4 research outputs found

    The applying of the method of varation of parameters and different circuits of angular parameters to simulate the blade of the compressor

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    One of the most scientific and complex purpose of engineering are the objects of gas turbine construction. In fact, many of problems solving in this brunch are the same as in the agricultural machinery, energy machines and complexes in their formulation. Traditionally, the development and manufacture of gas turbine engines and compressors are the important directions for gas turbines. Due to the wide variety of compressors and their indicators (principle of action, basic design features, created pressure, performance, frequency of rotation, power consumption) are used in the extensive majority of coal, metallurgical, oil and gas, aviation, ship, transport and other industries and also in industrial complexes. However, at the same time, the requirements of customers are increasingly rising to the quality of turbines production, their economic indicators, reduction of mass-scale characteristics and metal capacity, rising operational safety, environmental cleanliness in work, as well as repairability. The reliability of gas turbine engines substantially depends on the reliability of compressor blades and turbines. This is due to the fact that in addition to stretching and bending from centrifugal forces, bending and torsion from a gas flow, the blades experience alternating stresses from vibration loads, the amplitude and frequency of which vary over a wide range. In addition, turbine and compressor blades are the most widespread, since more than 2000 pieces are spent on the manufacture of one GTE. shoulder blades. Therefore, improving their geometric shape is an important scientific and technical task, the solution of which is to use the achievements of the Applied Geometry and Computer Technology to model and visualize the bypasses of blade machines, and then to manufacture them at the high-speed processing centers with CNC. Key words: discrete interpolation, method of interpolation, angular parameters, compressor blade

    Framing as a rejected web concept

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    The theses describe the issues why such a concept as framing became rejected by the web community nowadays. The points make it clear what kind of problems the frames are creating, not only for a single website but also for the entire Internet

    Condensation of transitive sites DSC on the basis of the adaptive way of discrete interpolation

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    UK: Пропонується розв’язання задачі згущення перехідної ланки ДПК шляхом побудови точок згущення на основі адаптивного способу дискретної інтерполяції. RU: Предлагается решение задачи сгущения переходного звена ДПК путем построения точек сгущения на основе адаптивного способа дискретной интерполяции. EN: The decision of a problem of a condensation of transitive link DSC by construction of points of a condensation on the basis of an adaptive way of discrete interpolation is offered

    Control the forms of discrete representation curves under application of several modelling conditions

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    UK: В роботі розглядаються управління формою згущеної дисктетно представленої кривої (ДПК) при використанні методу згущення на основі варіативного формування різницевих схем кутових параметрів за умов відсутності осциляції та урахування повнот и кривої. EN: In this paper the control of discrete condensed form interpolated (DPC) using the method of interpolation forming on the basis of variable angular parameters of difference schemes in the absence of oscillations, and the completeness of the curve