25 research outputs found

    Genetic characterization of the Indian cattle breeds, Ongole and Deoni (Bos indicus), using microsatellite markers – a preliminary study

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    BACKGROUND: Molecular characterization of cattle breeds is important for the prevention of germplasm erosion by cross breeding. The Indian zebu cattle have their significant role in evolution of present day cattle breeds and development of some of the exotic breeds. Microsatellites are the best available molecular tools for characterization of cattle breeds. The present study was carried out to characterize two Indian cattle breeds, Ongole and Deoni, using microsatellite markers. RESULTS: Using 5 di- and 5 tri-nucleotide repeat loci, 17 Ongole and 13 Deoni unrelated individuals were studied. Of the ten loci, eight revealed polymorphism in both the breeds. The di-nucleotide repeat loci were found to be more polymorphic (100%) than tri-nucleotide repeat loci (60%). A total of 39 polymorphic alleles were obtained at 4.5 alleles per locus in Ongole and 4.1 in Deoni. The average expected heterozygosity was 0.46 (±0.1) and 0.50 (±0.1) in Ongole and Deoni breeds, respectively. The PIC values of the polymorphic loci ranged from 0.15 to 0.79 in Ongole and 0.13 to 0.80 in Deoni breeds. Six Ongole specific and three Deoni specific alleles were identified. The two breeds showed a moderate genetic relationship between themselves with a F(ST )value of 0.117 (P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary study shows that microsatellite markers are useful in distinguishing the two zebu breeds namely, Ongole and Deoni. Further studies of other zebu breeds using many microsatellite loci with larger sample sizes can reveal the genetic relationships of Indian breeds

    Genetic evidence from Indian red jungle fowl corroborates multiple domestication of modern day chicken

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Domestication of chicken is believed to have occurred in Southeast Asia, especially in Indus valley. However, non-inclusion of Indian red jungle fowl (RJF), <it>Gallus gallus murghi </it>in previous studies has left a big gap in understanding the relationship of this major group of birds. In the present study, we addressed this issue by analyzing 76 Indian birds that included 56 <it>G. g. murghi </it>(RJF), 16 <it>G. g. domesticus </it>(domestic chicken) and 4 <it>G. sonneratii </it>(Grey JF) using both microsatellite markers and mitochondrial D-loop sequences. We also compared the D-loop sequences of Indian birds with those of 779 birds obtained from GenBank.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Microsatellite marker analyses of Indian birds indicated an average F<sub>ST </sub>of 0.126 within <it>G. g. murghi</it>, and 0.154 within <it>G. g. domesticus </it>while it was more than 0.2 between the two groups. The microsatellite-based phylogenetic trees showed a clear separation of <it>G. g. domesticus </it>from <it>G. g. murghi</it>, and <it>G. sonneratii</it>. Mitochondrial DNA based mismatch distribution analyses showed a lower Harpending's raggedness index in both <it>G. g. murghi </it>(0.001515) and in Indian <it>G. g. domesticus </it>(0.0149) birds indicating population expansion. When meta analysis of global populations of 855 birds was carried out using median joining haplotype network, 43 Indian birds of <it>G. g. domesticus </it>(19 haplotypes) were distributed throughout the network sharing haplotypes with the RJFs of different origins.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that the domestication of chicken has occurred independently in different locations of Asia including India. We found evidence for domestication of Indian birds from <it>G. g. spadiceus </it>and <it>G. g. gallus </it>as well as from <it>G. g. murghi</it>, corroborating multiple domestication of Indian and other domestic chicken. In contrast to the commonly held view that RJF and domestic birds hybridize in nature, the present study shows that <it>G. g. murghi </it>is relatively pure. Further, the study also suggested that the chicken populations have undergone population expansion, especially in the Indus valley.</p

    Levels of the E2 interacting protein TopBP1 modulate papillomavirus maintenance stage replication

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    The evolutionarily conserved DNA topoisomerase II beta-binding protein 1 (TopBP1) functions in DNA replication, DNA damage response, and cell survival. We analyzed the role of TopBP1 in human and bovine papillomavirus genome replication. Consistent with prior reports, TopBP1 co-localized in discrete nuclear foci and was in complex with papillomavirus E2 protein. Similar to E2, TopBP1 is recruited to the region of the viral origin of replication during G1/S and early S phase. TopBP1 knockdown increased, while over-expression decreased transient virus replication, without affecting cell cycle. Similarly, using cell lines harboring HPV-16 or HPV-31 genome, TopBP1 knockdown increased while over-expression reduced viral copy number relative to genomic DNA. We propose a model in which TopBP1 serves dual roles in viral replication: it is essential for initiation of replication yet it restricts viral copy number

