8 research outputs found

    Recommendation System of Component Selection for Aquascape With SMART Method

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    AbstractThe increasing enthusiasm of aquascape hobbyists is one of the factors in the development of the beauty industry of artificial underwater ecosystems in the aquarium. The aesthetic value offered by aquascape is one of the allures for its connoisseurs. The art of organizing ecosystems in water is a simple definition of an aquascape. The complexity of the arrangement can then be described through the presence of various themes. The selection of tools, flora and fauna, and other ornaments to form a unified ecosystem are things that are of concern so that an ecosystem in artificial water has good aesthetic value and can be categorized in a certain theme. By using a decision support system (DSS) or decision-making system, the results can provide better decisions and minimize the possibility of errors. One method of decision making in the scope of decision support system (DSS) or decision making system is Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART), where this method can determine product recommendations based on several product variants offered as a form of marketing analysis. This method is able to provide recommendations for more than one decision and provide results with the best accuracy. System testing was conducted to 50 users and it was found that the recommendation system based on the questionnaire application was able to provide a good percentage of conformity between the user's wishes and the recommendations given. That is, 51% of correspondents rated it very appropriate, 27.5% of correspondents rated accordingly, 19.5% of correspondents rated neutral, and only 2% of correspondents rated it inappropriateKeywords: Aquascape, Decision Support System, SMART, Recommendatio

    Implementation of Expert System for Detection Periodontitis Disease Using Fuzzy Logic

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    The wellbeing area is one region that requires innovation in technology. Wellbeing is for sure a costly thing for people. In this manner it takes individual affectability to care for it. One of the solid organs that people frequently disregard is teeth and mouth. Periodontitis is a dental and oral illness that is frequently grumbled of by numerous individuals. In any case, as of recently, periodontitis has not been a critical worry of Indonesian individuals. It is important to give data and comprehension about periodontitis side effects to dynamic smokers by making an expert system. A system is expected to distinguish the underlying indications and straightforwardly beat these side effects. The expert system is a part of Computer Science that fills in as a spot to move information from specialists so computers can have the aptitude to tackle issues utilizing these specialists' information. The technique utilized in this examination is the Fuzzy Logic strategy. This present investigation's eventual outcomes are analytic outcomes from the fluffy rationale technique, where the exactness of the Fuzzy Logic strategy is 93.33%


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    Traveling salesman problem is the problem how salesman can set tour to visit a number of cities which known distance of the city with other cities so that the distance is the minimum distance where the salesman can only visit the city exactly once. To resolve TSP problem, there are many optimization methods that can be used one of them which is a genetic algorithm. Genetic algorithm is an algorithm which have same search method as a mechanism of biological evolution. Crossover is a genetic operator which the process of exchanging some genes on chromosome first parent with the majority of genes in the two parent chromosomes to form a new chromosome .One of the crossover method used in solving traveling salesman problem is partially mapped crossover ( PMX ),where the process mapping of PMX are determines the variation exchange of genes on chromosomes that affect the achievement of best fitness on 2 chromosome. In this study the first variation (PMX variation I) is designed using random point position while in the second variation (PMX variation II) is designed by using the change in the mapping area. Testing in this study using data from the Travelling Salesman Problem Library (TSPLIB). The result obtained that PMX which designed by using randomly cut position have best fittness better than PMX is designed by changing the position of the mapping area and if it compared with the general form of PMX with the same position cut point


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    Audio merupakan salah satu cara untuk menyampaikan informasi. Bertukar informasi audio dapat dilakukan dengan mudah pada saat ini. Namun hal ini menyebabkan informasi audio yang bersifat pribadi ataupun rahasia menjadi tidak aman. Maka dari itu diciptakanlah sebuah sistem pada desktop yang mampu mengamankan file audio dengan menggunakan algoritma One-Time Pad dan algoritma ElGamal. Algoritma One-Time Pad merupakan algoritma yang sangat aman dalam mengamankan data audio namun memiliki kerentanan didalam kebocoran informasi kunci maka dibutuhkan algoritma ElGamal yang dapat mencegah kebocoran informasi kunci. Berdasarkan pengujian didapatkan hasil bahwa cepat lambatnya waktu proses enkripsi dan proses dekripsi, dipengaruhi oleh ukuran data file audio .Semakin besar data file audio tersebut maka semakin lambat waktu proses yang dilakukan. Hasil dari sistem ini berupa file audio yang terenkripsi, file kunci OTP terenkripsi yang dapat mengamankan data

    Pemanfaatan Website Sebagai Sarana Informasi dan Promosi Desa Liang Muda

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    Teknologi informasi merupakan suatu proses mengolah data dengan cara yang bervariasi atau memperoleh informasi dengan kualitas yang baik. Informasi yang memiliki relevansi dan bernilai strategis serta akurat dibutuhkan dan digunakan di berbagai jenis keperluan baik untuk kebutuhan pribadi dan keperluan usaha atau bisnis serta di pemerintahan. Salah satu produk dari teknologi informasi adalah sistem informasi berbasis website. Pemanfaatan website menjadi salah satu cara untuk mempromosikan produk dan potensi dari suatu daerah atau desa. Dengan website yang dapat diakses secara daring, informasi yang disebarkan dapat menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat di berbagai belahan dunia terkait dengan produk dan potensi yang ada pada desa. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, desa Liang Muda yang terletak di kecamatan STM Hulu kabupaten Deli Serdang provinsi Sumatera Utara, perlu memanfaatkan penggunaan website sebagai media informasi dan promosi untuk masyarakat di desa Liang Muda dan juga untuk masyarakat di luar dari desa Liang Muda baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan sumber daya manusia di desa Liang Muda dalam pemanfaatan website dan juga memajukan dan meningkatkan perekonomian desa secara berkala