11 research outputs found

    Julkinen taloudenpito Suomessa – taloutta ja talouspolitiikkaa

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    Valtiovarainministeriön tehtÀvÀt mÀÀritellÀÀn Valtioneuvoston asetuksessa valtiovarainministeriöstÀ (26.6.2003/610 myöhemmin tehtyine muutoksineen). Yhden valtiovarainministeriön keskeisimmistÀ tehtÀvistÀ voisi kiteyttÀÀ velvollisuudeksi hoitaa julkista taloudenpitoa, kÀyttÀÀ tietoa ja yllÀpitÀÀ tilannekuvaa taloudesta sekÀ etsiÀ ja ehdottaa ratkaisuja, joilla julkinen taloudenpito sÀilyy vakaalla pohjalla ja luo vakaan perustan talouden ja yhteiskunnan toiminnalle. TÀssÀ kirjoituksessa tarkastelen julkista taloudenpitoa ja sen yhteyttÀ talouteen ja erityisesti talouden tulonmuodostuskykyyn. Pyrin myös tunnistamaan tulonmuodostuskykyÀ muovaavia voimia ja ydinalueita, joilta löytyisi ratkaisuja talouden tulonmuodostuskyvyn vahvistamiseksi. Kirjoituksessa esittÀmÀni analyysi, vÀitteet ja ratkaisut ovat omiani eivÀtkÀ vÀlttÀmÀttÀ edusta työnantajani valtiovarainministeriön kantaa

    A disaggregated framework for the analysis of structural developments in public finances

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    In this paper, we present a disaggregated framework for the analysis of past and projected structural developments in the most relevant revenue and expenditure categories and the fiscal balance. The framework, in particular, distinguishes between the effects of discretionary fiscal policy and of macroeconomic and other developments and is sufficiently standardised to be used in multi-country studies. Here, it is applied to Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal over the period 1998 to 2004. During this period the structural primary balance ratio clearly worsened in all countries except Finland. In Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands, both revenue and expenditure contributed to the deterioration of the structural primary balance. In Germany the large deterioration in revenue was partially offset by the decline in the structural primary expenditure ratio, while the opposite was true for Portugal. The analysis highlights the various factors that contributed to these developments.

    A disaggregated framework for the analysis of structural developments in public finances

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    In this paper, we present a disaggregated framework for the analysis of past and projected structural developments in the most relevant revenue and expenditure categories and the fiscal balance. The framework, in particular, distinguishes between the effects of discretionary fiscal policy and of macroeconomic and other developments and is sufficiently standardised to be used in multi-country studies. Here, it is applied to Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal over the period 1998 to 2004. During this period the structural primary balance ratio clearly worsened in all countries except Finland. In Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands, both revenue and expenditure contributed to the deterioration of the structural primary balance. In Germany the large deterioration in revenue was partially offset by the decline in the structural primary expenditure ratio, while the opposite was true for Portugal. The analysis highlights the various factors that contributed to these developments. JEL Classification: H20, H50, H60, E69Fiscal forecasting and monitoring, fiscal indicators, Structural budget balance

    Estimating Exchange Market Pressure and the Degree of Exchange Market Intervention for Finland during the Floating Exchange Rate Regime

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    In this paper, we use a fairly simple monetary macro model to calculate the quarterly measures of exchange market pressure and the degree of the Bank of Finland's intervention during the time the markka was floated. Exchange market pressure measures the size of the exchange rate change that would have occurred if the central bank had unexpectedly refrained from intervening in the foreign exchange market. Intervention activity of the central bank is measured as the proportion of exchange market pressure relieved by foreign exchange interventions. According to the measures, exchange market pressure decreased during the course of the markka float. Looking at the float as a whole, we cannot say whether depreciation or appreciation pressure was clearly dominant. However, the quarterly exchange market pressure was more often negative than positive. The intervention indices indicate that the Bank of Finland limited the quarter-by-quarter changes in the external value of markka almost totally allowing markka to drift slowly towards its underlying free-float equilibrium value. The estimates of intervention activity during periods of appreciation and depreciation pressure diverged most in 1994 and 1996. In 1994, depreciation pressure was dampened more carefully than appreciation pressure. In 1996, on the other hand, the Bank of Finland reacted much more cautiously to appreciation pressure. Overall, the Bank of Finland's reactions to appreciation pressure seem to have varied markedly, while its reactions to depreciation pressure seem to have been more consistent.exchange market pressure; exchange market intervention; floating exchange rate regime

    A disaggregated framework for the analysis of structural developments in public finances

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    In this paper, we present a disaggregated framework for the analysis of past and projected structural developments in the most relevant revenue and expenditure categories and the fiscal balance. The framework, in particular, distinguishes between the effects of discretionary fiscal policy and of macroeconomic and other developments and is sufficiently standardised to be used in multi-country studies. Here, it is applied to Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal over the period 1998 to 2004. During this period the structural primary balance ratio clearly worsened in all countries except Finland. In Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands, both revenue and expenditure contributed to the deterioration of the structural primary balance. In Germany the large deterioration in revenue was partially offset by the decline in the structural primary expenditure ratio, while the opposite was true for Portugal. The analysis highlights the various factors that contributed to these developments. --Structural budget balance,fiscal forecasting and monitoring,fiscal indicators

    COVID-19-epidemia ja sen vaikutukset Suomessa : KeskipitkÀn aikavÀlin skenaarioita

