2,995 research outputs found

    Local texture and percolative paths for long-range conduction in high critical current density TlBa₂Ca₂Cu₃O₈₊ₓ deposits

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    ©1994 American Institute of Physics. The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://link.aip.org/link/?APPLAB/64/106/1DOI:10.1063/1.110908A possible microstructural origin of the high critical current densities which have been obtained in c-axis-aligned, polycrystalline TlBa₂Ca₂Cu₃O₈₊ₓdeposits has been identified. The results of x-ray diffraction determinations of basal plane texture of Tl-1223 deposits prepared by spray pyrolysis are observed to depend on the size of the x-ray beam. Furthermore, most grain boundaries were found from transmission electron microscopy to have small misorientation angles. It is concluded that although overall the basal plane orientations are nearly random, there is a high degree of local texture indicative of colonies of similarly oriented grains. The spread in a-axis orientation within a colony is ~10°–15°. Intercolony conduction, it is suggested, may be enhanced by a percolative network of small-angle grain boundaries at colony interfaces

    Registro da ocorrência de Helicoverpa armigera no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

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    A presença de Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Heliothinae) no Brasil foi confirmada pela primeira vez na região do Cerrado (oeste da Bahia, Goiás e Mato Grosso) no início de 2013, por C. Czepak e colaboradores. Em seguida, A. Specht e colaboradores ampliaram o registro para outros estados, incluindo o Paraná. Admite-se que este inseto estava presente no país há mais tempo, causando severos danos às culturas agrícolas, principalmente em soja, algodão, milho e tomate industrial. No estado do Rio Grande do Sul, o problema veio à tona na safra 2012/13, quando técnicos e produtores se depararam com infestações elevadas e com a dificuldade de controle das lagartas na cultura da soja. Lagartas coletadas em lavouras de soja foram criadas em laboratório na FAMV/UPF e na Embrapa Trigo, em Passo Fundo. Das mariposas obtidas em laboratório, amostras provenientes de lagartas coletadas nos dias 20 e 21 de dezembro de 2012 em lavouras de soja localizadas dos municípios de Passo Fundo e Espumoso e de lagartas coletadas em soja no dia 22 de maio de 2013, em Carazinho, foram encaminhadas ao terceiro autor, taxonomista deste grupo de insetos, que confirmou a identidade específica de H. armigera. Os resultados foram relatados ao Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, que os considerou válidos como registro de ocorrência de H. armigera no Estado, através de comunicado aos autores no dia 19 de novembro de 2013. Na safra 2013/14, adultos foram coletados em armadilhas de feromônio sexual, em outubro. Lagartas grandes (5º e 6º instares) foram encontradas em trigo alimentando-se dos grãos em massa ou secos, além de canola e milho. A incidência maior foi em soja, desde os estádios iniciais (novembro) até a época de colheita (março). A ocorrência de adultos e de lagartas em várias localidades e regiões sugere que a espécie está amplamente distribuída no Rio Grande do Sul

    Multi-score Learning for Affect Recognition: the Case of Body Postures

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    An important challenge in building automatic affective state recognition systems is establishing the ground truth. When the groundtruth is not available, observers are often used to label training and testing sets. Unfortunately, inter-rater reliability between observers tends to vary from fair to moderate when dealing with naturalistic expressions. Nevertheless, the most common approach used is to label each expression with the most frequent label assigned by the observers to that expression. In this paper, we propose a general pattern recognition framework that takes into account the variability between observers for automatic affect recognition. This leads to what we term a multi-score learning problem in which a single expression is associated with multiple values representing the scores of each available emotion label. We also propose several performance measurements and pattern recognition methods for this framework, and report the experimental results obtained when testing and comparing these methods on two affective posture datasets

    Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) updated host plants and new records.

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    Conteúdo do volume 2: Ácaros; Biologia, fisiologia, morfologia; Controle biológico com bactérias entomopatogênicas; Controle biológico com fungos entomopatológicos; Controle biológico com nematoides; Controle biológico com parasitoides; Controle biológico com predadores; Ecologia e biodiversidade; Educação e etnoentomologia; Entomologia florestal; Entomologia Forense; Entomologia médica e veterinária; Entomologia molecular; Manejo integrado de pragas; Organismos geneticamente modificados; Plantas inseticidas; Polinização; Pragas quarentenárias e invasivas; Resistência de insetos a táticas de controle; Resistência de plantas a insetos; Semioquímicos e comportamento; Sistemática e taxonomia; Tecnologia de aplicação; Controle biológico com vírus entomopatogênicos; Controle químico

    Graph-based analysis and visualization of experimental results with ONDEX

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    Motivation: Assembling the relevant information needed to interpret the output from high-throughput, genome scale, experiments such as gene expression microarrays is challenging. Analysis reveals genes that show statistically significant changes in expression levels, but more information is needed to determine their biological relevance. The challenge is to bring these genes together with biological information distributed across hundreds of databases or buried in the scientific literature (millions of articles). Software tools are needed to automate this task which at present is labor-intensive and requires considerable informatics and biological expertise. Results: This article describes ONDEX and how it can be applied to the task of interpreting gene expression results. ONDEX is a database system that combines the features of semantic database integration and text mining with methods for graph-based analysis. An overview of the ONDEX system is presented, concentrating on recently developed features for graph-based analysis and visualization. A case study is used to show how ONDEX can help to identify causal relationships between stress response genes and metabolic pathways from gene expression data. ONDEX also discovered functional annotations for most of the genes that emerged as significant in the microarray experiment, but were previously of unknown function

    First record of Isia alcumena, Spodoptera cosmioides and S. eridania (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUOIDEA) attacking Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) in Brazil.