    Defining behavioral and molecular differences between summer and migratory monarch butterflies

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    BACKGROUND: In the fall, Eastern North American monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) undergo a magnificent long-range migration. In contrast to spring and summer butterflies, fall migrants are juvenile hormone deficient, which leads to reproductive arrest and increased longevity. Migrants also use a time-compensated sun compass to help them navigate in the south/southwesterly direction en route for Mexico. Central issues in this area are defining the relationship between juvenile hormone status and oriented flight, critical features that differentiate summer monarchs from fall migrants, and identifying molecular correlates of behavioral state. RESULTS: Here we show that increasing juvenile hormone activity to induce summer-like reproductive development in fall migrants does not alter directional flight behavior or its time-compensated orientation, as monitored in a flight simulator. Reproductive summer butterflies, in contrast, uniformly fail to exhibit directional, oriented flight. To define molecular correlates of behavioral state, we used microarray analysis of 9417 unique cDNA sequences. Gene expression profiles reveal a suite of 40 genes whose differential expression in brain correlates with oriented flight behavior in individual migrants, independent of juvenile hormone activity, thereby molecularly separating fall migrants from summer butterflies. Intriguing genes that are differentially regulated include the clock gene vrille and the locomotion-relevant tyramine beta hydroxylase gene. In addition, several differentially regulated genes (37.5% of total) are not annotated. We also identified 23 juvenile hormone-dependent genes in brain, which separate reproductive from non-reproductive monarchs; genes involved in longevity, fatty acid metabolism, and innate immunity are upregulated in non-reproductive (juvenile-hormone deficient) migrants. CONCLUSION: The results link key behavioral traits with gene expression profiles in brain that differentiate migratory from summer butterflies and thus show that seasonal changes in genomic function help define the migratory state

    Genetic diversity and relationships in mulberry (genus Morus) as revealed by RAPD and ISSR marker assays

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    BACKGROUND: The genus Morus, known as mulberry, is a dioecious and cross-pollinating plant that is the sole food for the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori. Traditional methods using morphological traits for classification are largely unsuccessful in establishing the diversity and relationships among different mulberry species because of environmental influence on traits of interest. As a more robust alternative, PCR based marker assays including RAPD and ISSR were employed to study the genetic diversity and interrelationships among twelve domesticated and three wild mulberry species. RESULTS: RAPD analysis using 19 random primers generated 128 discrete markers ranging from 500–3000 bp in size. One-hundred-nineteen of these were polymorphic (92%), with an average of 6.26 markers per primer. Among these were a few putative species-specific amplification products which could be useful for germplasm classification and introgression studies. The ISSR analysis employed six anchored primers, 4 of which generated 93 polymorphic markers with an average of 23.25 markers per primer. Cluster analysis of RAPD and ISSR data using the WINBOOT package to calculate the Dice coefficient resulted into two clusters, one comprising polyploid wild species and the other with domesticated (mostly diploid) species. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that RAPD and ISSR markers are useful for mulberry genetic diversity analysis and germplasm characterization, and that putative species-specific markers may be obtained which can be converted to SCARs after further studies

    The Replicative Consequences of Papillomavirus E2 Protein Binding to the Origin Replication Factor ORC2.

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    The origin recognition complex (ORC) coordinates a series of events that lead to initiation of DNA strand duplication. As a nuclear double stranded DNA plasmid, the papillomavirus (PV) genome resembles a mini-chromosome in infected cells. To initiate its replication, the viral E2 protein binds to and recruits the E1 DNA helicase at the viral origin. PV genome replication program exhibits three stages: initial amplification from a single genome upon infection to a few copies per cell, a cell cycle linked maintenance phase, and a differentiation dependent late stage where the genome is amplified to thousands of copies. Involvement of ORC or other pre-replication complex (pre-RC) factors has not been described. We report that human PV (HPV) and bovine PV (BPV-1) E2 proteins bind to ORC2, however, ORC2 was not detected at the viral origin. Depletion of ORC2 enhanced PV replication in a transient replication model and in keratinocytes stably maintaining viral episomes, while there was no effect on copy number in a cell line with integrated HPV genomes. Consistent with this, occupancy of E1 and E2 at the viral origin increased following ORC2 silencing. These data imply that ORC2 is not necessary for activation of the PV origin by E1 and E2 but instead suppresses E2 replicative function. Furthermore, we observed that over-expression of HPV E2 decreased ORC2 occupation at two known mammalian origins of replication, suggesting that E2 restricts pre-ORC assembly that could otherwise compete for host replication complexes necessary for viral genome amplification. We infer that the ORC2 complex with E2 restricts viral replication in the maintenance phase of the viral replication program and that elevated levels of E2 that occur during the differentiation dependent amplification stage subvert ORC loading and hence DNA synthesis at cellular origins

