162 research outputs found

    Influence of β-diiminato Ligand Design in Transition Metal Mediated E4 (E = P, As) Activation

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    This work provides a detailed insight into the reactivity of late transition metal (Fe, Co, Cu) complexes towards white phosphorus (P4) and yellow arsenic (As4). Of particular interest is the application of differently substituted β-diiminato supporting ligands and their influence on the En ligand complex formation (E = P, As)

    Conduction and cooling flows

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    Chandra and XMM-Newton observations have confirmed the presence of large temperature gradients within the cores of many relaxed clusters of galaxies. Here we investigate whether thermal conduction operating over those gradients can supply sufficient heat to offset radiative cooling. Narayan & Medvedev (2001) and Gruzinov (2002) have noted, using published results on cluster temperatures, that conduction within a factor of a few of the Spitzer rate is sufficient to balance bremsstrahlung cooling. From a detailed study of the temperature and emission measure profiles of Abell 2199 and Abell 1835, we find that the heat flux required by conduction is consistent with or below the rate predicted by Spitzer in the outer regions of the core. Conduction may therefore explain the lack of observational evidence for large mass cooling rates inferred from arguments based simply on radiative cooling, provided that conductivity is suppressed by no more than a factor of three below the full Spitzer rate. To stem cooling in the cluster centre, however, would necessitate conductivity values at least a factor of two larger than the Spitzer values, which we consider implausible. This may provide an explanation for the observed star formation and optical nebulosities in cluster cores. The solution is likely to be time dependent. We briefly discuss the possible origin of the cooler gas and the implications for massive galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by MNRAS. Minor changes following referee's comment

    On viscosity, conduction and sound waves in the intracluster medium

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    Recent X-ray and optical observations of the Perseus cluster indicate that the viscous and conductive dissipation of sound waves is the mechanism responsible for heating the intracluster medium and thus balancing radiative cooling of cluster cores. We discuss this mechanism more generally and show how the specific heating and cooling rates vary with temperature and radius. It appears that the heating mechanism is most effective above 10^7K, which allows for radiative cooling to proceed within normal galaxy formation but will stifle the growth of very massive galaxies. The scaling of the wavelength of sound waves with cluster temperature and feedback in the system are investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, MNRAS accepte

    On conduction, cooling flows and galaxy formation

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    On the basis of the universal gas fraction in clusters of galaxies, we estimate that the effective thermal conductivity required to balance radiative cooling in the cores, where the gas temperature is 3-10keV, is about one tenth of the Spitzer rate. This confirms that thermal conduction can be important for the energy balance provided that it is not highly suppressed by magnetic fields in the gas. We determine the global effective conductivity in a sample of 29 clusters using published X-ray data on the inferred cooling rates and show that most lie between one and one tenth of the Spitzer rate. More work on the profiles in cooling flow clusters is required to test the conduction hypothesis further. We examine the possibility that conduction operates during galaxy formation, and show that it provides a simple explanation for the upper-mass cutoff in galaxy masses.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Radio pulsar binaries in globular clusters: their orbital eccentricities and stellar interactions

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    High sensitivity searches of globular clusters (GC) for radio pulsars by improved pulsar search algorithms and sustained pulsar timing observations have so far yielded some 140 pulsars in more than two dozen GCs. The observed distribution of orbital eccentricity and period of binary radio pulsars in GCs have imprints of the past interaction between single pulsars and binary systems or of binary pulsars and single passing non-compact stars. It is seen that GCs have different groups of pulsars. These may have arisen out of exchange or merger of a component of the binary with the incoming star or a "fly-by" in which the original binary remains intact but undergoes a change of eccentricity and orbital period. We consider the genesis of the distribution of pulsars using analytical and computational tools such as STARLAB, which performs numerical scattering experiments with direct N-body integration. Cluster pulsars with intermediate eccentricities can mostly be accounted for by fly-bys whereas those with high eccentricities are likely to be the result of exchanges and/or mergers of single stars with the binary companion of the pulsar, although there are a few objects which do not easily fit into this description. The corresponding distribution for galactic field pulsars shows notable differences from the GC pulsar orbital period and eccentricity distribution. The long orbital period pulsars in the galactic field with frozen out low eccentricities are largely missing from the globular clusters, and we show that ionization of these systems in GCs cannot alone account for the peculiarities.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Cold filaments in galaxy clusters: effects of heat conduction

