94 research outputs found

    Observations about surface behaviour of the great white shark Carcharodon carcharias (L.) in presence of passive preys at Dyer Island (Southafrica)

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    During 4 study expeditions in SouthAfrica, performed in 2000, 2003, 2004 and 2005, observations about surface predatory behaviour of the Great White Shark in presence of passive preys were made. Observations were carried out by Unlimited Shark Diving boats and by cage diving around Dyer Island, about 5 miles far from Gansbaai. During the 27 observation days were identified 78 different specimens, that exhibited 8 different behaviours. The Great White Shark population observed around Dyer island shows a greater variety of behaviours than the population studied along the California coasts

    Behavioural responses of white sharks to specific baits during cage diving ecotourism

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    This study describes the effect of different baits on the attraction, surface behaviour and conditioning of white sharks Carcharodon carcharias during local ecotourism activities. The sightings, behaviours, and pictures used for photographic identification were obtained during August to November 2012-2014 onboard tourist boats in Guadalupe Island, Mexico. Four types of baits were used: (1) frozen bait; (2) frozen bait and natural chum; (3) fresh fish bait; and (4) mackerel bags. Data were analysed according to sex, maturity and the total of sharks using 6,145 sightings of 121 white sharks. The type of bait showed no significant difference on the effectiveness to attracting sharks. Ethological analysis showed that the type of bait had a significant effect on the shark's surface behaviour during its interactions with boats. Natural chum and fresh baits showed short term behavioural patterns constituted by increased number of violent interactions with the bait, while the frozen bait did not generate a defined behavioural pattern. Conditioning of white sharks was determined by the number of interactions and the consumption frequency of the bait. Fifty nine percent of sharks (n=41) showed no conditioning, 36% (n=25) showed a low risk and only 5% (n=3) were found to have a high risk of conditioning. The results suggest that current ecotourism has no effect on the conditioning of the white sharks, and that all baits have a similar effectiveness for attracting the sharks. However, a different behavioural pattern was observed when fresh bait and chum were used, which could increase the potential of accidents during ecotourism

    Summer Distribution, Relative Abundance and Encounter Rates of Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Waters off Southern Italy (Western Ionian Sea and Southern Tyrrhenian Sea)

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    In summer 2010 and summer 2011, weekly cetacean surveys were undertaken in "passing mode", using ferries as platform of opportunity, along the "fixed line transect" between Catania and Civitavecchia (Southern Italy). Of the 20 species of cetaceans confirmed for the Mediterranean sea, 8 were sighted within the survey period: 7 species represented by Mediterranean subpopulations (Balaenoptera physalus, Physeter macrocephalus, Stenella coeruleoalba, Delphinus delphis, Grampus griseus, Tursiops truncatus and Ziphius cavirostris) and one considered visitor (Steno bredanensis). We had a total of 220 sightings during the 2010 and a total of 240 sightings in the 2011. The most frequent species was S. coeruleoalba. By the comparison of the data from the two sampling seasons, a significant increase of D. delphis sightings and a decrease of sightings of B. physalus and P. macrocephalus was observed from 2010 to 2011. While all the other species were observed in both sampling seasons, Z. cavirostris and Steno bredanensis were observed only during 2011. The presence of mixed groups of odontocetes was documented too: we sighted groups composed by S. coeruleoalba and D. delphis, by S. coeruleoalba and T. truncatus, and by S. coeruleoalba and G. griseus. The results of this research add useful information on cetacean species in a very poorly known area and highlight the need to standardize large scale and long term monitoring programs in order to detect variation in presence, abundance and distribution of cetaceans populations and understand the effect of anthropogenic factors

    Trace elements and isotopes analyses on historical samples of white sharks from the Mediterranean Sea

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    The white shark Carcharodon carcharias has been present in the Mediterranean Sea since 3.2 million years ago. Nevertheless, the current population shows a low genetic variability suggesting an endangered small population, on which there is scarce information regarding ecotoxicology or trophic ecology. Given that white shark's sightings are rare in the Mediterranean and the possibility of obtaining samples is highly limited, the aim of this research was to provide general information regarding the concentration of trace elements and stable isotopes (delta N-15 and delta C-13). Laboratory analyses were performed on 18 and 12 subsamples from two different white sharks' vertebrae obtained from two adult specimens caught in 1987, in Favignana Island, Italy. Perforations were made along the vertebrae to describe both trace elements and stable isotopes at different life stages. A total of 38 trace elements were analysed, in which the highest concentrations were found in Fe, Sr, U, Pb, and Zn. The fluctuations of these elements during the ontogeny of both individuals could have been related to changes in diet and environment, although the specific origin remains unknown. Regarding stable isotopes, the vertebrae from the male showed an isotopic range from 9.6 parts per thousand to 10.8 parts per thousand (delta N-15) and from -16.5 parts per thousand to -13.0 parts per thousand (delta C-13) with a mean +/- SD value of 10.3 +/- 0.4 parts per thousand for delta N-15 and -14.6 +/- 1.3 parts per thousand for delta C-13; whereas the female vertebrae had an isotopic range from 9.8 parts per thousand to 11.1 parts per thousand (delta N-15) and from -16.9 parts per thousand to -15.0 parts per thousand (delta C-13), with a mean +/- SD value of 10.8 +/- 0.6 parts per thousand for delta N-15 and -15.8 +/- 0.8 parts per thousand for delta C-13. There were no significant delta N-15 differences (U = 6, p = 0.07346) between the two individuals. However, there were just significant differences in delta C-13 (t = -1.8, p = 0.049256), which could suggest sexual segregation in terms of habitat use and feeding habits

