79 research outputs found

    Porodično nasilje u Srbiji - istorijsko-kulturološka dimenzija

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    This paper is based on the results of research of family violence in Serbia at the end of the last millennium and at the beginning of this one, with a particular emphasis on the basic settings of patriarchal family relations cherished for centuries in Serbia. The chronological matrix shows that the first research of family violence in Serbia as criminological, sociological, historical and cultural phenomenon marked the last decade of 20th century. At the same time, this period coincided with the circumstances of deep economic crisis, social stratification and value degradation.Ovaj rad se bazira na rezultatima istraživanja porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji na razmeđu dva milenijuma, pri čemu se posebno naglašavaju temeljne patrijarhalne postavke porodičnih relacija u Srbiji, negovane kroz vekove. Hronološka matrica pokazuje da su prva istraživanja porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji kao kriminološkog, sociološkog i istorijsko-kulturološkog fenomena obeležila poslednju deceniju 20. veka. Istovremeno, taj period se poklapa sa okolnostima duboke ekonomske krize, društvenog raslojavanja i vrednosnih degradacija

    Depresija kao uzrok i kao posledica viktimizacije

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    In this paper, I tried to show cause-and-consequence relationship between depression, as one of very frequent and specific mental disorders, and different forms of victimization. I wanted to make a modest contribution to the statement that depression, taken in a historic and temporal sequence despite our will and quite unexpectedly was transformed into some kind of "collective madness". At the beginning, it was a synonym for melancholy, a specific state into which those who were weaker were falling. But step by step and parallel with the global network of changes in all fields of human life, it got a character of world "infection" which spreading was being followed by the expansion of cardiovascular or malignant diseases, but without so obvious physical manifestations. Depression, as a long-term and "painful state of human soul" is often looking for shelter and rescue in abusing psychoactive substances, drugs and alcohols, and is often finding a way out in suicide behavior, and therefore it becomes one of its dominant causes. Before that, it is, of course, usually manifested as a consequence of different forms of victimization; generally, it implies social conditions, either at macro or micro levels, and inadequate response of a person to them, but also criminal or any other negative acts, doings or omissions that could endanger or destruct any human good and put the man in a position of victim. In this way, depression "is closing its magic circle of causes and consequences", in which the man has three allies: himself community or other people, and time. Strength, quality and duration of allied assistance are reversely proportional to victimization dimension of depression.U radu sam pokušala pokazati uzročno-posledičnu vezu depresije, kao jednog od čestih i specifičnih mentalnih poremećaja, i različitih oblika viktimizacije. Želela sam da to bude skroman doprinos tvrdnji da se depresija, u jednoj istorijskoj i vremenskoj sekvenci, sasvim neočekivano i protiv naše volje, pretvorila u blaži oblik jedne vrste "kolektivnog ludila". U početku, bila je to reč kao sinonim za melanholiju, za specifično stanje u koje su "padali" oni "slabiji, genetski predodređeni i teže prilagodljivi", da bi postepeno, i paralelno sa globalnom mrežom promena u svim sferama ljudskog bitisanja, ona poprimila dimenziju svetske "zaraze" čije širenje proporcionalno i procentualno prati ekspanziju bolesti kardiovaskularnog sistema ili malignih bolesti, ali bez tako vidljivih fizičkih manifestacija. Depresija, kao dugotrajno i "bolno stanje ljudske duše" često traži pribežište i trenutni spas u zloupotrebi psihoaktivnih supstanci, drogama i alkoholu, a još češće izlaz nalazi u suicidnim postupcima i postaje jedan od njihovih dominantnih uzroka. Pre toga, ona se naravno, uglavnom javlja kao posledica različitih oblika viktimizacije; u najširoj dimenziji to su opšte društvene okolnosti, bilo na makro ili mikro nivou, i neadekvatan odgovor ličnosti na njih, a potom, konkretne kriminalne ili druge društveno negativne radnje, činjenja ili nečinjenja, kojima se ugrožava ili uništava neko ljudsko dobro i čovek stavlja u poziciju žrtve. Na taj način, depresija "zatvara svoj začarani krug uzroka i posledica", u kojem čovek ima tri saveznika: sebe, sredinu ili druge ljude i vreme. Snaga kvalitet i trajanje "savezničke pomoći" obrnuto su proporcionalni jačini viktimološke dimenzije depresije

