15 research outputs found

    Ostruzione intestinale secondaria a mucocele appendicolare: descrizione di un caso e revisione della letteratura

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    Per mucocele appendicolare si intende un gruppo di lesioni nelle quali il lume dell’ appendice si dilata con accumulo di muco nel suo interno. È una patologia rara che si presenta nello 0,2-0,3% di tutte le appendiciti asportate. Presentiamo un caso di mucocele appendicolare gigante, con occlusione intestinale secondaria, in un paziente di 73 anni di sesso maschile e una revisione della letteratura sull' argomento

    Isolated giant mesenteric fibromatosis (intra-abdominal desmoid tumors). Case report

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    A rare case of isolated giant mesenteric fibromatosis is presented. The tumor originated from the fibrous mesenteric tissue. The patient underwent laparotomy because of abdominal discomfort and subocclusive symptoms due to the giant mass. Differential diagnosis of mesenteric masses is discussed and the Authors also review the literature concerning this rare disease

    Confluent hepatic fibrosis as the presenting imaging sign in nonadvanced alcoholic cirrhosis

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    Confluent hepatic fibrosis (CHF) is usually a feature of advanced cirrhosis, while occurrence in early stage compensated cirrhosis is uncommon. We report the imaging findings of masslike CHF in a patient with previously unsuspected compensated alcoholic cirrhosis. The combination of partially wedge shape, minimal capsular retraction, and homogeneous delayed enhancement on multiphase contrast-enhanced spiral CT led to the characterization of the lesions and establishment of the diagnosis of cirrhosis. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Confluent hepatic fibrosis as the presenting imaging sign in nonadvanced alcoholic cirrhosis

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    Confluent hepatic fibrosis (CHF) is usually a feature of advanced cirrhosis, while occurrence in early stage compensated cirrhosis is uncommon. We report the imaging findings of masslike CHF in a patient with previously unsuspected compensated alcoholic cirrhosis. The combination of partially wedge shape, minimal capsular retraction, and homogeneous delayed enhancement on multiphase contrast-enhanced spiral CT led to the characterization of the lesions and establishment of the diagnosis of cirrhosis. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Colon bleeding from both arteriovenous malformation and inflammatory bowel disease. Case report

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    Introduction. Although endoscopy and angiography have changed the management of lower gastrointestinal bleeding and the majority of patients respond to conservative treatment 10-20% of cases have no recognizable site of hemorrhage. About 10-30% of all patients will require operative intervation. A very rare case of massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding in a young patient who was found to suffer from two causes of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in the same time is reported. The patient had to undergo surgery for the control of bleeding. Case report. A 23 years old male Greek patient presented to the emergency department of our hospital because of three episodes of hematochezia during the last 10 hours. He was admitted to the surgical department for monitoring of his condition. In the next 10 hours the hematochezia continued and the patient although being transfused with three units of packed red blood cells, started to become unstable with his vital signs affected, having also a syncoptic episode. Emergent colonoscopy could not recognize the site of hemorrhage or any other pathology in the colon, but revealed an intestinal lumen full of blood from the anus to the cecum. It was decided that the patient should undergo operation to stop bleeding. An extensive right hemicolectomy was performed. After that the patient remained stable and showed no signs of hemorrage. The histopathological examination of the specimen showed an arteriovenous malformation but also lesions of the mucosa compatible with early inflammatory bowel disease. Conclusions. In young patients with massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding of unknown origin, extensive right hemicolectomy provides a good and safe therapeutic choice that will control hemorrhage in most cases with the advantage of lower mortality and morbidity rates compared to subtotal colectomy. Close monitoring of the patient postoperatively is essential

    Metastasi in sede di trocar (port site metastasis) dopo chirurgia oncologica laparoscopica. Presentazione di un caso e revisione della letteratura

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    First success of laparoscopic surgery promoted the application of this technique in the treatment of malignancies. The technique has been associated with less postoperative pain, a better cosmetic result and a shorter period of hospitalization. The early optimism has been followed by the doubts based on the observation of port site metastasis after laparoscopic surgery for neoplastic deseases. Port site metastases have been reported without a sure explanation of their cause: gas turbulence and exfoliated cells, contaminated instruments or limited experience of surgeon. In this study we present a case of a woman that underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy; 12 months later she presented with port site metastasis from an unsuspected ovarian cancer. We review in the literature about this complication of the laparoscopic surgery

    Progetto Fest\uf2s. Ricognizioni archeologiche di superficie: le campagne 2007-2009

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    L\u2019esigenza di ampliare la conoscenza dell\u2019abitato di Fest\uf2s attraverso l\u2019indagine, in senso diacronico, delle forme di occupazione e dello sviluppo urbano, ha indotto la Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene ad avviare, nell\u2019estate del 2007, una synergasia italo-greca nella consapevolezza che solo un reciproco scambio di informazioni e una stretta ed efficace collaborazione scientifica con la locale eforia potessero consentire uno studio sistematico di Fest\uf2s e della regione circostante. Da tale necessit\ue0, che va di pari passo con lo studio e la pubblicazione dei vecchi scavi, \ue8 nata l\u2019idea di elaborare un progetto basato su indagini di superficie, ricerche di archivio e analisi dei mate riali affidato a un\u2019\ue9quipe coordinata dalle universit\ue0 di Salerno e di Pisa e dall\u2019Eforia di Iraklion sotto la responsabilit\ue0 rispettivamente di Fausto Longo, Mario Benzi e Maria Bredaki e in collaborazione con la SAIA, in particolare, con lo stesso direttore Emanuele Greco al quale si deve l\u2019idea generale del progetto che ha poi concorso a realizzare. Il programma definito nel 2006, avviato concretamente a partire dall\u2019anno successivo e accresciutosi negli anni seguenti, ha come obiettivo lo studio di una parte della Messar\ue0 occidentale con particolare attenzione all\u2019area intorno al sistema delle colline di Fest\uf2s. Di questo territorio ci prefiggiamo di indagare forme e modalit\ue0 di trasformazione del paesaggio antico dal Neolitico sino alle fasi tardo antich