17 research outputs found

    Quality evaluation in haemodialysis treatment through benchmarking : a medical and economical outlook

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    Most stakeholders in the health field want to minimize the burden of illness and have patients maintain their ability to work and enjoy an active, independent life (functional health status), receive the right care (appropriateness) at the right time (access) in a satisfying and efficient manner; and this with available resources avoiding unnecessary costs. Growing evidence, however, suggests that the daily practice of care does not correspond to the standards that the medical profession itself puts forward. To improve care and to realise potential medical and economical benefits, policymakers are looking for methods to measure and benchmark the performance of health care systems. [...] This debate applies equally to the treatment of end stage renal disease (ESRD) that requires rend replacement therapy. This paper will only analyse dialysis as it is the major renal replacement therapy in Switzerland. [...] But why is the question of quality in dialysis treatment so important? Firstly, there are legal obligations which are set out in article 43 and 58 of the federal law on health insurance to which the different parties in health care are bound to produce the best quality possible at the lowest costs possible. There are remaining questions about the demand for this type of treatment, the economic impact and the feasibility of implementation of quality control measures. [...] [Author, p. 3]]]> Renal Dialysis ; Benchmarking eng https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_D6B959F06966.P001/REF.pdf http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:ch:serval-BIB_D6B959F069662 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/urn/urn:nbn:ch:serval-BIB_D6B959F069662 info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Copying allowed only for non-profit organizations https://serval.unil.ch/disclaimer application/pdf oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_D6B9BBEF75C2 2022-05-07T01:27:57Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_D6B9BBEF75C2 Les savants et les livres : autour d'Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777) et Samuel Auguste Tissot (1728-1797) Nicoli, M. Université de Lausanne, Faculté des lettres info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis phdthesis 2011 <![CDATA[Cette thèse décrit de quelle manière les hommes travaillant dans les sciences de la vie durant la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle s'insèrent et jonglent au quotidien dans l'univers de la librairie d'Ancien Régime. Plus précisément dans celui que l'historien du livre Robert Damton a défini le circuit de la communication. Un circuit complexe qui va de l'auteur à l'éditeur, en passant par l'imprimeur, le transporteur, le libraire, le lecteur ou encore par le relieur et le copiste.Marchander le prix d'une page manuscrite avec un éditeur, s'assurer de rester au courant des nouveautés de la librairie, prendre des notes, trouver un bon copiste, juger de la qualité d'un ouvrage ou d'une traduction, se protéger des contrefaçons, se créer un fonds de bibliothèque: voici le quotidien du savant au travail abordé dans cette thèse dont le but est de comprendre de quelle manière fonctionnent les mécanismes d'acquisition, de mise en forme et de mise en circulation du savoir - bref, les coulisses de la communication scientifique. Cela à une période où les hommes de science sont de plus en plus confrontés à un "déluge" de nouvelles publications en toutes langues. La seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle, correspond en fait à celui qu'a été défini par les historiens du livre un "apogée" de l'imprimé scientifique. Caractérisée par un changement dans le milieu de la production imprimée, cette seconde partie du siècle marque une césure, une situation nouvelle à laquelle le savant doit s'adapter afin de ne pas être dépassé par les événements et afin de pouvoir tirer le plus large bénéfice de toutes les formes d'expression et d'intervention qui sont mises à sa disposition. Afin d'analyser les stratégies mises en place par les savants pour gérer la masse de l'information et afin de reconstruire les pratiques ordinaires du travail savant, pratiques qui accompagnent le savoir dans son devenir et sont susceptible de l'influencer, cette thèse s'appuie sur la riche correspondance que le médecin lausannois Samuel Auguste Tissot et son collègue bernois Albrecht von Haller, deux savants et écrivains de renom parmi les plus célèbres des Lumières helvétiques, échangent pendant plus de vingt ans. Ce couple pourrait être défini comme antinomique. Le représentant d'une culture humaniste, formé à l'école iatromécanique de Leyde et insatiable lecteur qu'est Haller et un partisan de la vulgarisation, formé au vitalisme à Montpellier tel que Tissot, d'une génération plus jeune, se sont démontrés avoir une conception parfois différente de ce qu'est un livre de science, en particulier un livre de médecine, de la forme qu'il doit avoir, du prix auquel il doit être vendu ou encore de la langue dans laquelle il doit être écrit. L'un, Haller, médecin de cabinet et professeur à Gôttingen pendant dix-sept ans, l'autre, Tissot, praticien et médecin des pauvres ayant enseigné seulement quatre semestres à Pavie, pratiquent et conçoivent en partie différemment la communication du savoir scientifique et le public de celle-ci. L'étude prend également en compte les lettres échangées avec un réseau d'amis communs, surtout le médecin argovien Johann Georg Zimmermann et le naturaliste genevois Charles Bonnet. Les correspondances des professionnels du livre représentent un autre pan incontournable du corpus documentaire de la thèse. C'est grâce à ces hommes que le texte du savant sort du cabinet et prend sa forme matérielle, voire il acquiert du sens. Des documents tels des essais ou des notes de lecture et les pièces liminaires des livres (préfaces, dédicaces, avis aux lecteurs, notes) se sont aussi révélées être des documents précieux: ils témoignent des pratiques de travail des savants et ils renseignent aussi bien sur les intentions poursuivies par l'auteur que sur les pratiques d'édition, contrefaçon et traduction.Basée sur une démarche micro-historique qui croise l'histoire sociale des sciences et l'histoire sociale du livre à la française, cette thèse s'articule autour de 5 chapitres et un intermède. La disposition des parties suit en quelques sortes les étapes du travail savant: lecture, écriture, mise sous presse, mise en circulation, réception

    Dietary strategies for improving iron status: balancing safety and efficacy.

