1,007 research outputs found

    Applying Maslow\u27s Hierarchy to the Parent/Teacher Relationship

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    We examine the parent/teacher relationship through Maslow’s (1943) Hierarchy of Needs, which theorizes that physiological and safety needs must be met before someone feels a sense of belonging, and that sense of belonging and esteem are needed for self-actualization (reaching one’s full potential). We discuss ways to meet the basic needs of parents with the purpose of fostering positive collaborative partnerships between parents and special education teachers

    Two little girls in blue: waltz song

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    Factors that Influence Teachers’ Views on Standardized Tests

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    The central aim of this study was to explore K-12 teachers’ (N = 183) attitudes about standardized tests as a function of experience, instructional level, student population, and type of school. The Teachers’ Views on Standardized Tests Questionnaire was developed to assess teachers’ perceptions of the impact of standardized tests on practice. All survey items were intended to measure a facet of teachers’ attitudes regarding the necessity of standardized tests and their influence on best practices. Findings from this study indicated that special education and inclusion teachers viewed standardized tests as more negatively influencing instruction than general education teachers. There were also significant differences by instructional level and type of school (i.e., public vs. independent). Compared to elementary teachers, middle and high school teachers’ views were more negative, and public school educators perceived standardized assessments as having a more negative influence on instruction than teachers in independent schools. Finally, elementary school teachers reported that the standards of learning were more appropriate in contrast to middle and high school teachers

    The History of Special Education: Lessons from the Past, Implications for the Future

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    We identify three eras in the history of special education: Early Reform (1800 – 1870), Stagnation and Regression (1870-1950), and Contemporary Reform (1950 – present). Next we examine parallels between eras and consider implications for people with disabilities today, highlighting the importance of the systematic study of historical perspectives in preparation programs for special educators

    A Call to Action: A Blueprint for Academic Health Sciences in the Era of Mass Incarceration

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    Over 100 million Americans have criminal records, and the U.S. incarcerates seven times more citizens than most developed countries. The burden of incarceration disproportionately affects people of color and ethnic minorities, and those living in poverty. While 95% of incarcerated people return to society, recidivism rates are high with nearly 75% arrested again within five years of release. Criminal records impede access to employment and other social services such as shelter and health care. Justice-involved people have higher rates of substance, mental health, and some chronic medical disorders than the general population; furthermore, the incarcerated population is rapidly aging. Only a minority of academic health science centers are engaged in health services research, workforce training, or correctional health care. This commentary provides rationale and a blueprint for engagement of academic health science institutions to harness their capabilities to tackle one of the country\u27s most vexing public health crises

    The Impact of Implementing a Test, Treat and Retain HIV Prevention Strategy in Atlanta among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men with a History of Incarceration: A Mathematical Model

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    Background Annually, 10 million adults transition through prisons or jails in the United States (US) and the prevalence of HIV among entrants is three times higher than that for the country as a whole. We assessed the potential impact of increasing HIV Testing/Treatment/Retention (HIV-TTR) in the community and within the criminal justice system (CJS) facilities, coupled with sexual risk behavior change, focusing on black men-who-have-sex-with-men, 15–54 years, in Atlanta, USA. Methods We modeled the effect of a HIV-TTR strategy on the estimated cumulative number of new (acquired) infections and mortality, and on the HIV prevalence at the end of ten years. We additionally assessed the effect of increasing condom use in all settings. Results In the Status Quo scenario, at the end of 10 years, the cumulative number of new infections in the community, jail and prison was, respectively, 9246, 77 and 154 cases; HIV prevalence was 10815, 69 and 152 cases, respectively; and the cumulative number of deaths was 2585, 18 and 34 cases, respectively. By increasing HIV-TTR coverage, the cumulative number of new infections could decrease by 15% in the community, 19% in jail, and 8% in prison; HIV prevalence could decrease by 8%, 9% and 7%, respectively; mortality could decrease by 20%, 39% and 18%, respectively. Based on the model results, we have shown that limited use and access to condoms have contributed to the HIV incidence and prevalence in all settings. Conclusions Aggressive implementation of a CJS-focused HIV-TTR strategy has the potential to interrupt HIV transmission and reduce mortality, with benefit to the community at large. To maximize the impact of these interventions, retention in treatment, including during the period after jail and prison release, and increased condom use was vital for decreasing the burden of the HIV epidemic in all settings

    AhrC and Eep are biofilm infection-associated virulence factors in enterococcus faecalis

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    Enterococcus faecalis is part of the human intestinal microbiome and is a prominent cause of health care-associated infections. The pathogenesis of many E. faecalis infections, including endocarditis and catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI), is related to the ability of clinical isolates to form biofilms. To identify chromosomal genetic determinants responsible for E. faecalis biofilm-mediated infection, we used a rabbit model of endocarditis to test strains with transposon insertions or in-frame deletions in biofilm-associated loci: ahrC, argR, atlA, opuBC, pyrC, recN, and sepF. Only the ahrC mutant was significantly attenuated in endocarditis. We demonstrate that the transcriptional regulator AhrC and the protease Eep, which we showed previously to be an endocarditis virulence factor, are also required for full virulence in murine CAUTI. Therefore, AhrC and Eep can be classified as enterococcal biofilm-associated virulence factors. Loss of ahrC caused defects in early attachment and accumulation of biofilm biomass. Characterization of ahrC transcription revealed that the temporal expression of this locus observed in wild-type cells promotes initiation of early biofilm formation and the establishment of endocarditis. This is the first report of AhrC serving as a virulence factor in any bacterial species

    Three dimensional optic tissue culture and process

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    A process for artificially producing three-dimensional optic tissue has been developed. The optic cells are cultured in a bioreactor at low shear conditions. The tissue forms normal, functional tissue organization and extracellular matrix
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