252 research outputs found

    Phase Transitions and Conductivties of Floquet Fluids

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    We investigate the phase structure and conductivity of a relativistic fluid in a circulating electric field with a transverse magnetic field. This system exhibits behavior similar to other driven systems such as strongly coupled driven CFTs [Rangamani2015] or a simple anharmonic oscillator. We identify distinct regions of fluid behavior as a function of driving frequency, and argue that a "phase" transition will occur. Such a transition could be measurable in graphene, and may be characterized by sudden discontinuous increase in the Hall conductivity. The presence of the discontinuity depends on how the boundary is approached as the frequency or amplitude is dialed. In the region where two solution exists the measured conductivity will depend on how the system is prepared.Comment: v2: corrected typos and updated reference

    Thermal Corrections to R\'enyi entropies for Free Fermions

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    We calculate thermal corrections to R\'{e}nyi entropies for free massless fermions on a sphere. More specifically, we take a free fermion on R×Sd−1\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{S}^{d-1} and calculate the leading thermal correction to the R\'{e}nyi entropies for a cap like region with opening angle 2θ2\theta. By expanding the density matrix in a Boltzmann sum, the problem of finding the R\'{e}nyi entropies can be mapped to the problem of calculating a two point function on an nn sheeted cover of the sphere. We follow previous work for conformal field theories to map the problem on the sphere to a conical region in Euclidean space. By using the method of images, we calculate the two point function and recover the R\'{e}nyi entropies.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Tracing Through Scalar Entanglement

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    As a toy model of a gapped system, we investigate the entanglement entropy of a massive scalar field in 1+1 dimensions at nonzero temperature. In a small mass m and temperature T limit, we put upper and lower bounds on the two largest eigenvalues of the covariance matrix used to compute the entanglement entropy. We argue that the entanglement entropy has exp(-m/T) scaling in the limit m >> T. We comment on the relation between our work and the Ryu-Takayanagi proposal for computing the entanglement entropy holographically.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures; v2 ref added, typos fixed; v3 refs added, minor clarifications, version to appear in PR

    Three-color Sagnac source of polarization-entangled photon pairs

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    We demonstrate a compact and stable source of polarization-entangled pairs of photons, one at 810 nm wavelength for high detection efficiency and the other at 1550 nm for long-distance fiber communication networks. Due to a novel Sagnac-based design of the interferometer no active stabilization is needed. Using only one 30 mm ppKTP bulk crystal the source produces photons with a spectral brightness of 1.13x10^6 pairs/s/mW/THz with an entanglement fidelity of 98.2%. Both photons are single-mode fiber coupled and ready to be used in quantum key distribution (QKD) or transmission of photonic quantum states over large distances.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Don't Thrash: How to Cache Your Hash on Flash

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    This paper presents new alternatives to the well-known Bloom filter data structure. The Bloom filter, a compact data structure supporting set insertion and membership queries, has found wide application in databases, storage systems, and networks. Because the Bloom filter performs frequent random reads and writes, it is used almost exclusively in RAM, limiting the size of the sets it can represent. This paper first describes the quotient filter, which supports the basic operations of the Bloom filter, achieving roughly comparable performance in terms of space and time, but with better data locality. Operations on the quotient filter require only a small number of contiguous accesses. The quotient filter has other advantages over the Bloom filter: it supports deletions, it can be dynamically resized, and two quotient filters can be efficiently merged. The paper then gives two data structures, the buffered quotient filter and the cascade filter, which exploit the quotient filter advantages and thus serve as SSD-optimized alternatives to the Bloom filter. The cascade filter has better asymptotic I/O performance than the buffered quotient filter, but the buffered quotient filter outperforms the cascade filter on small to medium data sets. Both data structures significantly outperform recently-proposed SSD-optimized Bloom filter variants, such as the elevator Bloom filter, buffered Bloom filter, and forest-structured Bloom filter. In experiments, the cascade filter and buffered quotient filter performed insertions 8.6-11 times faster than the fastest Bloom filter variant and performed lookups 0.94-2.56 times faster.Comment: VLDB201

    Data for life cycle assessment of legume biorefining for alcohol

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    Benchmarking the environmental sustainability of alcohol produced from legume starch against alcohol produced from cereal grains requires considering of crop production, nutrient cycling and use of protein-rich co-products via life cycle assessment. This article describes the mass balance flows behind the life cycle inventories for gin produced from wheat and peas (Pisum sativum L.) in an associated article summarising the environmental footprints of wheat- and pea-gin [1], and also presents detailed supplementary results. Activity data were collected from interviews with actors along the entire gin value chain including a distillery manager and ingredient and packaging suppliers. Important fertiliserand animal-feed substitution effects of co-product use were derived using detailed information and models on nutrient flows and animal feed composition, along with linear optimisation modelling. Secondary data on environmental burdens of specific materials and processes were obtained from the Ecoinvent v3.4 life cycle assessment database. This article provides a basis for further quantitative evaluation of the environmental sustainability of legume-alcohol value chains

    Just the tonic! Legume biorefining for alcohol has the potential to reduce Europe’s protein deficit and mitigate climate change

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    Industrialised agriculture is heavily reliant upon synthetic nitrogen fertilisers and imported protein feeds, posing environmental and food security challenges. Increasing the cultivation of leguminous crops that biologically fix nitrogen and provide high protein feed and food could help to address these challenges. We report on the innovative use of an important leguminous crop, pea (Pisum sativum L.), as a source of starch for alcohol (gin) production, yielding protein-rich animal feed as a co-product. We undertook life cycle assessment (LCA) to compare the environmental footprint of 1 L of packaged gin produced from either 1.43 kg of wheat grain or 2.42 kg of peas via fermentation and distillation into neutral spirit. Allocated environmental footprints for pea-gin were smaller than for wheat-gin across 12 of 14 environmental impact categories considered. Global warming, resource depletion, human toxicity, acidification and terrestrial eutrophication footprints were, respectively, 12%, 15%, 15%, 48% and 68% smaller, but direct land occupation was 112% greater, for pea-gin versus wheat-gin. Expansion of LCA boundaries indicated that co-products arising from the production of 1 L of wheat- or pea-gin could substitute up to 0.33 or 0.66 kg soybean animal feed, respectively, mitigating considerable greenhouse gas emissions associated with land clearing, cultivation, processing and transport of such feed. For pea-gin, this mitigation effect exceeds emissions from gin production and packaging, so that each L of bottled pea gin avoids 2.2 kg CO2 eq. There is great potential to scale the use of legume starches in production of alcoholic beverages and biofuels, reducing dependence on Latin American soybean associated with deforestation and offering considerable global mitigation potential in terms of climate change and nutrient leakage — estimated at circa 439 Tg CO2 eq. and 8.45 Tg N eq. annually
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