3,943 research outputs found

    Empirical modeling of the quiet time nightside magnetosphere

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    Empirical modeling of plasma pressure and magnetic field for the quiet time nightside magnetosphere is investigated. Two models are constructed for this study. One model, referred to here as T89R, is basically the magnetic field model of Tsyganenko (1989) but is modified by the addition of an inner eastward ring current at a radial distance of ∼3 RE as suggested by observation. The other is a combination of the T89R model and the long version of the magnetic field model of Tsyganenko (1987) such that the former dominates the magnetic field in the inner magnetosphere, whereas the latter prevails in the distant tail. The distribution of plasma pressure, which is required to balance the magnetic force for each of these two field models, is computed along the tail axis in the midnight meridian. The occurrence of pressure anisotropy in the inner magnetospheric region is also taken into account by determining an empirical fit to the observed plasma pressure anisotropy. This effort is the first attempt to obtain the plasma pressure distribution in force equilibrium with magnetic stresses from an empirical field model with the inclusion of pressure anisotropy. The inclusion of pressure anisotropy alters the plasma pressure by as much as a factor of ∼3 in the inner magnetosphere. The deduced plasma pressure profile along the tail axis is found to be in good agreement with the observed quiet time plasma pressure for geocentric distances between ∼2 and ∼35 RE

    Sex significantly influences transduction of murine liver by recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors through an androgen-dependent pathway.

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    A systematic evaluation of the influence of sex on transduction by recombinant adeno-associated viral vector (rAAV) indicated that transgene expression after liver-targeted delivery of vector particles was between 5- to 13-fold higher in male mice compared with female mice, irrespective of the proviral promoter or cDNA and mouse strain. Molecular analysis revealed that the rAAV genome was stably retained in male liver at levels that were 7-fold higher than those observed in females. Further, the sex difference in transduction was observed with AAV-2- and AAV-5-based vectors, which use distinct receptor complexes for infection. In concordance with the differences in AAV transduction, gel shift analysis with nuclear extracts derived from the liver of mice and humans revealed substantially higher binding of host nuclear protein to the rep-binding site (RBS) of AAV inverted terminal repeat (ITR) in males compared with females. Transduction efficiency and binding of nuclear protein to RBS was dramatically reduced in male mice by castration. In contrast, although oophorectomy did not significantly influence rAAV transduction, administration of 5alpha dihydrotestosterone, prior to gene transfer, increased stable hepatocyte gene transfer in females to levels observed in male mice, implying that androgens significantly influence hepatocyte gene transfer. Interestingly, sex did not have a significant effect on AAV gene transfer into nonhepatic tissue, indicating that there are distinct tissue- and sex-specific differences in the mechanisms responsible for efficient transduction with this vector. These results have significant implications for gene therapy of autosomal and acquired disorders affecting the liver

    Revision of empirical electric field modeling in the inner magnetosphere using Cluster data

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    Using Cluster data from the Electron Drift (EDI) and the Electric Field and Wave (EFW) instruments, we revise our empirically-based, inner-magnetospheric electric field (UNH-IMEF) model at 22.662 mV/m; K-p\u3c1, 1K(p)\u3c2, 2K(p)\u3c3, 3K(p)\u3c4, 4K(p)\u3c5, and K(p)4(+). Patterns consist of one set of data and processing for smaller activities, and another for higher activities. As activity increases, the skewed potential contour related to the partial ring current appears on the nightside. With the revised analysis, we find that the skewed potential contours get clearer and potential contours get denser on the nightside and morningside. Since the fluctuating components are not negligible, standard deviations from the modeled values are included in the model. In this study, we perform validation of the derived model more extensively. We find experimentally that the skewed contours are located close to the last closed equipotential, consistent with previous theories. This gives physical context to our model and serves as one validation effort. As another validation effort, the derived results are compared with other models/measurements. From these comparisons, we conclude that our model has some clear advantages over the others

