70 research outputs found

    CD55 is over-expressed in the tumour environment

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    CD55 is a protein that protects cells from complement-mediated attack. 791Tgp72 is an antigen which has been used succesfully as a target for both tumour imaging and cancer vaccines. 791Tgp72 has recently been identified as CD55. Quantitative expression of CD55 in the tumour environment was therefore studied. Tumour cells showed a 4–100-fold increase in CD55 cell surface expression when compared to normal cells. Immunohistochemical staining of colorectal tumours also revealed high expression of CD55 in the stroma. To examine the source of this stromal CD55 the ability of both epithelial cells and endothelial cells to produce extracellular CD55 was measured. Tumour cell lines deposit CD55 into their extracellular matrix (ECM) in direct proportion to their cell surface expression. In contrast the ECM from HUVEC cells contained large amounts of CD55 despite expressing low levels of CD55 on their cell surface. Furthermore expression of CD55 on HUVEC cells was increased by exposure to VEGF. Although it remains unclear why CD55 is upregulated in the tumour environment its high level of expression on tumour cells and associated endothelium may explain why it is a good target for both imaging and immunotherapy. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Kinematics of chromodynamic multicomponent lattice Boltzmann Simulation with a large density contrast

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    The utility of an enhanced chromodynamic, color gradient or phase-field multicomponent lattice Boltzmann (MCLB) equation for immiscible fluids with a density difference was demonstrated by Wen et al. [Phys. Rev. E 100, 023301 (2019)] and Ba et al. [Phys. Rev. E 94, 023310 (2016)], who advanced earlier work by Liu et al. [Phys. Rev. E 85, 046309 (2012)] by removing certain error terms in the momentum equations. But while these models' collision scheme has been carefully enhanced by degrees, there is, currently, no quantitative consideration in the macroscopic dynamics of the segregation scheme which is common to all. Here, by analysis of the kinetic-scale segregation rule (previously neglected when considering the continuum behavior) we derive, bound, and test the emergent kinematics of the continuum fluids' interface for this class of MCLB, concurrently demonstrating the circular relationship with—and competition between—the models' dynamics and kinematics. The analytical and numerical results we present in Sec. V confirm that, at the kinetic scale, for a range of density contrast, color is a material invariant. That is, within numerical error, the emergent interface structure is isotropic (i.e., without orientation dependence) and Galilean-invariant (i.e., without dependence on direction of motion). Numerical data further suggest that reported restrictions on the achievable density contrast in rapid flow, using chromodynamic MCLB, originate in the effect on the model's kinematics of the terms deriving from our term F1i in the evolution equation, which correct its dynamics for large density differences. Taken with Ba's applications and validations, this result significantly enhances the theoretical foundation of this MCLB variant, bringing it somewhat belatedly further into line with the schemes of Inamuro et al. [J. Comput. Phys. 198, 628 (2004)] and the free-energy scheme [see, e.g., Phys. Rev. E. 76, 045702(R) (2007), and references therein] which, in contradistinction to the present scheme and perhaps wisely, postulate appropriate kinematics a priori

    The T1799A point mutation is present in posterior uveal melanoma

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    An activating mutation in exon 15 of the BRAF gene is present in a high proportion of cutaneous pigmented lesions. Until recently this mutation had however only been identified in one case of posterior uveal melanoma. Despite this apparent lack of the BRAF mutation, inappropriate downstream activation of the Ras/Raf/MAPK pathway has been described in posterior uveal melanoma. Based on the already recognised morphological and cytogenetic heterogeneity in uveal melanoma, we hypothesised that the BRAF mutation may be present in uveal melanoma but only in some of the tumour cells. In this study, we analysed 20 ciliary body and 30 choroidal melanomas using a nested PCR-based technique resulting in the amplification of a nested product only if the mutation was present. This sensitive technique can identify mutated DNA in the presence of wild-type DNA. The mutation was identified in 4 of 20 (20%) ciliary body and 11 of 30 (40%) choroidal melanomas. Further analysis of separate areas within the same choroidal melanoma demonstrated that the mutation was not present in the entire tumour. In conclusion, the T1799A BRAF mutation is present in a proportion of posterior uveal melanomas but within these tumours the distribution of the mutation is heterogeneous

