151 research outputs found

    Per una didattica della geografia sociale: sopralluoghi ed esplorazioni urbane

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    This article analyses a didactic experience in the Borgo Ulivia neighborhood (Palermo), which originates from a research on council housing’s requalifying as a planning laboratory. In particular, its aim is to answer three questions: which choice guides the research in the field? What kind of didactic approach can we use? What kind of didactic restitution should be used? Within the didactic framework, answering these questions has three roles. First of all, we identify places capable of talking about tensions present at the local level but also in other geographical areas. Secondly, we reflect on the possible methods of research. Finally, we show how teaching is practiced both in the reflective approach and in the process of sharing with the class

    Gestión de la seguridad e higiene en un hotel selvático

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    El tema que se tratará en esta tesis será “GESTION DE LA SEGURIDAD E HIGIENE EN UN HOTEL SELVATICO”. La elección de realizar la tesis sobre el Hotel Sol Cataratas, se inició por conocer a los dueños y, en una visita al hotel se observó deficiencias en higiene y seguridad laboral que repercuten notablemente en la organización del trabajo como resultado de una incorrecta y deficiente política de prevención de riesgos laborales, sumado al poco compromiso por parte de la gerencia general, gerencia de recursos humanos y de trabajadores en general. El propósito de la presente es desarrollar en profundidad los diferentes riesgos a los que se ven expuestos los trabajadores en un hotel, para luego plantear soluciones posibles como Licenciado en Higiene y Seguridad, con el fin de reducir el índice de accidentes y enfermedades laborales en área hotelera y gastronómica; con el sentido humanitario de preservar la vida y también desde el punto de vista económico para la organización, ya que las pérdidas económicas inciden directamente en los costos del servicio, aumentándolo y la empresa pierde competitividad en los mercados. Lo que se quiere lograr es mejorar la economía de la industria, la calidad de vida de los trabajadores y la conservación de los recursos naturales para el bienestar de la generación presente y generaciones futuras. Para esto se recurre a fuentes teóricas y legales que lo reglamenten en nuestro país como así también a la observación en el campo de trabajo

    Ça marche. Creare uno spazio collettivo camminando per Palermo

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    The paper analyses two marches of resistance in Palermo with references to the public space as in Goheen’s (1998) theses. In the first one, the public space gradually loses relevance and presents the citizens as consumers; in the second one, it remains an arena of the fights of those groups that claim to visibility and recognition. The itinerant ritual of Wu Ming 2 and the last Gay Pride in Palermo are the two kinds of march capable of creating collective spaces. In the former case, the itinerary has made the forgotten traces of history resurface and has linked them to our contemporary themes. In the latter, the attention to the precariousness of bodies has been claimed in a consenting Palermo. On the other hand, the institutional politics of pedestrianisation of the historical centre, by supporting a deep transformation of the public space, have produced a population that is passive and lured by consumption.L’article analyse deux marches résistantes à Palerme et reprend la thèse de Goheen (1998) sur l’espace public. L’espace public, dans la première thèse, perd progressivement de son importance et fait des citoyens consommateurs; dans la seconde, il continue à être une arène de luttes de groupes qui revendiquent visibilité. L’article analyse le rituel de marche de Wu Ming 2 et de la Gay Pride, deux marches capables de créer des espaces collectifs. Le premier cas a mis en évidence les traces oubliées de l’histoire et les a reliées à des thèmes contemporains. Le second, l’attention sur la précarité des corps a été revendiquée dans une Palerme concernée. La contrepartie de ces « mouvements » se trouve dans les politiques institutionnelles de piétonisation du centre historique qui ont favorisé une profonde transformation de l’espace public et produit une population passive attirée par la consommation

    Rural storytelling: itinerari di rigenerazione nell’area dei Sicani

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    Il contributo presenta una pratica di narrazione turistica del mondo rurale che nasce da nuove forme di relazione tra attori e territorio. Infatti, secondo una prospettiva geo-culturale, consideriamo gli itinerari sia come cammini e pratiche turistiche slow, sia come discorsi e immaginari che risignificano il territorio. Il contributo analizza una forma di racconto turistico, facendo riferimento a una ricerca sul campo condotta nei monti Sicani, in Sicilia, con una guida turistica esperienziale. L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato analizzare gli immaginari geografici di questo storytelling, mostrando come le rappresentazioni areali non tengano conto della molteplicità di sensi del luogo e dei processi reticolari a piccola scala che attraversano i territori marginali


