442 research outputs found

    Object-based audio reproduction and the audio scene description format

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugÀnglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The introduction of new techniques for audio reproduction such as HRTF-based technology, wave field synthesis and higher-order Ambisonics is accompanied by a paradigm shift from channel-based to object-based transmission and storage of spatial audio. Not only is the separate coding of source signal and source location more efficient considering the number of channels used for reproduction by large loudspeaker arrays, it also opens up new options for a user-controlled interactive sound field design. This article describes the need for a common exchange format for object-based audio scenes, reviews some existing formats with potential to meet some of the requirements and finally introduces a new format called Audio Scene Description Format (ASDF) and presents the SoundScape Renderer, an audio reproduction software which implements a draft version of the ASDF

    Entwurf und Erzeugung neuartiger diffraktiver Optiken durch die Mikrostrukturierung von KontaktlinsenoberflÀchen

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    In dieser Arbeit werden die Möglichkeiten zur Herstellung von diffraktiven optischen Elementen, Fresnelsche Zonenplatten und Photonensieben auf KontaktlinsenoberflĂ€chen zum Ausgleich von Sehfehlern des menschlichen Auges untersucht. Dabei wird beschrieben, inwieweit sich die Elektronenstrahllithographie zur Applikation dieser Optiken auf entsprechende TrĂ€germedien eignet. Da formstabile Kontaktlinsen eine besonders gute und sichere Anwendung am menschlichen Auge ermöglichen, wurden diese als Testmedien verwendet. Ein fundamental neuer Ansatz ist, die von Kipp et al entwickelte Photonensiebtechnologie fĂŒr die Anwendung als Korrektionssystem nutzbar zu machen. Da sich die Technik bei der Fokussierung von Röntgenstrahlung als optisch ĂŒberlegen herausgestellt hat, liegt der Gedanke nahe, dass dies auch unter normalen Bedingungen im polychromatischen Tageslicht der Fall ist. Diese Arbeit verbindet die Anwendung von DĂŒnnfilm- und Lithographietechniken mit der Berechnung neuer physikalisch-optischer Zonenplatten- und Photonensiebtechnologie im Zusammenspiel mit physiologisch-optischen Parametern des menschlichen Auges und somit die Gebiete Materialwissenschaft, Physik und Optometrie. Die Anwendung der Elektronenstrahllithographie zur Erzeugung diffraktiver optischer Elemente auf Kontaktlinsen stellt ein Novum dar. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, inwieweit sich das Verfahren zur Fertigung individueller Kontaktlinsen eignet. Dazu werden die verschiedenen Anwendungsbereiche definiert und die erforderliche Genauigkeit der optischen Elemente zum Ausgleich menschlicher Sehfehler definiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich in drei große Teile. Im ersten Teil werden die anatomischen und physiologischen ZusammenhĂ€nge des komplexen visuellen Systems betrachtet. Der zweite Teil befasst sich mit den physikalisch-optischen Ableitungen von Korrektionsmitteln und fertigungstechnischen Besonderheiten der Elektronenstrahllithographie. Der dritte Teil ist der Kernteil der Arbeit und befasst sich mit Berechnungen diffraktiver optischer Elemente, der experimentellen Fertigung dieser auf flachen Substraten und formstabilen Kontaktlinsen mittels Elektronenstrahllithographie, sowie der Bewertung der optischen Eigenschaften der somit erzeugten optischen Systeme. Zur Berechnung werden realistische Daten und Anforderungen des menschlichen Sehsystems verwendet. Die experimentelle Fertigung diffraktiver optischer Elemente, insbesondere die SchreibfeldgrĂ¶ĂŸe, wurde maßgeblich durch die technische Ausstattung zur DurchfĂŒhrung der Elektronenstrahllithographie bestimmt. Daher wurde die Berechnung der GrĂ¶ĂŸe und optischen Parameter der applizierten Zonenplatten- und Photonensiebstrukturen diesen Gegebenheiten angepasst. Geeignete Beschichtungsmaterialien wurden in Form von Chrom, fĂŒr flache Substrate, und Gold, fĂŒr Kontaktlinsen, angewendet. Einige fertigungstechnische Probleme, wie die OberflĂ€chenaufladung der Kontaktlinsen, mussten ĂŒberwunden werden. Zur Aufnahme der Kontaktlinsen wurde ein spezieller Probenhalter konstruiert und eingesetzt. Alternativ werden ebenfalls die UV-Lithographie und die Applikation von Lack mittels Tampondruck als Verfahren zur Erzeugung diffraktiver optischer Elemente auf ihre Eignung hin betrachtet. Abgeschlossen wird diese Arbeit mit der Diskussion der Ergebnisse und dem Ausblick fĂŒr eine Anwendung der Elektronenstrahllithographie zur Herstellung von Muttermasken fĂŒr die vergleichsweise schnelle und preisgĂŒnstige Herstellung von multifokalen formstabilen Kontaktlinsen im Pressschmelzverfahren und Weichlinsen im Cast-Moulding Verfahren, bzw. mit der Light-Stream-Technologie