    Žene u sistemu policijskog obrazovanja stanje i perspektiva ženskih ljudskih prava

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    In this paper, the author attempts to establish, based on specific characteristics and on the openness of police education in Serbia and other Western Balkan countries, the extent to which equal rights of women and men concerning the accessibility to police education are respected, as well as their rights concerning the possibility of finding a job, building a career and their professional orientation in the police. All of that in light of respecting women' s human rights granted by the most important international documents on human rights, especially by the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Analyzing the situation of women in police education and within the police of different countries, first of all in those of Europe and the Western Balkans, and especially in Serbia, the author will establish the degree of conformity, but also the gap between de jure and de facto situations.Rad predstavlja pokušaj da se, kroz specifičnost i otvorenost sistema policijskog obrazovanja u Srbiji i zemljama Zapadnog Balkana, utvrdi stepen poštovanja jednakih prava žena i muškaraca u pogledu dostupnosti ovog vida obrazovanja, ali i prava u pogledu zapošljavanja, karijere i profesionalnog usmeravanja u policiji, kao ženskih ljudskih prava garantovanih najvažnijim međunarodnim dokumentima o ljudskim pravima, a posebno tzv. Velikom Poveljom ženskih prava - Konvencijom o eliminisanju svih oblika diskriminacije žena (CEDAW). Kroz analizu statusa žena u policijskom obrazovanju i policijama različitih zemalja, a pre svega u Srbiji, definisaće se stepen podudaranja ali i razmimoilaženja stanja de jure i stanja de facto

    Bezbednosni aspekti prostitucije u Beogradu

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    Prostitution as a socio-pathological phenomenon an a form of social deviation is one of the most serious security problems present to a large extent in Serbia, especially in the territory of the city of Belgrade, and represents an internal form of endangering the Serbian national security. Since the end of 80’s, it has assumed new organizational forms and aspects in current social conditions and undergone expansion and specific special distribution as a consequence of wars in the neighborhood, refugees’ exodus, social demographic and economic changes and transition. As a form of social deviation, prostitution is a very interesting security issue because of its connection to other socio-pathological deviations and different kinds of criminal activities as well as a phenomenon that undermines public moral health and social values. But, of course, its connection to trafficking in human beings which has become one of the most profitable organized crime activities besides trafficking in drugs, small arms and light weapons, holds the most importance for the security.Prostitucija je kao sociopatološka pojava i oblik društveno devijantnog ponašanja prisutna u širokom obimu u bezbednosnoj problematici Srbije, a posebno na teritoriji grada Beograda, kao unutrašnji oblik ugrožavanja bezbednosti. U odnosu na period s kraja 80-ih godina prošlog veka, u današnjim uslovima ona je poprimila nove oblike organizovanja, nove forme, doživela ekspanziju i specifičnu prostornu distribuciju, što je usledilo kao posledica ratnih dešavanja u okruženju, izbegličkog egzodusa i promena u socijalnoj demografskoj, ekonomskoj strukturi i tranzicionih procesa. Kao društvena devijacija prostitucija je bezbednosno interesantna zbog svoje povezanosti sa drugim sociopatološkim oblicima ponašanja, sa raznim oblicima kriminalnih aktivnosti, kao pojava koja ruši javni moral, zdravlje i društvene vrednosti. Ali, svakako je bezbednosno najznačajnija njena veza sa organizovanom trgovinom ljudima, koja je, posle trgovine oružjem i narkoticima, postala jedan od najunosnijih vidova organizovanog kriminala

