2,884 research outputs found

    Arbitrarily large families of spaces of the same volume

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    In any connected non-compact semi-simple Lie group without factors locally isomorphic to SL_2(R), there can be only finitely many lattices (up to isomorphism) of a given covolume. We show that there exist arbitrarily large families of pairwise non-isomorphic arithmetic lattices of the same covolume. We construct these lattices with the help of Bruhat-Tits theory, using Prasad's volume formula to control their covolumes.Comment: 9 pages. Syntax corrected; one reference adde

    The effective mass of two--dimensional 3He

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    We use structural information from diffusion Monte Carlo calculations for two--dimensional 3He to calculate the effective mass. Static effective interactions are constructed from the density-- and spin structure functions using sumrules. We find that both spin-- and density-- fluctuations contribute about equally to the effective mass. Our results show, in agreement with recent experiments, a flattening of the single--particle self--energy with increasing density, which eventually leads to a divergent effective mass.Comment: 4 pages, accepted in PR

    Nonrelativistic Chern-Simons Vortices on the Torus

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    A classification of all periodic self-dual static vortex solutions of the Jackiw-Pi model is given. Physically acceptable solutions of the Liouville equation are related to a class of functions which we term Omega-quasi-elliptic. This class includes, in particular, the elliptic functions and also contains a function previously investigated by Olesen. Some examples of solutions are studied numerically and we point out a peculiar phenomenon of lost vortex charge in the limit where the period lengths tend to infinity, that is, in the planar limit.Comment: 25 pages, 2+3 figures; improved exposition, corrected typos, added one referenc

    On Exceptional Vertex Operator (Super) Algebras

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    We consider exceptional vertex operator algebras and vertex operator superalgebras with the property that particular Casimir vectors constructed from the primary vectors of lowest conformal weight are Virasoro descendents of the vacuum. We show that the genus one partition function and characters for simple ordinary modules must satisfy modular linear differential equations. We show the rationality of the central charge and module lowest weights, modularity of solutions, the dimension of each graded space is a rational function of the central charge and that the lowest weight primaries generate the algebra. We also discuss conditions on the reducibility of the lowest weight primary vectors as a module for the automorphism group. Finally we analyse solutions for exceptional vertex operator algebras with primary vectors of lowest weight up to 9 and for vertex operator superalgebras with primary vectors of lowest weight up to 17/2. Most solutions can be identified with simple ordinary modules for known algebras but there are also four conjectured algebras generated by weight two primaries and three conjectured extremal vertex operator algebras generated by primaries of weight 3, 4 and 6 respectively.Comment: 37 page

    Patterns of gene action in plant development revealed by enhancer trap and gene trap transposable elements

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    The crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana has been used widely as a model organism for the study of plant development. We describe here the development of an efficient insertional mutagenesis system in Arabidopsis that permits identification of genes by their patterns of expression during development. Transposable elements of the Ac/Ds system carrying the GUS reporter gene have been designed to act as enhancer traps or gene traps. A novel selection scheme maximizes recovery of unlinked transposition events. In this study 491 plants carrying independent transposon insertions were generated and screened for expression patterns. One-half of the enhancer trap insertions and one-quarter of the gene trap insertions displayed GUS expression in seedlings or flowers, including expression patterns specific to organs, tissues, cell types, or developmental stages. The patterns identify genes that act during organogenesis, pattern formation, or cell differentiation. Transposon insertion lines with specific GUS expression patterns provide valuable markers for studies of Arabidopsis development and identify new cell types or subtypes in plants. The diversity of gene expression patterns generated suggests that the identification and cloning of Arabidopsis genes expressed in any developmental process is feasible using this system

    Lyashko-Looijenga morphisms and submaximal factorisations of a Coxeter element

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    When W is a finite reflection group, the noncrossing partition lattice NCP_W of type W is a rich combinatorial object, extending the notion of noncrossing partitions of an n-gon. A formula (for which the only known proofs are case-by-case) expresses the number of multichains of a given length in NCP_W as a generalised Fuss-Catalan number, depending on the invariant degrees of W. We describe how to understand some specifications of this formula in a case-free way, using an interpretation of the chains of NCP_W as fibers of a Lyashko-Looijenga covering (LL), constructed from the geometry of the discriminant hypersurface of W. We study algebraically the map LL, describing the factorisations of its discriminant and its Jacobian. As byproducts, we generalise a formula stated by K. Saito for real reflection groups, and we deduce new enumeration formulas for certain factorisations of a Coxeter element of W.Comment: 18 pages. Version 2 : corrected typos and improved presentation. Version 3 : corrected typos, added illustrated example. To appear in Journal of Algebraic Combinatoric

