147 research outputs found


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    Case report of a successful term pregnancy following renal transplantation

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    Pregnancy with renal disease is associated with high risk for both mother and fetus with adverse outcomes. Criteria for considering pregnancy in renal transplanted patients include good post-transplant health for 2 years, stable allograft function with a serum creatinine <1.5 mg/dl, absence of rejection, control of blood pressure, absence of proteinuria. Authors report a case of 26-year-old, primigravida had renal transplantation done in NRI Medical College and treated with immunosuppressive therapy with tablets Tacrolimus 1mg twice daily, Azathioprine 50mg twice daily, Prednisolone 10mg once daily and continued till delivery. Developed gestational hypertension treated with tablet Amlodipine 5mg once daily. Elective caesarean section done for contracted pelvis. Post-natal period was uneventful and discharged on immunosuppressive therapy and contraceptive advice. Post-renal transplantation pregnancy should have multidisciplinary approach for. With close medical and obstetric follow up, successful outcome for both mother and infant is possible

    Chemical Constituents during the Main and Off-Season in Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Cv. Royal Special

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    Evaluation and quantification of fruit quality parameters like carbohydrates, phenolics, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, titrable acidity, Total Soluble Solids (TSS), carotenoids and lycopene content was done in fruits of mango cv. Royal Special, at ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru, India, during the off-season (October, 2012) and main-season (June, 2013), respectively. 'Royal Special' is a typical off-season bearing cultivar, often characterized by multiple flushing and flowering under South Indian conditions. Major phytonutrients such as total sugars, reducing sugars, starch, total carotenoids, lycopene, total phenols, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, TSS, titrable acidity and average fruit yield per plant, were recorded during the off- and main- seasons. Results indicated that fruits from off-season were higher in the major chemical constituents studied compared to the main-season crop, except for fruit yield per plant. This may be attributed to poor competition for nutrients among the developing fruits which act as a sink, besides fluctuating environmental conditions during the off-season, compared to the main-season


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    Background: The upper respiratory infections cause considerable morbidity mainly in children due to the fact that they mainly affect children. Accordingly, a study was conducted on antibiotics to compare the effectiveness of clarithromycin, cefuroxime, and levofloxacin for treating upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in children. Methods: A prospective observational study for a period of 6 months was conducted in the pediatrics department of RVM hospital. Outpatients under the age of 14 years given antibiotics for the treatment of URTI were included in the study. A total of 99 study subjects were included in the study, divided into three groups each containing 33 sample sizes (clarithromycin, cefuroxime, and levofloxacin). Patient data was collected using a form and verbal consent was obtained from patients/patient representatives, and drugs were given using the lottery method. Follow-up was done and noted for the 3rd, 5th, 7th day through telephonic calls, and the collected data were evaluated using statistical analysis. Results: Pool data from 99 patients shows that many patients belong to 0–5 years age groups (age distribution), and males were more than female (gender distribution). Clarithromycin (cure rate 3 days) and cefuroxime (cure rate 5 days) showed an equal rate of cure percentage (94%), while levofloxacin for 3–5 days with a 3% failure rate. A significant difference of p&lt;0.05 (p=0.000) was observed and no adverse events were noted. Conclusion: The study findings showed, out of 3 drugs, clarithromycin and cefuroxime showed an equal efficacy rate of 94%, but clarithromycin showed shorter duration of outcome, i.e., 3 days. Hence, clarithromycin is effective than the other two drugs in the treatment of URTI

    Quantifying the effects of hydration on corneal stiffness with optical coherence elastography

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    Several methods have been proposed to assess changes in corneal biomechanical properties due to various factors, such as degenerative diseases, intraocular pressure, and therapeutic interventions (e.g. corneal collagen crosslinking). However, the effect of the corneal tissue hydration state on corneal stiffness is not well understood. In this work, we induce low amplitude (< 10 μm) elastic waves with a focused micro air-pulse in fresh in situ rabbit corneas (n = 10) in the whole eye-globe configuration at an artificially controlled intraocular pressure. The waves were then detected with a phase-stabilized swept source optical coherence elastography system. Baseline measurements were taken every 20 minutes for an hour while the corneas were hydrated with 1X PBS. After the measurement at 60 minutes, a 20% dextran solution was topically instilled to dehydrate the corneas. The measurements were repeated every 20 minutes again for an hour. The results showed that the elastic wave velocity decreased as the corneal thickness decreased. Finite element modeling (FEM) was performed using the corneal geometry and elastic wave propagation speed to assess the stiffness of the samples. The results show that the stiffness increased from ~430 kPa during hydration with PBS to ~500 kPa after dehydration with dextran, demonstrating that corneal hydration state, apart from geometry and intraocular pressure, can change the stiffness of the cornea

    Kloniranje, ekspresija i karakterizacija paraflagelarnog gena Rod 2 bičaša Trypanosoma evansi

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    Paraflagellar rod is the major structural component of the trypanosomatid flagellum and is identified as a complex lattice of filaments which runs parallel to the axoneme throughout most of the flagellar length. The present study was carried out to investigate the existence of the paraflagellar rod (PFR 2) gene in Trypanosoma evansi infecting Indian cattle. Local isolates of T. evansi collected from naturally infected cow were multiplied in Wistar rats. Complementary DNA (cDNA) was synthesized from the RNA of host cell free T. evansi parasites by reverse transcription. The gel purified PCR product (PFR 2 gene of T. evansi) was cloned into the pTZ57R/T vector system. The nucleotide sequence of the PFR 2 gene of the T. evansi S.V.V.U. isolate (Accession No. KT277497) obtained in the present study revealed 100% homology with T. evansi China isolate and 99% homology with T. evansi Izatnagar and Bikaner isolates. The recombinant protein was sub-cloned into pET 32a and expressed in the BL21 (DE3) pLysS expression system. The PFR 2 gene of T. evansi S.V.V.U. isolate was further characterized by determination of its protein profile with SDS-PAGE and western blotting. Indirect ELISA was optimized for detection of the specific antibody titre against the recombinant protein of the PFR 2 gene of T. evansi. In the kinetoplastid species the PFR 2 gene is highly conserved. Therefore the PFR 2 gene was suggested as a vaccine candidate, as well as a diagnostic antigen.Paraflagelarni štapić glavna je strukturna komponenta tripanosomskog biča i dio je kompleksa filamenaza koji teku paralelno s aksonemom duž biča. Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se ispitalo postojanje paraflagelarnog gena Rod 2 (PFR2) u bičaša Trypanosoma evansi koji invadira goveda u Indiji. Lokalni izolat T. evansi prikupljen od prirodno invadiranih krava umnožen je u Wistar štakora. Komplementarna DNA (cDNA) sintetizirana je iz RNA obrnutom transkripcijom iz stanica neinvadiranih nositelja T. evansi parazita. Pročišćeni PCR produkt (gen PFR2 bičaša T. evansi) kloniran je u vektorski sustav pTZ57R/T. Nukleotidna sekvencija gena PFR2 bičaša T. evansi, izolat S.V.V.U. (pristupni broj KT277497) dobivena u ovom istraživanju pokazala je 100 %-tnu sličnost s izolatom T. evansi China i 99 %-tnu s izolatom T. evansi Izatnagar i Bikaner. Rekombinantni protein ponovno je kloniran u sustavu pET 32a i prikazan u sustavu BL21 (DE3) pLysS. Gen PFR2 bičaša T. evansi, izolat S.V.V.U. dalje je karakteriziran određivanjem proteinskog profila metodama SDS-PAGE i Western blotting. Indirektni test ELISA optimiziran je za dokaz titra specifičnih protutijela za rekombinantni protein gena PFR2 bičaša T. evansi. U kinetoplastida gen PFR2 izrazito je očuvan. Stoga bi se gen PFR2 mogao upotrijebiti za cjepivo te kao dijagnostički antigen

    Noncontact elastic wave imaging optical coherence elastography for evaluating changes in corneal elasticity due to crosslinking