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    In light of evidence that high-dose iron supplements lead to a range of adverse events in low-income settings, the safety and efficacy of lower doses of iron provided through biological or industrial fortification of foodstuffs is reviewed. First, strategies for point-of-manufacture chemical fortification are compared with biofortification achieved through plant breeding. Recent insights into the mechanisms of human iron absorption and regulation, the mechanisms by which iron can promote malaria and bacterial infections, and the role of iron in modifying the gut microbiota are summarized. There is strong evidence that supplemental iron given in nonphysiological amounts can increase the risk of bacterial and protozoal infections (especially malaria), but the use of lower quantities of iron provided within a food matrix, ie, fortified food, should be safer in most cases and represents a more logical strategy for a sustained reduction of the risk of deficiency by providing the best balance of risk and benefits. Further research into iron compounds that would minimize the availability of unabsorbed iron to the gut microbiota is warranted

    The Swiss Approach - feasibility of a national low-dose CT lung cancer screening program

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    BACKGROUND Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Switzerland. Despite this, there is no lung cancer screening program in the country. In the United States, low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) lung cancer screening is partially established and endorsed by guidelines. Moreover, evidence is growing that screening reduces lung cancer-related mortality and this was recently shown in a large European randomized controlled trial. Implementation of a lung cancer screening program, however, is challenging and depends on many country-specific factors. The goal of this article is to outline a potential Swiss lung cancer screening program. FRAMEWORK An exhaustive literature review on international screening models as well as interviews and site visits with international experts were initiated. Furthermore, workshops and interviews with national experts and stakeholders were conducted to share experiences and to establish the basis for a national Swiss lung cancer screening program. SCREENING APPROACH General practitioners, pulmonologists and the media should be part of the recruitment process. Decentralisation of the screening might lead to a higher adherence rate. To reduce stigmatisation, the screening should be integrated in a "lung health check". Standardisation and a common quality level are mandatory. The PLCOm2012 risk calculation model with a threshold of 1.5% risk for developing cancer in the next six years should be used in addition to established inclusion criteria. Biennial screening is preferred. LUNG RADS and NELSON+ are applied as classification models for lung nodules. CONCLUSION Based on data from recent studies, literature research, a health technology assessment, the information gained from this project and a pilot study the Swiss Interest Group for lung cancer screening (CH-LSIG) recommends the timely introduction of a systematic lung cancer screening program in Switzerland. The final decision is for the Swiss Cancer Screening Committee to make

    The Swiss Approach - feasibility of a national low-dose CT lung cancer screening program.

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    BACKGROUND Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Switzerland. Despite this, there is no lung cancer screening program in the country. In the United States, low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) lung cancer screening is partially established and endorsed by guidelines. Moreover, evidence is growing that screening reduces lung cancer-related mortality and this was recently shown in a large European randomized controlled trial. Implementation of a lung cancer screening program, however, is challenging and depends on many country-specific factors. The goal of this article is to outline a potential Swiss lung cancer screening program. FRAMEWORK An exhaustive literature review on international screening models as well as interviews and site visits with international experts were initiated. Furthermore, workshops and interviews with national experts and stakeholders were conducted to share experiences and to establish the basis for a national Swiss lung cancer screening program. SCREENING APPROACH General practitioners, pulmonologists and the media should be part of the recruitment process. Decentralisation of the screening might lead to a higher adherence rate. To reduce stigmatisation, the screening should be integrated in a "lung health check". Standardisation and a common quality level are mandatory. The PLCOm2012 risk calculation model with a threshold of 1.5% risk for developing cancer in the next six years should be used in addition to established inclusion criteria. Biennial screening is preferred. LUNG RADS and NELSON+ are applied as classification models for lung nodules. CONCLUSION Based on data from recent studies, literature research, a health technology assessment, the information gained from this project and a pilot study the Swiss Interest Group for lung cancer screening (CH-LSIG) recommends the timely introduction of a systematic lung cancer screening program in Switzerland. The final decision is for the Swiss Cancer Screening Committee to make

    Solidarités intergénérationnelles et insertion professionnelle: quels projets?

