee, Zambia National Health Research Authority and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Dissemination activities will involve publications in peer-reviewed journals, presentations at conferences and stakeholder meetings in the communities

    Is it feasible to implement a community-based participatory group programme to address issues of access to healthcare for people with disabilities in Luuka district Uganda? A study protocol for a mixed-methods pilot study.

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    INTRODUCTION: On average, people with disabilities face many difficulties in accessing healthcare and experience worse health outcomes. Yet, evidence on how to overcome these barriers is lacking. Participatory approaches are gaining prominence as they can generate low-cost, appropriate and scalable solutions. This study protocol is for the pilot testing of the co-created Participatory Learning and Action for Disability (PLA-D) groups to assess feasibility. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We will pilot test PLA-D in five groups in Luuka district, Uganda during 2023. Each group will include approximately 20 members (people with disabilities, family members, carers) who will meet every 2-3 weeks over a 9-11 month period. The groups, guided by a trained facilitator, will identify issues about health and healthcare access and plan and implement locally generated solutions (eg, raising awareness of rights, advocacy and lobbying, establishing health savings and financing schemes). We will collect diverse sources of data to assess feasibility: (1) in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with group participants, non-participants and group facilitators; (2) monitoring of group activities; (3) direct observation of groups and (4) quantitative survey of group participants at baseline and endline. Data analyses will be undertaken to assess feasibility in terms of: acceptability, demand, implementation and practicality. We will develop and refine evaluation tools in preparation for a future trial. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval for the study has been received by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the Uganda Virus Research Institute ethics committees. Informed consent will be obtained from all study participants, making adaptations for people with disabilities as necessary. We will reach different groups for our dissemination activities, including (1) people with disabilities (eg, community meetings); (2) policy and programme stakeholders in Uganda and international (eg, individual meetings, evidence briefs) and (3) academics (journal articles, conference/seminar presentations)

    "She gives it to her child who doesn't even talk": a qualitative exploration of alcohol and drug use among primary school-age children in Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: There is little research on alcohol and other drugs (AOD) use by school-age children in low-resource settings like Uganda. Including the voices of children in research can inform prevention and early intervention efforts for those at risk of AOD use. The aim of this study was to understand the perspectives of children aged 6 to 13 years regarding AOD in Uganda. METHODS: This qualitative study was conducted in Mbale district, Uganda from February to March 2020. Eight focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with 56 primary school-age children, stratified by age (6-9 and 10-13 years), sex (male and female), and school status (in school and out of school). All FGDs were conducted in either Lumasaaba or Luganda. The FGDs were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and translated into English. Data were coded, and overarching themes were identified using thematic framework analysis. RESULTS: Two themes identified were (1) Children's perceptions and experiences with AODs. The participants understood alcohol by its consistency, colour, odour, and by brand/logo. They described the types and quantities of AOD consumed by school-age children, brewing processes for homemade alcoholic drinks, and short and long-term consequences of the use of alcohol. (2) Contributing factors to childhood drinking included: Stress relief for children who experienced multiple adversities (orphaned, poverty-stricken, and hailing from broken homes), fitting in with friends, influence from families, and media exposure that made alcohol look cool. Children would start drinking at an early age) or were given alcohol by their parents, sometimes before they could start talking. In the community, alcohol and other drugs were cheap and available and children could drink from anywhere, including in the classroom. CONCLUSIONS: Children eligible for primary education in Uganda can easily access and use AOD. Several factors were identified as contributing to alcohol and other drug use among children, including availability and accessibility, advertising, lack of parental awareness and supervision, peer influence, adverse childhood experiences, socioeconomic factors, and cultural norms. There is a need for multi-sectoral action for awareness of childhood AOD use and deliberate consideration of children in the planning, design, and implementation of research, policies, and programs for prevention and early intervention

