11 research outputs found

    XI Spotkanie po ASCO

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    U progu wakacji w dniach 29–30 czerwca 2012 w Gdańskupo raz 11. odbyło się „Spotkanie po ASCO”. Tegorocznaedycja rozpoczęła drugie dziesięciolecie tej znakomitej konferencji,podczas której polscy onkolodzy mogli zapoznaćsię z najnowszymi doniesieniami, i to w niespełna miesiącpo ich prezentacji na Kongresie ASCO. „Spotkanie...” ma jużbogatą tradycję i ustaloną formułę, ale jednocześnie ewoluuje,będąc nowoczesnym i przyjaznym dla uczestnikówedukacyjnym wydarzeniem

    Nawiązanie polsko-amerykańskiej współpracy w dziedzinie badań translacyjnych w chorobach nowotworowych

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    W lipcu 2012 r. doszło do podpisania porozumieniao współpracy pomiędzy Centrum Chemii, Biologii i MedycynyTranslacyjnej, polskim konsorcjum pięciu uczelnii instytutów badawczych oraz Centrum Rakowym im. MDAndersona Uniwersytetu Teksańskiego (The University ofTexas MD Anderson Cancer Center)

    Monetary Policy and Polish Labour Market in the years 1999 - 2008

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    This article sets out to analyse how the monetary policy pursued by the National Bank of Poland (NBP) determined the labour market situation in the country in the decade 1999-2008. The article consists of introduction as well as five sections. Section one discusses NBP's strategy of monetary policy in the defined period against monetary strategies implemented in other countries. Section two uses the growth rates of money supply and of real GDP to verify whether the primary purpose of monetary policy, i.e. the inflationary target, was achieved. Section three generally characterises the country's labour market using the levels and dynamics of employment and of unemployment. Section four discusses major instruments of NBP's monetary policy, mainly analysing changes in the central bank's interest rates and their effect on the economic situation and on the labour market. The article concludes with a summation providing synthetic conclusions.Celem artykułu jest analiza wpływu polityki monetarnej Narodowego Banku Polskiego (NBP) na sytuację na rynku pracy w Polsce w ciągu dekady obejmującej lata 1999-2008. Opracowanie składa się z wprowadzenia oraz pięciu części. W pierwszej z nich omówiona została strategia polityki monetarnej NBP w badanym okresie wraz z porównaniem ze strategią przyjmowaną w innych krajach. W części drugiej sprawdzono, czy realizowany był podstawowy cel polityki monetarnej, czyli cel inflacyjny, w kontekście kształtowania się stóp wzrostu podaży pieniądza oraz realnego PKB. W punkcie kolejnym ukazana została ogólna charakterystyka rynku pracy na podstawie kształtowania się poziomu i dynamiki zatrudnienia oraz bezrobocia. W części czwartej omówiono podstawowe instrumenty polityki pieniężnej NBP. Uwaga skoncentrowana została głównie na analizie zmian stóp procentowych banku centralnego oraz ich wpływu na sytuację gospodarczą i rynek pracy. Całość zamknięta została podsumowaniem, w którym zawarto syntetyczne wnioski końcowe

    Elite Conflict Orientations in Polish and US Cities

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    This paper analyzes the values of local leaders in Poland and the United States. A matched subset of cities is used. Interview data were collected in the 1983-84 period. The focus is on elite views about political conflict. Striking differences were found in the types of problems seen as serious in their communities. Yet, similar proportions perceived and tolerated conflicts today as in 1966. Individual level data on leadership position, party affiliation or status, length of tenure and age revealed differences. And in both countries community differences were considerable.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66987/2/10.1177_019251218901000402.pd

    At the Origins of Welfare State? Social Expenses in the Budgetary Policy in the Second Polish Republic

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    In the period of the Second Polish Republic, social policy became an important field of activity for public authorities. It was distinguished by a high level of awareness of the prevalent social problems, progressive legislation, and advanced management. The only missing element was sufficient financing. In the budgetary policy of the Second Polish Republic, social expenses were of minor importance. For the most part of the period, they amounted to approximately 3% of all expenses. The Ministry of Social Care was underfunded, which was evident in nearly every aspect of its activity. Hence, if one wonders if the origins of the Polish welfare state can be traced back to the Second Polish Republic, the answer must be “no”. Although extra funds (spent on tackling unemployment, pensions, or disability benefits) were found outside of the ministerial budget, the arguments presented in this article only confirm the hypothesis presented above

    The Jewish minority in the Second Polish Republic: the activities of the Board of the Jewish Community in Lvov during the years 1919–1924

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze data on the functioning of the Jewish Community in Lvov during the years 1919-1924. The indicated problems will enable to show the functioning of the Jewish minority in the conditions of the reviving Polish state - both in socio-political terms, and in the organizational aspect. It is particularly important to show the Jewish minority opinion about the conditions of Second Polish Republic. Additionally, this article will help restore the memory of the individual members of the Jewish community in Lvov. The selected issue is a part of the research conducted on a larger scale, whose aim is to enrich knowledge and overcome the deficit of research in the science of politics on the concept of ethnic policy - proposed in the years 1939-1947 by the Polish government in exile. The fundamental finding of the analysis is the fact, that the Board accepted the Polish state and the dominant role of the Polish nation in the system of democratic political power