143 research outputs found

    CRO cards and comparisons of similar models in other countries

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    Socijalni se turizam ne javlja kao novina suvremenoga doba i druÅ”tva. On postoji već duže razdoblje, no u danaÅ”njici se sagleda na Å”iri način od nekadaÅ”njeg. Nekada je on bio namijenjen zaposlenima i njihovim obiteljima, a danas biva pravo svih građana neke države. Pri tome se identificiraju nove skupine korisnika, kao Å”to su osobe s invaliditetom, oboljele osobe, mlade obitelji s djecom ili nezaposleni. Ova problematika osobito je zastupljena na razini Europske unije, a time i Republike Hrvatske. U svrhu značajnijeg razvoja ovoga turizma, sve države Europske unije uspostavile su i razvijaju sustav potpora ovoga karaktera, a u tu svrhu provode i konkretne projekte. Jedan od takvih je i projekt CRO kartica u Hrvatskoj s kojim se namjerava započeti iduće godine. Riječ je o turističkim vaučerima koji će se dodijeljivati zaposlenim osobama u svrhu putovanja. Socijalni turizam polučuje brojne pozitivne učinke, a oni se mogu razmatrati s različitih aspekata. Pri tome se misli na ekonomske učinke, unapređenje zadovoljstva zaposlenika i ostalih skupina, poticanje motivacije te veće učinkovitosti rada, unapređenje pitanja socijalnog uključivanja, promicanje jednakosti među ljudima i slično.Social tourism is not a novelty of contemporary times and society. It has existed for a long time, but today is seen in some wider sense than before. It the past, it was intended for employees and their families, but today is the right of all citizens of some state. Due that, today is important to identify some new groups of users, such as persons with disabilities, ill persons, young families with children or unemployed are identified. This issue is particularly represented at the level of the European Union, as well as in the Republic of Croatia. For the purpose of the significant development of this tourism, all the countries of the EU have established and developed a support system of this nature. Although, in this purpose all of them are implementing specific projects. One of them is the CRO card project in Croatia which should start next year. It is a tourist voucher that will be assigned to employees for travel purposes. Social tourism has many positive effects and they can be considered from different aspects. This involves thinking about the economic effects, improving employee satisfaction and other groups, encouraging motivation and greater efficiency of work, promoting social inclusion issues, promoting equality among people and the like

    CRO cards and comparisons of similar models in other countries

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    Socijalni se turizam ne javlja kao novina suvremenoga doba i druÅ”tva. On postoji već duže razdoblje, no u danaÅ”njici se sagleda na Å”iri način od nekadaÅ”njeg. Nekada je on bio namijenjen zaposlenima i njihovim obiteljima, a danas biva pravo svih građana neke države. Pri tome se identificiraju nove skupine korisnika, kao Å”to su osobe s invaliditetom, oboljele osobe, mlade obitelji s djecom ili nezaposleni. Ova problematika osobito je zastupljena na razini Europske unije, a time i Republike Hrvatske. U svrhu značajnijeg razvoja ovoga turizma, sve države Europske unije uspostavile su i razvijaju sustav potpora ovoga karaktera, a u tu svrhu provode i konkretne projekte. Jedan od takvih je i projekt CRO kartica u Hrvatskoj s kojim se namjerava započeti iduće godine. Riječ je o turističkim vaučerima koji će se dodijeljivati zaposlenim osobama u svrhu putovanja. Socijalni turizam polučuje brojne pozitivne učinke, a oni se mogu razmatrati s različitih aspekata. Pri tome se misli na ekonomske učinke, unapređenje zadovoljstva zaposlenika i ostalih skupina, poticanje motivacije te veće učinkovitosti rada, unapređenje pitanja socijalnog uključivanja, promicanje jednakosti među ljudima i slično.Social tourism is not a novelty of contemporary times and society. It has existed for a long time, but today is seen in some wider sense than before. It the past, it was intended for employees and their families, but today is the right of all citizens of some state. Due that, today is important to identify some new groups of users, such as persons with disabilities, ill persons, young families with children or unemployed are identified. This issue is particularly represented at the level of the European Union, as well as in the Republic of Croatia. For the purpose of the significant development of this tourism, all the countries of the EU have established and developed a support system of this nature. Although, in this purpose all of them are implementing specific projects. One of them is the CRO card project in Croatia which should start next year. It is a tourist voucher that will be assigned to employees for travel purposes. Social tourism has many positive effects and they can be considered from different aspects. This involves thinking about the economic effects, improving employee satisfaction and other groups, encouraging motivation and greater efficiency of work, promoting social inclusion issues, promoting equality among people and the like

    Yields of ZP sweet maize hybrids in dependence on sowing densities

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    Sweet maize differs from maize of standard grain quality by many important traits that affect the ear appearance, and especially by traits controlling taste. The ear appearance trait encompasses the kernel row number, configuration, row pattern (direction and arrangement), seed set, kernel width and depth, ear shape and size. The quality of immature kernels is controlled by genes by which sweet maize differs from common maize. In order to obtain high-ranking and high-quality yields, it is necessary to provide the most suitable cropping practices for sweet maize hybrids developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje. The adequate sowing density is one of more important elements of correct cropping practices. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of four sowing densities in four ZP sweet maize hybrids of different FAO maturity groups on ear qualitative traits and yields obtained on chernozem type of soil in Zemun Polje. The observed traits of sweet maize (ear length, kernel row number, number of kernels per row, yield and shelling percentage) significantly varied over years. The higher sowing density was the higher yield of sweet maize was, hence the highest ear yield of 9.67 t ha-1 , on the average for all four hybrids, was recorded at the highest sowing density of 70,000 plants ha-1. The highest yield was detected in the hybrid ZP 424su. The highest shelling percentage (67.81%) was found in the hybrid ZP 521su at the sowing density of 60,000 plants ha-1. Generally, it can be stated that sweet maize hybrids of a shorter growing season (FAO 400) could be cultivated up to 70,000 plants ha-1, while those of a longer growing season (FAO 500) could be grown up to 60,000 plants ha-1. In such a way, the most favorable parameters of yields and the highest yields can be obtained

    Odnos prinosa i kvaliteta zrna hibrida kukuruza kokičara (Zea mays everta Sturt.)

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    Popcorn breeding programs develop at the same time in two directions with equal significance. One of them is producing higher yielding hybrids and the other is developing hybrids with higher popping volumes. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications over three locations. Three traits were analyzed, grain yield, popping expansion and No. of kernals per 10g. ANOVA showed very significant influence of genotype, location and interaction of G x L, for all three traits. This points out that those traits are not influenced only by genetic factors, but also by environmental factors and the interaction of those two factors. Spearmanā€™s correlation coefficient was established between examined traits. All correlations were negative and non significant. Nevertheless, especially correlation between grain yield and popping volume (rp-z=-0.10) indicated that hybrids with higher yields produced lower popping volumes. This once more concluded that breeding of popcorn is very complex process, for there is a necessity for high yielding and good popping quality hybrids.Oplemenjivanje kukuruza kokičara odvija se sa istom značajnoŔću u dva smera: povećanja prinosa zrna i povećanja zapremine iskokanog zrna. Prinos kao najvažnija ekonomska karakteristika kod svih kultura u slučaju kukuruza kokičara je u istom rangu kao i osobina zapremina kokičavosti. Ogled sa 12 hibrida kukuruza kokičara postavljen je po principu slučajnog bloka u četiri ponavljanja na tri lokacije. Ispitivane su osobine prinos zrna kukuruza, zapremina kokičavosti i broj zrna u 10 g. Analiza varijanse pokazala je visoku značajnost lokacije, genotipa i interakcije ova dva faktora za sve tri osobine. Ovo ukazuje na činjenicu da su posmatrane osobine pod uticajem ne samo genetičkih faktora, već i pod velikim uticajem faktora sredine kao i interakcije genotip x sredina. Utvrđena je korelacija između posmatranih osobina, pomoću Spaerman-ovog koeficijenta korelacije ranga. Negativna korelacija bila je između prinosa i zapremine kokičavosti r(p-z)= -0,1, koja iako nije bila statistički značajna ukazuje na to da prinosniji hibridi kukuruza kokičara daju zrno manje zapremine kokičavosti. Ovakvi rezultati govore u prilog kompleksnosti procesa oplemenjivanja kukruza kokičara, budući da su zahtevi postavljeni i u smislu povećanja prinosa i povećanja zapremine kokičavosti

