598 research outputs found

    The purview of Parkinsonism in Ayurveda

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    Parkinsonism is a clinical syndrome in which the Parkinson’s disease accounts for 80% of involvement. Parkinson’s disease specifically refers to patients who have Parkinsonism, without any atypical features and who have essentially normal MRI that excludes other causes for their Parkinsonian symptoms.The main difference between the two are the effect of levadopa drug in Parkinson’s disease and not the other. Parkinson’s disease, which is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer disease, occurs in approximately 1 in 1000 in the general population and in 1% of persons older than 65 years. Men are affected slightly more often than women (3:2). The cause of Parkinson’s disease is believed to be a variable combination of poorly understood genetic and environmental factors. Hence treatment is often aimed at prevention of further complications and preserving the condition using general measures, drug therapy and surgery. In Ayurveda, giving importance to prevention of further derangement, Lakshanika Chikitsa is often attributed to the different stages of the disease. Parkinson’s disease is generally understood as Kampavata in Ayurveda. But the development of the disease can be understood under various concepts of Bahukampavata, Snayugatavata, Kaphavruta Vyanavata and Kampavata. As Parkinsonism is widely treated with better efficacy in Ayurveda, hence it is the need of the hour to understand it in all its aspects with its relevant treatment.Hence the main aim of this article is to understand these varied concepts in possible correlation with the Parkinson’s disease


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    Objectives: Dyslipidemia is one of the major risk factor for cardiovascular disease in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, characterized by elevated Total cholesterol (TC), Triglycerides (TG), Low density lipoprotein (LDL) and decreased High density lipoprotein (HDL). Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is widely used as an index of mean glycaemia, a measure of risk for the development of diabetes complications and a measure of the quality of diabetes care. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of glycemic control on lipid profile and to know utility of HbA1c as an indirect indicator of dyslipidemia.Methods: A total of 490 Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients (males 258, females 232) mean age 53.17 years standard deviation (S.D) 10.50 were included in this study.Results: The age of type 2 diabetic patients were not significantly correlated with fasting blood glucose and HbA1c. The level of HbA1c was highly direct significant correlation with fasting blood glucose. The Age of Type 2 Diabetic patients were highly significant and inversely correlated with Total cholesterol, Triglycerides, Low-density Lipoprotein, where it was not significantly correlated with High-density Lipoprotein. The level of HbA1c was highly direct significant correlation with TC, TG, LDL, where it was not correlated with HDL.Conclusion: The findings of this study clearly showed that HbA1c is not only a reliable glycemic index but also as an indirect indicator of dyslipidemia.Keywords: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, HbA1c, Lipid profile, Dyslipidemia

    Efficacy and safety of racecadotril as an adjunct to oral rehydration therapy for acute watery diarrhea in children

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    Background: Racecadotril, an enkephalinase inhibitor with antisecretory action is a safe and effective treatment for acute diarrheafor children and adults. As an adjunct to oral rehydration therapy (ORT) in Indian children, its efficacy and safety data are scarce.Methods: A total of 117 children with acute watery diarrhea for not more than 7 days were randomized into two groups. Group A(control group) received ORT and zinc only while Group B (study group) received a combination of racecadotril (1.5 mg/kg q8 h),zinc and ORT. Primary end point was the number of loose stools during first 48 h of treatment. Time to cure as well as total volumeof oral rehydration solution (ORS) consumed was also measured. Results: Baseline characteristics were not significantly differentbetween the groups. Mean 48 h stool frequency in the study group was 10.47±3.2 episodes and that in control group was 15.87±4.6episodes indicating a significant reduction of 34.1% with racecadotril (p=0.00016). The mean time for recovery in the study groupwas 37.98±6.1 h and 51.02±9.4 h in control group indicating a significant reduction of 25.6% with racecadotril (p=0.002). Themean volume of ORS consumed before recovery in the study group was 162.72 ml as compared to 232.68 ml in control grouppointing to a significant reduction of 30.1% in the study group. Conclusions: Racecadotril is effective as an adjunct to ORT andearly continued feeding in infants and children with acute watery diarrhea

    Study of biochemical and nutritional indicators in severe acute malnutrition: A prospective observational study

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    Background: Malnutrition in children is widely prevalent in developing countries including India. More than 33% of thedeaths in 0-5 years are associated with malnutrition. Children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) are in danger of death fromhypoglycemia, hypothermia, fluid overload, electrolyte mismanagement, and undetected infections. Hence, biochemical andnutritional indicators in these children are important for management. Objectives: To study the biochemical and nutritional indicatorsin children with SAM. Methods: This hospital based prospective study was conducted on children aged 6-59 months admitted atNutrition Rehabilitation Center attached to a tertiary care teaching institution. 100 consecutive SAM children admitted during2013-2015 were studied. Children were tested for biochemical and nutritional status like complete blood picture with peripheralsmear, liver function tests, renal function tests, serum electrolytes, calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase. Results: A totalof 100 cases were included, of these 57 were male and female were 43. Mean age of presentation was 18.45±2.37 months. A lack ofexclusive breastfeeding was seen in 67% of these children and in 78% children complimentary feeds were initiated either early orlater than 6 months. Hypoglycemia was seen in 15% cases, hypokalemia in 22%, and hypocalcemia in 35% of cases. Hyponatremiawas seen in 14% and hypernatremia in 19% of the children. The most common type of anemia was microcytic hypochromictype (55%). Conclusion: The observations in this study confirm a significant association between SAM and faulty feeding andearly introduction of complementary feeds. It was observed that these children have significant alterations in nutritional indicatorsat admission


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    Within the recent occasions, various techniques were suggested to aid insertion and deletion procedures on assortment of documents. They are important works because it is very entirely possible that data proprietors require upgrading their info on cloud server. However couple of active schemes manage efficient techniques of multi-keyword rated search. We introduce a method of tree-based search over encoded cloud information that supports multi-keyword rated search in addition to dynamic operation on assortment of documents. Forecasted search system attains sub-straight line search some time and manages deletion in addition to insertion of documents. While nearly all works regarding searchable file encryption, our bodies views challenge from cloud server


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    Data talking about is a vital functionality in cloud storage. Within the following sentences, we show the simplest approach to securely, efficiently, and flexibly share information with others in cloud storage. We describe new public-key cryptosystems which produce constant-size cipher texts to make certain that efficient delegation of understanding legal rights for virtually a number of cipher texts could be accomplished. The novelty is that you may aggregate a number of secret keys making them as compact like a single key, but encompassing pressure of all the keys being aggregated. Basically, the important thing factor holder can to create constant-size aggregate key for flexible choices of cipher text occur cloud storage, nevertheless another encoded files outdoors the set remain private. This compact aggregate key could be moved to other people or perhaps be kept in the wise card with limited secure storage. We provide formal security analysis within our schemes inside the standard model. We describe other use of our schemes. Particularly, our schemes provide you with the first public-key patient-controlled file encryption for flexible hierarchy, which was unfamiliar. Most likely probably the most well-loved flexibility of talking about numerous selected documents with numerous clients demands different file encryption keys to be used for many documents. However, this signifies involve securely disbursing to clients lots of keys for file encryption and check, and people clients will have to securely keep received keys, and submit a likewise many keyword trapdoors for your cloud to manage to perform search inside the shared data. The implied reliance on secure communication, storage, and complexity clearly renders the approach improper

    Prediction of storability of organically produced paddy seeds through natural and accelerated ageing techniques

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    The present study was conducted to know the storage potential of organically produced paddy seeds in the Department of Seed Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur. The seed lot were divided into two parts, one part was stored in cloth bag for a period of 12 months under ambient conditions. At thesame time another set of seeds were subjected to accelerated ageing at 42 + 10C temperature and 90 per cent relative humidity (RH) for a period of 0-12 days. Among the ageing methods, artificially aged seeds showed drastic decreases in seed quality as compared to natural ageing. Among the treatments T9 (37.5 % FYM + 37.5 % vermicompost + 25 % neem cake + foliar spray of panchagavya on 30, 60, 90 and 120 DAT) recorded significantly highest seed quality parameters viz., seed germination (97.81 %), seedling length (29.42 cm) and SVI (2878) at initial stage in both the method of aging and at the end of storage period; seed germination (71.23 and 87.33 %), seedling length (19.66 and 27.00 cm) and SVI (1400 and 2358) in accelerated ageing (AA) and natural ageing (NA) respectively, whereas, lowest in control (Inorganic treatment). The seed quality parameters of four days of AA were similar to that of six months of NA. Hence, storability of organically produced paddy seeds were better as compared to inorganic seeds and it can be predicted that four days of AA is equal to six months of NA. The information generated will be useful in retention or disposal of a particular variety or seed lot

    Comparative study of Pap smear abnormalities in HIV infected and HIV non-infected women

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    Background: HIV positive women are more likely than HIV negative women to have cervical dysplasia. Incidence of HPV-related dysplasia increases as immune function declines. To analyse the prevalence of cervical dysplasia on papsmear among women affected with HIV and to compare with that of HIV negative women.Methods: The study period was of 6 months duration from December 2010 to May 2011. Cervical cytology specimen from HIV positive and HIV negative women who attended the OPD of Institute of Maternal and Child Health, Government Medical College, Kozhikode. Were collected after excluding known case of carcinoma cervix, post hysterectomy patients, patients with bleeding per vagina and also those with active genital tract infections.Results: A prospective study of 200 females (100 HIV positive and 100 HIV negative) was done in our hospital. Age range was between 36 and 50 years. PAP smear abnormality was obtained in 35% of the study group. Out of which 21% was seen in HIV positive patients and 14% in HIV negative patients. Prevalence of LSIL (low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion) was significantly higher among HIV positive patients. Abnormality was not associated with CD4 count, HIV status of husband or addictions of husband, not associated with number of partners of husband both in HIV positive and negative patients.Conclusions: PAP smear abnormality (overall), prevalence of LSIL was significantly higher among HIV positive patients. It was not associated with SES, age of first intercourse, number of partners of wife and other immunosuppressive status

    Multisite Microprobes for Electrochemical Recordings in Biological Dynamics

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    For over 30 years, techniques have been developed that allow for the microscale (10-30 /mum) measurement of chemical signals with high temporal resolution (1-200 Hz). Such measurements, called in vivo electrochemical recordings, allow for the direct determination of neurotransmitter molecules and related compounds in biological systems. Multiple recordings, simultaneously performed at different, closely spaced, well defined locations throughout a three-dimensional tissue volume in the brain, are of interest in neuroscience. Developments in microelectronic techniques enable the fabrication of multi-electrode microprobes for recording extracellular action potentials generated by individual neurons simultaneously. A high-yield microfabrication process has been successfully developed for the fabrication of a novel semiconductor based, four-site silicon microprobe that involves a three-mask process and standard UV photolithography. A plasma process has been developed for dry etching of the gold electrodes and conducting lines. The electrochemical behavior of the microprobe is investigated by a high-speed computer-based in vitro electrochemical recording system. The electrochemical signals are measured at 5 Hz and varying gain. It is found that a selectivity of over 500:1 is achieved, and the signal to noise ratio of the recorded signal is particularly suitable for in vivo recordings

    Multisite Microprobes for Electrochemical Recordings in Biological Dynamics

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    For over 30 years, techniques have been developed that allow for the microscale (10-30 /mum) measurement of chemical signals with high temporal resolution (1-200 Hz). Such measurements, called in vivo electrochemical recordings, allow for the direct determination of neurotransmitter molecules and related compounds in biological systems. Multiple recordings, simultaneously performed at different, closely spaced, well defined locations throughout a three-dimensional tissue volume in the brain, are of interest in neuroscience. Developments in microelectronic techniques enable the fabrication of multi-electrode microprobes for recording extracellular action potentials generated by individual neurons simultaneously. A high-yield microfabrication process has been successfully developed for the fabrication of a novel semiconductor based, four-site silicon microprobe that involves a three-mask process and standard UV photolithography. A plasma process has been developed for dry etching of the gold electrodes and conducting lines. The electrochemical behavior of the microprobe is investigated by a high-speed computer-based in vitro electrochemical recording system. The electrochemical signals are measured at 5 Hz and varying gain. It is found that a selectivity of over 500:1 is achieved, and the signal to noise ratio of the recorded signal is particularly suitable for in vivo recordings
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