4,046 research outputs found
Experimenting with Cigarettes and Physical Activity Among Mexican Origin Youth: A Cross Sectional Analysis of the Interdependent Associations Among Sensation Seeking, Acculturation, and Gender
Sensation seeking tendencies tend to manifest during adolescence and are associated with both health-compromising behaviors and health-enhancing behaviors. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between sensation seeking and physical activity, a health-enhancing behavior, and between sensation seeking and experimenting with cigarettes, a health compromising-behavior, among a cohort of Mexican origin adolescents residing in the United States with different levels of acculturation. Methods: In 2009, 1,154 Mexican origin youth (50.5% girls, mean age 14.3 years (SD = 1.04)) provided data on smoking behavior, physical activity, linguistic acculturation, and sensation seeking. We conducted Pearson's chi(2) tests to examine the associations between categorical demographic characteristics (i.e. gender, age, country of birth and parental educational attainment) and both cigarette experimentation and physical activity and Student's t-tests to examine mean differences on the continuous variables (i.e. sensation seeking subscale) by the behaviors. We examined mean differences in the demographic characteristics, acculturation, and both behaviors for each of the sensation seeking subscales using analysis of variance (ANOVA). To examine relationships between the sensation seeking subscales, gender, and both behaviors, at different levels of acculturation we completed unconditional logistic regression analyses stratified by level of acculturation. Results: Overall, 23.3% had experimented with cigarettes and 29.0% reported being physically active for at least 60 minutes/day on at least 5 days/week. Experimenting with cigarettes and being physically active were more prevalent among boys than girls. Among girls, higher levels of sensation seeking tendencies were associated with higher levels of acculturation and experimentation with cigarettes, but not with physical activity. Among boys, higher levels of sensation seeking tendencies were associated with higher levels of acculturation, experimenting with cigarettes and being physically active. Conclusions: Our results suggest that interventions designed to prevent smoking among Mexican origin youth may need to address social aspects associated with acculturation, paying close attention to gendered manifestations of sensation seeking.National Cancer Institute CA105203, CA126988Caroline W. Law Fund for Cancer PreventionDan Duncan Family Institute for Cancer Prevention and Risk AssessmentCenter for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research in Underserved Population
On the Classification of Automorphic Lie Algebras
It is shown that the problem of reduction can be formulated in a uniform way
using the theory of invariants. This provides a powerful tool of analysis and
it opens the road to new applications of these algebras, beyond the context of
integrable systems. Moreover, it is proven that sl2-Automorphic Lie Algebras
associated to the icosahedral group I, the octahedral group O, the tetrahedral
group T, and the dihedral group Dn are isomorphic. The proof is based on
techniques from classical invariant theory and makes use of Clebsch-Gordan
decomposition and transvectants, Molien functions and the trace-form. This
result provides a complete classification of sl2-Automorphic Lie Algebras
associated to finite groups when the group representations are chosen to be the
same and it is a crucial step towards the complete classification of
Automorphic Lie Algebras.Comment: 29 pages, 1 diagram, 9 tables, standard LaTeX2e, submitted for
The eclipsing post-common envelope binary CSS21055: a white dwarf with a probable brown-dwarf companion
We report photometric observations of the eclipsing close binary CSS21055
(SDSS J141126+200911) that strongly suggest that the companion to the
carbon-oxygen white dwarf is a brown dwarf with a mass between 0.030 and 0.074
Msun. The measured orbital period is 121.73min and the totality of the eclipse
lasts 125s. If confirmed, CSS21055 would be the first detached eclipsing WD+BD
binary. Spectroscopy in the eclipse could provide information about the
companion's evolutionary state and atmospheric structure.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
Astmaatikon kokemuksia potilasohjauksesta
Astma on yleisimpiÀ kansantautejamme. LÀÀkehoitoa vaativista pitkÀaikaisista sairauksista se on kolmanneksi yleisin verenpainetaudin ja sepelvaltimotaudin jÀlkeen. Lasten pitkÀaikaissairauksista astma on yleisin. Valtakunnallisessa astmaohjelmassa esitetyn arvion mukaan vaikea-asteista astmaa sairastaa kaikista potilaista 20 %, keski-vaikeaa 20 % ja lievÀÀ astmaa 60 %.
OpinnÀytetyön nimi on astmaatikon kokemuksia potilasohjauksesta. OpinnÀytetyömme toimeksiantaja on Kainuun maakunta-kuntayhtymÀn keuhkosairauksien poliklinikka. OpinnÀytetyömme tarkoituksena oli kar-toittaa, miten kyselyyn osallistuvat astmaatikot ovat sitoutuneita omahoitoon. Tavoitteenamme oli selvittÀÀ, miten potilaat saavat keuhkosairauksien poliklinikalla ohjausta astman omahoitoon, olivatko potilaat saaneet ohjausta riittÀvÀsti ja mihin asioihin he olisivat halunneet saada enemmÀn tietoa ja ohjausta.
