61 research outputs found

    Tackling double victimization of Muslim women in Europe : an intersectional response

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    A paper presented during the Symposium on Multiple Discrimination (1st November 2011) organised by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE), Malta as part of Think Equal VS/2010/0569, a project supported by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity PROGRESS (2007-2013).peer-reviewe

    "Covering the Arab Spring" : Middle East in the media - the media in the Middle East: Editorial

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    As the events usually referred to as ‘the Arab Spring’ unfolded in Arab countries throughout the first half of the year 2011, conventional as well as social media were attributed a crucial role by observers as not only reporting what was going on but also by potentially taking part in mobilizing people for change. The involvement of media in the events raises vital questions about the role of TV, press, and social media in political unrests and how they are used as means to articulate or ignore frustrations of Arab populations. These questions concern the contributions of this special issue that brings together articles from various disciplines describing and analyzing specific cases of media coverage of the ‘Arab Spring’ especially during the first months of 2011 in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Syria. By offering insights to a set of mediatized spaces in and outside the Middle East during the first months of the uprisings, the aim of this special issue of Global Media Journal – German Edition is to provide a basis for critical reflections with regard to media and opinion formation. Moreover, it aims to discuss research strategies and methodologies which are being applied to the analysis of interaction between media, politics and emerging cultural practices. “Covering the Arab Spring” builds on studies on media in the Middle East and on the perception of the Middle East and Islam in Europe. Thus, the articles refer to a twofold role of the media by connecting research on the role of media in Arab speaking countries with research on media representation of events in these countries

    Herausforderungen der empirischen Forschung zu Salafismus: Bestandsaufnahme und kritische Kommentierung der Datenlage

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    "Salafismus in Deutschland rĂŒckt immer stĂ€rker in das öffentliche Interesse, Zahlen und Fakten werden zunehmend nachgefragt: Wie viele Salafisten gibt es, wie viele salafistische Gemeinden? Welche Daten liegen dazu tatsĂ€chlich vor und wie kommen die Zahlen zustande, die ausgiebig von Medien, Wissenschaft und Politik genutzt werden? Der Report widmet sich diesen Fragen und den politischen, ethischen und methodischen Herausforderungen fĂŒr Datenerhebungen und Datenverwertung in diesem Feld. Handlungsempfehlungen an Medien, Politik und Wissenschaft schließen den Report ab." (Autorenreferat)"Salafism in Germany is shifting into the public focus more and more. Claims for numbers and hard facts are getting louder: How many salafists live in Germany? How many salafist communities do exist? What kind of data is already available and where are the numbers coming from, which are frequently used by the press, in politics and in science? The report addresses these questions as well as the political, ethnical and methodological challenges of data collection and data analysis in this area. It is concluded by recommendations for the media, science and politics." (author's abstract

    Bildung und Demokratie. Empirische Perspektiven auf Kita und Schule

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    Sozialer Wandel und ein zunehmend polarisiertes gesellschaftliches Klima stellen die Demokratie und die Bildungsinstitutionen in Deutschland vor grundlegende Herausforderungen. Der vorliegende Band wirft einen empirischen Blick auf das VerhĂ€ltnis von Bildung und Demokratie in Kita und Schule. Die Autor:innen analysieren die Ausgestaltung bildungspolitischer Vorgaben sowie fachdidaktischer Konzepte in Bildungs- und LehrplĂ€nen, SchulbĂŒchern und pĂ€dagogischer Praxis. Dabei zeigen sie Potenziale auf und diskutieren Spannungsfelder und Grenzen des pĂ€dagogisch Leistbaren. (DIPF/Orig.

    Guidance as 'women's work':A new generation of female Islamic authorities in Britain

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    This article is about a new publicly visible generation of female Islamic authorities in the UK and the ways in which they make sense of what it means to be a female authority within largely male-dominated structures of knowledge production. These authorities are setting up their own institutes and emphasising the importance of drawing from within the Islamic tradition while contextualising it in the British context. On the one hand, they stress their unique ability as women to provide personal and collective guidance, based on relationships of empathy and care, that addresses the needs of Muslim women in Britain. On the other hand, they recognise the limitations of presenting guidance as ‘women’s work’, and they seek to pluralise their roles or to present gender as irrelevant in their work. By navigating between accepting, pluralising and transcending female modes of authority, they carve out legitimate spaces for themselves as female leaders while developing and imagining new understandings of Islamic knowledge and plural models of pious leadership. I argue that these multiple ways of making sense of their experiences move us away from theorising female religious leadership solely through binary tropes, such as liberal/orthodox Islam, resistance/compliance, enabling/constraining, which continue to shape research in the field

    Brauchen wir eigentlich wirklich mehr Forschung zum Salafismus? Und wenn ja: welche?

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    Dies ist der 18. Artikel unseres Blogfokus „Salafismus in Deutschland“. In aktuellen politischen Debatten genauso wie in wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen wird hĂ€ufig festgestellt, dass wir zu wenig ĂŒber das PhĂ€nomen des Salafismus wissen. In der Tat: Auf empirischen Daten basierende Veröffentlichungen sind immer noch selten, wĂ€hrend konzeptuelle und ideengeschichtliche Auseinandersetzungen mit dem salafistischen Feld in den vorhandenen Publikationen ebenso ĂŒberwiegen wie die Zahlen aus Sicherheitsbehörden. Was sind die Ursachen dafĂŒr, welches Wissen benötigen wir und welche ForschungsansĂ€tze sind vielversprechend? Dieser Beitrag widmet sich diesen Fragen. Er stellt fest, dass der Salafismus fast ausschließlich als politisches PhĂ€nomen und Sicherheitsproblem und kaum in seinen religiösen und lebensweltlichen Dimensionen erforscht wird und nicht zuletzt eine methodische und konzeptuelle Standortbestimmung fĂŒr die Forschung zu salafistischen Milieus geboten ist. mehr.....

    Is there a Muslim community? research among Islamic associations in Germany

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    COMMUNITIES, PARISHES, OR CONGREGATIONS: THE TROUBLE TO FIND THE RIGHT NAME FOR SPACES OF RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL PRACTICE In the beginning of 2005 the commissioner for Integration of the Berlin Senate asked me to update a publication on mosques in Berlin from 1999. Half a year later Alexa FĂ€rber, a colleague from the social anthropological department, and I started a second survey on Berlin’s Islamic prayer rooms that was finally published in December 2006. We departed from and focused on Islam..

    Islamisches Gemeindeleben in Berlin

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