    On the standing wave mode of giant pulsations

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    Both odd-mode and even-mode standing wave structures have been proposed for giant pulsations. Unless a conclusion is drawn on the field-aligned mode structure, little progress can be made in understanding the excitation mechanism of giant pulsations. In order to determine the standing wave mode, we have made a systematic survey of magnetic field data from the AMPTE CCE spacecraft and from ground stations located near the geomagnetic foot point of CCE. We selected time intervals when CCE was close to the magnetic equator and also magnetically close to Syowa and stations in Iceland, and when either transverse or compressional Pc 4 waves were observed at CCE. Magnetograms from the ground stations were then examined to determine if there was a giant pulsation in a given time interval. One giant pulsation was associated with a compressional wave, while no giant pulsation was observed in association with transverse wave events. The CCE magnetic field record for the giant pulsation exhibited a remarkable similarity to a giant pulsation observed from the ATS 6 geostationary satellite near the magnetic equator (Hillebrand et al., 1982). In agreement with Hillebrand et al., we conclude that the compressional nature of the giant pulsation is due to an odd-mode standing wave structure. This conclusion places a strong constraint on the generation mechanism of giant pulsations. In particular, if giant pulsations are excited through the drift bounce resonance of ions with standing Alfvén waves, ω - mωd = ±Nωb, where ω is the wave frequency, m is the azimuthal wave number, ωd is the ion drift frequency,N is an integer, and ωb is the ion bounce frequency, then the resonance must occur at an even N

    Magic on the menu: Where are all the magical food and beverage experiences?

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    Magic and dining have long been popular forms of entertainment. What is more, both involve some kind of transformation. And yet while the more theatrical aspects of dining have grown in popularity in recent decades, there is a surprising paucity of magical food and beverage experiences out there. In this article, we trace the historical appearance of food and drink and culinary items in the performance of magic. We also review some of the more magical elements of food design that have appeared on menus in bars and restaurants in recent years. We introduce the edible lightbulb dish from the menu at Kitchen Theory Chef’s Table and link it to the stage magic of Derren Brown. We also discuss some of the reasons as to why magical food experiences might be rare in the context of dining. In so doing, our hope is to highlight an intriguing area for future research and innovation. Along the way, we identify some possible candidate approaches for the introduction of edible magic onto the menu in the context of modernist cuisine

    AMPTE/CCE‐SCATHA simultaneous observations of substorm‐associated magnetic fluctuations

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    This study examines substorm-associated magnetic field fluctuations observed by the AMPTE/CCE and SCATHA satellites in the near-Earth tail. Three tail reconfiguration events are selected, one event on August 28, 1986, and two consecutive events on August 30, 1986. The fractal analysis was applied to magnetic field measurements of each satellite. The result indicates that (1) the amplitude of the fluctuation of the north-south magnetic component is larger, though not overwhelmingly, than the amplitudes of the other two components and (2) the magnetic fluctuations do have a characteristic timescale, which is several times the proton gyroperiod. In the examined events the satellite separation was less than 10 times the proton gyroradius. Nevertheless, the comparison between the AMPTE/CCE and SCATHA observations indicates that (3) there was a noticeable time delay between the onsets of the magnetic fluctuations at the two satellite positions, which is too long to ascribe to the propagation of a fast magnetosonic wave, and (4) the coherence of the magnetic fluctuations was low in the August 28, 1986, event and the fluctuations had different characteristic timescales in the first event of August 30, 1986, whereas some similarities can be found for the second event of August 30, 1986. Result 1 indicates that perturbation electric currents associated with the magnetic fluctuations tend to flow parallel to the tail current sheet and are presumably related to the reduction of the tail current intensity. Results 2 and 3 suggest that the excitation of the magnetic fluctuations and therefore the trigger of the tail current disruption is a kinetic process in which ions play an important role. It is inferred from results 3 and 4 that the characteristic spatial scale of the associated instability is of the order of the proton gyroradius or even shorter, and therefore the tail current disruption is described as a system of chaotic filamentary electric currents. However, result 4 suggests that the nature of the tail current disruption can vary from event to event