    Papillomavirus E2 protein is regulated by specific fibroblast growth factor receptors

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    The papillomavirus (PV) E2 protein activates transcription and replication by recruiting cellular proteins and the E1 DNA helicase to their binding sites in the viral genome. We recently demonstrated that phosphorylation of tyrosine 102 in the bovine papillomavirus (BPV-1) E2 protein restricts these activities and that fibroblast growth factor receptor-3 (FGFR3) tyrosine kinase binds PV E2. Expression of FGFR3 decreased viral replication with both wild-type and the phenylalanine substitution at position 102, inferring that another kinase targets Y102. Here we tested FGFR- 1, −2 and −4 for association with PV E2 proteins. FGFR2 but not FGFR1 or FGFR4 co-immunoprecipitated with BPV-1 E2. We found that FGFR2 suppressed replication but did not depend on phosphorylation of BPV-1 Y102. HPV-16 and −31 E2 interacted with FGFR1, −2, and −4. These results imply that the expression and activity of FGF receptors in epithelial cells can regulate the function of E2 in viral replication

    A new Bombyx mori larval ovarian cell line highly susceptible to nucleopolyhedrovirus

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    Lepidopteran cell lines constitute the backbone for studying baculoviral biology in culturo and for baculovirus vector based recombinant protein expression systems. In the present study, we report establishment of a new continuous cell line designated as DZNU-Bm-1 from larval ovaries of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The cells were grown in MGM-448 insect cell culture medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 3% heat inactivated B. mori haemolymph at 25 ± 1 °C. A large number of attached epithelial-like and round refractive cells migrated from the explants and multiplied in the primary cultures. Both type of cells were subcultured initially for a few passages but after 10 passages the round refractive cells dominated the population, which could be subcultured continuously using MGM-448 medium with 10% FBS. The population doubling time of cell line was about 42 h at 25 ± 1 °C. The cell populations were largely diploids and triploids, while a few tetraploids and hexaploids were also observed. DNA profiles using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR)-PCR and Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) loci established the differences between DZNU-Bm-1 cell line and most widely used BmN cell line and the B. mori W-chromosome specific sequences confirmed the origin of DZNU-Bm-1 cell line to be from female silkworm. When cells were infected with free nonoccluded B. mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV), the cell line was found to be highly susceptible with 92-94% of the cells harbouring BmNPV and having an average of 20-23 OBs/infected cell. We suggest the usefulness of this cell line in BmNPV based baculoviral expression system and also for studying in culturo virus replication

    Phosphorylation of the Bovine Papillomavirus E2 Protein on Tyrosine Regulates Its Transcription and Replication Functions

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    Papillomaviruses are small, double-stranded DNA viruses that encode the E2 protein, which controls transcription, replication, and genome maintenance in infected cells. Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) affecting E2 function and stability have been demonstrated for multiple types of papillomaviruses. Here we describe the first phosphorylation event involving a conserved tyrosine (Y) in the bovine papillomavirus 1 (BPV-1) E2 protein at amino acid 102. While its phosphodeficient phenylalanine (F) mutant activated both transcription and replication in luciferase reporter assays, a mutant that may act as a phosphomimetic, with a Y102-to-glutamate (E) mutation, lost both activities. The E2 Y102F protein interacted with cellular E2-binding factors and the viral helicase E1; however, in contrast, the Y102E mutant associated with only a subset and was unable to bind to E1. While the Y102F mutant fully supported transient viral DNA replication, BPV genomes encoding this mutation as well as Y102E were not maintained as stable episomes in murine C127 cells. These data imply that phosphorylation at Y102 disrupts the helical fold of the N-terminal region of E2 and its interaction with key cellular and viral proteins. We hypothesize that the resulting inhibition of viral transcription and replication in basal epithelial cells prevents the development of a lytic infection. IMPORTANCE Papillomaviruses (PVs) are small, double-stranded DNA viruses that are responsible for cervical, oropharyngeal, and various genitourinary cancers. Although vaccines against the major oncogenic human PVs are available, there is no effective treatment for existing infections. One approach to better understand the viral replicative cycle, and potential therapies to target it, is to examine the posttranslational modification of viral proteins and its effect on function. Here we have discovered that the bovine papillomavirus 1 (BPV-1) transcription and replication regulator E2 is phosphorylated at residue Y102. While a phosphodeficient mutant at this site was fully functional, a phosphomimetic mutant displayed impaired transcription and replication activity as well as a lack of an association with certain E2-binding proteins. This study highlights the influence of posttranslational modifications on viral protein function and provides additional insight into the complex interplay between papillomaviruses and their hosts