48 research outputs found

    Comparison of Sugar Profile between Leaves and Fruits of Blueberry and Strawberry Cultivars Grown in Organic and Integrated Production System

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    The objective of this study was to determine and compare the sugar profile, distribution in fruits and leaves and sink-source relationship in three strawberry ('Favette', 'Alba' and 'Clery') and three blueberry cultivars ('Bluecrop', 'Duke' and 'Nui') grown in organic (OP) and integrated production systems (IP). Sugar analysis was done using high-performance anion-exchange chromatography (HPAEC) with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD). The results showed that monosaccharide glucose and fructose and disaccharide sucrose were the most important sugars in strawberry, while monosaccharide glucose, fructose, and galactose were the most important in blueberry. Source-sink relationship was different in strawberry compared to blueberry, having a much higher quantity of sugars in its fruits in relation to leaves. According to principal component analysis (PCA), galactose, arabinose, and melibiose were the most important sugars in separating the fruits of strawberries from blueberries, while panose, ribose, stachyose, galactose, maltose, rhamnose, and raffinose were the most important sugar component in leaves recognition. Galactitol, melibiose, and gentiobiose were the key sugars that split out strawberry fruits and leaves, while galactose, maltotriose, raffinose, fructose, and glucose divided blueberry fruits and leaves in two groups. PCA was difficult to distinguish between OP and IP, because the stress-specific responses of the studied plants were highly variable due to the different sensitivity levels and defense strategies of each cultivar, which directly affected the sugar distribution. Due to its high content of sugars, especially fructose, the strawberry cultivar 'Clery' and the blueberry cultivars 'Bluecrop' and 'Nui' could be singled out in this study as being the most suitable cultivars for OP

    Phenolic compounds evaluation in wines of Serbian autochthonous and local grapevine varieties

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    Qualitative and quantitative content of phenolic compounds in monovarietal wines of seven Serbian and two international varieties was determined and compared. The results showed that the variety influences the composition and content for most phenolic components determined in wines. The largest number of phenolic compounds (15) was detected in ‘Prokupac’ wine, while the smallest number (10) was found in ‘Smederevka’ wine. Hidroxybenzoic and hidroxycinnamic acids had the strongest discriminating effect. PCA indicated that phenolic composition depends on both the variety and the vintage, while in some cases their interaction was also manifested. From Serbian variety ‘Prokupac’ wine had the most specific phenolic profile

    Grape berry quality parameters of Prokupac variety - Comparison between biodynamic and conventional management

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    This study examined influence of two different vineyard management practices – biodynamic (BIO) and conventional (CON), applied in a vineyard of a red wine variety Prokupac, (Serbia, 43°18’ 29” N 21°23’15”E), on grape berry quality parameters: soluble solids (SS), pH, total acidity (TA), total phenolic content (TPC), radical-scavenging activity (RSA), and total anthocyanin content (TAC). Both investigated vineyard management approaches were combined with two different winter pruning levels (the bud number per vine was 10 and 20, respectively). Soluble solids content was not influenced by different managements, but very significant differences were found in different bud loads treatments. SS showed significantly higher accumulation in berry in lower bud load treatment, 10 buds (23.8 0 Brix) compared to the 20 bud load (21.7 0 Brix). On contrary, TA showed significant differences between managements, BIO (6.65g L-1) and CON (6.44g L-1). There were differences in TPC between BIO and CON treatments (4.86 and 4.16 mg GAE g-1 respectively). While TPC was significantly higher in the BIO management treatment, bud load treatments were not affected this characteristic. Total anthocyanin content (TAC) was affected only by the management practices and was significantly higher in CON management treatment. Mean value for TAC were 0.10 mg mal-3-glu g-1 (BIO), 0.19 mg mal-3-glu g-1 (CON). TPC, RSA and TA were significantly higher in the biodynamic management treatment compared to the conventional, whereas the pruning level did not affect these attributes. SS content was not influenced by different managements, but different bud load has had. There were not significant differences in pH between applied treatments. These results indicate that the Prokupac has achieved favorable results under the biodynamic management, in terms of quality of wine grapes. In both trailed pruning level treatments, the lower bud number per vine (10 buds) was more favorable. These results clearly justify further research of this topic, with the overall aim to get a full picture of the effect of biodynamic vineyard long management practice on grape quality in Prokupac variety

    Elemental composition as a tool for the assessment of type, seasonal variability, and geographical origin of wine and its contribution to daily elemental intake

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    The elemental profiles of 63 red and white wine samples from four different regions in Serbia were investigated. Twenty-one elements were analysed (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Se, Cr, V, Ni, Cd, As, Al, Sb, Pb, Ba, Rb, and Be) by inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometry (ICP-Q-MS) and inductively coupled plasma with optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). A pattern recognition method was applied in order to classify and differentiate type, seasonal variability, and geographical origin of the wine. Dietary mineral intake for elements was calculated in order to assess their contribution to daily intake. The most important descriptors for discrimination among red and white wine samples were Be, Al, Rb, Mg, K, Cu, Mn, and Na, in descending order. The variables Cd, Pb, As, Sb, V, Na, K, and Zn have the highest influence on vintage-to-vintage classification of red wines. Furthermore, the model revealed the existence of three groups of descriptors for different regions of production. All obtained statistical models confirmed that data from the elemental content of wine samples could be used for accurate prediction of wine type, seasonal variability, and regional origin.Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2979

    Characterization and Clonal Selection of Serbian Autochthonous Variety Prokupac (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    The first reported occurrence of Vitis vinifera in Balkan dates in the Neolithic period in the form of wild grape. Early traces of viticulture and winemaking in the territory of Serbia are vessels from the Iron Age (~ 400 BC) and the Bronze Age (~ 200 BC). Over the last few decades, interest in autochthonous varieties in Serbia is constantly increasing, especially for growing native varieties, such as Prokupac, Smederevka, Tamjanika and Bagrina. Prokupac is the most important Serbian autochthonous red wine variety (the first written records about growing Prokupac in Serbia date from 12th century), well adapted to the ecological conditions of its birthplace with corresponding phonological features. When compared with germplasm representing the classical ecogeographic grouping of grapevine cultivars, Prokupac is clustered within the Convar pontica subconvar balcanica taxon, supporting his indigenous origin. The main objective of this work is to present characterization of the Prokupac variety by means of ampelographic and molecular analysis, as well as grape and wine chemical characteristics. Long-term cultivation in diverse ecological conditions has caused the Prokupac to become a mixture of clones (genotypes). Therefore in order to preserve and improve autochthonous grapevine varieties in Serbia, work on variety clonal selection was initiated and till now, 12 clones of Prokupac were already identified and recognized. The most important features of these clones will be also presented.Chapter

    Ispitivanje profila flavan-3-ola grožđa i vina autohtonih sorti vinove loze primenom tankoslojne hromatografije

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    Flavan-3-ols belong to the group of flavonoids and they are located primarily in the grape seeds, then in the skins and, in small amounts, in the pulp. In this work flavan-3-ol profiles of diverse autochthonous grape varieties and corresponding wines were investigated by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Separation of flavanols was done on silica gel TLC plates with toluene/acetone/formic acid mixture as mobile phase. Plates were derivatised with p dimethylaminocinamaldehyde reagent (DMACA) as visualization solution. As a result, flavan-3-ol profiles (chemical fingerprints) of individual parts of berries and corresponding wines were obtained. The similar flavan-3-ol profiles were established in all examined seed samples. Also, (+) catechin was found in all investigated seed extracts. However, different intensity of the zones indicated differences in the content of individual flavanols among the varieties. A slightly larger content of flavan-3-ol was found in skin extracts of white varieties compared to red ones. In the case of wines, the profiles were richer in flavan-3-ols in comparison to skins, but the intensity of zones was lower than intensity obtained for seed extracts

    Characterization of Grapevine Varieties Indigenous to the Balkans Region

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    Central Balkan region is at the crossroads between Asia and Europe, on the line dividing various nations and civilizations of the East and the West. Due to its favorable climate and geological characteristics, it is an ancient wine growing region hosting a wide range of indigenous grapevine varieties, most of which are not internationally recognized.Also, numerous traditional local varieties, present in this area for centuries, are out of cultivation. Therefore, preservation and characterization of grapevine germplasm is important not only for the breeding process, but also for the improvement of modern varieties and their preservation for the future generations. Also, indigenous varieties as valuable resource of gen donors could be helpful when facing the challenges of climate changes. Unfortunately, during the last decade grapevine germplasm is undergoing a process of rapid genetic erosion, and as a consequence we are facing with the loss of varieties which are traditionally related to different winegrowing regions. The only way to prevent the loss of this heritage is to locate them, evaluate, preserve and precisely characterize them. In this Chapter the results of morphological and genetic characterization, as well as chemical characterization of some of the most important indigenous grapevine varieties in the central Balkan, such as Vranac, Krstač, Smederevka, Prokupac, Žilavka, Plavac Mali, and Istrian Malvasia will be summarized. These old varieties have passed through the process of natural selection and adapted to particular environmental conditions. As such, they represent irreplaceable genetic value for each country, and for the entire region.Chapter

    Phenolic profiles of leaves, grapes and wine of grapevine variety vranac (Vitis vinifera L.) from Montenegro

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    Vranac, an old autochthonous red grapevine variety of Montenegro, was first mentioned in a historical document published in the 15th century. As currently the study of indigenous varieties is of particular importance, the subject of this work was detailed characterization of phenolic compounds in the autochthonous grapevine variety Vranac, from the Montenegrin Podgorica subregion. Phenolic profiles of leaves, berries (skin, seeds, and pulp were examined separately) and young monovarietal wine were determined using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) with linear trap quadrupole (LTQ)-Orbitrap XL mass spectrometry (MS). Total phenolic content (TPC) and radical scavenging activity (RSA) were higher for the grape seeds extracts, followed by extracts of grape skins and pulps. As expected, the total anthocyanin content (TAC) was higher in grape skin than in wine. A total of one hundred twenty nine compounds (forty two phenolic acids and their derivatives, twenty three flavan-3-ols, twenty one flavanols, five stilbenes and thirty eight anthocyanins) were identified in the investigated extracts. To our best knowledge, this is the first report of tentative identification of (epi)catechin 3-O-coumarate in grape seed and chalcan-flavan 3-ol dimers in wine and grape seed