465 research outputs found

    De zekerheid van het geloof — Bucer’s antwoord aan pighius

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    The religious disputes (i.a. Regensburg, 1541) achieved a certain consensus regarding the central theme of justification through faith. Both Rome and Luther turned this down. Bucer defended the result against Roman Catholic theologians such as Eck and Pighius. In an extensive work Pighius uttered his critique on the consensus. Entering into discussion with Pighius, Bucer kept to the views that were accepted among the reformers, at the same time trying to keep open the way for mutual understanding. He wanted to keep the way open for the Word that has an efficiency of its own and offers the strongest motivation for an ensuing reformation of the church. His own forensic-effective view of justification allowed him to have such an approach

    Rechtvaardiging en recht in de kerk: Over de theologische achtergronden van het gereformeerde kerkrecht

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    Justification and law in the church: The theological background of reformed church lawIn reformed church law there is a connection between ecclesiastical structure (disciplina) and ecclesiastical doctrine (doctrina). Luther’s doctrine of justification disrupted the hierarchical structure of the church. For him, whose conception of the church started from the principle of the unique priesthood of Christ, church law was ius divinum. The Calvinists paid more attention to the church and her organisation than Luther did. Because they related the church order to the ordo salutis, the church came to serve the true doctrine, which is her primary characteristic

    Special boundedness properties in numerical initial value problems

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    For Runge-Kutta methods, linear multistep methods and other classes of general linear methods much attention has been paid in the literature to important nonlinear stability properties known as total-variation-diminishing (TVD), strong stability preserving (SSP) and monotonicity. Stepsize conditions guaranteeing these properties were studied by Shu \& Osher (1988) and in numerous subsequent papers. Unfortunately, for many useful methods it has turned out that these properties do not hold. For this reason attention has been paid in the recent literature to the related and more general properties called total-variation-bounded (TVB) and boundedness. In the present paper we focus on stepsize conditions guaranteeing boundedness properties of a special type. These boundedness properties are optimal, and distinguish themselves also from earlier boundedness results by being relevant to sublinear functionals, discrete maximum principles and preservation of nonnegativity. Moreover, the corresponding stepsize conditions are more easily verified in practical situations than the conditions for general boundedness given thus far in the literature. The theoretical results are illustrated by application to the two-step Adams-Bashforth method and a class of two-stage multistep methods

    Stepsize Restrictions for Boundedness and Monotonicity of Multistep Methods

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    In this paper nonlinear monotonicity and boundedness properties are analyzed for linear multistep methods. We focus on methods which satisfy a weaker boundedness condition than strict monotonicity for arbitrary starting values. In this way, many linear multistep methods of practical interest are included in the theory. Moreover, it will be shown that for such methods monotonicity can still be valid with suitable Runge-Kutta starting procedures. Restrictions on the stepsizes are derived that are not only sufficient but also necessary for these boundedness and monotonicity properties

    Biomassa voor energie: kansen voor landschapsbeheer

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    Biomassa kan een rol spelen in het opwekken van duurzame energie. Maar of gebruik van resthout en gras voor energie werkelijk duurzaam te noemen is, hangt af van verschillende factoren. Weegt oogst, verwerking en transport op tegen de opbrengst, worden er geen duurzamer doelen verdrongen (als veevoer of als bouwmateriaal)? Het ziet er naar uit dat het op korte termijn vooral voor beheerders van landschapselementen en stedelijk groen interessant is om hun reststromen voor energie-opwekking in te zette

    Feasibility of using teleradiology to improve tuberculosis screening and case management in a district hospital in Malawi.

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    Malawi has one of the world's highest rates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (10.6%), and southern Malawi, where Thyolo district is located, bears the highest burden in the country (14.5%). Tuberculosis, common among HIV-infected people, requires radiologic diagnosis, yet Malawi has no radiologists in public service. This hinders rapid and accurate diagnosis and increases morbidity and mortality
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