18,173 research outputs found

    The Impact of Orography and Latent Heating on the Location of the Tropical Easterly Jet

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    The Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) is a prominent atmospheric circulation feature observed during the Asian Summer Monsoon. It is generally assumed that Tibet is an essential ingredient in determining the location of the TEJ. However studies have also suggested the importance of latent heating in determining the jet location. The relative importance of Tibetan orography and latent heating is explored through simulations with a general circulation model. The simulation of TEJ by the Community Atmosphere Model, version 3.1 (CAM-3.1) has been discussed in detail. Although the simulated TEJ replicated many observed features of the jet, the jet maximum was located too far to the west when compared to observation. The precipitation in the control simulation was high to the west of India and this caused the TEJ to shift westwards by approximately the same amount. Orography was found to have minimal impact on the simulated TEJ hence indicating that latent heating is the crucial parameter. The primacy of latent heating in determining the jet location was confirmed by additional simulations where the simulated precipitation was brought closer to observations. This made the TEJ to also shift to the correct position.Comment: 14 pages including 7 figures and 1 tabl

    Modeling of dilution jet flowfields

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    The present paper will compare temperature field measurements from selected cases in these investigations with distributions calculated with an empirical model based on assumed vertical profile similarity and superposition and with a 3-D elliptic code using a standard K-E turbulence model. The results will show the capability (or lack thereof) of the models to predict the effects of the principle flow and geometric variables

    Diagonal Based Feature Extraction for Handwritten Alphabets Recognition System using Neural Network

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    An off-line handwritten alphabetical character recognition system using multilayer feed forward neural network is described in the paper. A new method, called, diagonal based feature extraction is introduced for extracting the features of the handwritten alphabets. Fifty data sets, each containing 26 alphabets written by various people, are used for training the neural network and 570 different handwritten alphabetical characters are used for testing. The proposed recognition system performs quite well yielding higher levels of recognition accuracy compared to the systems employing the conventional horizontal and vertical methods of feature extraction. This system will be suitable for converting handwritten documents into structural text form and recognizing handwritten names

    Evaluation parameters for the alkaline fuel cell oxygen electrode

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    Studies were made of Pt- and Au-catalyzed porous electrodes, designed for the cathode of the alkaline H2/O2 fuel cell, employing cyclic voltammetry and the floating half-cell method. The purpose was to obtain parameters from the cyclic voltammograms which could predict performance in the fuel cell. It was found that a satisfactory relationship between these two types of measurement could not be established; however, useful observations were made of relative performance of several types of carbon used as supports for noble metal catalysts and of some Au catalysts. The best half-cell performance with H2/O2 in a 35 percent KOH electrolyte at 80 C was given by unsupported fine particle Au on Teflon; this electrode is used in the Orbiter fuel cell

    Signaling Firm Performance Through Financial Statement Presentation: An Analysis Using Special Items

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    This paper investigates whether presentation of special items within the financial statements reflects the firm's underlying economic performance or opportunism. We examine the presentation of recognized special items either as a separate line item on the income statement or aggregated within another line item with disclosure only in the footnotes. Our study is motivated by standard-setting interest in performance reporting and financial statement presentation, as well as prior research investigating managers' presentation choices in other contexts. Using different constructs of persistence to capture the economics of reported special items, we find evidence consistent across a range of specifications that special items highlighted on the income statement are more transitory than those revealed only in the footnotes. For most special items, these results are consistent with this presentation decision reflecting underlying firm performance. For a subset observations - namely, those likely to reflect "big bath" reporting incentives - we provide limited evidence suggestive of opportunism in this presentation decision.special items, strategic reporting, presentation, voluntary disclosure, pro forma

    Predictions of cardiovascular responses during STS reentry using mathematical models

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    The physiological adaptation to weightless exposure includes cardiovascular deconditioning arising in part from a loss of total circulating blood volume and resulting in a reduction of orthostatic tolerance. The crew of the Shuttle orbiter are less tolerant to acceleration forces in the head-to-foot direction during the reentry phase of the flight at a time they must function at a high level of performance. The factors that contribute to orthostatic intolerance during and following reentry and to predict the likelihood of impaired crew performance are evaluated. A computer simulation approach employing a mathematical model of the cardiovascular system is employed. It is shown that depending on the severity of blood volume loss, the reentry acceleration stress may be detrimental to physiologic function and may place the physiologic status of the crew near the borderline of some type of impairment. They are in agreement with conclusions from early ground-based experiments and from observations of early Shuttle flights

    Simplified curve fits for the transport properties of equilibrium air

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    New, improved curve fits for the transport properties of equilibruim air have been developed. The curve fits are for viscosity and Prandtl number as functions of temperature and density, and viscosity and thermal conductivity as functions of internal energy and density. The curve fits were constructed using grabau-type transition functions to model the tranport properties of Peng and Pindroh. The resulting curve fits are sufficiently accurate and self-contained so that they can be readily incorporated into new or existing computational fluid dynamics codes. The range of validity of the new curve fits are temperatures up to 15,000 K densities from 10 to the -5 to 10 amagats (rho/rho sub o)

    On modeling dilution jet flowfields

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    This paper compares temperature field measurements from selected experiments on a single row, and opposed rows, of jets injected into a ducted crossflow with profiles calculated using an empirical model based on assumed vertical profile similarity and superposition, and distributions calculated with a 3-D elliptic code using a standard K-E turbulence model. The empirical model predictions are very good within the range of the generating experiments, and the numerical model resultings, although exhibiting too little mixing, correctly describe the effects of the principal flow and geometric variables

    Complete Positivity for Mixed Unitary Categories

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    In this article we generalize the \CP^\infty-construction of dagger monoidal categories to mixed unitary categories. Mixed unitary categories provide a setting, which generalizes (compact) dagger monoidal categories and in which one may study quantum processes of arbitrary (infinite) dimensions. We show that the existing results for the \CP^\infty-construction hold in this more general setting. In particular, we generalize the notion of environment structures to mixed unitary categories and show that the \CP^\infty-construction on mixed unitary categories is characterized by this generalized environment structure.Comment: Lots of figure

    Optical fiber taper coupling and high-resolution wavelength tuning of microdisk resonators at cryogenic temperatures

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    A system for studying microcavity resonators at cryogenic temperatures (~10 K) through evanescent coupling via optical fiber taper waveguides is reported, and efficient fiber coupling to AlGaAs microdisk cavities with embedded quantum dots is demonstrated. As an immediate application of this tool, we study high-resolution tuning of microdisk cavities through nitrogen gas adsorption, as first discussed by Mosor, et al. By proper regulation of the nitrogen gas flow and delivery of the gas to the sample surface, continuous tuning can be achieved with modest gas flows, and overall wavelength shifts as large as 4 nm are achieved.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure