213 research outputs found

    Economic Empowerment of Women through Information Technology: A Case Study from an Indian State

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    It is universally accepted that Information Communication Technologies (ICT) offer immense opportunities for the comprehensive social and economic development of the people all over the world. Without its adoption, there is little chance for countries or regions to develop. However, the potential of ICT as a technology for promoting micro-enterprises by poor women is still unused in many countries. This article discusses the success story of a government project for poverty eradication using ICT. The case study on ‘ICT micro-enterprises by self-help group of poor women’ describes the story of a self-help group, which uses potential of ICT for poverty eradication through economic empowerment of poor women. It illustrates how ICT can effectively be used as a technology for micro-enterprises, which are promoted by poor women under self-employment scheme. The article also deals with SWOT analysis that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for ICT based micro-enterprises. The article proves that if a country has the necessary enabling environment permitting the establishment of ICT micro-enterprises, poor women can promote such business for their economic empowerment

    Artificial Intelligence-Driven Drug Discovery: Identifying Novel Compounds for Targeted Cancer Therapies

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    This study delves into the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in revolutionizing drug discovery, specifically focusing on the identification of new compounds for targeted cancer therapies. Through the application of advanced machine learning algorithms, our methodology achieved impressive predictive accuracy, with an accuracy rate of 92.5%, an AUC-ROC of 0.94, and an AUC-PR of 0.91. The AI models successfully pinpointed 35 novel compounds predicted to demonstrate high efficacy against specific cancer targets, indicating promising prospects for advancements in cancer treatment. Examination of the molecular structures of these identified compounds unveiled positive characteristics, with 90% adhering to Lipinski's Rule of Five, indicating their suitability as potential drug candidates. Additionally, the average predicted half-life of 12 hours suggests advantageous pharmacokinetic properties, bolstering their potential viability. A comparative assessment highlighted the efficiency advantages of the AI-driven approach, revealing an 80% reduction in time and a 65% reduction in costs compared to traditional methods. Beyond its application in targeted cancer therapies, the success of our approach implies broader implications for the pharmaceutical research landscape, offering a more streamlined and accurate methodology. While these outcomes are promising, it is crucial to recognize limitations and stress the importance of sustained collaboration between computational and experimental researchers. Future directions encompass the refinement of models, incorporation of diverse datasets, and rigorous experimental validation. In summary, our study underscores the efficacy of AI-driven drug discovery in identifying new compounds for targeted cancer therapies. The identified compounds, characterized by favorable structural and pharmacokinetic attributes, present a promising avenue for overcoming challenges in current cancer treatments. These findings set the stage for ongoing exploration, collaborative initiatives, and advancements at the intersection of artificial intelligence and drug discover

    Taxonomic studies on leafhopper fauna associated with rice ecosystems in Tripura

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    ABSTRACT A study was taken up during 2009 -10 to collect and identify the leaf hoppers associated with rice ecosystem of Tripura region and thereby prepare key for identification. Collection revealed that nineteen leafhoppers are associated with rice crop ecosystem in different zones of Tripura state in India, which were identified subsequently. A key for distinguishing these leafhoppers along with illustrations has been provided

    Empowerment of women for equitable participation in watershed management for improved livelihoods and sustainable development: an analytical study

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    Watershed programs are recognized as potential engines for agricultural growth and sustainable development in rain-fed areas. Success and sustainability of watershed programs are directly related to collective action for conserving natural resources to enhance crop productivity, livelihoods for sustainable income development and gender equity. Women are key players as managers and direct actors in managing natural resources in the watershed and addressing the household food security. However, often they have passive role in decision-making process because of their low educational levels, social customs, and economic dependence.........

    Potential yield losses caused by the adults of Schizonycha ruficollis on pomegranate (Punica granatum) flowers

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    Pomegranate is an important fruit crop that is capturing international attention for its rich antioxidants and nutraceutical value. The demand for the fruit is rapidly increasing in major national and international markets. Therefore, any serious pest is of great importance and here we report the severe incidence of adult beetles of Schizonycha ruficollis that resulted in potential yield loss due to its feeding on pomegranate flowers in Devanahalli, Karnataka. Usually June/July adult beetle emerge and feed on hosts like neem and Melia rubra which the farmers plant them as wind breaks along the borders. These attract the beetles into pomegranate field and the pomegranate flowers are then infested by the adult beetles. The pomegranate on an average possess 223 female flowers per tree, which when damaged fails to set fruits causing economic loss. A documentation study during 2023 was taken up to evaluate the crop loss caused by S. ruficollis in pomegranate resulted in potential seven percent yield loss accounting to ₹ 53215/acre at the farm gate price. This loss can be avoided by initiating a management practice at the first site of the beetles especially after the first monsoon rain. This study also helped us to alert pomegranate exporters and extension officials about the need of preventive measures to avoid the yield loss

    6-Formyl-2-meth­oxy-3-nitro­phenyl 4-toluene­sulfonate

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    In the title compound, C15H13NO7S, the inter­planar angle between the two aromatic rings is 26.04 (3)°. The crystal structure is stabilized by C—H⋯O interactions

    Combating Drought through Integrated Watershed Management for Sustainable Dryland Agriculture

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    In a country like India, where 69% of arable land is rainfed, drought is a constant threat in one or another part of country. Drought is a recurring phenomenon and we need to manage drought effectively using the new knowledge and technology rather than dealing with as a disaster. Historical weather data helps in understanding the patterns of drought occurrence as well as establishing the length of the growing season and fItting the suitable cropping systems accordingly. The nexus between drought, land degradation and poverty could be broken by adopting integrated watershed development approach. The ICRISAT and partners developed an innovative farmer participatory consortium model for efficient and sustainable management of natural resources in the watersheds. The approach adopted is integrated genetic and natural resource management (lGNRM) and watersheds are used as entry points for improving the livelihoods. The results of a case study and scaling-up activities under the Andhra Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Program are discussed

    Improved Livelihoods and Water Productivity through Integrated Watershed Management – A Case Study from China

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    ICRISAT in partnership with Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GAAS), and Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (YAAS) implemented two benchmark watersheds namely Lucheba Watershed at Guizhou and Xiaoxincun watershed in Yunnan provinces for the ADBICRISAT project on “Improving Management of Natural Resources with Sustainable Rainfed Agriculture” during 2003-2006. Both the watersheds in China had vast untapped potential for enhancing agricultural productivity, however due to low adoption of improved management practices and lack of knowledge to the farmers, the yields till 2002 were low and natural resources like soil and water were prone to severe degradation. Through participatory management, the consortium embarked on implementing integrated watershed management program (IWMP) through improved rainwater management and harvesting, improved soil, crop and pest management options as well as income-generating microenterprises for the community members. The Lucheba benchmark watershed with 1284 mm amount of rainfall annually undertook two drinking water schemes for the villagers as an entry point activity by bringing spring water from hills by pipe to the village. Construction of 151 rainwater harvesting structures cum irrigation water storage tanks, plantation of 133,600 trees on 100 ha wasteland, construction of approach road and crop diversification with high-value vegetable crops in the watershed were undertaken by the community through IWMP. As a result, the family income in Lucheba watershed increased to US2582in2007againstthebaselineofUS 2582 in 2007 against the baseline of US 973 per annum in 2002. In both the watersheds, empowerment of women was evident with improved livelihoods and incomes which they could spend. The IWMP interventions resulted in enhancing rainwater use efficiency along with the net incomes in Xiaoxincun watershed also. The vegetable growers association and the farmers groups in both the watersheds effectively implemented the watershed activities and successfully protected the natural resources by reducing the erosion using the biogas production from the pig excreta, avoiding cutting the trees for cooking, controlling soil erosion, enhancing water use efficiency and diversifying the crops and livelihood options

    Harnessing the Potential of Jatropha and Pongamia Plantations for Improving Livelihoods and Rehabilitating Degraded Lands

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    Current increase in demand of knowledge for alternative sources to fossil fuel has triggered lot of interest in use of non-edible oils as green knowledge source in de;eloped and developing countries. ICRISAT is adopting pro-poor bio-fuel strategy to benefit vulnerable sections of the society through development of degraded common property resources and individual lands which are not suitable for food production by adopting consortium approach. Research and development options for harnessing the potential of Jatropha and Pongamia are undertaken to increase productivity of Jatropha and Pongamia plantations. Large vmiability in the accessions of Jatropha and Pongamia was observed for total oil content varying from 27.4% to 40.6% in case of Jatropha and from 21 to 41 % in case of Pongamia. These accessions are evaluated for different agronomic characters along with yield potential under rain-fed conditions at ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Application of nitrogen and phosphorus at different levels .indicated that during the 4'h year harvest index (pod to seed ratio) varied from 53-56% with different fertilizer treatment. The plant yield of Jatropha within an accession with 3x2 spacing varied upto 1.4 to 1.6 kg ha per plant (2.3 to 2.7 t ho" under rainfed conditions).Water use efficiency of three years old Jatropha plantations indicated that evapo-transpiration demand under no moisture stress for Jatropha varied from 1150-1350 mm per yem. Under the semi-arid tropical conditions Jatropha is able to use water relatively 40-57% of nonstress situation. Intercropping with Jatropha and Pongamia plantations is feasible and even during 4'h year in pruned Jatropha plantations with yield of different crops varying from 0.29 t ho" in case of green gram to 1.5 t ha" for sorghum. Intercrops like sorghum, pearimillet, pigeon pea, soybean, mung bean, chickpea, sunflower, safflower with Jatropha and pearl millet and pigeon pea with Pongamia could be successfully grown. An additional income of Rs.5,000 to Rs.16,OOO per ha can be obtained on low-quality (but reasonably able to support crop growth) soil.Nutrient budgeting approach can -be used successfully to work aut nutrients requirement needed to achieve targeted yields in crop like Jatropha_ Fallen leaves quantity and nutrient content of Jatropha varied with plant age and fertility treatment and contained 9500 mg N kg" which is lowest amongst different plant parts such as shoots and seeds as well as deoiled seed cake_ One year plantation returned 16 kg N ha,l and three-year plantation returned 21 kg N ha" through fallen leaves_ The fallen leaves also added 1 000 kg ha" organic C to soil in addition to carbon fixed in seeds which will replace fossil fuel C De-oiled seed cake after extracting necessary oil can be used as plant nutrient source on the farmers' fields, Benefits of oil seed cake application in terms of increased yields of maize, cotton and other crops were higher than N applied through mineral fertilizer source