    Automatic Behavior Assessment from Uncontrolled Everyday Audio Recordings by Deep Learning

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    The manual categorization of behavior from sensory observation data to facilitate further analyses is a very expensive process. To overcome the inherent subjectivity of this process, typically, multiple domain experts are involved, resulting in increased efforts for the labeling. In this work, we investigate whether social behavior and environments can automatically be coded based on uncontrolled everyday audio recordings by applying deep learning. Recordings of daily living were obtained from healthy young and older adults at randomly selected times during the day by using a wearable device, resulting in a dataset of uncontrolled everyday audio recordings. For classification, a transfer learning approach based on a publicly available pretrained neural network and subsequent fine-tuning was implemented. The results suggest that certain aspects of social behavior and environments can be automatically classified. The ambient noise of uncontrolled audio recordings, however, poses a hard challenge for automatic behavior assessment, in particular, when coupled with data sparsity

    Caring systems: making relational, gameful self-care technologies for mental health

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    Mental-health-focused self-care technologies (SCTs), as tools to look after oneself, receive great interest from human computer interaction and beyond. Sitting somewhere between medical intervention, preventive healthcare and tools for personal experience or expression, SCTs are seen as vehicles that can deliver personalised, 24/7 care. As proliferating everyday technologies, SCTs draw inspiration from a plethora of fields and paradigms—including games and games studies to augment and extend SCTs through game-informed, gameful features. To be able to provide self-care for mental health, SCTs must necessarily communicate and embody understandings of the concepts they feature or seek to address. This thesis argues that current SCTs conceptualise self-care for mental health as a linear, individualistic pursuit of wellness. Heavily informed by medicalisation, this dominant understanding leads to the construction of a normative, reductive design frame. Instead of a holistic engagement with mental health, as a multi-faceted, experiential—and often complicated—quality in someone’s life, self-care for mental health is often flattened into a universal “one-size-fits-most” approach. This reductive approach also extends to games as an inspirational source for SCTs. Instead of conceptualising and learning from games as an existing part of people’s self-care practise in holistic terms, games are often only operationalised to enhance existing normative approaches. This thesis seeks to soften this frame by exploring alternative ways of making gameful SCTs, by engaging with mental health, self-care and games as experiential, relational concepts. This research endeavour is undertaken by 1) adopting an intersectional feminist research lens and a humanistic-psychology-informed baseline and 2) by researching with people who enjoy gaming and who have their own experiences with mental health, and practitioners of humanistic psychology. The first study in this thesis investigates commercial self-care apps by charting and analysing their Google Play Store descriptions and testing them out through auto-ethnography. The second and third study of this thesis engage and research together with humanistic practitioners to explore how a relational baseline for SCTs could be built. Firstly, through an encounter-group-informed workshop that explores SCTs in an open-ended fashion and secondly, through a remote online space that features speculative prompts to draw out concrete concepts that SCTs could embody. Then, the thesis sketches out how the normative frame of SCTs could be softened. Firstly, by reporting on an ethnomethodology-informed ethnography in a videogame museum to showcase how video game play is—in itself—a relational, experiential experience. Secondly, by bringing all previous insights into the last study. It explores what relational, gameful SCTs could be like, as a workshop series, together with people who enjoy games and have their own experiences with mental distress. Based on this workshop series, a toolkit for the making of gameful SCTs is sketched out—the Caring Systems toolkit. This toolkit is then tested and trialled in a self-care game jam, a communal game-making event. This thesis contributes to a holistic understanding of games as part of people’s self-care practise for mental health and interrogates how current (gameful) SCTs may harm people due to the normative frame that they operate within. It showcases how humanistic psychology—and the person-centred approach—can be a meaningful approach to develop relational, person-centred technology. This thesis also contributes to the growing field of feminist and humanistic HCI. Through its engagement with games, self-care and mental health as experiential aspects of someone’s life, this thesis showcases that gameful SCTs have untapped potential[s] outside the established, medicalised canon of health-minded technologies

    A questionnaire to estimate the needs for research data management

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    The development of a data management plan requires detailed knowledge about the research data and the corresponding processes. Moreover, detailed knowledge about the entire data life-cycle in the respective research group is necessary when providing support with respect to reproducibility and data management. In order to allow curators to gain this knowledge, we developed a questionnaire, which provides a set of topics including questions to inspire discussions on data management and the data life-cycle. This questionnaire consists of a collection of questions targeting different phases of the data life-cycle. It was developed in order to gain insight about the data management practices in the subproject of the collaborative research centre 1270 ELAINE, but can also be used as guideline for so interviews with individual research groups
