147 research outputs found

    Dual Monetary System and Macroeconomic Performance in Indonesia

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    This research aims to evaluate the impact of dual monetary policyshock on macroeconomic indicators of Indonesia: growth and inflation. Inaddition, this study will also examine whether conventional monetary policy hasa particular impact upon Islamic banking sector. This research apply VAR (vectorauto regressive) method on monthly data from Bank Of Indonesia during theperiod of January 2010 to December 2013. The result of IRF explain that theinterest rate channel find the hard way to accomplished the macroeconomic goalswhile the Islamic monetary instrument indicates the potential growth of outputand hold the inflation low. The result of VDC describes that the Islamic instrumentstill affected by conventional monetary policy because of slow development inIslamic monetary systemDOI: 10.15408/aiq.v8i1.250


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    Islam has many solutions in addressing the issue of limitations in education. That is cash waqf. Cash waqf, is expected to narrow the gap between rich and poor society by means of transfering of wealth (the profits from managing cash waqf) from rich to poor. The purpose of this study is to analyze the cash waqf empowerment model in an effort to improve the quality of education. The method is done by in depth-interview with the boards (Leader and Manager program) of Yatim Mandiri, administrators of YKN (Independence Nusantara Foundation), and the staffs of Insan Cendekia Mandiri Boarding School. Limitation of this paper is to investigate the three institutions of zakat mentioned earlier. The results showed that waqfin the form of movable or immovable objects can be utilized and provide benefits to the society. The role of waqf, especially in improving the quality of education, is still limited to the purchase of land. The land is used for institution building of Insan Cendekia Mandiri Boarding School. There is a model of cashwaqf empowerment in the institution of zakat (Yatim Mandiri) that can be replicated in other institutions of zakat. The structure of this paper are: Section 1 describe the development of cash waqfin Indonesia; Section 2 is literature review about cash waqf; Section 3 explain the research model used in this paper; Section 4 is discussion; and the last Section 5 is the authors conclusion and authors recommendation to improve the empowerment of cash waqf

    Implementation of Maqashid al Sharia as a Model of Economic Development Agriculture in East Java

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    During these benchmarks more conventional economic development leads to materialism among other measurements of HDI as one indicator of economic development. Therefore, it’s very necessary as a measure of economic development of a comprehensive dimension not only the dimensions of the material but also the spiritual dimension. This paper will discuss the application of maqashid al sharia as a model of agriculture development in East Java. The reason for choosing agriculture as livelihood agriculture is still dominant in the Indonesian economy, especially in East Java. The methodology used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method with indept review. Dimensions to be assessed on maqashid al sharia basing on the opinions of Syathibi include hifdzun Dhin, hifdzun an-nafsh, hifdzun al-aql, hifdzun an-nasl, and hifdzun al-maal. Implementation fifth dimension will be studied more in depth at the household informant families Muslim farmers in East Java that emerged from in-depth interviews will form a framework maqashid al-shariah as a model economic development of agriculture

    Empowering SMEs Entrepreneurs by Civil Society Development Concept

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    Berbagai penelitian telah menunjukkan peluang UKM sebagai sektor yang harus di perhatikan tidka hanya karena kemampuannya menyerap tenaga kerja, tetapi juga kemudahan dalam membangun bisnis,dan merupakan salah satu langkah unuk meningkatkan pendapatan atau kesejahteraan. UKM upaya pembangunan membutuhkan modal dan pembiayaan, tapi masih sulit untuk mengakses lembaga keuangan formal, sehingga tidak jarang kebutuhan modal mereka didanai oleh renteneer tersebut. Penilaian UKM, dapat dilakukan dengan konsep ekonomi Islam. Terkait dengan kegagalan pelaksanaan ekonomi konvensional yang sering terjadi dan fakta bahwa hampir 80 persen UKM di Indonesia adalah Muslim atau Muslimah, oleh karena itu waktu untuk pengembangan UKM dalam konsep ekonomi Islam tidak hanya untuk UKM Muslim tetapi juga untuk non-Muslim dalam arti bahwa konsep ini benar-benar rahmatan lil 'alamin, sehingga berlaku untuk semua UKM, baik Muslim dan non-Muslim. Masalah Resourches manusia dapat dijawab oleh ekonomi Islam dengan menerapkan konsep pembangunan masyarakat sipil. Dengan mendasarkan konsep pengembangan pengembangan sumber daya manusia berdasarkan konsep masyarakat sipil untuk pengusaha UKM berikut pembentukan kelompok, akan memperkuat ketahanan UKM

    Accountability Practices Based on Zakat Institutions Website in Indonesia

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    Website-based accountability is the right choice for zakat institutions to increase the positive image of the public. This study aims to reveal how zakat institutions use the website in disclosing public accountability. This research is a qualitative research with a content analysis technique approach to test how big the accountability index is based on the zakat institution website. The research sample consisted of 26 zakat institutions at the national level in Indonesia. Inter-rater analysis techniques are used to test data reliability. The results reveal that the practice of website-based accountability in zakat institutions in Indonesia is still low. This can be seen from the three-dimensional score, namely 43% transparency, 34% accountability, and 27% responsibility and the total score on the average website-based accountability index only gets a score of 299 out of 637 or 43%. The implication of this research is that the use of websites as a means of delivering public accountability can increase public integrity and trust in zakat institutions


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    SMEs (Small and Medium) are a solution to improve the economic sector and recorded in the Ministryof SMEs increasing from 57.84 percent to 60.34 percent by absorbing labor in the country, but the public and companies do not know much about Halal Certification in Bangkalan, Pamekasan, and Pasuruan, Madura Island that the majority of the people of Islam, past cultural and religious beliefs is still maintained so that its people follow traditional traditions, Madurese in all cities, one of them is Pasuruan, Pasuruan city as the main stopover city for Muslim traders from inside the country and abroad. This research aims to find out how to understand SMEs about halal certification which already has the Islamic City Branding, This research aims to know how to understand SMEs about halal certification that has had the slogan Islamic City Branding, This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method, with sampling techniques using snowball sampling. The primary data sources used in this study were documentation and direct interviews with SMEs in culinary fields in Bangkalan, Pamekasan, and Pasuruan Samples criteria in this study are the SMEs culinary fields in the 3 districts consist of 20 people each in each sub-district, while secondary data sources were obtained from books and journals. The results of this study indicate that as many as 39 or 65% of informants perceive that halal certificates are not important and only 21 or 35% of informants who consider halal certificates are important, Many challenges and problems faced in the development of halal lifestyle in Pasuruan and Madura, then the author gave a strategy that must be applied is thorough and answer all the challenges as existing problems, can increase core competencies of SMEs and ultimately increase competitiveness

    Dampak Eksternalitas PT. Eratex Djaja Probolinggo Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak eksternalitas dari industri PT. Eratex Djaja terhadap kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat dalam perspektif Ekonomi Islam. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan strategi penelitian lapangan secara deskriptif analisis. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian, validasi data dengan triangulasi sumber data. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pabrik tekstil ini berdampak eksternalitas positif terhadap perekonomian masyarakat yaitu dengan terserapnya tenaga kerja dan terbukanya peluang usaha sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dan akan berimbas pula pada peningkatan dalam bidang pendidikan, bidang kesehatan, dan agama. Dampak negatif PT. Eratex Djaja terhadap masyarakat yaitu menimbulkan kemacetan akibat arus pergantian shift karyawan yang jumlahnya ribuan. Selain itu terdapat dampak negatif turunan seperti terjadinya penumpukan sampah akibat adanya pasar di belakang pabrik

    Implementasi Nilai Tabligh pada Tenaga Pengajar dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Mojokerto

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    Islam teaches every human being which have been blessed by Allah SWT with various advantages to be thankful for what they have by utilizing his/her ability through dig and developing his/her potential in a good way, so that it can be meaningful for him/herself as well as to other people. The teachers at school, which has been trusted by other parties to constantly, transfers his/her knowledge and conduct their pupil according to the characteristics of Rasulullah SAW so that they’re able to reach success in that school, and of the characteristic is tabligh. The outcome of this research is, teachers have implemented tabligh on the teaching –learning process communicatively, it was proofed by the fulfillment of 5 indicators which are; communication, model, education, wisdom and firmness which caused the escalation of student’s morality until today. The teachers which have implemented tabligh are able to create a pleasant and conducive class with Islamic ethics. The implementation of tabligh is able to create excellent and high quality human resources. The excellent and high quality human resources will be able to build his/her economic condition as well as build the nation’s


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    Ketenagakerjaan merupakan variabel yang krusial dalam pembahasan ekonomi baik dalam tinjauan makro maupun mikro. Pada tataran makro ekonomi, ketenagakerjaan merupakan salah satu indikator yang dilihat bagaimana capaiannya, misalnya berapa kesempatan kerja yang tercipta dalam suatu perekonomian, berapa angka pengangguran, bagaimana penetapan upah pengupahan. Pada tataran mikro tenaga kerja merupakan salah satu faktor produksi yang sangat penting. Kualitas input tenaga kerja yang dilihat dan hard skill dan soft skill sangat berpengaruh pada kuantitas maupun kualitas output suatu produksi. Penggunaan tenaga kerja berorientasi pada penggunaan tenaga kerja yg lebih banyak, penuh keberkahan dan tidak berorientasi pada duniawi atau keuntungan semata. Pada tataran makro kebijakan tenaga kerja diarahkan sampai terpenuhinya seluruh peluang kerja dan apabila terdapat tenaga kerja yang tidak bekerja, hal ini disebabkan mereka tidak bersedia bekerja pada tingkat upah yang berlaku
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