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    TÀssÀ muistiossa on kuvattu kolme mahdollista korona-epidemian kehityskulkua taloudellisine ja sosiaalisine vaikutuksineen. Skenaariot alkavat kuluvan vuoden kesÀstÀ ja jatkuvat vuoden 2023 loppuun. TÀssÀ esiteltÀvÀ analyysi on jatkoa joulukuussa 2020 julkistetuille lyhyemmÀn (n. 6 kk) aikavÀlin skenaarioille, joissa tarkastelun kohteena oli yhtÀlÀisesti epidemian, talouden ja sosiaalisten seurausten yhteis- ja keskinÀisvaikutukset . Toistaiseksi Suomi on selvinnyt COVID-19 -epidemiasta sangen vÀhÀisin vaurioin, jos tarkastellaan asiaa terveyden suojelun tai talouden nÀkökulmasta ja verrataan muihin maihin. Esimerkiksi helmikuun alkuun mennessÀ Suomessa oli todettu vÀestöön suhteutettuna vÀhiten COVID-19 tapauksia koko EU/ETA alueella. Kehitys on alkuvuonna pÀÀpiirteissÀÀn noudattanut joulukuussa julkistettujen skenaarioiden perusvaihtoehtoa. Helmikuun jÀlkipuoliskolta alkaen tartunnat ovat lisÀÀntyneet nopeasti, virusmuunnokset ovat yleistyneet nopeasti ja sairaalapaikkojen tarve on alkanut kasvaa. Suomen epidemiologinen tilanne on helmi-maaliskuun vaihteessa erittÀin haastava. On kuitenkin mahdollista, ettÀ epidemiatilanteen merkittÀvÀ huonontuminen voidaan vielÀ pysÀyttÀÀ helmi-maaliskuun vaihteessa kÀyttöön otetuilla tiukoilla rajoitustoimilla. TÀllöin joulukuussa hahmoteltujen kielteisempien skenaarioiden taloudelliset ja sosiaaliset vauriot olisivat vÀltettÀvissÀ. PitkittyvÀt rajoitustoimet voivat aiheuttaa erittÀin merkittÀviÀ hyvinvoinnin ongelmia ja negatiivisia taloudellisia seurauksia etenkin suoraan rajoitusten kohteeksi joutuvilla toimialoilla. Joulukuun skenaariotarkastelussa oli kuitenkin pÀÀdytty empiirisen tutkimuksen nojalla arvioimaan, ettÀ epidemian hallinnassa pitÀmisen yhteiskunnalliset ja taloudelliset hyödyt ylittÀvÀt rajoitustoimista koituvat haitat. NÀin olisi erityisesti tilanteessa, jossa voimakkaat rajoitustoimet ajoitettaisiin siten, ettÀ pystytÀÀn estÀmÀÀn epidemian kiihtyminen hallitsemattomaksi ennen rokotusten ja vuodenaikavaihtelun odotettua vaikutusta

    The COVID-19 epidemic and its effects on Finland : Medium-term scenarios

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    This memorandum describes three potential evolution trends that the corona epidemic might follow in Finland, together with their economic and social impacts. The scenarios start from the coming summer and extend until the end of 2023. The analysis presented here is a follow- up to the short-term scenarios (covering approx. 6 months) published in December 2020 that examined the combined and mutual effects of the epidemic and its economic and social consequences. Compared with many other countries, Finland has so far survived the COVID-19 epidemic with relatively little damage in terms of health protection and the economy. By the beginning of February 2021, the lowest number of COVID-19 cases relative to the population than anywhere else in the EU/EEA area was recorded in Finland. In the early part of this year, the evolution has essentially followed the base case scenario of the models published last December. Since the second half of February, infections have increased rapidly, virus variants are spreading fast, and there is a growing demand for hospital beds. At present, at the turn of February and March 2021, Finland faces a very challenging epidemiological situation

    Covid-19-epidemin och dess konsekvenser i Finland : Scenarier pÄ medellÄng sikt

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    I denna promemoria redogörs för tre möjliga scenarier för hur covid-19-pandemin kommer att utvecklas och vilka ekonomiska och sociala konsekvenser den fÄr. Scenarierna omspÀnner tiden frÄn den inkommande sommaren till slutet av Är 2023. Analysen som presenteras hÀr Àr en fortsÀttning pÄ de scenarier pÄ kortare sikt (ca 6 mÄn.) som gavs ut i december 2020 och som pÄ samma sÀtt gÀllde de sammanlagda och inbördes effekterna av pandemin och de ekonomiska och sociala konsekvenserna . Tills vidare har Finland klarat av covid-19-pandemin med relativt smÄ skador i jÀmförelse med andra lÀnder med hÀnseende till hÀlsoskyddet eller ekonomin. Fram till början av februari hade det till exempel i Finland i förhÄllande till befolkningen konstaterats minst covid-19-fall inom hela EU/EES-omrÄdet. Utvecklingen har i början av Äret huvudsakligen följt scenariot för basnivÄn av de alternativ som offentliggjordes i december. FrÄn mitten av februari har antalet smittfall börjat öka, och olika virusmutationer har snabbt börjat sprida sig. Samtidigt har behovet av vÄrdplatser pÄ sjukhus börjat öka. I skrivande stund i början av mars Àr den epidemiologiska situationen i Finland mycket utmanande