    A HIF-LIMD1 negative feedback mechanism mitigates the pro-tumorigenic effects of hypoxia

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    The adaptive cellular response to low oxygen tensions is mediated by the hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs), a family of heterodimeric transcription factors composed of HIF-α and β subunits. Prolonged HIF expression is a key contributor to cellular transformation, tumourigenesis and metastasis. As such, HIF degradation under hypoxic conditions is an essential homeostatic and tumour suppressive mechanism. LIMD1 complexes with PHD2 and VHL in physiological oxygen levels (normoxia) to facilitate proteasomal degradation of the HIF-α subunit. Here, we identify LIMD1 as a HIF-1 target gene, which mediates a previously uncharacterised, negative regulatory feedback mechanism for hypoxic HIF-α degradation by modulating PHD2-LIMD1- VHL complex formation. Hypoxic induction of LIMD1 expression results in increased HIF-α protein degradation, inhibiting HIF-1 target-gene expression, tumour growth and vascularisation. Furthermore, we report that copy number variation at the LIMD1 locus occurs in 47.1% of lung adenocarcinoma patients, correlates with enhanced expression of a HIF target gene signature and is a negative prognostic indicator. Taken together, our data open a new field of research into the aetiology, diagnosis and prognosis of LIMD1-negative lung cancers

    High expression of Lewis(y/b )antigens is associated with decreased survival in lymph node negative breast carcinomas

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    INTRODUCTION: There is sufficient evidence that blood group related Lewis antigens are tumour-associated molecules. The Lewis(y )and Lewis(b )antigens are complex carbohydrates that are over-expressed by breast, lung, colon and ovarian cancers. The SC101 mAb is a unique Lewis(y/b )binding antibody that binds to native and extended Lewis(y )and Lewis(b )haptens, displaying no cross reactivity with H type 1, H type 2, Lewis(x )or normal blood group antigens. METHODS: Immunohistochemical detection of Lewis(y/b )was performed on 660 formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded breast tumour specimens using a streptavidin-biotin peroxidase technique. Tissue from these patients had previously been included in tissue microarrays. This cohort comprises a well characterized series of patients with primary operable breast cancer diagnosed between 1987 and 1992, obtained from the Nottingham Tenovus Primary Breast Carcinoma Series. This includes patients 70 years of age or less, with a mean follow up of 7 years. RESULTS: Of the breast carcinomas, 370 of 660 (56%) were negative for Lewis(y/b )expression, 110 (17%) cases showed a low level of expression (<25% of positive cells) and only 54 cases (8%) showed extensive expression of Lewis(y/b )(>75% of positive cells). We found significant positive associations between histological grade (p < 0.001), Nottingham Prognostic Index (p = 0.016), tumour type (p = 0.007) and the level of Lewis (y/b )expression. There was a significant correlation between the proportion of Lewis(y/b )positive tumour cells and survival in lymph-node negative patients (p = 0.006). CONCLUSION: The unique epitope recognised by SC101 mAb on Lewis(y/b )hapten is over-expressed on breast tumour tissue compared with normal breast. In this large series of invasive breast cancers, higher expression of Lewis(y/b )was more often found in high grade and poor prognosis tumours compared to good prognosis cancers. Moreover, in lymph node negative breast carcinomas, over-expression of Lewis(y/b )hapten was associated with significantly decreased patient survival

    The Invasion and Metastasis Promotion Role of CD97 Small Isoform in Gastric Carcinoma

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    CD97 is over-expressed in the majority of gastric adenocarcinomas and is associated with its dedifferentiation and aggressiveness. Our previous results demonstrated that out of three CD97 isoforms tested, only the small one was able to promote increased invasiveness in vitro. Based on these data we further aimed to investigate the role of CD97 small isoform in gastric cancer progression in vivo by employing the cells with a stable CD97 small isoform knock-down and an orthotopic gastric cancer mouse model. We could demonstrate that the knock down of CD97/EGF1,2,5, led to a significant decrease in the number of cells penetrating the gelatin coated membrane as compared with control cells. In the gastric cancer mouse model, both the hypodermic and the orthotopic yielded tumor masses of the CD97/EGF1,2,5kd group and were significantly smaller than the control. Metastatic tumor cell number in early metastatic regional lymph nodes on post-operative day 42 was distinctly decreased in the CD97/EGF1,2,5kd group as compared with the SGC-NS group, and was accompanied with the downregulation of CD44, VEGFR, CD31 and CD97. We concluded in this study that CD97 small isoform not only supported gastric cancer local growth, but also promoted metastatic spread in orthotopically implanted mouse model suggesting involvement of the CD97 small isoform in the preparation of (pre)metastatic niche