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    The mechanical properties of tissues can provide valuable information about tissue integrity and health and can assist in detecting and monitoring the progression of diseases such as keratoconus. Optical coherence elastography (OCE) is a rapidly emerging technique, which can assess localized mechanical contrast in tissues with micrometer spatial resolution. In this work we present a noncontact method of optical coherence elastography to evaluate the changes in the mechanical properties of the cornea after UV-induced collagen cross-linking. A focused air-pulse induced a low amplitude (μm scale) elastic wave, which then propagated radially and was imaged in three dimensions by a phase-stabilized swept source optical coherence tomography (PhSSSOCT) system. The elastic wave velocity was translated to Young’s modulus in agar phantoms of various concentrations. Additionally, the speed of the elastic wave significantly changed in porcine cornea before and after UV-induced corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL). Moreover, different layers of the cornea, such as the anterior stroma, posterior stroma, and inner region, could be discerned from the phase velocities of the elastic wave. Therefore, because of noncontact excitation and imaging, this method may be useful for in vivo detection of ocular diseases such as keratoconus and evaluation of therapeutic interventions such as CXL

    Implication of radiation on the thermal behavior of a partially wetted dovetail fin using an artificial neural network

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    The simultaneous convection-radiation heat transfer of a partially wetted dovetail extended surface is investigated in this study. Also, the temperature variance behavior of the dovetail extended surface (DES) is estimated through thermal models for partially wet and dry conditions using the neural network with the Levenberg-Marquardt scheme (NNLMS). The corresponding governing energy equations of a dovetail fin are presented as a set of ordinary differential equations (ODE), which are reduced to a non-dimensional form using dimensionless terms. Further, the resulting coupled conductive, convective, and radiative dimensionless ODEs are numerically solved utilizing the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg fourth-fifth order (RKF-45) scheme. Using graphical illustrations, the resultant solutions are physically determined by considering the effects of various nondimensional variables on thermal behavior. From the outcomes, it is established that the thermal conductivity parameter enhances the thermal distribution in a partially wetted dovetail fin, and an upsurge in convection-conduction variable, temperature ratio parameter, radiation-conduction, and wet parameter diminishes the temperature profile of the considered extended surface. The modelled problem's NNLMS efficacy is demonstrated by achieving the best convergence and unique numerically assessed quantified results. The outcomes indicate that the strategy successfully resolves the partially wetted fin problem. © 2023 The Author(s)The researchers wish to extend their sincere gratitude to the Deanship of Scientific Research at the Islamic University of Madinah for the support provided to the Post-Publishing Program 2

    Diagnostic markers of acute encephalitis syndrome and COVID-associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children from Southern India.

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    Acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) in children poses a significant public health challenge in India. This study aims to explore the utility of host inflammatory mediators and neurofilament (NfL) levels in distinguishing etiologies, assessing disease severity, and predicting outcomes in AES. We assessed 12 mediators in serum (n = 58) and 11 in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (n = 42) from 62 children with AES due to scrub typhus, viral etiologies, and COVID-associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) in Southern India. Additionally, NfL levels in serum (n = 20) and CSF (n = 18) were examined. Clinical data, including Glasgow coma scale (GCS) and Liverpool outcome scores, were recorded. Examining serum and CSF markers in the three AES etiology groups revealed notable distinctions, with scrub typhus differing significantly from viral and MIS-C causes. Viral causes had elevated serum CCL11 and CCL2 compared with scrub typhus, while MIS-C cases showed higher HGF levels than scrub typhus. However, CSF analysis showed a distinct pattern with the scrub typhus group exhibiting elevated levels of IL-1RA, IL-1β, and TNF compared with MIS-C, and lower CCL2 levels compared with the viral group. Modeling the characteristic features, we identified that age ≥3 years with serum CCL11 < 180 pg/mL effectively distinguished scrub typhus from other AES causes. Elevated serum CCL11, HGF, and IL-6:IL-10 ratio were associated with poor outcomes (p = 0.038, 0.005, 0.02). Positive CSF and serum NfL correlation, and negative GCS and serum NfL correlation were observed. Median NfL levels were higher in children with abnormal admission GCS and poor outcomes. Measuring immune mediators and brain injury markers in AES provides valuable diagnostic insights, with the potential to facilitate rapid diagnosis and prognosis. The correlation between CSF and serum NfL, along with distinctive serum cytokine profiles across various etiologies, indicates the adequacy of blood samples alone for assessment and monitoring. The association of elevated levels of CCL11, HGF, and an increased IL-6:IL-10 ratio with adverse outcomes suggests promising avenues for therapeutic exploration, warranting further investigation