496 research outputs found

    Ion acceleration in non-relativistic astrophysical shocks

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    We explore the physics of shock evolution and particle acceleration in non-relativistic collisionless shocks using multidimensional hybrid simulations. We analyze a wide range of physical parameters relevant to the acceleration of cosmic rays (CRs) in astrophysical non-relativistic shock scenarios, such as in supernova remnant (SNR) shocks. We explore the evolution of the shock structure and particle acceleration efficiency as a function of Alfv\'enic Mach number and magnetic field inclination angle θ\theta. We show that there are fundamental differences between high and low Mach number shocks in terms of the electromagnetic turbulence generated in the pre-shock zone and downstream; dominant modes are resonant with the streaming CRs in the low Mach number regime, while both resonant and non-resonant modes are present for high Mach numbers. Energetic power law tails for ions in the downstream plasma can account for up to 15% of the incoming upstream flow energy, distributed over 5\sim5% of the particles in a power law with slope 2±0.2-2\pm0.2 in energy. The energy conversion efficiency (for CRs) peaks at θ=15\theta=15^\circ to 3030^\circ and MA=6M_A=6, and decreases for higher Mach numbers, down to 2\sim2% for MA=31M_A=31. Accelerated particles are produced by Diffusive Shock Acceleration (DSA) and by Shock Drift Acceleration (SDA) mechanisms, with the SDA contribution to the overall energy gain increasing with magnetic inclination. We also present a direct comparison between hybrid and fully kinetic particle-in-cell results at early times; the agreement between the two models justifies the use of hybrid simulations for longer-term shock evolution. In SNR shocks, particle acceleration will be significant for low Mach number quasi-parallel flows (MA<30M_A < 30, θ<45\theta< 45). This finding underscores the need for effective magnetic amplification mechanism in SNR shocks

    Long Term Evolution of Magnetic Turbulence in Relativistic Collisionless Shocks

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    We study the long term evolution of magnetic fields generated by an initially unmagnetized collisionless relativistic e+ee^+e^- shock. Our 2D particle-in-cell numerical simulations show that downstream of such a Weibel-mediated shock, particle distributions are approximately isotropic, relativistic Maxwellians, and the magnetic turbulence is highly intermittent spatially, nonpropagating, and decaying. Using linear kinetic theory, we find a simple analytic form for these damping rates. Our theory predicts that overall magnetic energy decays like (ωpt)q(\omega_p t)^{-q} with q1q \sim 1, which compares favorably with simulations, but predicts overly rapid damping of short wavelength modes. Magnetic trapping of particles within the magnetic structures may be the origin of this discrepancy. We conclude that initially unmagnetized relativistic shocks in electron-positron plasmas are unable to form persistent downstream magnetic fields. These results put interesting constraints on synchrotron models for the prompt and afterglow emission from GRBs.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, contributed talk at the workshop: High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows (HEPRO), Dublin, 24-28 September 2007; Downsampled version for arXiv. Full resolution version available at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~pchang/proceedings.pd

    Dissipative Pulsar Magnetosphere

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    Dissipative axisymmetric pulsar magnetosphere is calculated by a direct numerical simulation of the Strong-Field Electrodynamics equations. The magnetic separatrix disappears, it is replaced by a region of enhanced dissipation. With a better numerical scheme, one should be able to calculate the bolometric lightcurves for a given conductivity.Comment: 2 pages, 10 figures, minor changes for the journa

    On the Cosmic Ray Driven Firehose Instability

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    The role of the non-resonant firehose instability in conditions relevant to the precursors of supernova remnant shocks is considered. Using a second order tensor expansion of the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation we illustrate the necessary conditions for the firehose to operate. It is found that for very fast shocks, the diffusion approximation predicts that the linear firehose growth rate is marginally faster than its resonant counterpart. Preliminary hybrid MHD-Vlasov-Fokker-Planck simulation results using young supernova relevant parameters are presented.Comment: Contribution to the 6th International Symposium on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma2016), Heidelberg, Germany. To be published in the AIP Conference Proceeding