    Nasleđivanje i korelacija prinosa klipa i randmana zrna kod kukuruza Å”ećerca (Zea mays L. saccharata)

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    In the present study, the mode of inheritance and combining abilities of six sweet maize inbred lines for ear yield and shelling percentage were observed by the method of diallel analysis. Estimates of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities were highly significant (p lt 0.01) for both observed traits. Dominant gene effects were more significant for ear yield, while additive gene effects were more important for shelling percentage. Significant GCA for ear yield was observed only for L4, which also showed high potential in hybrid combinations with significant SCA estimates. For shelling percentage, significant GCA estimates were observed for L1 and L2, and these inbreds were also components of hybrids with significant SCA estimates. The correlation between ear yield and shelling percentage was highly significant (0.58**) among observed genotypes, showing a positive, medium high correlation and pointing out to the fact that high yielding genotypes also have high shelling percentage and vice versa.U radu je metodom dialelnog ukrÅ”tanja (6x6) proučavan način nasleđivanja i kombinacione sposobnosti Å”est samooplodnih linija kukuruza Å”ećerca (L1-L6) za svojstva prinos klipa kukuruza i randman zrna. Analizom varijanse kombinacionih sposobnosti utvrđena je visoka značajnost vrednosti opÅ”tih (OKS) i posebnih kombinacionih sposobnosti (PKS) za oba svojstva. Presudan uticaj neaditivnog delovanja gena utvrđen je za nasleđivanje prinosa klipa, dok je za randman zrna aditivno delovanje gena bilo značajnije. Značajna vrednost OKS linija za prinos klipa kukuruza Å”ećerca utvrđena je samo kod linije L4, koja se pokazala i kao dobar kombinator u hibridnim kombinacijama sa visokim vrednostima PKS. U slučaju randmana zrna visokoznačajne vrednosti OKS utvrđene su za linije L1 i L2, koje su takođe bile komponente hibrida sa visokoznačajnim vrednostima PKS. Koeficijentom korelacije ranga utvrđena je visokoznačajna vrednost (0,58**) između prinosa klipa i randmana zrna kukuruza Å”ećerca, Å”to ukazuje na srednje jaku zavisnost između ova dva svojstva i činjenicu da posmatrani genotipovi kukuruza Å”ećerca koji se odlikuju visokim prinosom imaju i veći randman zrna i obratno

    Varijabilnost prinosa i parametara kvaliteta zrna hibrida kukuruza kokičara (Zea mays L. Everta)