    Spatially valid proprioceptive cues improve the detection of a visual stimulus

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    Vision and proprioception are the main sensory modalities that convey hand location and direction of movement. Fusion of these sensory signals into a single robust percept is now well documented. However, it is not known whether these modalities also interact in the spatial allocation of attention, which has been demonstrated for other modality pairings. The aim of this study was to test whether proprioceptive signals can spatially cue a visual target to improve its detection. Participants were instructed to use a planar manipulandum in a forward reaching action and determine during this movement whether a near-threshold visual target appeared at either of two lateral positions. The target presentation was followed by a masking stimulus, which made its possible location unambiguous, but not its presence. Proprioceptive cues were given by applying a brief lateral force to the participant’s arm, either in the same direction (validly cued) or in the opposite direction (invalidly cued) to the on-screen location of the mask. The d′ detection rate of the target increased when the direction of proprioceptive stimulus was compatible with the location of the visual target compared to when it was incompatible. These results suggest that proprioception influences the allocation of attention in visual spac

    Interactions of energetic electrons with ULF waves triggered by interplanetary shock: Van Allen Probes observations in the magnetotail

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    Abstract We present in situ observations of a shock-induced substorm-like event on 13 April 2013 observed by the newly launched Van Allen twin probes. Substorm-like electron injections with energy of 30-500 keV were observed in the region from L∼5.2 to 5.5 immediately after the shock arrival (followed by energetic electron drift echoes). Meanwhile, the electron flux was clearly and strongly varying on the ULF wave time scale. It is found that both toroidal and poloidal mode ULF waves with a period of 150 s emerged following the magnetotail magnetic field reconfiguration after the interplanetary (IP) shock passage. The poloidal mode is more intense than the toroidal mode. The 90 phase shift between the poloidal mode Br and Ea suggests the standing poloidal waves in the Northern Hemisphere. Furthermore, the energetic electron flux modulations indicate that the azimuthal wave number is ∼14. Direct evidence of drift resonance between the injected electrons and the excited poloidal ULF wave has been obtained. The resonant energy is estimated to be between 150 keV and 230 keV. Two possible scenaria on ULF wave triggering are discussed: vortex-like flow structure-driven field line resonance and ULF wave growth through drift resonance. It is found that the IP shock may trigger intense ULF wave and energetic electron behavior at L∼3 to 6 on the nightside, while the time profile of the wave is different from dayside cases

    A technology assessment of alternative communications systems for the space exploration initiative

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    Telecommunications, Navigation, and Information Management (TNIM) services are vital to accomplish the ambitious goals of the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI). A technology assessment is provided for four alternative lunar and Mars operational TNIM systems based on detailed communications link analyses. The four alternative systems range from a minimum to a fully enhanced capability and use frequencies from S-band, through Ka-band, and up to optical wavelengths. Included are technology development schedules as they relate to present SEI mission architecture time frames

    Adolescent attachment style in residential care: the attachment style interview and vulnerable attachment style questionnaire

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    Attachment frameworks are increasingly used to understand human development and used by social workers in care planning for children and young people in care. To date, there have been few assessment tools that social workers can use easily and therefore little sustained use of attachment assessment by practitioners in residential care. This paper describes the use of the Attachment Style Interview (ASI) for adolescents and the Vulnerable Attachment Style Questionnaire (VASQ) self-report in a pilot study of young people in residential care in the UK and Isle of Man. The aim was to test these relatively new measures in practice contexts administered by practitioners, and to determine rates of insecure and disorganised attachment style to compare with other studies. Results show around half of the young people had disorganised (or mixed) attachment styles using either measure, with avoidant attachment styles more common than anxious ones. Secure style was rare. There was some difference in young person and carer ratings, with young people rating slightly less disorganised style and more anxious style, but simplified classifications were similar. The implications for assessing attachment style in residential care to improve identification of interpersonal risk and aid with care planning are discussed