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    If Neil Smith and David Harvey find space at the Arsenale, if at the Giardini the exercise is to dis-explore the Earth, it is because the Bien-nale is about surveying the crisis space of globalisation: it forces us to in-terrogate the geopolitical map of contemporaneity between the Anthropo-cene, techno-capitalism, encroachments and adaptations. This is why we thought of sharing a visit to the Biennale with those geographers for whom the exercise proposed by Architects is essential to our theoretical, disciplinary, ethical, civil and very human present of being geographers. Our notes in the margin depend on this invitation to investigate the po-tential of the object of marginality starting from the concept of “hole in the plot - which - nourishes the other plots” (Negarestani, 2021, p. 106). Hole or absence that stands for the missed encounter between Geogra-phy (the material on display) and geographical discipline to imagine plots, narratives and “undisciplined” alliances to come

    Geografie marginali: la mappa e il tempo del piccolo globo virale. (Dialogo tra AB e GdS)

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    Marginal Geographies: the Map and the Time of the Little Viral Globe. (Dialogue Between AB and GdS) Starting from Paul Celan’s Meridian, between geography and rhetoric, a relation between the viral phase of capitalism and the viral pandemic has been established. In the rhetorical area, the meridian echoes the language of medias and official communications that use the term map to help visualise the spreading of Covid-19. This term, for geographers, has a technical meaning of cloth of the world. Namely, it points to something that surrounds and envelops the world with creases and intensity in a temporal register of a crisis irreducible to reticular reason and the contemporary synchronic space (Olsson, 2007). It is the projection of such a  viral mappamundi  that redesigns the content of a current globe. The relation between the two globes – analogous in their nature of hybrid metaphysical whims – is established by a line of margin or crisis that renegotiates the promise of the immunological limits of the current globalisation phase by intersecting two projections and two geographical imaginations (Sloterdijk, 2007). This is the margin, and the marginality, that our geography shows when intersected with plural pandemic temporalities.G ographies marginales : la carte et le temps du petit globe viral. (Dialogue entre AB et GdS) A partir du M ridien de Paul Celan, entre g ographie et rh torique, une relation s’ tablit entre la phase virale du capitalisme et la pand mie virale. Du c t  rh torique, le m ridien est li  au langage des m dias et des communications officielles qui utilise le terme carte pour illustrer la propagation du Covid-19. Un terme qui pour les g ographes signifie techniquement tissu du monde, c’est- -dire quelque chose qui enveloppe et entoure le monde de plis et d’intensit  dans un registre temporel de crise irr ductible   la raison r ticulaire et   l'espace synchronique contemporain (Olsson, 2007). C’est la projection d’une   mappamundi virale   similaire qui redessine le contenu du globe actuel. La relation entre les deux globes – de nature analogue   des caprices m taphysiques hybrides – s’ tablit par une ligne de marge ou de crise qui, en croisant deux projections et deux imaginaires g ographiques, ren gocie la promesse des limites immunitaires de la phase actuelle de mondialisation (Sloterdijk, 2007). C’est la marge, et la marginalit , que notre g ographie d tecte en croisant les temporalit s pand miques plurielles


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    L'articolo indaga le potenzialità dell’oggetto marginalità a partire dal “buco nella trama” (Negarestani, 2021, p. 106) o nel tema che si aggirava in maniera fantasma-gorica nel titolo della Biennale Architettura 2021 (How we will live together?) e segnalava lo scarto tra la declinazione della domanda e la topografia dello spazio espositivo, che “nutriva le altre trame” (ivi) dei pochi geografi che per due giorni ne hanno condiviso l’esplorazione. “Buco” o assenza che sta per il mancato incontro tra Geografia (il materiale in mostra) e disciplina geografica (con due sole eccezioni) e che qui viene utilizzato come esercizio di marginalità potenziale per immaginare trame, narrazioni e alleanze “indisciplinari” a venire

    Dendrimer-fullerenol soft-condensed nanoassembly

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    Nanoscale assembly is an area of research that has vast implications for molecular design, sensing, nanofabrication, supramolecular chemistry, catalysis, and environmental remediation. Here we show that poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers of both generations 1 (G1) and 4 (G4) can host 1 fullerenol per 2 dendrimer primary amines as evidenced by isothermal titration calorimetry, dynamic light scattering, and spectrofluorometry. Thermodynamically, the interactions were similarly spontaneous between both generations of dendrimers and fullerenols, however, G4 formed stronger complexes with fullerenols resulting from their higher surface charge density and more internal voids, as demonstrated by spectrofluorometry. In addition to hydrogen bonding that existed between the dendrimer primary amines and the fullerenol oxygens, hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions also contributed to complex formation and dynamics. Such a hybrid of soft and condensed nanoassembly may have implications for environmental remediation of discharged nanomaterials and entail new applications in drug delivery
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