    Defining national research priorities for prostate cancer in Zambia: using the Delphi process for comprehensive cancer policy setting in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Objectives Locally led research on cancer is needed in sub-Saharan Africa to set feasible research priorities that inform national policy. The aim of this project was to develop a research agenda for national cancer control planning, using a nationally driven approach, focused on barriers to diagnosis and high-quality treatment for prostate cancer in Zambia. Methods and analysis This was a Delphi process. 29 stakeholders were scored barriers on feasibility, the proportion of patients affected, the impact on patient outcomes and if there was a potential to address health systems barriers meaningfully. There were three rounds (R) to the process: (R1 and R2) by electronic survey and (R3) in-person meeting. In R1 statements scoring above 15 from over 70% of participants were prioritised immediately for R3 discussion. Those scoring below 30% were dropped and those in between were re-surveyed in R2. Results 22 and 17 of the 29 stakeholders responded to R1 and R2. 14 stakeholders attended R3. National priority research areas for prostate cancer in Zambia were identified as prostate cancer awareness; building affordable high-quality diagnostic capacity; affordability of specialist cancer treatments; supporting better access to medicines; delivery and coordination of services across the pathway and staff training. Conclusion The suggested seven priority areas allow for the development of the prostate cancer control programme to be conducted in a holistic manner. The expectation is with this guidance international partners can contribute within the frameworks of the local agenda for sustainable development to be realised

    The potential effect of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) roll-out on sexual-risk behaviour among adolescents and young people in East and southern Africa.

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    Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV-prevention strategy recommended for those at high-risk of infection, including adolescents and young people (AYP). We explored how PrEP roll-out could influence sexual risk behaviour among AYP in East and southern Africa. Twenty-four group discussions and 60 in-depth interviews were conducted with AYP between 13 and 24 years old, recruited from community settings in Uganda, Zimbabwe and South Africa, from September 2018 to January 2019. Participants perceived that PrEP availability could change sexual behaviour among AYP, influencing: (1) condom use (increased preference for condomless sex, reduced need and decrease in use of condoms, relief from condom use discomfort, consistent condom use to curb sexually transmitted infections and pregnancies); (2) sexual activities (increase in sexual partners and sexual encounters, early sexual debut, sexual experimentation and peace of mind during risky sex, sexual violence and perversion); (3) HIV risk perception (neglect of other HIV prevention strategies, unknown sexual partner HIV status, adoption of PrEP). PrEP initiation may be associated with increased interest in sexual activities and risky sexual behaviour among AYP. PrEP should be included as part of a combination package of HIV prevention strategies for AYP with methods to prevent other sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies

    A qualitative study to explore daily versus on-demand oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in young people from South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND: Adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) remain vulnerable to HIV infection. While pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is highly effective in preventing HIV transmission as a daily or on-demand regimen, tailored approaches are necessary. The Combined HIV Adolescent PrEP and Prevention Study (CHAPS) is a mixed-methods research program investigating the acceptability and feasibility of implementing daily and on-demand PrEP among young people in SSA. It also aims to determine an on-demand dosing schedule for insertive sex. For this paper, we explored preferences for daily versus on-demand PrEP amongst adolescents as part of CHAPS. METHODS: Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants from Soweto and Cape Town (South Africa), Wakiso district (Uganda) and Chitungwiza (Zimbabwe). At the time of the study in 2018/2019, Uganda had not rolled out PrEP to the general population; in Zimbabwe, PrEP for young people was only available at selected sites with one located within the study recruitment area. In South Africa, PrEP was made available to selected high-risk groups. We conducted 60 in-depth interviews and 24 group discussions amongst young people aged 13-24 without HIV in South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. All in-depth interviews and group discussions were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and translated to English. Data were analysed using framework analysis. The main themes were centered around preferences for daily and on-demand PrEP. RESULTS: Reasons for on-demand preferences included stigma, pill fatigue, adherence and side effects. Reasons for daily PrEP preferences included factors related to sexual risk behaviour, continuous protection against incidents of unintentional exposure, and the increased efficacy of a daily dose. Participants at all sites preferring daily PrEP identified the same reasons, with more males than females citing inadvertent blood contact or perceived increased efficacy. Similarly, participants at all sites preferring on-demand PrEP gave the same reasons for their preferences for on-demand PrEP; the exception was South Africans who did not mention the hope of having fewer side effects by not taking daily PrEP. Additionally, more males than females cited intermittent sex as a reason for opting for on-demand PrEP. CONCLUSIONS: Our study is the first known to explore and describe youth preferences for daily versus on-demand PrEP. While the choice is clear-cut, the reasons cited in the different options provide invaluable insights into their decisions, and the actual and perceived facilitators and barriers to access to PrEP. Further education is needed amongst young people, not only about PrEP but also in other areas of comprehensive sexuality education. Exploring all options of HIV prevention is crucial to provide a tailored, one-size-does-not-fit-all approach to adolescent care in SSA to reduce and, the continued and increasing risk of this preventable infection