    Žrtve porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji

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    In this paper, the results from researches and court practice on domestic violence in Serbia were presented, conducted in the period 1997-2006, by independent researches or non-government agencies for help and support for victims of crime. The researches have shown that the majority of victims are women (80%), but also that children are present as direct or indirect, secondary victims of domestic violence, which confirms the correlation between violence against children and violence against women. Violence against children is one of the strategies of prolonged violence, that is, control over woman. Studies of domestic violence in Serbia have identified the following factors of primary victimization of victims: creation of identity of future victim in primary family, socialization through learning of gender roles and male-female relations, being caught in gender trap and growing-up in environment burdened with violence that follows the pattern of patriarchal stereotypes on gender relations. The researches have also determined the profile of victims of violence regarding their age, education or employment, that is, economic (in)dependence.U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja porodičnog nasilja sprovedenih u periodu od 1997. do 2006. godine, od strane nezavisnih istraživača ili nevladinih organizacija koje se bave pružanjem pomoći i podrške žrtvama kriminaliteta. Istraživanja su pokazala da najveći deo žrtava čine žene (oko 80%), ali da su i deca direktne ili indirektne, sekundarne žrtve porodičnog nasilja, čime je potvrđena korelacija između nasilja nad decom i nasilja nad ženama. Nasilje nad decom predstavlja jednu od strategija produženog nasilja, kao oblika kontrole nad ženom. Studije porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji identifikovale su sledeće faktore primarne viktimizacije žrtava: kreiranje identiteta buduće žrtve u primarnoj porodici, socijalizaciju učenjem tradicionalnih muško-ženskih uloga i relacija, tzv. 'uhvaćenost u zamku roda' i život u okruženju opterećenom nasiljem. Istraživanja su, takođe, odredila profil žrtava nasilja u vezi sa njihovim uzrastom, obrazovanjem ili zaposlenjem, to jest, ekonomskom (ne)zavisnošću

    Modeli zaštite od porodičnog nasilja u Republici Srbiji

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    Many researches of family violence in Serbia have indicated that this criminology phenomenon exists in Serbia in a wide range, but its real picture is hidden by the dark number of undenounced and unregistered criminal offences. Victims of family violence are, as indicated by results of researches, in the mainly, women and children. Consequences of family violence to physical, psychic and social integrity of victims are negative and far-reaching. Therefore, protection of society, and, first of all, of the whole family from this kind family pathology, represents the main goal of every community that respects its legal and social norms. This paper gives a review of results of formal and informal social subjects' activities, that have been carried out in Serbia in the fields of suppressing and preventing family violence and more efficient protection of victims.Istraživanja porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji pokazala su da je taj kriminološki fenomen prisutan u Srbiji u širokom obimu, ali je njegova prava slika skrivena 'tamnom brojkom' neprijavljenih i neregistrovanih dela. Žrtve su, prema rezultatima istraživanja, u najvećem procentu žene i deca. Posledice porodičnog nasilja na fizički, psihički i socijalni integritet žrtava su negativne i dalekosežne. Zbog toga, zaštita društva, a pre svega porodice, od ovog oblika porodične patologije, predstavlja imperativ svake, pravno i socijalno uređene zajednice. Ovaj rad predstavlja prikaz rezultata aktivnosti formalnih i neformalnih društvenih subjekata, koji su postignuti u Srbiji na planu sprečavanja i suzbijanja nasilja u porodici i efikasne zaštite žrtava

    Moderna porodice

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    Modernism is neither an empty time continuum nor a pure philosophical category. It is a spatial determinant of all conflicts of civilizations, clashes of cultures and demonization of democracy. In it the Human is being dehumanized, robotized, lonely, scared, without roots. Running away from its comforts, he is returning to the primordial - the Family. Alas, too late… At the crossroads of historical and spiritual epochs the Family gets broken, without support, without power and has nothing to offer to him. This is a story of its defeats, of the Human search for shelter and his wish to replace all the lifeless and cold wealth and riches of the perfect Modernism by warmth of the simple and common family love.Moderna nije jedan prazan vremenski kontinuum ili čista filozofska kategorija. Ona je prostorna odrednica svih sukoba civilizacija, sudara kultura i demonizovanja demokratije. U njoj je Čovek onečovečen, robotizovan, usamljen, uplašen, bez korena. Bežeći od njenih blagodeti, on se vraća iskonu - Porodici. Ali, kasno... Na razmeđi istorijskih i duhovnih epoha, Porodica je razbijena, bez oslonca, bez snage i nema šta da mu pruži. Ovo je priča o njenim porazima, o Čovekovom traganju za utočištem i njegovoj želji da sva beživotna i hladna bogatstva savršene Moderne zameni toplinom obične i proste porodične ljubavi

    Viktimološki aspekt porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji / Victimology Aspect of Domestic Violence in Serbia

