17 research outputs found

    Decomposition of individual components of bio-organic waste: volatile organic compounds and the impact on health and psycho-emotional state

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    The study considers the impact on the person’s health and psycho-emotional state of unpleasant odors arising from the storage and accumulation of bioorganic waste, including food waste (meat, poultry, fruits and vegetables) and bird droppings. The survey data of poultry and livestock farms’ employees in Serbia are given. The impact of unpleasant odors on the Waste sorting complex (Moscow region) employees’ vital signs is assessed. The impact of high-intensity odor groups for individual components of food waste (pork meat, poultry meat, vegetables and fruits) and bird droppings was studied by interviewing volunteers and measuring their vital signs

    Cysteine residues 244 and 458-459 within the catalytic subunit of Na,K-ATPase control the enzyme's hydrolytic and signaling function under hypoxic conditions

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    Our previous findings suggested that reversible thiol modifications of cysteine residues within the actuator (AD) and nucleotide binding domain (NBD) of the Na,K-ATPase may represent a powerful regulatory mechanism conveying redox- and oxygen-sensitivity of this multifunctional enzyme. S-glutathionylation of Cys244 in the AD and Cys 454-458-459 in the NBD inhibited the enzyme and protected cysteines' thiol groups from irreversible oxidation under hypoxic conditions. In this study mutagenesis approach was used to assess the role these cysteines play in regulation of the Na,K-ATPase hydrolytic and signaling functions. Several constructs of mouse α1 subunit of the Na,K-ATPase were produced in which Cys244, Cys 454-458-459 or Cys 244-454-458-459 were replaced by alanine. These constructs were expressed in human HEK293 cells. Non-transfected cells and those expressing murine α1 subunit were exposed to hypoxia or treated with oxidized glutathione (GSSG). Both conditions induced inhibition of the wild type Na,K-ATPase. Enzymes containing mutated mouse α1 lacking Cys244 or all four cysteines (Cys 244-454-458-459) were insensitive to hypoxia. Inhibitory effect of GSSG was observed for wild type murine Na,K-ATPase, but was less pronounced in Cys454-458-459Ala mutant and completely absent in the Cys244Ala and Cys 244-454-458-459Ala mutants. In cells, expressing wild type enzyme, ouabain induced activation of Src and Erk kinases under normoxic conditions, whereas under hypoxic conditions this effect was inversed. Cys454-458-459Ala substitution abolished Src kinase activation in response to ouabain treatment, uncoupled Src from Erk signaling, and interfered with O2-sensitivity of Na,K-ATPase signaling function. Moreover, modeling predicted that S-glutathionylation of Cys 458 and 459 should prevent inhibitory binding of Src to NBD. Our data indicate for the first time that cysteine residues within the AD and NBD influence hydrolytic as well as receptor function of the Na,K-ATPase and alter responses of the enzyme to hypoxia or upon treatment with cardiotonic steroids

    Разложение отдельных компонентов биоорганических отходов: летучие органические соединения и их влияние на здоровье и психоэмоциональное состояние

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    The study considers the impact on the person’s health and psycho-emotional state of unpleasant odors arising from the storage and accumulation of bioorganic waste, including food waste (meat, poultry, fruits and vegetables) and bird droppings. The survey data of poultry and livestock farms’ employees in Serbia are given. The impact of unpleasant odors on the Waste sorting complex (Moscow region) employees’ vital signs is assessed. The impact of high-intensity odor groups for individual components of food waste (pork meat, poultry meat, vegetables and fruits) and bird droppings was studied by interviewing volunteers and measuring their vital signs.Рассмотрено влияние на здоровье и психоэмоциональное состояние человека неприятных запахов, возникающих при хранении и накоплении биоорганических отходов, в том числе пищевых отходов (мяса, птицы, фруктов и овощей) и птичьего помета. Приведены данные опроса работников птицеводческих и животноводческих ферм Сербии. Оценено влияние неприятных запахов на показатели жизнедеятельности работников Комплекса по сортировке отходов (КПО) (Московская область). Влияние групп запахов высокой интенсивности на отдельные компоненты пищевых отходов (мяса свинины, мяса птицы, овощей и фруктов) и птичьего помета изучали путем опроса добровольцев и измерения их показателей жизнедеятельности

    Cyclotron resonance in HgTe/CdTe-based heterostructures in high magnetic fields

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    Cyclotron resonance study of HgTe/CdTe-based quantum wells with both inverted and normal band structures in quantizing magnetic fields was performed. In semimetallic HgTe quantum wells with inverted band structure, a hole cyclotron resonance line was observed for the first time. In the samples with normal band structure, interband transitions were observed with wide line width due to quantum well width fluctuations. In all samples, impurity-related magnetoabsorption lines were revealed. The obtained results were interpreted within the Kane 8·8 model, the valence band offset of CdTe and HgTe, and the Kane parameter E(P) being adjusted

