40 research outputs found

    Midnight-sun-induced natural gas conversion

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    The 11th NGCS meeting took place between 5th and 9th of June 2016, and was hosted in Tromsø/Norway. The latest developments from academic and industrial perspectives were discussed and presented in (1) Production of Synthesis Gas, (2) Synthesis Gas to Fuels and Chemicals, (3) Direct Conversion of Methane, (4) Conversion of Light Paraffins, (5) Natural Gas in Energy Conversion, and (6) Techno-Economic Aspects. Along with the social events and the post-symposium excursions, this NGCS meeting was a memorable symposium for all participants

    Problem-based collaborative learning with virtual patients in pediatrics: a practical example

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    The peadiatric curricula at the Charité have developed a number of changes in the recent years due to the introduction of the new licensing rules in 2004 and the development of two new curricula - the traditional curriculum and the reformed medical track. The teaching was focused on bedside teaching in the traditional curriculum, therefore different didac-tic, pedagogic and infrastructural needs were identified. The federally funded project ELWIS-MED developed e-Learning at the Charité technically and infrastructurally that a curricular implementation into regular teaching units could be evaluated. Bedside teaching was supplemented online by virtual teaching cases (patients). Students had to discuss clinical problems online with their pediatric tutors. First experiences with the new concept show that best practices were applied to online discussion by teachers and students. Further studies should evaluate the effect on knowledge acquisition by students using this learning method. Opportunities to foster participation in online discussion should be developed.Der studentische Unterricht in der Kinderheilkunde an der Charité hat seit 1999 mehrere Umstrukturierungen durchlaufen. Mit der Einführung der neuen ärztlichen Approbationsordnung 2004 im Regelstudiengang (RSG) und dem Modellcurriculum Reformstudiengang Medizin (RSM) 1999 müssen zwei Curricula parallel neu konzipiert und gepflegt werden. Durch den Schwerpunkt Unterricht am Krankenbett (UaK) im RSG ergaben sich neue didaktische, pädagogische und infrastrukturelle Anforderungen. Die technische und inhaltliche Weiterentwicklung der Einsatzmöglichkeiten elektronischer Lernszenarien durch e-Learning im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projektes ELWIS-MED, ermöglichte die Erprobung der curricularen Implementierung von e-Learning-Modulen im Pflichtunterricht. Der UaK wurde durch die Bearbeitung kinderheilkundlicher elektronischer Lernfälle online ergänzt. Die Studierenden sollten tutoriell betreute Diskussionen zu fachlichen Aufgabenstellungen online führen. In der ersten Erprobungsstufe wurde der Einsatz der Diskussionsforen in Verbindung mit den Lernfällen von den Studierenden und Lehrenden als sinnvolle Ergänzung betrachtet. In zukünftigen Einsatzszenarien sollte eine Messung des studentischen Lernerfolgs mit dieser Methode erfolgen

    Weimar 2015: Catalysing Tomorrow’s Solutions

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    The YounGeCatS put the cat in catalysis: The 48th annual meeting of the German Catalysis Society (GeCatS), hosted by DECHEMA, was recently held in Weimar. There were numerous presentations, from keynotes to posters, put together to form a very attractive program depicting the catalysis research in all its breadth