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    Une société qui produit des jeunes retraités dynamiques, aux compétences multiples et des jeunes démunis face à une économie axée sur la productivité et la compétitivité. Créer des liens, favoriser des relations de confiance entre des jeunes et des moins jeunes, encourager l’insertion professionnelle de jeunes démunis, tous ces éléments sont réunis autour de projets intergénérationnels liés à l’emploi. Trois projets ont été analysés, afin d’en extraire des pistes d’action et des perspectives d’avenir : un projet lausannois « Tu veux bosser, je peux t’aider », un projet neuchâtelois « Alter Connexion » et un projet français « Un parrain, un filleul ». Tous ces projets émanent d’associations bien implantées dans le domaine des loisirs et de la culture, mais qui se positionnent également comme agent de développement, jouant un rôle de détecteur et de soutien face aux problématiques actuelles. Les bases de la relation de mentorat mise en évidence dans cette recherche sont la confiance et le respect mutuel. L’aspect intergénérationnel et le bénévolat sont souvent très présents dans ce type de projet

    Pornographie et sexualité des adolescents: la consommation de pornographie influence-t-elle la perception de la sexualité des adolescents?

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    Actuellement, les multiples moyens de diffusion de la pornographie la rendent facilement accessible aux adolescents. Dans cette recherche, 97% des adolescents interrogés ont vu de la pornographie, la plupart avant 16 ans, l’âge légal de vente de matériel pornographique. Certains en consomment régulièrement, en particulier ceux qui en ont vu en étant jeunes. Certains considèrent que la pornographie peut leur apprendre à faire l’amour ou est représentative de la réalité, en particulier ceux qui en consomment régulièrement. Il paraît aujourd’hui nécessaire de s’interroger sur l’efficacité des moyens mis en place pour protéger les mineurs de la pornographie et les possibilités d’action des professionnels de l’adolescence

    Strengthening the immunity of the Swiss population with micronutrients: A narrative review and call for action

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    Background The enormous health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has refocused attention on measures to optimize immune function and vaccine response. Dietary deficiencies of micronutrients can weaken adaptive immunity. The aim of this review was to examine links between micronutrients, immune function and COVID-19 infection, with a focus on nutritional risks in subgroups of the Swiss population. Methods Scoping review on the associations between selected micronutrients (vitamins D and C, iron, selenium, zinc, and n-3 PUFAs) and immunity, with particular reference to the Swiss population. These nutrients were chosen because previous EFSA reviews have concluded they play a key role in immunity. Results The review discusses the available knowledge on links between sufficient nutrient status, optimal immune function, and prevention of respiratory tract infections. Because of the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, controlled intervention studies of micronutrients in the context of COVID-19 infection are now underway, but evidence is not yet available to draw conclusions. The anti-inflammatory properties of n-3 PUFAs are well established. In Switzerland, several subgroups of the population are at clear risk of nutrient deficiencies; e.g., older adults, multiple comorbidities, obesity, pregnancy, and institutionalized. Low intakes of n-3 PUFA are present in a large proportion of the population. Conclusion There are clear and strong relationships between micronutrient and n-3 PUFA status and immune function, and subgroups of the Swiss population are at risk for deficient intakes. Therefore, during the COVID-19 pandemic, as a complement to a healthy and balanced diet, it may be prudent to consider supplementation with a combination of moderate doses of Vitamins C and D, as well as of Se, Zn and n-3 PUFA, in risk groups.ISSN:2405-457

    Partially hydrolysed 100% whey-based infant formula and the prevention of atopic dermatitis: comparative pharmacoeconomic analyses

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    Clinical trials have demonstrated that the risk of developing atopic dermatitis is reduced when using hydrolysed formulas to feed infants with a documented risk of atopy (i.e. an affected parent and/or sibling)when breastfeeding is not practised. However, little is known about the cost-effectiveness of using hydrolysed formulas. Consequently, economic analyses in 5 European countries (Denmark, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland) have evaluated the costs and cost-effectiveness of a specific brand of 100% whey-based partially hydrolysed infant formula, NAN-HA® (PHF-W) compared with a cow's milk standard formula (SF) in the prevention of atopic dermatitis in at-risk children. This review synthesises the findings of these studies. Cost-effectiveness analyses (CEA) used a decision-analytic model to determine treatment pathways, resource utilisation and costs associated with the management of atopic dermatitis in healthy at-risk newborns who were not exclusively breastfed. The model had a 12-month horizon and applied reimbursement rates of 60-100% depending on the country. Outcomes were considered from the perspective of the public healthcare system (e.g. the Ministry of Health; MOH), family and society. The final outcome was the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio per avoided case of atopic dermatitis (ICER) for PHF-W versus SF. A cost-minimisation analysis was also performed to compare PHF-W with extensively hydrolysed formulas (EHF). The base-case CEA produced ICERs per avoided case for PHF-W versus SF of EUR 982-1,343 (MOH perspective), EUR -2,202 to -624 (family perspective) indicating savings, and EUR -1,220 to 719 from the societal perspective. The main costs related to formula (MOH and society) and time loss (family). In the cost-minimisation analysis, PHF-W yielded savings of between EUR 4.3 and 120 million compared with EHF-whey when the latter was used in prevention. In conclusion, PHF-W was cost-effective versus SF in the prevention of atopic dermatitis and cost saving compared with EHF when used in prevention