12 research outputs found

    Quantifying the effects of temperature on mosquito and parasite traits that determine the transmission potential of human malaria

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    Malaria transmission is known to be strongly impacted by temperature. The current understanding of how temperature affects mosquito and parasite life history traits derives from a limited number of empirical studies. These studies, some dating back to the early part of last century, are often poorly controlled, have limited replication, explore a narrow range of temperatures, and use a mixture of parasite and mosquito species. Here, we use a single pairing of the Asian mosquito vector, An. stephensi and the human malaria parasite, P. falciparum to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the thermal performance curves of a range of mosquito and parasite traits relevant to transmission. We show that biting rate, adult mortality rate, parasite development rate, and vector competence are temperature sensitive. Importantly, we find qualitative and quantitative differences to the assumed temperature-dependent relationships. To explore the overall implications of temperature for transmission, we first use a standard model of relative vectorial capacity. This approach suggests a temperature optimum for transmission of 29°C, with minimum and maximum temperatures of 12°C and 38°C, respectively. However, the robustness of the vectorial capacity approach is challenged by the fact that the empirical data violate several of the model's simplifying assumptions. Accordingly, we present an alternative model of relative force of infection that better captures the observed biology of the vector-parasite interaction. This model suggests a temperature optimum for transmission of 26°C, with a minimum and maximum of 17°C and 35°C, respectively. The differences between the models lead to potentially divergent predictions for the potential impacts of current and future climate change on malaria transmission. The study provides a framework for more detailed, system-specific studies that are essential to develop an improved understanding on the effects of temperature on malaria transmission

    Becoming a Church that Heals - Give Faith a Fighting Chance

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    We would all agree tha tactive faith saves, but do we believe it can actually heal? What does faith healing look like in the Bible? Come and learn how to be a church that heals

    Power Bars: Mormon Crickets Get Immunity Boost from Eating Grasshoppers

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    In addition to feeding on plants, Mormon crickets Anabrus simplex Haldeman, 1852 predate on invertebrates, including one another, which effectively drives their migration. Carnivory derives from lack of dietary protein, with Mormon crickets deprived of protein having less phenoloxidase (PO) available to combat foreign invaders, such as fungal pathogens. Because Mormon crickets commonly occur with grasshoppers that feed on the same plants, we investigated interactions between grasshoppers and Mormon crickets, and hypothesized that if Mormon crickets are predatory on grasshoppers, grasshopper abundance would influence the protein available to Mormon crickets and their immunity. In a field setting, we varied densities of Mormon crickets (0, 10, or 20 per cage) and grasshoppers Melanoplus borealis (0, 15, 30, or 45) in 68 1-m2 cages. After one month, we measured Mormon cricket dietary preferences and PO activity. As predicted, artificial diet consumption shifted away from protein as grasshopper density increased, and immunocompetence, as measured by PO activity, also increased with grasshopper availability. Although nitrogen availability in the vegetation decreased with increasing insect density, predation became an important source of protein for Mormon crickets that enhanced immunity. Grasshoppers can be an important source of dietary protein for Mormon crickets, with prey availability affecting Mormon cricket immunity to diseases

    Geographic Variation in Migratory Grasshopper Recruitment under Projected Climate Change

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    Climate change is expected to alter prevailing temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, and humidity this century, thereby modifying insect demographic processes and possibly increasing the frequency and intensity of rangeland and crop impacts by pest insects. We leveraged ten years of migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes) field surveys to assess the response of nymph recruitment to projected climate conditions through the year 2040. Melanoplus sanguinipes is the foremost pest of grain, oilseed, pulse, and rangeland forage crops in the western United States. To assess nymph recruitment, we developed a multi-level, joint modeling framework that individually assessed nymph and adult life stages while concurrently incorporating density-dependence and accounting for observation bias connected to preferential sampling. Our results indicated that nymph recruitment rates will exhibit strong geographic variation under projected climate change, with population sizes at many locations being comparable to those historically observed, but other locations experiencing increased insect abundances. Our findings suggest that alterations to prevailing temperature and precipitation regimes as instigated by climate change will amplify recruitment, thereby enlarging population sizes and potentially intensifying agricultural pest impacts by 2040

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    Antennal regulation of migratory flight in the neotropical moth Urania fulgens

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    Migrating insects use their sensory systems to acquire local and global cues about their surroundings. Previous research on tethered insects suggests that, in addition to vision and cephalic bristles, insects use antennal mechanosensory feedback to maintain their airspeeds. Owing to the large displacements of migratory insects and difficulties inherent in tracking single individuals, the roles of these sensory inputs have never been tested in freely migrating insects. We tracked individual uraniid moths (Urania fulgens) as they migrated diurnally over the Panama Canal, and measured airspeeds and orientation for individuals with either intact or amputated flagella. Consistent with prior observations that antennal input is necessary for flight control, 59 per cent of the experimental moths could not fly after flagella amputation. The remaining fraction (41%) was flight-capable and maintained its prior airspeeds despite severe reduction in antennal input. Thus, maintenance of airspeeds may not involve antennal input alone, and is probably mediated by other modalities. Moths with amputated flagella could not recover their proper migratory orientations, suggesting that antennal integrity is necessary for long-distance navigation

    Developmental trade-offs in caddis flies: increased investment in larval defence alters adult resource allocation

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    Developmental trade-offs in resource allocation across life-history stages and between different body parts are predicted by life-history theories. However, there is very little empirical evidence that these occur. We investigated these trade-offs in caddis flies by experimentally manipulating larval case construction and thereby silk expenditure. Case building diverts protein resources away from larval stores, which are of major importance to adult development in species with little or no adult feeding. We induced fifth-instar Odontocerum albicorne to build new cases and examined the consequences for the morphology of the resulting adults. Rebuilding did not alter larval food consumption or the date of entering pupation, but shortened the duration of the pupal period. Adults that had been induced to expend more silk as larvae had lighter thoraces and smaller wings than the controls, but their abdomens did not differ significantly in mass or nitrogen content. These results suggest a trade-off between larval silk production and the pattern of resource allocation within the adult. The maintenance of the abdomen is likely to preserve reproductive potential, while the reduction in thoracic and wing investment will have negative consequences for flight and associated activities, and possibly for adult longevity