3,892 research outputs found

    Coarse Grained Liouville Dynamics of piecewise linear discontinuous maps

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    We compute the spectrum of the classical and quantum mechanical coarse-grained propagators for a piecewise linear discontinuous map. We analyze the quantum - classical correspondence and the evolution of the spectrum with increasing resolution. Our results are compared to the ones obtained for a mixed system.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Stochastic macromodeling for hierarchical uncertainty quantification of nonlinear electronic systems

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    A hierarchical stochastic macromodeling approach is proposed for the efficient variability analysis of complex nonlinear electronic systems. A combination of the Transfer Function Trajectory and Polynomial Chaos methods is used to generate stochastic macromodels. In order to reduce the computational complexity of the model generation when the number of stochastic variables increases, a hierarchical system decomposition is used. Pertinent numerical results validate the proposed methodology

    Battery losses in a MMC for BEVS application

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    Objective: This paper analyses the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) topology, where each individual Sub Module (SM), in half bridge configuration, is directly fed by an elementary electrochemical cell. Methods: The aim is to investigate how the reference voltages influence the cells currents waveforms, determining how the active powers and the losses are distributed among the cells. Considering a 2-level Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) topology working in the same conditions, the ratio between the MMC total cells losses and VSI total cells losses is calculated. After showing the system architecture and mathematical model, the cells current waveform investigation is presented and detailed both for triangular and sinusoidal voltage reference waveform

    Optically switched magnetism in photovoltaic perovskite CH3_3NH3_3(Mn:Pb)I3_3

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    The demand for ever-increasing density of information storage and speed of manipulation boosts an intense search for new magnetic materials and novel ways of controlling the magnetic bit. Here, we report the synthesis of a ferromagnetic photovoltaic CH3_3NH3_3(Mn:Pb)I3_3 material in which the photo-excited electrons rapidly melt the local magnetic order through the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interactions without heating up the spin system. Our finding offers an alternative, very simple and efficient way of optical spin control, and opens an avenue for applications in low power, light controlling magnetic devices

    An HST Imaging Survey of Low-Mass Stars in the Chamaeleon I Star Forming region

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    We present new HST/WFPC2 observations of 20 fields centered around T Tauri stars in the Chamaeleon I star forming region. Images have been obtained in the F631N ([OI]6300A), F656N (Ha) and F673N ([SII]6716A+6731A) narrow-band filters, plus the Johnson V-band equivalent F547M filter. We detect 31 T Tauri stars falling within our fields. We discuss the optical morphology of 10 sources showing evidence of either binarity, circumstellar material, or mass loss. We supplement our photometry with a compilation of optical, infrared and sub-millimeter data from the literature, together with new sub-mm data for three objects, to build the Spectral Energy Distributions (SED) of 19 single sources. Using an SED model fitting tool, we self-consistently estimate a number of stellar and disk parameters, while mass accretion rates are directly derived from our Ha photometry. We find that bolometric luminosities derived from dereddened optical data tend to be underestimated in systems with high alpha(2-24} IR spectral index, suggesting that disks seen nearly edge-on may occasionally be interpreted as low luminosity (and therefore more evolved) sources. On the other hand, the same alpha(2-24) spectral index, a tracer of the amount of dust in the warmer layers of the circumstellar disks, and the mass accretion rate appear to decay with the isocronal stellar age, suggesting that the observed age spread (~0.5-5 Myr) within the cluster is real. Our sample contains a few outliers that may have dissipated their circumstellar disks on shorter time-scale.Comment: to appear on Astronomical Journal, accepted April 16, 2012 (AJ-10740

    Phase space contraction and quantum operations

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    We give a criterion to differentiate between dissipative and diffusive quantum operations. It is based on the classical idea that dissipative processes contract volumes in phase space. We define a quantity that can be regarded as ``quantum phase space contraction rate'' and which is related to a fundamental property of quantum channels: non-unitality. We relate it to other properties of the channel and also show a simple example of dissipative noise composed with a chaotic map. The emergence of attaractor-like structures is displayed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Changes added according to refferee sugestions. (To appear in PRA

    Interactions between Antiepileptics and Second-Generation Antipsychotics

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    INTRODUCTION: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug interactions (DIs) can occur between antiepileptics (AEDs) and second-generation antipsychotics (SGAPs). Some AED and SGAP pharmacodynamic mechanisms are poorly understood. AED-SGAP combinations are used for treating comorbid illnesses or increasing efficacy, particularly in bipolar disorder. AREAS COVERED: This article provides a comprehensive review of the interactions between antiepileptics and second-generation antipsychotics. The authors cover pharmacokinetic AED-SGAP DI studies, the newest drug pharmacokinetics in addition to the limited pharmacodynamic DI studies. EXPERT OPINION: Dosing correction factors and measuring SGAP levels can help to compensate for the inductive properties of carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital and primidone. Further studies are needed to establish the clinical relevance of combining: i) AED strong inducers with amisulpride, asenapine, iloperidone, lurasidone and paliperidone; ii) valproate with aripiprazole, asenapine, clozapine and olanzapine; iii) high doses of oxcarbazepine (≥ 1500 mg/day) or topiramate (≥ 400 mg/day) with aripiprazole, lurasidone, quetiapine, risperidone, asenapine and olanzapine. Two pharmacodynamic DIs are beneficial: i) valproate-SGAP combinations may have additive effects in bipolar disorder, ii) combining topiramate or zonisamide with SGAPs may decrease weight gain. Three pharmacodynamic DIs contributing to decreased safety are common: sedation, weight gain and swallowing disturbances. A few AED-SGAP combinations may increase risk for osteoporosis or nausea. Three potentially lethal but rare pharmacodynamic DIs include pancreatitis, agranulocytosis/leukopenia and heat stroke. The authors believe that collaboration is needed from drug agencies and pharmaceutical companies, the clinicians using these combinations, researchers with expertise in meta-analyses, grant agencies, pharmacoepidemiologists and DI pharmacologists for future progression in this field

    Media use during adolescence: the recommendations of the Italian Pediatric Society.

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    BACKGROUND: The use of media device, such as smartphone and tablet, is currently increasing, especially among the youngest. Adolescents spend more and more time with their smartphones consulting social media, mainly Facebook, Instagram and Twitter because. Adolescents often feel the necessity to use a media device as a means to construct a social identity and express themselves. For some children, smartphone ownership starts even sooner as young as 7 yrs, according to internet safety experts. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We analyzed the evidence on media use and its consequences in adolescence. RESULTS: In literature, smartphones and tablets use may negatively influences the psychophysical development of the adolescent, such as learning, sleep and sigh. Moreover, obesity, distraction, addiction, cyberbullism and Hikikomori phenomena are described in adolescents who use media device too frequently. The Italian Pediatric Society provide action-oriented recommendations for families and clinicians to avoid negative outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Both parents and clinicians should be aware of the widespread phenomenon of media device use among adolescents and try to avoid psychophysical consequences on the youngest