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu rezultata istraživanja koja su sprovedena u Srbiji u periodu od 1997. do 2010. godine, od strane nezavisnih istraživača ili nevladinih organizacija koje se bave pružanjem pomoći i podrške žrtvama kriminaliteta, a koji se odnose na karakteristike žrtava porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji. Rad ima za cilj da predstavi i ukaže na osnovna viktimološka obeležja nasilja u porodici i nasilja nad ženama (socio-demo­grafska, psihička, bihejvioralna obeležja žrtava i dr.). Istovremeno, njime su identifikovane su i posledice porodičnog nasilja koje direktno ili indirektno utiču na kvalitet života žrtava.Kroz analizu istraživanja, prezentovani su i oblici/modeli pružanja pomoći, podrške i zaštite žrtvama poro­dičnog nasilja koji su u vreme realizovanih istraživanja funkcionisali u Srbiji.Istraživanja su pokazala da najveći deo žrtava čine žene (oko 80%), ali da su i deca direktne ili indirektne, sekundarne žrtve porodičnog nasilja, čime je potvrđena korelacija između nasilja nad decom i nasilja nad ženama. Nasilje nad decom predstavlja jednu od strategija produženog nasilja, kao oblika kontrole nad ženom.Studije porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji identifikovale su sledeće faktore primarne viktimizacije žrtava: kreiranje identiteta buduće žrtve u primarnoj porodici, socijalizaciju učenjem tradicionalnih muško-ženskih uloga i relacija, tzv. “uhvaćenost u zamku roda” i život u okruženju opterećenom nasiljem. Istraživanja su, takođe, odredila profil žrtava nasilja u vezi sa njihovim uzrastom, obrazovanjem ili zaposlenjem, to jest, ekonom­skom (ne)zavisnošću.Nasilje u porodici nosi sa sobom različite posledice psihološke prirode. Gubljenje samopouzdanja i samo­poštovanja, depresija, nesanica, izolovanost od spoljašnjeg sveta, strahovi i drugo, pokazatelji su njegovog negativnog uticaja na život i zdravlje ispitanica.Kao oblici pružanja pomoći, podrške i zaštite žrtvama porodičnog nasilja u Republici Srbiji prepoznati su: pravni (zakonski) model, socijalna zaštita i modeli delovanja službi civilnog, nevladinog sektora. -------------This paper presents an analysis of the results of research conducted in Serbia in the period from 1997 to 2010, by independent researchers or non-governmental organizations engaged in providing assistance and support to victims of crime, which are related to the characteristics of victims of domestic violence in Serbia. The paper aims to present and highlight the main features of victimology domestic violence and violence against women (socio-demographic, psychological, behavioral characteristics of victims, etc.). At the same time, they are identified and consequences of domestic violence that directly or indirectly affect the quality of life of the victims.Through the analysis of the research were presented and forms / models of assistance, support and pro­tection to victims of domestic violence who have realized at the time of the research function in Serbia.Studies have shown that most of the victims are women (about 80%), but that the chil­dren direct or indirect, secondary victims of domestic violence, which confirmed the cor­relation between violence against children and violence against women. Violence against children is one of the strategies of prolonged violence as a form of control over women. Studies of domestic violence in Serbia have identified the following factors of primary victimization: creat­ing identities of future victims of the nuclear family, socialization, learning traditional male-female roles and relations, so-called. „Entrapment in the genus” and living in an environment subject to violence. Stud­ies have also determined the profile of victims of violence in relation to their age, education or employ­ment, that is, economic (in) dependence.Domestic violence carries with it various consequences of a psychological nature. Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem, depression, insomnia, isolation from the outside world, fears and other indicators have its negative impact on the lives and health of subjects. As forms of assistance, support and protection to victims of domestic violence in Serbia were identified: legal (statutory) model, social protection and mod­els of operation of the civil service, non-governmental sector.in-left:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-align:justify;line-height:11.05pt; mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none'>Kao oblici pružanja pomoći, podrške i zaštite žrtvama porodičnog nasilja u Republici Srbiji prepoznati su: pravni (zakonski) model, socijalna zaštita i modeli delovanja službi civilnog, nevladinog sektora.  