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    We determine the critical size l_crit of a filament of cold (T~10^4 K) gas that is in radiative equilibrium with X-ray emitting gas at temperatures T_out~10^6 - 10^8 K. Filaments smaller than l_crit will be rapidly evaporated, while longer ones will induce the condensation of the ambient medium. At fixed pressure P, l_crit increases as T_out^(11/4), while at fixed T_out it scales as 1/P. It scales as f^(1/2), where f is the factor by which the magnetic field depresses the thermal conductivity below Spitzer's benchmark value. For plausible values of f, l_crit is similar to the lengths of observed filaments. In a cluster such as Perseus, the value of l_crit increases by over an order of magnitude between the centre and a radius of 100 kpc. If the spectrum of seed filament lengths l is strongly falling with l, as is natural, then these results explain why filaments are only seen within a few kiloparsecs of the centres of clusters, and are not seen in clusters that have no cooling flow. We calculate the differential emission measure as a function of temperature for the interface between filaments and ambient gas of various temperatures. We discuss the implications of our results for the origin of the galaxy luminosity function.Comment: 8 pages with 5 figures, MNRAS (submitted

    Noise transfer for unsupervised domain adaptation of retinal OCT images

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging from different camera devices causes challenging domain shifts and can cause a severe drop in accuracy for machine learning models. In this work, we introduce a minimal noise adaptation method based on a singular value decomposition (SVDNA) to overcome the domain gap between target domains from three different device manufacturers in retinal OCT imaging. Our method utilizes the difference in noise structure to successfully bridge the domain gap between different OCT devices and transfer the style from unlabeled target domain images to source images for which manual annotations are available. We demonstrate how this method, despite its simplicity, compares or even outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised domain adaptation methods for semantic segmentation on a public OCT dataset. SVDNA can be integrated with just a few lines of code into the augmentation pipeline of any network which is in contrast to many state-of-the-art domain adaptation methods which often need to change the underlying model architecture or train a separate style transfer model. The full code implementation for SVDNA is available at https://github.com/ValentinKoch/SVDNA.Comment: published at MICCAI 202

    Ram pressure stripping in a viscous intracluster medium

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    In the recent literature there is circumstantial evidence that the viscosity of the intracluster medium may not be too far from the Spitzer value. In this letter, we present two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of ram pressure stripping of disc galaxies in a viscous intracluster medium. The values of viscosity explored range between 0.1 and 1.0 times the Spitzer value. We find that viscosity affects the appearance and the dimensions of the galactic wakes but has very little effect on the evolution of the gas mass of the galaxy.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by MNRAS letter

    A Chandra Study of Temperature Substructures in Intermediate-Redshift Galaxy Clusters

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    By analyzing the gas temperature maps created from the Chandra archive data, we reveal the prevailing existence of temperature substructures on ~100 kpc scales in the central regions of nine intermediate-redshift (z~0.1) galaxy clusters, which resemble those found in the Virgo and Coma Clusters. Each substructure contains a clump of hot plasma whose temperature is about 2-3 keV higher than the environment, corresponding to an excess thermal energy of ~1E58-1E60 erg per clump. Since if there were no significant non-gravitational heating sources, these substructures would have perished in 1E8-1E9 yrs due to thermal conduction and turbulent flows, whose velocity is found to range from about 200 to 400 km/s, we conclude that the substructures cannot be created and sustained by inhomogeneous radiative cooling. We also eliminate the possibilities that the temperature substructures are caused by supernova explosions, or by the non-thermal X-ray emission due to the inverse-Comptonization of the CMB photons. By calculating the rising time of AGN-induced buoyant bubbles, we speculate that the intermittent AGN outbursts (~ 1E60 erg per burst) may have played a crucial role in the forming of the high temperature substructures. Our results are supported by recent study of McNamara & Nulsen (2007), posing a tight observational constraint on future theoretical and numerical studies.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures, ApJ accepte

    The relationship between the optical Halpha filaments and the X-ray emission in the core of the Perseus cluster

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    NGC 1275 in the centre of the Perseus cluster of galaxies, Abell 426, is surrounded by a spectacular filamentary Halpha nebula. Deep Chandra X-ray imaging has revealed that the brighter outer filaments are also detected in soft X-rays. This can be due to conduction and mixing of the cold gas in the filaments with the hot, dense intracluster medium. We show the correspondence of the filaments in both wavebands and draw attention to the relationship of two prominent curved NW filaments to an outer, buoyant radio bubble seen as a hole in the X-ray image. There is a strong resemblance in the shape of the hole and the disposition of the filaments to the behaviour of a large air bubble rising in water. If this is a correct analogy, then the flow is laminar and the intracluster gas around this radio source is not turbulent. We obtain a limit on the viscosity of this gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA