89 research outputs found

    Prevalence rate of osteoporosis complications in Ulan-Ude residents

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    We studied the frequency of osteoporotic fractures of different localizations in patients of 40 years and older living in Ulan-Ude. It was revealed that women have osteoporotic fractures 2,4 times more often than men. Elder patients suffer low-energy fractures more often than younger ones. Buryat residents of Ulan-Ude had osteoporotic fractures twice more often than Russian ones. The frequency of fractures of all studied localizations among men and women of different race did not differ. Women more often had fractures of the distal forearm, men more often had broken ribs

    Законодавство ЄС в сфері недоговірних зобов'язань

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    Спасова К. І. Законодавство ЄС в сфері недоговірних зобов'язань / К. І. Спасова // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку держави та права в умовах євроінтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (20 травня 2016 р., м. Одеса) : у 2 т. Т. 2 / відп. ред. М. В. Афанасьєва. - Одеса : Юридична література, 2016. - С. 533-534

    Magnetic phase transitions in Ta/CoFeB/MgO multilayers

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    We study thin films and magnetic tunnel junction nanopillars based on Ta/Co20_{20}Fe60_{60}B20_{20}/MgO multilayers by electrical transport and magnetometry measurements. These measurements suggest that an ultrathin magnetic oxide layer forms at the Co20_{20}Fe60_{60}B20_{20}/MgO interface. At approximately 160 K, the oxide undergoes a phase transition from an insulating antiferromagnet at low temperatures to a conductive weak ferromagnet at high temperatures. This interfacial magnetic oxide is expected to have significant impact on the magnetic properties of CoFeB-based multilayers used in spin torque memories


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    The aim of the study was to investigate the frequency and nature of extraesophageal symptoms in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. 122 patients with GERD without comorbidity have been examined (58 males, 64 females). The anthropometrical survey has been performed; estimated age, duration of the disease and smoking have been taken into account. Extraesophageal symptoms were diagnosed with the rabeprazole test, the frequency and intensity of the symptoms were evaluated using a Likert scale. All patients underwent endoscopic examination and the assessment of quality of life by means of the SF-36 questionnaire. Extraesophageal symptoms of GERD were diagnosed in 38 (31.1 %) patients, reflux laryngitis - in 14 (9.8 %) patients, reflux-pharyngitis - in 7 (4.1 %) patients, reflux cough - in 11 (7.3 %) patients, heart pain - in 6 (3.2 %) patients. In patients with extraesophageal manifestations compared with the patients having only physical symptoms, body mass index and the severity of heartburn on the Likert scale were significantly higher. Other indicators, such as disease duration, smoking, presence of erosive changes in the mucous membrane of the esophagus, hernia hiatal didn't statistically reveal any difference between the groups. When comparing the quality of life it has been revealed that the indicators of physical health had no statistical difference in the two groups, when mental health indices were lower in those with extraesophageal symptoms of GERD

    Predicting infectious complications in neutropenic children and young people with cancer (IPD protocol)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A common and potentially life-threatening complication of the treatment of childhood cancer is infection, which frequently presents as fever with neutropenia. The standard management of such episodes is the extensive use of intravenous antibiotics, and though it produces excellent survival rates of over 95%, it greatly inconveniences the three-fourths of patients who do not require such aggressive treatment. There have been a number of studies which have aimed to develop risk prediction models to stratify treatment. Individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis in therapeutic studies has been developed to improve the precision and reliability of answers to questions of treatment effect and recently have been suggested to be used to answer questions regarding prognosis and diagnosis to gain greater power from the frequently small individual studies.</p> <p>Design</p> <p>In the IPD protocol, we will collect and synthesise IPD from multiple studies and examine the outcomes of episodes of febrile neutropenia as a consequence of their treatment for malignant disease. We will develop and evaluate a risk stratification model using hierarchical regression models to stratify patients by their risk of experiencing adverse outcomes during an episode. We will also explore specific practical and methodological issues regarding adaptation of established techniques of IPD meta-analysis of interventions for use in synthesising evidence derived from IPD from multiple studies for use in predictive modelling contexts.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Our aim in using this model is to define a group of individuals at low risk for febrile neutropenia who might be treated with reduced intensity or duration of antibiotic therapy and so reduce the inconvenience and cost of these episodes, as well as to define a group of patients at very high risk of complications who could be subject to more intensive therapies. The project will also help develop methods of IPD predictive modelling for use in future studies of risk prediction.</p

    Структура и частота сопутствующих заболеваний и связанных с ними послеоперационных осложнений: национальное наблюдательное многоцентровое исследование STOPRISK

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    АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: Оценка риска и выделение группы пациентов с высокой вероятностью развития неблагоприятного исхода — основа эффективной профилактики послеоперационных неблагоприятных событий. ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: определить структуру и частоту сопутствующих заболеваний в предоперационный период и ассоциированные с ними неблагоприятные послеоперационные исходы. МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: Проведен анализ показателей 8241 пациента базы STOPRISK, оперированных на органах брюшной полости и малого таза за период с 1 июля 2019 г. по 30 апреля 2022 г. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Сопутствующие заболевания встречались у 4638 пациентов (56,3 %), при этом одно заболевание наблюдали у 1872 пациентов (22,7 %), сочетание двух заболеваний — у 1383 пациентов (16,8 %), трех заболеваний — у 814 пациентов (9,9 %), четырех заболеваний — у 395 пациентов (4,8 %), более 4 — у 170 пациентов (2,0 %). Наиболее часто встречались гипертоническая болезнь — 48,2 %, хроническая сердечная недостаточность (20,7 %), ишемическая болезнь сердца (19,3 %). Наличие одного осложнения и более зафиксировано у 285 пациентов (3,5 %), летальный исход — у 36 пациентов (0,43 %). У 74,0 % пациентов наблюдали единственное осложнение, у 14,0 % — сочетание двух осложнений, у 12,0 % — сочетание трех осложнений и более. В структуре осложнений преобладали парез кишечника (25,57 %), пневмония (12,1 %), раневая инфекция (12,1 %). Как летальность, так и частота осложнений росли с увеличением количества сопутствующих заболеваний. ВЫВОДЫ: Наиболее частые сопутствующие заболевания в абдоминальной хирургии — гипертоническая болезнь, хроническая сердечная недостаточность, ишемическая болезнь сердца, сахарный диабет и нарушение сердечного ритма. Частота послеоперационных осложнений составила 3,5 %, летальность — 0,43 %; при этом наиболее частыми осложнениями были парез кишечника, раневая инфекция и пневмония

    Bioinspired Magneto-optical Bacteria

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    “Two-in-one” magneto-optical bacteria have been produced using the probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum for the first time. We took advantage of two features of bacteria to synthesize this novel and bifunctional nanostructure: their metal-reducing properties, to produce gold nanoparticles, and their capacity to incorporate iron oxide nanoparticles at their external surface. The magneto-optical bacteria survive the process and behave as a magnet at room temperature.This work was funded by Biosearch S.A. (POSTBIO project-Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalucia IDEA) and by MINECO and FEDER (project CTQ2012-32236)