    Analiza podataka o prostituciji u Republici Srbiji u periodu od 2001-2005. godine

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    At the beginning of the new millennium, Serbia is recovering from the results of war occurrences in the area at the end of the XX century, refugee exodus and changes in the social, demographic and economic structure. Lacking the strength and possibility to resist clear indications of globalization, Serbia enters the transition machinery which grinds and mercilessly crushes the small, the incapable and the maladjusted. In such a complex milieu, burdened with social and economic difficulties, one of the indicators of anomie in the Serbian society is expansion, specific spatial distribution, new forms of organizing and new patterns of different sociopathological phenomena particularly prostitution. As social deviation, prostitution is interesting from a security point of view for its connection with other sociopathological types of behavior and different forms of criminal activities. However, in today's circumstances, its connection with organized human trafficking is certainly the most important, both at national and international level. This is one of the reasons why the work of authorities of state repression (police in the first place) is based upon its prevention and suppression. That is why it was necessary to make an analysis of the results of those police activities performed on the territory of the Republic of Serbia between 2001 and 2005. Police activity in prevention and suppression of prostitution is qualitatively defined on the basis of the following quantitative references - the number of misdemeanor charges for misdemeanor of engaging in prostitution and giving away premises with a view to prostitution - place and time of committing the misdemeanor - analysis of sex and age structure of both the perpetrators and the injured persons. In view of this, special emphasis is put on the territorial distribution of these indicators.Kao društvena devijacija, prostitucija je bezbednosno interesantna zbog svoje povezanosti sa drugim sociopatološkim oblicima ponašanja i raznim vidovima kriminalnih aktivnosti. U današnjim uslovima svakako je najznačajnija njena veza sa organizovanom trgovinom ljudima, kako u okviru unutrašnjih granica tako i u međunarodnim dimenzijama. Na aktivnostima njenog sprečavanja i suzbijanja zasniva se i rad organa državne represije, pre svega policije. Policijska delatnost na sprečavanju i suzbijanju prostitucije kvalitativno je definisana na osnovu referenci: broja podnetih prekršajnih prijava za prekršaj odavanja prostituciji i ustupanja prostorija radi prostitucije mesta i vremena izvršenja prekršaja, analize polne i starosne strukture izvršilaca i oštećenih

    Bezbednosni aspekti prostitucije u Beogradu

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    Prostitution as a socio-pathological phenomenon an a form of social deviation is one of the most serious security problems present to a large extent in Serbia, especially in the territory of the city of Belgrade, and represents an internal form of endangering the Serbian national security. Since the end of 80’s, it has assumed new organizational forms and aspects in current social conditions and undergone expansion and specific special distribution as a consequence of wars in the neighborhood, refugees’ exodus, social demographic and economic changes and transition. As a form of social deviation, prostitution is a very interesting security issue because of its connection to other socio-pathological deviations and different kinds of criminal activities as well as a phenomenon that undermines public moral health and social values. But, of course, its connection to trafficking in human beings which has become one of the most profitable organized crime activities besides trafficking in drugs, small arms and light weapons, holds the most importance for the security.Prostitucija je kao sociopatološka pojava i oblik društveno devijantnog ponašanja prisutna u širokom obimu u bezbednosnoj problematici Srbije, a posebno na teritoriji grada Beograda, kao unutrašnji oblik ugrožavanja bezbednosti. U odnosu na period s kraja 80-ih godina prošlog veka, u današnjim uslovima ona je poprimila nove oblike organizovanja, nove forme, doživela ekspanziju i specifičnu prostornu distribuciju, što je usledilo kao posledica ratnih dešavanja u okruženju, izbegličkog egzodusa i promena u socijalnoj demografskoj, ekonomskoj strukturi i tranzicionih procesa. Kao društvena devijacija prostitucija je bezbednosno interesantna zbog svoje povezanosti sa drugim sociopatološkim oblicima ponašanja, sa raznim oblicima kriminalnih aktivnosti, kao pojava koja ruši javni moral, zdravlje i društvene vrednosti. Ali, svakako je bezbednosno najznačajnija njena veza sa organizovanom trgovinom ljudima, koja je, posle trgovine oružjem i narkoticima, postala jedan od najunosnijih vidova organizovanog kriminala