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    The experiment with 12 popcorn hybrids was set up according to the RCB design in three replicates. Examined traits were: grain yield (GY), popping volume (PV) and number of kernels per 10g (NK). ANOVA showed statistical differences among examined genotypes according to all three traits. Grain yield of the hybrids varied from 3.36 t/ha (ZPSK 645/1k) up to 6.07 t/ha (ZPSK 611k). The lowest popping volume had hybrid ZPSK 501k (27.33 cm3/g), which is considered unsatisfactory, while five hybrids had good popping volume over 38.00 cm3/g. Negative correlation was determined between GY and PV (-0.52), which although wasn't significant indicated that higher yielding hybrids often have lower popping volumes. Significant correlation was between GY and NK (-0.70*), and between NK and PV (0.66*). These results point out to the fact that breeding of popcorn is very complex process, for there is necessity of producing high yielding and good popping quality hybrids, which is mostly contradictory.Definisanje visokog kvaliteta kukuruza kokičara zavisi od aspekta kako proizvođača, dorađivača tako i potroÅ”ača. Zbog toga se posebna pažnja u oplemenjivanju kukuruza kokičara posvećuje povećanju prinosa, ali sa zadržavanjem i povećanjem kvaliteta iskokaknog i neiskokanog zrna. Ogled sa 12 hibrida kukuruza kokičara postavljen je po principu slučajnog bloka u 3 ponavljanja. Ispitivane su osobine: prinos zrna kukuruza, zapremina kokičavosti i broj zrna u 10 g. Analiza varijanse pokazala je da postoje statistički značajne razlike između posmatranih genotipova u pogledu sve tri osobine. Prinos zrna hibrida u ovom istraživanju, kretao se od 3,36 t/ha (ZPSK 645/1k) do 6,07 t/ha (ZPSK 611k). Najmanju zapreminu ostvario je hibrid ZPSK 501k (27,33 cm3/g), Å”to se smatra izuzetno niskom zapreminom, dok je 5 hibrida imalo dobru zapreminu kokičavosti od preko 38,00 cm3/g. NajviÅ”u zapreminu kokičavosti ostvario je ZPSK 649/1k sa 39,50 cm3/g. Å est hibrida iz ovog istraživanja imalo je krupno zrno, pet hibrida je bilo srednje krupnoće zrna, dok je hibrid ZPSK 501k (83 zrna u 10 g) bio sitnog zrna. Negativna korelacija utvrđena je između prinosa i zapremine kokičavosti (-0,52), koja iako nije bila značajna ukazuje na srednju jačinu zavisnosti između parametara i na to da prinosniji hibridi uglavnom imaju manju zapreminu kokičavosti. Značajna negativna korelacija utvrđena je između prinosa i broja zrna u 10 g (-0,70*), dok je značajna pozitivna korelacija bila je između broja zrna u 10 g i zapremine kokičavosti (0,66*). Ovakvi rezultati govore u prilog komleksnosti procesa oplemenjivanja kukuruza kokičara


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    Temeljni cilj ovoga rada je usporediti projekte turističkih kupovnica (vaučera) odabranih zemalja, te istražiti njihove pozitivne i negativne aspekte. Turistički vaučeri, u smislu u kojemu ih analiziramo u ovome radu, predstavljaju nacionalni model poticanja koriÅ”tenja turističkih proizvoda i usluga pod određenim, unaprijed defi niranim, uvjetima za specifične korisnike. Vaučeri spadaju pod nenadnične koristi koje, osim Å”to ih država može nuditi odabranim korisnicima, i poslodavci mogu nuditi svojim zaposlenicima, te pritom mogu poprimati različite oblike, imati različitu svrhu i različite pretpostavke za koriÅ”tenje. U radu analiziramo turistička kretanja u Hrvatskoj, Mađarskoj i Srbiji od siječnja 2012. do srpnja 2017. godine, nakon čega uspoređujemo dva aktivna projekta turističkih vaučera u Mađarskoj i Srbiji s potencijalnim projektom uvođenja vaučera u Hrvatskoj. NaÅ” temeljni zaključak jest da turistički vaučer, kao nacionalni turistički program, može potaknuti mnogobrojne gospodarske koristi. No ne smiju se zanemariti potencijalni negativni utjecaji koji su također prikazani u ovome radu. Uvođenje turističkih vaučera razmatra se i u kontekstu socijalnoga turizma s obzirom da mnoge zemlje uključuju ranjive skupine (poput umirovljenika ili nezaposlenih) kao korisnike turističkih vaučera.The principal aim of this paper is to compare projects of tourism vouchers between chosen countries and to determine their positive and negative aspects. Tourism vouchers, as we analyze them in this paper, represent a national model that is used for consuming tourism products and services under certain, predefined conditions for specific users. Vouchers are a part of the fringe benefit system that, besides the possibility of a country offering them to selected beneficiaries, employers can offer them to their employees, and can take different forms, have different purpose and different prerequisites for use. We compare tourism trends between Croatia, Hungary and Serbia from January 2012 until July 2017 after which we compare two active projects of tourism vouchers in Hungary and Serbia with the potential project of introducing the voucher in Croatia. Our main conclusion is that the tourism voucher, as a national tourist program, can trigger a number of benefits but we cannot ignore the potential negative impacts that we have also covered in this paper. The introduction of tourism vouchers is also considered in the context of social tourism, since many countries include vulnerable groups (such as pensioners or unemployed) as beneficiaries of tourism vouchers

    Oplemenjivanje kukuruza Å”ećerca za različite načine potroÅ”nje

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    Sweet maize is consumed as human food in the milk stage of the endosperm development when the kernel is soft, sweet and succulent. The highest number of commercial sweet maize hybrids is based on one or more recessive alleles that alter a carbohydrate content of the endosperm. Sweet maize is produced for different purposes. Each mode of its utilization, beside the yield and softness of the pericarp, has its specific requirements for certain quality. The taste (sweetness) and the ear appearance are the most important for sweet maize fresh market. Sweet maize that is transported needs to be of the uniform maturity in order to reduce the percentage of residues at mechanical harvest of the crop. Maintenance of sweetness after transport is also a very important trait. The shape and uniformity of the ear, the kernel color structure and taste are very important in selection of hybrids for the commercial production. Commercial processing (tinning or freezing) requires the uniform size and shape of the ear. The kernel structure, shape, size and fulfillment after cutting are requirements for several modes of utilization (processing) of sweet maize.Kukuruz Å”ećerac se koristi za ljudsku ishranu u mlečnoj fazi razvoja endosperma, kada je zrno nežno, sočno i slatko. Najveći broj komercijalnih hibrida kukuruza Å”ećerca se zasniva na jednom ili viÅ”e recesivnih alela koji menjaju ugljenohidratni sastav endosperma. Kukuruz Å”ećerac se proizvodi za različite načine koriŔćenja. Svaki način iskoriŔćavanja Å”ećerca, pored prinosa i nežnosti perikarpa, ima specifične zahteve za određenim kvalitetom. Ukus (slatkoća) i izgled klipa su na prvom mestu po važnosti za potroÅ”nju Å”ećerca u svežem stanju. Å ećerac koji se transportuje na velika rastojanja treba da ima uniformno stasavanje (sazrevanje) klipova da bi se redukovao procenat otpadaka u mehaničkoj berbi useva. Zadržavanje slatkoće posle transporta je takođe veoma važna osobina. Oblik i ujednačenost klipa, boja zrna, građa i ukus su veoma važni kod izbora hibrida za komercijalnu proizvodnju. Komercijalna prerada (konzerviranje ili zamrzavanje) zahteva ujednačenu veličinu i oblik klipa. Građa zrna, oblik, veličina i ispunjenost zrna posle rezanja su zahtevi za viÅ”e načina iskoriŔćavanja (prerade) Å”ećerca

    Inheritance of ear yield and its components in sweet corn (zea mays l. Saccharat)

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    Srdic J., Z. Pajic, M. Filipovic, M. Babic and M. Secanski (2011): Inheritance of ear yield and its components in sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharat). - Genetika, Vol 43, No. 2, 341-348. Sweet corn is mutation of field corn in which greater accumulation of sugars and water soluble polysaccharides provide specific taste and texture. It is consumed in the milky stage of the endosperm, so the product's quality and its appearance are important as well as ear yield. That is why breeders pay the same attention to these traits in breeding process. In this paper we analyzed combining ability and mode of inheritance of ear yield and yield components in sweet corn, such as kernel-row number, and ear length, by the use of diallel crosses of six sweet corn inbred lines. ANOVA showed that estimates of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities were highly significant (p lt 0.01) for all observed traits. Nonaditive gene effects were more significant in the expression of ear yield and ear length, while additive gene effects were more important for kernel-row number. Analysis of components of genetic variance was in agreement with the results of ANOVA of combining ability. The mode of inheritance of kernel-row number was partial dominance, while overdominance was of greater importance for ear yield, and ear length. Inbred line L-4 was indicted as the most desirable, among the examined set of inbreds, in the further sweet corn breeding programs, due to its significant GCA effects concerning ear yield and number of kernels per ear, and ear yield performances of the hybrids in which one of the components was this inbred, according to SCA and hetrosis estimates

