1,086 research outputs found

    Taylor's Theorem for Functionals on BMO with Application to BMO Local Minimizers

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    In this note two results are established for energy functionals that are given by the integral of W(x,∇u(x)) W(\mathbf x,\nabla \mathbf u(\mathbf x)) over Ω⊂Rn\Omega \subset\mathbb{R}^n with ∇u∈BMO(Ω;RN×n)\nabla \mathbf u \in BMO(\Omega;{\mathbb R}^{N\times n}), the space of functions of Bounded Mean Oscillation of John & Nirenberg. A version of Taylor's theorem is first shown to be valid provided the integrand WW has polynomial growth. This result is then used to demonstrate that, for the Dirichlet, Neumann, and mixed problems, every Lipschitz-continuous solution of the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations at which the second variation of the energy is uniformly positive is a strict local minimizer of the energy in W1,BMO(Ω;RN)W^{1,BMO}(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^N), the subspace of the Sobolev space W1,1(Ω;RN)W^{1,1}(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^N) for which the weak derivative ∇u∈BMO(Ω;RN×n)\nabla\mathbf u \in BMO(\Omega;{\mathbb R}^{N\times n}).Comment: 8 page

    LpL^p-Taylor approximations characterize the Sobolev space W1,pW^{1,p}

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    In this note, we introduce a variant of Calder\'on and Zygmund's notion of LpL^p-differentiability - an \emph{LpL^p-Taylor approximation}. Our first result is that functions in the Sobolev space W1,p(RN)W^{1,p}(\mathbb{R}^N) possess a first order LpL^p-Taylor approximation. This is in analogy with Calder\'on and Zygmund's result concerning the LpL^p-differentiability of Sobolev functions. In fact, the main result we announce here is that the first order LpL^p-Taylor approximation characterizes the Sobolev space W1,p(RN)W^{1,p}(\mathbb{R}^N), and therefore implies LpL^p-differentiability. Our approach establishes connections between some characterizations of Sobolev spaces due to Swanson using Calder\'on-Zygmund classes with others due to Bourgain, Brezis, and Mironescu using nonlocal functionals with still others of the author and Mengesha using nonlocal gradients. That any two characterizations of Sobolev spaces are related is not surprising, however, one consequence of our analysis is a simple condition for determining whether a function of bounded variation is in a Sobolev space.Comment: 7 pages. Preprint of an article to appear in Comptes Rendus - the exposition of the two articles is substantially different and the full article will not be available as an arxiv paper. The title and abstract displaying on arxiv have been changed to that of the article in its more polished for

    On regularity of solutions to Poisson's equation

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    In this note, we announce new regularity results for some locally integrable distributional solutions to Poisson's equation. This includes, for example, the standard solutions obtained by convolution with the fundamental solution. In particular, our results show that there is no qualitative difference in the regularity of these solutions in the plane and in higher dimensions

    On the role of Riesz potentials in Poisson's equation and Sobolev embeddings

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    In this paper, we study the mapping properties of the classical Riesz potentials acting on LpL^p-spaces. In the supercritical exponent, we obtain new "almost" Lipschitz continuity estimates for these and related potentials (including, for instance, the logarithmic potential). Applications of these continuity estimates include the deduction of new regularity estimates for distributional solutions to Poisson's equation, as well as a proof of the supercritical Sobolev embedding theorem first shown by Brezis and Wainger in 1980.Comment: 21 page

    A note on the fractional perimeter and interpolation

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    We present the fractional perimeter as a set-function interpolation between the Lebesgue measure and the perimeter in the sense of De Giorgi. Our motivation comes from a new fractional Boxing inequality that relates the fractional perimeter and the Hausdorff content and implies several known inequalities involving the Gagliardo seminorm of the Sobolev spaces Wα,1W^{\alpha, 1} of order 0<α<10 < \alpha < 1

    Optimal embeddings into Lorentz spaces for some vector differential operators via Gagliardo's lemma

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    We prove a family of Sobolev inequalities of the form ∥u∥Lnn−1,1(Rn,V)≤∥A(D)u∥L1(Rn,E) \Vert u \Vert_{L^{\frac{n}{n-1}, 1} (\mathbb{R}^n,V)} \le \Vert A (D) u \Vert_{L^1 (\mathbb{R}^n,E)} where A(D):Cc∞(Rn,V)→Cc∞(Rn,E)A (D) : C^\infty_c (\mathbb{R}^n, V) \to C^\infty_c (\mathbb{R}^n, E) is a vector first-order homogeneous linear differential operator with constant coefficients, uu is a vector field on Rn\mathbb{R}^n and Lnn−1,1(Rn)L^{\frac{n}{n - 1}, 1} (\mathbb{R}^{n}) is a Lorentz space. These new inequalities imply in particular the extension of the classical Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality to Lorentz spaces originally due to Alvino and a sharpening of an inequality in terms of the deformation operator by Strauss (Korn-Sobolev inequality) on the Lorentz scale. The proof relies on a nonorthogonal application of the Loomis--Whitney inequality and Gagliardo's lemma.Comment: 20 page

    LpL^p-theory for fractional gradient PDE with VMO coefficients

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    In this paper, we prove LpL^p estimates for the fractional derivatives of solutions to elliptic fractional partial differential equations whose coefficients are VMOVMO. In particular, our work extends the optimal regularity known in the second order elliptic setting to a spectrum of fractional order elliptic equations.Comment: 10 page
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