    Jaws from the deep: biological and ecological insights on the kitefin shark Dalatias licha from the Mediterranean Sea

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    Due to their late maturation, extreme longevity, low fecundity and slow growth rates, deep-sea Chondrichthyes are extremely vulnerable to human impacts. Moreover, assessing the impact of deep-sea fisheries is difficult, as many species (including sharks) are part of the bycatch and are often discarded at sea, and/or landed under generic commercial-species codes. The lack of this information on fishery data sets and the limited availability of species-specific life history data make challenging the management of deep-sea Chondrichthyes. The kitefin shark Dalatias licha is a cosmopolitan elasmobranch, mainly found on continental and insular shelf-breaks and slopes in warm-temperate and tropical waters. This species is a common by-catch of the deep-sea trawling, considered as “Endangered” by the IUCN Red List for all European waters, Mediterranean Sea included. Here we present the results of a study based on a total of 78 specimens of kitefin shark collected over 3 years in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean) as by-catch from deep-water fisheries. Total length ranged from 380 to 1164 mm, and individual weight ranged from 198 to 8000 g. Immature and mature individuals showed a sex ratio dominated by males. Adult males were observed throughout the year, while mature females were observed only in spring-summer. These data lead to hypothesise a spatial segregation between genders. The kitefin shark diet was dominated by bony fish (mainly Macrouridae) and other small sharks (e.g., Galeus melastomus and Etmopterus spinax), but their gut included plastic items and parasites. Data reported here underline the rarity, complex ecology and the threat for this shark species and support the urgency of promoting initiatives for their monitoring and conservation

    Diet and Plastic Ingestion in the Blackmouth Catshark Galeus melastomus, Rafinesque 1810, in Italian Waters

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    Simple Summary The blackmouth catshark has a habitat range that spans from the Norwegian seas to Senegal and throughout the Mediterranean Sea, and it is one of the most common sharks in Italian waters. The aim of this work is to investigate, through the analyses of the stomach contents of five populations from the Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas, the diet of blackmouth catsharks. The analyses showed that the most frequent items were Osteichthyes of the family Myctophidae, except for one population, in which the most common items were Cephalopods and Crustacean of the Decapods order. Plastic debris was also found in all populations analysed and classified by colour and shape. This study ought to increase the knowledge of the feeding ecology of the blackmouth catshark, thus improving the meagre literature about Tyrrhenian and Ionian waters. Galeus melastomus is the most common Pentanchidae in the Mediterranean Sea. A scavenger and opportunistic feeder, and despite the wide distribution, little is known about its feeding habits in Italian waters. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the diet of the blackmouth catshark by analysing the stomach contents. The specimens analysed were obtained from five populations of the Tyrrhenian and of the Ionian Seas, collected from a depth between 40 and 700 m. A total of 259 stomachs were analysed. The stomach contents were grouped into macro-categories and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible. Crustaceans such as Parapenaeus longirostris, the Cephalopods Heteroteuthis dispar and Onychoteuthis banksii, and Osteichthyes, mostly Myctophidae, were identified. Plastic debris was also found among the stomach contents and classified according to its colour and shape. Osteichthyes represent the most abundant item (44%), above all the Myctophidae family, except for the catshark population from Tuscany, in which the most frequent species were Cephalopods, such as Abralia veranyi and Heteroteuthis dispar. Differences in the plastic debris contents were also observed between the Tuscany population and other populations. These could be explained as a probable consequence of the different depths at which the blackmouth catshark populations were sampled

    Pliocene colonization of the Mediterranean by Great White Shark inferred from fossil records, historical jaws, phylogeographic and divergence time analyses

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    Aim: Determine the evolutionary origin of the heretofore poorly characterized contemporary Great White Shark (GWS; Carcharodon carcharias) of the Mediterranean Sea, using phylogenetic and dispersal vicariance analyses to trace back its global palaeo-migration pattern. Location: Mediterranean Sea. Taxon: Carcharodon carcharias. Methods: We have built the largest mitochondrial DNA control region (CR) sequence dataset for the Mediterranean GWS from referenced historical jaws spanning the 19th and 20th centuries. Mediterranean and global GWS CR sequences were analysed for genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships and divergence time. A Bayes factor approach was used to assess two scenarios of GWS lineage divergence and emergence of the Mediterranean GWS line using fossil records and palaeo-geographical events for calibration of the molecular clock. Results: The results confirmed a closer evolutionary relationship between Mediterranean GWS and populations from Australia–New Zealand and the North-eastern Pacific coast rather than populations from South African and North-western Atlantic. The Mediterranean GWS lineage showed the lowest genetic diversity at the global level, indicating its recent evolutionary origin. An evaluation of various divergence scenarios determined the Mediterranean GWS lineage most likely appeared some 3.23 million years ago by way dispersal/vicariance from Australian/Pacific palaeo-populations. Main conclusion: Based on the fossil records, phylogeographic patterns and divergence time, we revealed that the Mediterranean GWS population originated in the Pliocene following the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Colonization of the Mediterranean by GWS likely occurred via an eastward palaeo-migration of Australian/eastern Pacific elements through the Central American Seaway, before the complete closure of the Isthmus of Panama. This Pliocene origin scenario contrasts with a previously proposed scenario in which Australian GWS colonized the Mediterranean via antipodean northward migration resulting from navigational errors from South Africa during Quaternary climatic oscillations

    Ambient BTEX exposure and mid-pregnancy inflammatory biomarkers in pregnant African American women

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    Air pollution is associated with preterm birth (PTB), potentially via inflammation. We recently showed the mixture benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) is associated with PTB. We examined if ambient BTEX exposure is associated with mid-pregnancy inflammation in a sample of 140 African-American women residing in Detroit, Michigan. The Geospatial Determinants of Health Outcomes Consortium study collected outdoor air pollution measurements in Detroit; these data were coupled with Michigan Air Sampling Network measurements to develop monthly BTEX concentration estimates at a spatial density of 300 m(2). First trimester and mid-pregnancy BTEX exposure estimates were assigned to maternal address. Mid-pregnancy (mean 21.3 ± 3.7 weeks gestation) inflammatory biomarkers (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin [IL]-6, IL-10, IL-1β, and tumor necrosis factor-α) were measured with enzyme immunoassays. After covariate adjustment, for every 1-unit increase in first trimester BTEX, there was an expected mean increase in log-transformed IL-1β of 0.05 ± 0.02 units (P = 0.014) and an expected mean increase in log-transformed tumor necrosis factor-α of 0.07 ± 0.02 units (P = 0.006). Similarly, for every 1-unit increase in mid-pregnancy BTEX, there was a mean increase in log IL-1β of 0.06 ± 0.03 units (P = 0.027). There was no association of either first trimester or mid-pregnancy BTEX with high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, IL-10, or IL-6 (all P \u3e 0.05). Ambient BTEX exposure is associated with inflammation in mid-pregnancy in African-American women. Future studies examining if inflammation mediates associations between BTEX exposure and PTB are needed

    New Mediterranean Marine biodiversity records

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    Based on recent biodiversity studies carried out in different parts of the Mediterranean, the following 19 species are included as new records on the floral or faunal lists of the relevant ecosystems: the green algae Penicillus capitatus (Maltese waters); the nemertean Amphiporus allucens (Iberian Peninsula, Spain); the salp Salpa maxima (Syria); the opistobranchs Felimida britoi and Berghia coerulescens (Aegean Sea, Greece); the dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus (central-west Mediterranean and Ionian Sea, Italy); Randall’s threadfin bream Nemipterus randalli, the broadbanded cardinalfish Apogon fasciatus and the goby Gobius kolombatovici (Aegean Sea, Turkey); the reticulated leatherjack Stephanolepis diaspros and the halacarid Agaue chevreuxi (Sea of Marmara, Turkey); the slimy liagora Ganonema farinosum, the yellowstripe barracuda Sphyraena chrysotaenia, the rayed pearl oyster Pinctada imbricata radiata and the Persian conch Conomurex persicus (south-eastern Kriti, Greece); the blenny Microlipophrys dalmatinus and the bastard grunt Pomadasys incisus (Ionian Sea, Italy); the brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus aztecus (north-eastern Levant, Turkey); the blue-crab Callinectes sapidus (Corfu, Ionian Sea, Greece). In addition, the findings of the following rare species improve currently available biogeographical knowledge: the oceanic pufferfish Lagocephalus lagocephalus (Malta); the yellow sea chub Kyphosus incisor (Almuñécar coast of Spain); the basking shark Cetorhinus maximus and the shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchus (north-eastern Levant, Turkey)