    Nutritional strategies of high level natural bodybuilders during competition preparation

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    Background Competitive bodybuilders employ a combination of resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, calorie reduction, supplementation regimes and peaking strategies in order to lose fat mass and maintain fat free mass. Although recommendations exist for contest preparation, applied research is limited and data on the contest preparation regimes of bodybuilders are restricted to case studies or small cohorts. Moreover, the influence of different nutritional strategies on competitive outcome is unknown. Methods Fifty-one competitors (35 male and 16 female) volunteered to take part in this project. The British Natural Bodybuilding Federation (BNBF) runs an annual national competition for high level bodybuilders; competitors must qualify by winning at a qualifying events or may be invited at the judge’s discretion. Competitors are subject to stringent drug testing and have to undergo a polygraph test. Study of this cohort provides an opportunity to examine the dietary practices of high level natural bodybuilders. We report the results of a cross-sectional study of bodybuilders competing at the BNBF finals. Volunteers completed a 34-item questionnaire assessing diet at three time points. At each time point participants recorded food intake over a 24-h period in grams and/or portions. Competitors were categorised according to contest placing. A “placed” competitor finished in the top 5, and a “Non-placed” (DNP) competitor finished outside the top 5. Nutrient analysis was performed using Nutritics software. Repeated measures ANOVA and effect sizes (Cohen’s d) were used to test if nutrient intake changed over time and if placing was associated with intake. Results Mean preparation time for a competitor was 22 ± 9 weeks. Nutrient intake of bodybuilders reflected a high-protein, high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. Total carbohydrate, protein and fat intakes decreased over time in both male and female cohorts (P < 0.05). Placed male competitors had a greater carbohydrate intake at the start of contest preparation (5.1 vs 3.7 g/kg BW) than DNP competitors (d = 1.02, 95% CI [0.22, 1.80]). Conclusions Greater carbohydrate intake in the placed competitors could theoretically have contributed towards greater maintenance of muscle mass during competition preparation compared to DNP competitors. These findings require corroboration, but will likely be of interest to bodybuilders and coaches. Keywords BodybuildersCaloriesCompetitionContest preparationDietingEnergy restrictionNaturalNutritionSupplementationPhysiqu

    Elite squash players nutrition knowledge and influencing factors

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    Background There is a reported mismatch between macronutrient consumption and contemporary macronutrient guidelines in elite standard squash players. Suboptimal dietary practices could be due to a lack of nutrition knowledge among players. Subsequently, the purpose of this study was to assess the sports nutrition knowledge of elite squash players through the Nutrition for Sport Knowledge Questionnaire (NSKQ) and provide an indication of whether players require nutrition support to increase their nutrition knowledge. Methods This cross-sectional study assessed the nutrition knowledge of 77 elite squash players via the NSKQ over the period of June 2020 to August 2020. Results Players conveyed average nutrition knowledge with a mean NSKQ score of 48.78 ± 10.06 (56.07% ± 11.56%). There were no significant differences in NSKQ score between male and female players (p = .532). There was found to be a weak positive association between world ranking and NSKQ score (r = .208) and age and NSKQ score (r = .281). Players who had a relevant undergraduate degree (e.g. BSc Sport & Exercise Science) had significantly greater NSKQ score than players with no relevant qualifications (p = .022). Players who consulted a sports nutritionist to obtain their main source of nutrition information were shown to have significantly greater knowledge than those who acquired knowledge from a sports scientist (p = .01) or the internet / social media (p = .007). Conclusions Players should consult with a sports nutritionist to increase their sport nutrition knowledge. Future research should quantify the effectiveness of a nutritional education intervention at increasing nutrition knowledge in players