    Impulsive acceleration of strongly magnetized relativistic flows

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    The definitive version can be found at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ Copyright Royal Astronomical SocietyThe strong variability of magnetic central engines of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) may result in highly intermittent strongly magnetized relativistic outflows. We find a new magnetic acceleration mechanism for such impulsive flows that can be much more effective than the acceleration of steady-state flows. This impulsive acceleration results in kinetic-energy-dominated flows that are conducive to efficient dissipation at internal magnetohydrodynamic shocks on astrophysically relevant distances from the central source. For a spherical flow, a discrete shell ejected from the source over a time t0 with Lorentz factor Γ∼ 1 and initial magnetization σ0=B20/4πρ0c2≫ 1 quickly reaches a typical Lorentz factor Γ∼σ1/30 and magnetization σ∼σ2/30 at the distance R0≈ct0. At this point, the magnetized shell of width Δ∼R0 in the laboratory frame loses causal contact with the source and continues to accelerate by spreading significantly in its own rest frame. The expansion is driven by the magnetic pressure gradient and leads to relativistic relative velocities between the front and back of the shell. While the expansion is roughly symmetric in the centre of the momentum frame, in the laboratory frame, most of the energy and momentum remains in a region (or shell) of width Δ∼R0 at the head of the flow. This acceleration proceeds as Γ∼ (σ0R/R0)1/3 and σ∼σ2/30 (R/R0)-1/3 until reaching a coasting radius Rc∼R0σ20, where the kinetic energy becomes dominant: Γ∼σ0 and σ∼ 1 at Rc. The shell then starts coasting and spreading (radially), its width growing as Δ∼R0(R/Rc), causing its magnetization to drop as σ∼Rc/R at R > Rc. Given the typical variability time-scales of AGNs and GRBs, the magnetic acceleration in these sources is a combination of the quasi-steady-state collimation acceleration close to the source and the impulsive (conical or locally quasi-spherical) acceleration farther out. The interaction with the external medium, which can significantly affect the dynamics, is briefly addressed in the discussion.Peer reviewe

    Modeling high-energy pulsar lightcurves from first principles

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    Current models of gamma-ray lightcurves in pulsars suffer from large uncertainties on the precise location of particle acceleration and radiation. Here, we present an attempt to alleviate these difficulties by solving for the electromagnetic structure of the oblique magnetosphere, particle acceleration, and the emission of radiation self-consistently, using 3D spherical particle-in-cell simulations. We find that the low-energy radiation is synchro-curvature radiation from the polar-cap regions within the light cylinder. In contrast, the high-energy emission is synchrotron radiation that originates exclusively from the Y-point and the equatorial current sheet where relativistic magnetic reconnection accelerates particles. In most cases, synthetic high-energy lightcurves contain two peaks that form when the current sheet sweeps across the observer's line of sight. We find clear evidence of caustics in the emission pattern from the current sheet. High-obliquity solutions can present up to two additional secondary peaks from energetic particles in the wind region accelerated by the reconnection-induced flow near the current sheet. The high-energy radiative efficiency depends sensitively on the viewing angle, and decreases with increasing pulsar inclination. The high-energy emission is concentrated in the equatorial regions where most of the pulsar spindown is released and dissipated. These results have important implications for the interpretation of gamma-ray pulsar data.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Self-inhibiting thermal conduction in high-beta, whistler-unstable plasma

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    A heat flux in a high-β\beta plasma with low collisionality triggers the whistler instability. Quasilinear theory predicts saturation of the instability in a marginal state characterized by a heat flux that is fully controlled by electron scattering off magnetic perturbations. This marginal heat flux does not depend on the temperature gradient and scales as 1/β1/\beta. We confirm this theoretical prediction by performing numerical particle-in-cell simulations of the instability. We further calculate the saturation level of magnetic perturbations and the electron scattering rate as functions of β\beta and the temperature gradient to identify the saturation mechanism as quasilinear. Suppression of the heat flux is caused by oblique whistlers with magnetic-energy density distributed over a wide range of propagation angles. This result can be applied to high-β\beta astrophysical plasmas, such as the intracluster medium, where thermal conduction at sharp temperature gradients along magnetic-field lines can be significantly suppressed. We provide a convenient expression for the amount of suppression of the heat flux relative to the classical Spitzer value as a function of the temperature gradient and β\beta. For a turbulent plasma, the additional independent suppression by the mirror instability is capable of producing large total suppression factors (several tens in galaxy clusters) in regions with strong temperature gradients.Comment: accepted to JP