OpinnÀytteemme tutkimuksellinen lÀhestymistapa oli kvalitatiivinen tutkimusote. OpinnÀytetyön aineiston ke-ruumenetelmÀnÀ kÀytimme kyselyÀ. Kysely muodostui avoimista kysymyksistÀ, joilla haluttiin selvittÀÀ astmaati-kon omahoitoon sitoutumista ja potilasohjauksen laatua ja kokemuksia potilasohjauksesta. KerÀtty aineisto analysoitiin sisÀllön analyysin avulla. Tulokset esitettiin eri astman hoitoon sisÀltyvien teemojen ylÀ- ja alakategorioina.
Kyselyyn vastasi 13 vastaajaa (n = 13). Tuloksista kÀvi ilmi, ettÀ kyselyyn osallistuneet astmaatikot olivat pÀÀosin tyytyvÀisiÀ saamansa potilasohjaukseen keuhkosairauksien poliklinikalla. Osalla vastaajista on astman hoito omasta jaksamisesta kiinni. Osa vastaajista tietÀÀ ja ymmÀrtÀÀ astman hoidon merkityksen terveydelle.
OpinnÀytetyömme tuloksia voidaan hyödyntÀÀ keuhkosairauksien poliklinikalla hoitotyön kÀytÀntöön. OpinnÀytetyömme tulokset antavat tietoa miten astmaa sairastavan potilasohjausta ja sen sisÀltöÀ voidaan jatkossa kehittÀÀ. Tulokset antavat tietoa potilasohjauksen kehittÀmistarpeista. Jatkotutkimusaiheena olisi hyvÀ selvittÀÀ sairaanhoitajien kokemuksia astmaa sairastavan potilasohjauksesta keuhkosairauksien poliklinikalla.
OpinnÀytetyö prosessin kautta olemme vahvistaneet sairaanhoitajan työssÀ tarvittavaa tiedollista ja taidollista ja asenteista osaamista jota voimme hyödyntÀÀ astmaa sairastavan kokonaishoitoon ja ohjaukseen. Prosessin kautta
olemme saaneet vahvistuksen sille, miten tÀrkeÀ on sairaanhoitajan asenne ja osaaminen potilasohjaukseen.Asthma is one of the most common national diseases. Amongst long term diseases requiring medical treatment it is the third most common after arterial hypertension and coronary artery diseases. Among Childhood long term diseases asthma is the most common. According to an estimate provided by a nationwide asthmas program 20 % of all asthma patients suffer from severe asthma, 20 % from mildly severe and 60 % suffer from slight asthma.
The name of this thesis is an Asthma Patientâs Experiences of Supervision. The commissioner of the thesis was the Joint Authority of the Kainuu Region and our working â life supervisor was the Pulmonary Diseases Outpatientsâ Department. The purpose of this thesis was to clarify by survey how the asthma patients involved were committed to care for their asthma. The aim was to clarify whether patients had been provided with sufficient instruction and supervision and in what issues did they require further knowledge and instruction.
The investigational approach of this thesis was qualitative, using a survey to collect data. The survey con-sisted of open questions intending to clarify how asthma patients are committed to care for asthma and to establish the quality of patient instruction and how patients experienced instruction. The collected ma-terial was analyzed using qualitative contents analysis. The results were presented in super and sub categories in different themes related to the care of asthma.
13 respondents took part in the survey (n=13).The results indicated that patients were mainly satisfied with instruction received in the Pulmonary Diseases Outpatientsâ Department. For some of the respondents, the care of their asthma depended on how they were coping generally. Others understood and were aware of the significance of caring for their asthma to their health. The results of the thesis provide information on how patient instruction and its contents can be developed in the future. In the future, it would be appropriate to research how nurses experience the instruction and supervision of asthma patients in the Pulmonary Diseases Outpatientsâ Department.
The thesis process has strengthened the knowledge and skill-based competence as well as attitudes required in nursing, which we can use in the care and instruction of asthma patients. The process has confirmed how important attitude and competence is in patient instruction
The effective mass of two--dimensional 3He
We use structural information from diffusion Monte Carlo calculations for
two--dimensional 3He to calculate the effective mass. Static effective
interactions are constructed from the density-- and spin structure functions
using sumrules. We find that both spin-- and density-- fluctuations contribute
about equally to the effective mass. Our results show, in agreement with recent
experiments, a flattening of the single--particle self--energy with increasing
density, which eventually leads to a divergent effective mass.Comment: 4 pages, accepted in PR
Arbitrarily large families of spaces of the same volume
In any connected non-compact semi-simple Lie group without factors locally
isomorphic to SL_2(R), there can be only finitely many lattices (up to
isomorphism) of a given covolume. We show that there exist arbitrarily large
families of pairwise non-isomorphic arithmetic lattices of the same covolume.
We construct these lattices with the help of Bruhat-Tits theory, using Prasad's
volume formula to control their covolumes.Comment: 9 pages. Syntax corrected; one reference adde
Yangians, Integrable Quantum Systems and Dorey's rule
We study tensor products of fundamental representations of Yangians and show
that the fundamental quotients of such tensor products are given by Dorey's
rule.Comment: We have made corrections to the results for the Yangians associated
to the non--simply laced algebra
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