    In vitro experimental system for analysis of transcription–translation coupling

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    Transcription and translation are coupled in bacteria, meaning that translation takes place co-transcriptionally. During transcription–translation, both machineries mutually affect each others’ functions, which is important for regulation of gene expression. Analysis of interactions between RNA polymerase (RNAP) and the ribosome, however, are limited due to the lack of an in vitro experimental system. Here, we report the development of an in vitro transcription coupled to translation system assembled from purified components. The system allows controlled stepwise transcription and simultaneous stepwise translation of the nascent RNA, and permits investigation of the interactions of RNAP with the ribosome, as well as the effects of translation on transcription and transcription on translation. As an example of usage of this experimental system, we uncover complex effects of transcription–translation coupling on pausing of transcription

    Quantitative analysis of ribosome–mRNA complexes at different translation stages

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    Inhibition of primer extension by ribosome–mRNA complexes (toeprinting) is a proven and powerful technique for studying mechanisms of mRNA translation. Here we have assayed an advanced toeprinting approach that employs fluorescently labeled DNA primers, followed by capillary electrophoresis utilizing standard instruments for sequencing and fragment analysis. We demonstrate that this improved technique is not merely fast and cost-effective, but also brings the primer extension inhibition method up to the next level. The electrophoretic pattern of the primer extension reaction can be characterized with a precision unattainable by the common toeprint analysis utilizing radioactive isotopes. This method allows us to detect and quantify stable ribosomal complexes at all stages of translation, including initiation, elongation and termination, generated during the complete translation process in both the in vitro reconstituted translation system and the cell lysate. We also point out the unique advantages of this new methodology, including the ability to assay sites of the ribosomal complex assembly on several mRNA species in the same reaction mixture


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    The work covers the blast furnaces. The aim of the work is to investigate and analyse the heat-exchange regularities in the up-to-date blast-furnace smelting and to develop the perspective directions of improving heat-exchange processes providing the use efficiency improvement in the fuel-power resources and increase of the blast furnace operation reliability on base of the heat-exchange regularities. The experimental investigations on the blast furnaces and also the mathematical modelling of heat-exchange have been performed. The heat-exchange process regularities in the up-to-date blast-furnace smelting taking unevennes of the material and gas distribution into consideration have been determined, the methods for forecast of the temperature patterns in blast furnaces have been developed, the problem for optimum distribution of the combined blast in the blast furnaces group has been decided. The complex of procedures and devices checking the heat-exchange processes, material and gas distribution, forecast of temperature patterns in furnace volume, shaft limiting state diagnostics has been realized, the method for optimum distribution of the natural gas and technological oxygen in blast furnace group and also the procedure correcting the combined blast parameters during iron and slag yield have been developed. The industrial introduction of check and control systems for the heat condition of blast furnaces has been performed. Application field: ferrous metallurgyAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Research of Dynamics of Gated-Electrical Processes in Simulink

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    Современные достижения в области электромашиностроения, полупроводниковой и преобразовательной техники привели к появлению нового класса электрических машин, работающих в широком диапазоне частот вращения, которые получили название вентильных. Эти машины позволяют строить на их основе автономные источники электропитания, обеспечивающие генерирование высококачественной электроэнергии при минимальных требованиях к приводному устройству. Математическая модель торцевого синхронного генератора со стабилизацией напряжения при изменении частоты вращения приводного вала в широком диапазоне реализована в пакете MatLab Simulink, имеющем в своем составе специализированную электротехническую библиотеку блоков. Процесс моделирования в MatLab Simulink представляет собой построение схемы устройства из стандартных блоков пакета и задание параметров ее отдельных элементов. Полученные результаты моделирования вентильного генератора со стабилизацией напряжения на примере 32-полюсной машины мощностью 1 кВт показали хорошую способность генерировать высококачественную электроэнергию в широком диапазоне скоростей вращения (от 90 до 187,5 об/мин). Используемые промежуточные преобразователи способны поддерживать постоянство величины напряжения при переменной частоте вращения, обеспечивая необходимую производительность для автономных источников питанияRecent advances in the field of electrical engineering, semiconductor and converter technology, have led to introduction of a new class of electric machines, operating in a wide range of rotational velocities, which are called gate. These machines make it possible to build standalone power supplies on their basis, to ensure the generation of high power with minimum drive unit requirements. A mathematical model of the mechanical synchronous generator with voltage stabilization when changing the drive shaft rotational velocity in a wide range have been implemented in MatLab Simulink package composed of specialist electrical block library. The modeling process in MatLab Simulink functions as a construction scheme of the standard block device package and configure of its individual elements. Obtained results concerning simulation of a gate generator with voltage stabilization based on the example of 32 pole machine with 1 kW showed good ability to generate high electric power over a wide rotational velocity range (90 to 187.5 rpm). Operated intermediate converters are able to maintain the stability of the voltage value at the variable rotational velocity that results in required operation for stand-alone power supplie