89 research outputs found

    Chapter Il viaggio fantastico di de Chirico, Savinio, Landolfi

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    The intervention addresses three metaphysical and fantastical exemplary works from the twentieth century - EbdĂČmero, La partenza dell’Argonauta, Il Mar delle Blatte – in which the theme of travel finds expression through different textual models. In the first case, De Chirico uses the archetypical model of Ulysses’ journey against a background of fantastic metaphysical imagery. In the second Savinio creates a parodistic rewriting of the Argonautiche by Apollonio Rodio – the mythical trip par excellence, while in the third (Il mar delle blatte) Landolfi recalls the characters of Salgari’s adventure novels. All three texts represent imaginary travels towards an unreachable elsewhere, symbolically represented by a paradisiacal Island, lost and dreamt of also by the sailor Pessoa

    Forme culturali del dissenso alle due sponde della cortina di ferro (1956-1991). Problemi, temi e metodi di una difficile comparazione

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    Starting with the 1950s, the European context saw the emergence of various movements of cultural dissent, which involved both western and eastern countries and led to forms of literary and artistic protest against the cultural and political establishment. In particular, underground movement - connected with the American scenario - and Neo-vanguard groups developed in Italy, France, and Germany, while the Soviet area was pervaded by the culture clandestinely disseminated by the Samizdat circuit. This contribution offers a comprehensive view of the multifaceted forms of literary, cultural, and artistic dissent considered by the essays collected here, with special attention to the differences between Western and Eastern areas. These two contexts, in fact, are addressed separately in the following sections: Neo-vanguard and contestation: the two forms of dissent in the western area and The kaleidoscopic planet of Soviet non-conformism: into, beyond and around the Samizdat.Starting with the 1950s, the European context saw the emergence of various movements of cultural dissent, which involved both western and eastern countries and led to forms of literary and artistic protest against the cultural and political establishment. In particular, underground movement - connected with the American scenario - and Neo-vanguard groups developed in Italy, France, and Germany, while the Soviet area was pervaded by the culture clandestinely disseminated by the Samizdat circuit. This contribution offers a comprehensive view of the multifaceted forms of literary, cultural, and artistic dissent considered by the essays collected here, with special attention to the differences between Western and Eastern areas. These two contexts, in fact, are addressed separately in the following sections: Neo-vanguard and contestation: the two forms of dissent in the western area and The kaleidoscopic planet of Soviet non-conformism: into, beyond and around the Samizdat.

    The role of ATP and adenosine in the brain under normoxic and ischemic conditions

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    By taking advantage of some recently synthesized compounds that are able to block ecto-ATPase activity, we demonstrated that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the hippocampus exerts an inhibitory action independent of its degradation to adenosine. In addition, tonic activation of P2 receptors contributes to the normally recorded excitatory neurotransmission. The role of P2 receptors becomes critical during ischemia when extracellular ATP concentrations increase. Under such conditions, P2 antagonism is protective. Although ATP exerts a detrimental role under ischemia, it also exerts a trophic role in terms of cell division and differentiation. We recently reported that ATP is spontaneously released from human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in culture. Moreover, it decreases hMSC proliferation rate at early stages of culture. Increased hMSC differentiation could account for an ATP-induced decrease in cell proliferation. ATP as a homeostatic regulator might exert a different effect on cell trophism according to the rate of its efflux and receptor expression during the cell life cycle. During ischemia, adenosine formed by intracellular ATP escapes from cells through the equilibrative transporter. The protective role of adenosine A1 receptors during ischemia is well accepted. However, the use of selective A1 agonists is hampered by unwanted peripheral effects, thus attention has been focused on A2A and A3 receptors. The protective effects of A2A antagonists in brain ischemia may be largely due to reduced glutamate outflow from neurones and glial cells. Reduced activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases that are involved in neuronal death through transcriptional mechanisms may also contribute to protection by A2A antagonism. Evidence that A3 receptor antagonism may be protective after ischemia is also reported

    Arrigo Lora Totino, “architetto di parole”: dalle verbotetture ai cromofonemi

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    The paper proposes an analysis of the first phase of the artistic-literary activity of Arrigo Lora Totino, from the review AntipiugiĂč to the “concrete turn” of the 1960s, in relation to the diffusion of concrete experimentation in Germany and Brasil, and in relation to the development of kinetic and programmed art in Italy. In particular, the characters of programmed art, described by Umberto Eco in two important contributions of the early Sixties, show a connection with the theoretical reflection of Totino and the composition of the first “verbotectures”, in relation to the concepts of seriality and variation. This is evident in works like Space and Time and in the “chromophoneme” In sleep, the dream, of which a textual analysis is carried out

    Caratterizzazione sperimentale a fatica di provini in AlSi10Mg prodotti tramite Additive Manufacturing

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    L’Additive Manufacturing ù una tecnologia che ormai da qualche anno sta diventando sempre piu’ utilizzata in numerosi ambiti, tra cui l’automotive. In questo settore sono molte le aziende che stanno sperimentando e cercando di inglobare tale processo al loro interno. Tra queste l’Università di Bologna, dove un team studentesco motociclistico si occupa della creazione di un prototipo di moto elettrica da competizione. Nell'intento di utilizzare tale tecnologia, sono numerose le informazioni necessarie per la corretta progettazione. Infatti, le caratteristiche dei materiali che vengono usati principalmente non sono ancora del tutto chiare e presentano alcuni aspetti poco investigati. Per questo motivo, in tale progetto si ù deciso di caratterizzare a fatica provini realizzati in AlSi10Mg che presentassero una particolare geometria, per indagare anche l’influenza dello spessore. Sono quindi stati realizzati i campioni, anche con alcuni trattamenti di post-processo e sono poi stati osservati i risultati a fatica e alcune caratteristiche, tra cui: porosità, densità e struttura dei bagni di fusione. Tali valori riscontrati sono poi stati confrontati con quelli ottenuti in altri studi, cercando di comprendere differenze e motivazioni dei fenomeni osservati

    Side-Channel Countermeasures in the Probing Model

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    La poesia «s’incammina verso le piazze di domani»: dai ‘poemi murali’ di Carlo Belloli alle avanguardie degli anni Sessanta

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    Il contributo intende restituire un panorama delle sperimentazioni intermediali degli anni Sessanta, caratterizzate dal rapporto tra poesia, arte e spazio urbano. A partire dall’esperienza tardo-futurista di Carlo Belloli, che si sviluppa tra gli anni Quaranta e gli anni Settanta del Novecento, si ù inteso mostrare la persistenza nei movimenti di avanguardia di pratiche artistiche volte a declinare la parola in rapporto alla dimensione spaziale, attraverso installazioni ed eventi performativi che si inseriscono nel tessuto urbano.The contribution aims to offer an overview of the intermedial experimentations of the 1960s, characterized by the relationship between poetry, art and urban space. Beginning with the late futurist experience of Carlo Belloli, which developed between the 1940s and the 1970s, it was intended to show the persistence in the avant-garde movements of artistic practices aimed at declining the word in relation to the spatial dimension, through installations and performance events that fit into the urban space