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    RESUMO: O Brasil é considerado o centro de origem e de diversidade das passifloras, que apresentam importância, tanto para o consumo in natura, industrialização, uso medicinal e também como plantas ornamentais. As diferentes espécies de Passiflora hospedam uma grande diversidade de artrópodes que, ocasionando injúrias, podem causar danos econômicos e morte da planta. Dentre os artrópodes, as lagartas-desfolhadoras são consideradas as pragas mais frequentes e severas nas principais regiões produtoras de maracujá. Assim, o objetivo foi informar o primeiro registro da ocorrência das espécies Isia alcumena, Spodoptera cosmioides e S. eridania atacando maracujazeiros no Distrito Federal, Brasil. As lagartas de S. cosmioides e S. eridania foram coletadas enquanto consumiam folhas de híbridos intraespecíficos de Passiflora edulis cultivado no banco ativo de germoplasma ?Flor da Paixão? da Embrapa Cerrados. Já as lagartas de I. alcumena foram coletadas em folhas da cultivar BRS Rubi do Cerrado, na Unidade de Apoio da Fruticultura da Embrapa Cerrados. Após a coleta, as lagartas foram individualizadas em sistema de criação com folhas das plantas hospedeiras. O desenvolvimento das lagartas foi acompanhado até à emergência dos adultos, que foram identificados e fixados em alfinetes entomológicos para preservação permanente, a seco. ABSTRACT: Brazil is considered the center of origin and diversity of passifloras. These species have a great importance to in natura fruits consumption, industrialization, medicinal use and also as ornamental plants. The different Passiflora speciesare host of a great diversity of arthropods that can cause injuries, economic damages and, in some situations, the plant death. Among the arthropods, leafhopper caterpillars are considered frequent and severe pests in the main passion fruit producing regions. The present work is an occurrence report of Isia alcumena and Spodoptera cosmioides attacking passion fruit plants (Passiflora edulis Sims) in the Federal District, Brazil. The S. cosmioides and S. eridania caterpillars were collected while consuming leaves of Passiflora edulis intra-specific hybrid located in the Germplasm Active Bank ?Flor da Paixão? at Embrapa Cerrados. The caterpillars of I. alcumena were collected on leaves of the Passiflora edulis cv. BRS Rubi do Cerrado at the Agricultural Support Unit, Embrapa Cerrados. After collected, the caterpillars were individualized in a breeding system with leaves of the host plants. The development of the caterpillar was accompanied until the emergence of the adults, which were identified and fixed in entomological pins for permanent dry preservation.Título em português: Primeiro registro de Isia alcumena, Spodoptera cosmioides e Spodoptera eridania (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUOIDEA) em maracujazeiro (Passiflora edulis Sims) no Brasil

    Generalized Involution Models for Wreath Products

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    We prove that if a finite group HH has a generalized involution model, as defined by Bump and Ginzburg, then the wreath product HSnH \wr S_n also has a generalized involution model. This extends the work of Baddeley concerning involution models for wreath products. As an application, we construct a Gelfand model for wreath products of the form ASnA \wr S_n with AA abelian, and give an alternate proof of a recent result due to Adin, Postnikov, and Roichman describing a particularly elegant Gelfand model for the wreath product \ZZ_r \wr S_n. We conclude by discussing some notable properties of this representation and its decomposition into irreducible constituents, proving a conjecture of Adin, Roichman, and Postnikov's.Comment: 29 page

    Detecting structural variances of Co_3O_4 catalysts by controlling beam-induced sample alterations in the vacuum of a transmission electron microscope

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    This article summarizes core aspects of beam-sample interactions in research that aims at exploiting the ability to detect single atoms at atomic resolution by mid-voltage transmission electron microscopy. Investigating the atomic structure of catalytic Co_3O_4 nanocrystals underscores how indispensable it is to rigorously control electron dose rates and total doses to understand native material properties on this scale. We apply in-line holography with variable dose rates to achieve this goal. Genuine object structures can be maintained if dose rates below ~100 e/Å^2s are used and the contrast required for detection of single atoms is generated by capturing large image series. Threshold doses for the detection of single atoms are estimated. An increase of electron dose rates and total doses to common values for high resolution imaging of solids stimulates object excitations that restructure surfaces, interfaces, and defects and cause grain reorientation or growth. We observe a variety of previously unknown atom configurations in surface proximity of the Co_3O_4 spinel structure. These are hidden behind broadened diffraction patterns in reciprocal space but become visible in real space by solving the phase problem. An exposure of the Co_3O_4 spinel structure to water vapor or other gases induces drastic structure alterations that can be captured in this manner