Moderna porodice


Modernism is neither an empty time continuum nor a pure philosophical category. It is a spatial determinant of all conflicts of civilizations, clashes of cultures and demonization of democracy. In it the Human is being dehumanized, robotized, lonely, scared, without roots. Running away from its comforts, he is returning to the primordial - the Family. Alas, too late… At the crossroads of historical and spiritual epochs the Family gets broken, without support, without power and has nothing to offer to him. This is a story of its defeats, of the Human search for shelter and his wish to replace all the lifeless and cold wealth and riches of the perfect Modernism by warmth of the simple and common family love.Moderna nije jedan prazan vremenski kontinuum ili čista filozofska kategorija. Ona je prostorna odrednica svih sukoba civilizacija, sudara kultura i demonizovanja demokratije. U njoj je Čovek onečovečen, robotizovan, usamljen, uplašen, bez korena. Bežeći od njenih blagodeti, on se vraća iskonu - Porodici. Ali, kasno... Na razmeđi istorijskih i duhovnih epoha, Porodica je razbijena, bez oslonca, bez snage i nema šta da mu pruži. Ovo je priča o njenim porazima, o Čovekovom traganju za utočištem i njegovoj želji da sva beživotna i hladna bogatstva savršene Moderne zameni toplinom obične i proste porodične ljubavi

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