    Declination dependence of the cosmic-ray flux at extreme energies

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    We study the large-scale distribution of the arrival directions of the highest energy cosmic rays observed by various experiments. Despite clearly insufficient statistics, we find a deficit of cosmic rays at energies higher than 10^{20} eV from a large part of the sky around the celestial North Pole. We speculate on possible explanations of this feature.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; v2: 11 pages, 4 figures, title changed (to avoid confusion with the Southern hemisphere), analysis extended, more data included, results unchanged; to be published in JCA

    Regular Conjugacy Classes in the Weyl Group and Integrable Hierarchies

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    Generalized KdV hierarchies associated by Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction to grade one regular semisimple elements from non-equivalent Heisenberg subalgebras of a loop algebra \G\otimes{\bf C}[\lambda,\lambda^{-1}] are studied. The graded Heisenberg subalgebras containing such elements are labelled by the regular conjugacy classes in the Weyl group {\bf W}(\G) of the simple Lie algebra \G. A representative w\in {\bf W}(\G) of a regular conjugacy class can be lifted to an inner automorphism of \G given by w^=exp(2iπadI0/m)\hat w=\exp\left(2i\pi {\rm ad I_0}/m\right), where I0I_0 is the defining vector of an sl2sl_2 subalgebra of \G.The grading is then defined by the operator dm,I0=mλddλ+adI0d_{m,I_0}=m\lambda {d\over d\lambda} + {\rm ad} I_0 and any grade one regular element Λ\Lambda from the Heisenberg subalgebra associated to [w][w] takes the form Λ=(C++λC)\Lambda = (C_+ +\lambda C_-), where [I0,C]=(m1)C[I_0, C_-]=-(m-1) C_- and C+C_+ is included in an sl2sl_2 subalgebra containing I0I_0. The largest eigenvalue of adI0{\rm ad}I_0 is (m1)(m-1) except for some cases in F4F_4, E6,7,8E_{6,7,8}. We explain how these Lie algebraic results follow from known results and apply them to construct integrable systems.If the largest adI0{\rm ad} I_0 eigenvalue is (m1)(m-1), then using any grade one regular element from the Heisenberg subalgebra associated to [w][w] we can construct a KdV system possessing the standard \W-algebra defined by I0I_0 as its second Poisson bracket algebra. For \G a classical Lie algebra, we derive pseudo-differential Lax operators for those non-principal KdV systems that can be obtained as discrete reductions of KdV systems related to glngl_n. Non-abelian Toda systems are also considered.Comment: 44 pages, ENSLAPP-L-493/94, substantial revision, SWAT-95-77. (use OLATEX (preferred) or LATEX

    Thermodynamic properties and structural stability of thorium dioxide

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    Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we have systematically investigated the thermodynamic properties and structural stabilities of thorium dioxide (ThO2_2). Based on the calculated phonon dispersion curves, we calculate the thermal expansion coefficient, bulk modulus, and heat capacities at different temperatures for ThO2_2 under the quasi-harmonic approximation. All the results are in good agreement with corresponding experiments proving the validity of our methods. Our theoretical studies can help people more clearly understand the thermodynamic behaviors of ThO2_2 at different temperatures. In addition, we have also studied possible defect formations and diffusion behaviors of helium in ThO2_2, to discuss its structural stability. It is found that in intrinsic ThO2_2 without any Fermi energy shifts, the interstitial Thi4+_i^{4+} defect other than oxygen or thorium vacancies, interstitial oxygen, and any kinds of Frenkel pairs, is most probable to form with an energy release of 1.74 eV. However, after upshifting the Fermi energy, the formation of the other defects also becomes possible. For helium diffusion, we find that only through the thorium vacancy can it happen with the small energy barrier of 0.52 eV. Otherwise, helium atoms can hardly incorporate or diffuse in ThO2_2. Our results indicate that people should prevent upshifts of the Fermi energy of ThO2_2 to avoid the formation of thorium vacancies and so as to prevent helium caused damages.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Schubert varieties and generalizations

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    This contribution reviews the main results on Schubert varieties and their generalizations It covers more or less the material of the lectures at the Seminar These were partly expository introducing material needed by other lecturers In particular Section reviews classical material used in several of the other contribution