    Uticaj efekta genotipa i sredine na prinos klipa kukuruza Å”ećerca (Zea mays L.)

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    Sweet corn is used as food in the milky stage of endosperm, when its kernel is tender, succulent and sweet. It is consumed in form of fresh ears, or it is industrially processed. Breeding of sweet corn has several equally important aims that are directed by the market demands and different modes of consumption. The ear yield, in sweet corn is the most important but not the only main goal of breeding. In the two year study (2013, 2014) we observed the effect of the genotype, year and their interactions on the yields of 8 sweet corn hybrids. Two of the hybrids were commercial and six were experimental hybrids. The field experiment was arranged according to the RCBD with four replications. Hybrids were harvested 23 days after pollination, i.e. silking. Average yield in 2013 was significantly higher (12.19 t ha-1) than in 2014 (11.49 t ha- 1). In 2013 it ranged from 10.21 t ha-1 for the experimental hybrid ZP 489/1su, up to 13.52 t ha-1 for the commercial hybrid ZP 355su. In 2014 the lowest yielding hybrid was ZP 485/1su (10.14 t ha-1) while the highest yielding was ZP 486/1su (13.41 t ha-1). On average those two were also the highest (13.19 t ha-1) and the lowest yielding (10.66 t ha-1) hybrids. Statistical analysis showed that the effect of genotype and the year, as well as their interactions had significant impact on the yield performances of sweet corn hybrids.Kukuruz Å”ećerac se koristi u mlečnoj fazi razvoja endosperma kada mu je zrno nežno, sočno i slatko. Koristi se za ishranu ljudi u svežem stanju, ili industrijski prerađen. Zahtevi tržiÅ”ta i različiti načini upotrebe kukuruza Å”ećerca usmeravaju oplemenjivače kukurza Å”ećerca ka stvaranju ne samo visokoprinosnih hibrida. Za ovaj tip kukuruza, viÅ”e nego za bilo koji drugi, veoma je bitan lep i primamljiv spoljaÅ”nji izgled klipa, sa pravilnim rasporedom zrna, a naročito su bitne organoleptičke karakteristike zrna - ukus, miris, tekstura i nežnost perikarpa. U toku dvogodiÅ”njih ispitivanja (2013, 2014), posmatran je uticaj genotipa i spoljaÅ”nje sredine na prinos svežeg klipa kukuruza Å”ećerca kod 8 hibrida. Dva hibrida ZP 355su i ZP 424su su komercijalni hibridi, dok je ostalih Å”est eksperimentalnih. Ogled je organizovan po RCBD principu u četiri ponavljanja. Berba je obavljena 23 dana nakon opraÅ”ivanja, tj. svilanja. Prosečan prinos svežeg klipa Å”ećerca bio je značajno viÅ”i u 2013 godini (12.19 t ha-1) od prosečnog prinosa u 2014 (11.49 t ha-1). Najprinosniji hibrid 2013 godine bio je ZP 355su sa 13.52 t ha-1, dok je u 2014 najviÅ”i prinos postigao ZP 486/1su sa 13.41 t ha-1. Najniže prinose imali su ZP 489/1su (10.21 t ha-1) u 2013 i ZP 485/1su (10.14 t ha-1) u 2014 godini. Analizom varijanse utvrđeno je da efekat genotipa, godine, kao i njihova interakcija značajno utiču na prinos svežeg klipa kukuruza Å”ećerca
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