54 research outputs found

    Teaching Legal Ethics: Exploring the Continuum

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    Spaeth et al assert that the only reason to teach legal ethics, or professional responsibility, is to try to make the legal profession more worthy of its stated ideals. The University of Pennsylvania Law School Center on Professionalism\u27s efforts to achieve this are discussed

    Acupuncture as Treatment of Hot Flashes and the Possible Role of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide

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    The mechanisms behind hot flashes in menopausal women are not fully understood. The flashes in women are probably preceded by and actually initiated by a sudden downward shift in the set point for the core body temperature in the thermoregulatory center that is affected by sex steroids, β-endorphins, and other central neurotransmitters. Treatments that influence these factors may be expected to reduce hot flashes. Since therapy with sex steroids for hot flashes has appeared to cause a number of side effects and risks and women with hot flashes and breast cancer as well as men with prostate cancer and hot flashes are prevented from sex steroid therapy there is a great need for alternative therapies. Acupuncture affecting the opioid system has been suggested as an alternative treatment option for hot flashes in menopausal women and castrated men. The heat loss during hot flashes may be mediated by the potent vasodilator and sweat gland activator calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) the concentration of which increases in plasma during flashes in menopausal women and, according to one study, in castrated men with flushes. There is also evidence for connections between the opioid system and the release of CGRP. In this paper we discuss acupuncture as a treatment alternative for hot flashes and the role of CGRP in this context

    Two modes of acupuncture as a treatment for hot flushes in men with prostate cancer – a prospective multicenter study with long-term follow-up. Eur Urol

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    Ö stergö tland, Norrkö ping and Linkö ping, Sweden e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y 5 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1 5 6 -1 6 3 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y . c o m 3) at baseline in the EA group to 4.1 (IQR, 2.0-6.5) ( p = 0.012) after 12 wk, and from 5.7 (IQR, 5.1-9.5) in the TA group to 3.4 (IQR1.8-6.3) ( p = 0.001). Distress by flushes decreased from 8.2 (IQR, 6.5-10.7) in the EA group to 3.3 (IQR, 0.3-8.1) ( p = 0.003), and from 7.6 (IQR, 4.7-8.3) to 3.4 (IQR, 2.0-5.6) ( p = 0.001) in the TA group after 12 wk, (78% and 73% reduction in ''hot flush score,'' respectively). The effect lasted up to 9 mo after treatment ended. CGRP did not change significantly. Few, minor side effects were reported. Article info Limitations: small number of patients; no placebo control, instead a small group controlled for 6 wk pretreatment. Conclusions: EA and TA lowered number of and distress from hot flushes. The hot flush score decreased 78% and 73%, respectively, in line with or better than medical regimens for these symptoms. Acupuncture should be considered an alternative treatment for these symptoms, but further evaluation is needed, preferably with a non-or placebo-treated control group

    The Women's Health in the Lund Area

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    women in relation to testosterone concentrations. Data fro

    Influence of population well-being level on consumption of music as a cultural product

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    Šajā maģistra darbā tiek apskatītas iedzīvotāju labklājības līmeņa, brīvā laika organizēšanas un darba sakarības, kā arī veikts pētījums par iedzīvotāju labklājības līmeņa ietekmi uz mūzikas kā kultūras produkta patēriņu Latvijā, Lietuvā, Igaunijā un Vācijā. Maģistra darba pirmajā nodaļā ir attiecīgās teorijas apskats. Darba 1.nodaļā autore pievēršas literatūras analīzei, apskatot svarīgākās iedzīvotāju labklājības līmeņa un brīvā laika organizēšanas sakarības. Darba 2.nodaļā autore raksturo iedzīvotāju labklājības līmeni Baltijas valstīs un Vācijā. Darba 3.nodaļa ir praktiskā pētījuma atspoguļojums un veltīta iedzīvotāju labklājības līmeņa ietekmes izpētei uz mūzikas kā kultūras produkta patēriņu Latvijā, Lietuvā, Igaunijā un Vācijā. Galvenā maģistra darbā pētītā problēma ir: cik lielā mērā attiecīgo valstu (Latvijas, Lietuvas, Igaunijas vai Vācijas) iedzīvotāju labklājības līmenis ietekmē viņu nemateriālo, ar mūzikas kā kultūras produkta saistīto vēlmju apmierināšanu. Pētījumā iegūtos rezultātus, darba autore izmanto priekšlikumu izstrādei, kas būtu jāveic, lai Latvijas, Lietuvas, Igaunijas un Vācijas iedzīvotāji pēc iespējas efektīvāk varētu organizēt savu brīvo laiku saistībā ar mūziku kā svarīgu konkrētās valsts kultūras produkta sastāvdaļu.The present Master Theses shows the connecion of people well-being, leisure time activities and work, as well as discuss the influence of population well-being on consumption of music as a cultural product in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Germany. The first chapter of Master Thesis is related to survey of accordant literature. In the first chapter author focus on the analysis of specific sciene literature by viewing tha main relevance of the people well-beng and organization of their leisure time activities. In the second part of present Master Theses author characterize people well-being level in Baltic states and in Germany. The third chapter of Master Theses shows the practical research about influence of population well-being on consumption of music as a cultural product in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Germany. The objective of the present Master Theses is to prove the importance of influence of population well-being on consumption of music as a cultural product in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Germany by analyzing scientific literature and certain practical examples, as well as to work out some suggestions for further research in the field of improvment of music leisure time activities in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Germany. Dwelling on the theses author has drawn her conclusions based on which she figured out her proposals on the issues discussed

    Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in early middle aged men

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    Symptoms of testosterone deficiency and concentrations of testosterone (T) and bioavailable testosterone (BT) were studied in 35-and 45-year-old men. Methods: A questionnaire, was sent to all 35-and 45-year-old men in Linkoping, Sweden (n = 1998). The questionnaire has earlier been used for 55- to 75-year-old men and included demographic data, medical history, different symptoms possibly of T deficiency and the 10 questions from the "ADAM-questionnaire". Totally 200 men randomly selected among the men who answered the questionnaire were asked to give blood samples for analysis of T-and BT-concentrations. Results: A total of 38.7% of the questionnaires were returned and analysed, and 43.5% of the 200 randomly selected men gave blood samples. The older age group reported more symptoms that may be connected to low B and BT and had lower T-and BT-concentrations. Less strong erections and higher alcohol consumption were associated with lower concentrations of BT in 45-year-old men. Conclusions: The burden of symptoms possibly related to low T concentrations were higher in 45-year-old men, and BT and T were lower. However, due to the low answer frequency and number of blood samples analyzed no general conclusions can be drawn

    Participation in interventions and recommended follow-up for non-attendees in cervical cancer screening-taking the womens own preferred test method into account-A Swedish randomised controlled trial

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    Background Cervical cancer is a highly preventable disease. To not attend an organized cervical cancer screening program increases the risk for cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer. The aim was to investigate the participation rate in three different intervention groups for non- attendees in the Swedish national program for cervical screening. The participation in the recommended follow up, and the histology found were also examined. Method Population-based randomized control trial. It included10,614 women that had not participated in the cervical cancer screening programme during the last six years (ages 30-49) and the last eight years (ages 50-64) were randomised 1:1:1(telephone call from a midwife (offering the choice between a visit for a pap smear or an HPV self-sampling test); an HPV self-sampling test only; or the routine procedure with a yearly invitation). Results In the intention to treat analysis the participation rates were 25.5% (N = 803/3146) vs 34.1% (N = 1047/3068) and 7.0% (N = 250/3538) (p&amp;lt;0.001) for telephone, HPV self-test and control groups respectively. In the by protocol analysis including women that answered the phone call the participation rates were 31.7% (N = 565/1784) vs 26.1% (N = 788/3002) and 7.0% (N = 250/3538) (p&amp;lt;0.001) for telephone, HPV self-test and control groups. The corresponding results in the by protocol analysis including women that did not answer the phone call was 19.7% (N = 565/2870) vs 26.1% (N = 788/3002) and 7.0% (N = 250/3538) (p&amp;lt; 0.001). The majority of the women 63,4% (1131/1784) who answered the telephone wanted to participate either by booking a visit for pap smear (38,5%) or to be sent a HPV self- sampling test (24,9%) (p&amp;lt;0.001). Women who chose an HPV self-test were older and gave anxiety/ fear as a reason to decline participation, and they were also less likely to participate in the follow-up if found to be HPV-positive compared to the women who chose a Pap smear. The attendance to the recommended follow-up after abnormality was in total 87%. The non-attendees had a three or eight times higher risk of having a cytology result of HSIL or suspected SCC respectively, in the index sample compared to women screened as recommended (OR 3.3 CI 95% 1.9-5.2, OR 8.6 CI 1.6-30). A total of ten SCC and one adenocarcinoma were found in the histopathology results from the non-attendee group with a study intervention, while there was only one SCC in the non-attendee group without any study intervention (p = 0.02, OR 8.1 CI 95% 1.2-350). Conclusions Our study suggests, according to intention to treat analysis, that the best intervention to get as many non-attendees as possible to participate is to send an HPV self-sampling test together with an invitation letter. Almost 90% of women in the study with an abnormal index sample attended follow-up. This is high enough to indicate that interventions to increase the participation among non-attendees are meaningful. Registry International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN) Registration number.Funding Agencies|ALF Grants Region Ostergotland [022-95984]</p

    Prevalence of symptoms in relation to androgen concentrations in women using estrogen plus progestogen and women using estrogen alone.

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    OBJECTIVE:: Women using estrogen plus progestogen therapy sometimes report difficult to describe symptoms, eg, changes in libido, mood, and memory, that may be related to decreased androgens. To evaluate the prevalence of such symptoms and relate these symptoms to androgen levels in women using estrogen plus progestogen therapy, data from the Women's Health in the Lund Area Study were analyzed. DESIGN:: A total of 2,816 women using estrogen plus progestogen therapy were asked to complete a questionnaire consisting of questions concerning sexual well-being and different aspects of quality of life. Serum concentrations of testosterone, androstendione, sex hormone-binding globulin, and estradiol were measured. RESULTS:: A total of 2,048 questionnaires were eligible for evaluation. Almost 40% of the women reported decreased libido. Approximately 70% were satisfied with their current sex life. Eight percent reported that intercourse was unpleasant because of vaginal dryness. No evident associations were found between libido and serum hormone concentrations. The most positive effects of estrogen plus progestogen therapy concerning memory and urinary tract and vaginal complaints were found in women with the highest and/or moderate testosterone levels (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:: We found no strong association between symptoms related to sexual well-being or quality of life and androgen concentrations in this study. Estrogen plus progestogen therapy did not seem to affect symptoms that might be related to low levels of androgens in the group of climacteric women whom we studied