55 research outputs found

    Tracing Spatial Values through Poem-Drawing

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    In this article, poem-drawing is proposed as an emotive tool to interweave observations of place, the subjective perception of the architect, and imagined spatial interventions. A composite of two artistic instruments, allows the subjective and the objective dimension in architecture to re-establish their dialogue. In this paper, we aim to exhibit how poem-drawing can: 1. bring urban history into presence by verse-image storytelling; 2. discern how emotions (memories, desires, fears, dreams) related to a place build the urban collective memory; 3. encourage a design approach, sensitive towards the site-specific inherent beauty. Taking the old city core of Ohrid as a case study, we examined its reflection in/through the eyes of three (imaginary) interlocutors: a young pregnant woman in 1944, an eight-year-old girl in 2018 and an old lady in 2084. Through a process of poem-drawing-discussing, we tried to inhabit their personas by writing and drawing our imagined experiences of their storylines. Each cycle of poem-drawings was followed by comparison and evaluation of the written and drawn results according to their relevance for a future spatial intervention. By comparing poem-drawings from three time periods, we aimed to question whether it is possible to reveal which spatial qualities remain absolute, timeless, derived from the specificity of a particular site? With this experimental process, we aimed to find ways of tracing urban history, and to capture site-specific qualities that are difficult to measure by conventional means. By using our own embodied experience, our imagination, and by discussions on our findings, our investigation brought into play stories of the ancestors and the descendants of the citizens of Ohrid. &nbsp

    A true epidermotropic apocrine neoplasm in the form of perianal Paget’s disease: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Extramammary Paget’s disease is an uncommon intraepithelial neoplasm that arises in areas rich in apocrine glands. Treatment includes wide surgical excision and nonsurgical modalities. We present the case of a patient with perianal Paget’s disease with no recurrent disease after wide surgical resection. CASE PRESENTATION: Our patient was a 46-year-old man of Macedonian ethnicity who presented with a pruritic perianal lesion measuring up to 6cm without pain or bleeding. Two biopsies and a perianal wide surgical excision were performed. The tissue specimens were formalin-fixed and the paraffin-embedded samples analyzed according to standard histochemical and immunohistochemical procedures. Surgical perianal skin excision revealed diffuse eczematoid, whitish plaques. Pathohistology showed Paget cells infiltrating his epidermis and adnexal epithelium, with ulceration. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed positive Paget cell expression for cytokeratin 7, epithelial membrane antigen, carcinoembryonic antigen, androgen receptor and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, and negative expression for cytokeratin 20 and melan-A. CONCLUSION: Paget’s disease is a rare disorder that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of perianal lesions. Reporting cases of extramammary Paget’s disease is crucial for diagnostic guidelines and different therapeutic options

    Electrochemical measurements of Li – S batteries and characterization of prepared cathodes

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    S hitrim razvojem družbe je danes potreba po uporabi prenosnih elektronskih naprav z učinkovitejšimi akumulatorji velikih zmogljivosti očitna. Litij-žveplovi akumulatorji sodijo med najobetavnejše kandidate za prevzem primata Li-ion akumulatorju, predvsem zaradi veliko višje teoretične gostote energije v primerjavi s komercialnega Li-ion akumulatorja, višje teoretične specifične kapacitete, nizke cene aktivnih materialov (bogate naravne rezerve žvepla na Zemlji) in majhnega vpliva na okolje. Posledično litij-žveplovi akumulatorji v zadnjem desetletju sodijo med ene najpomembnejših in zelo obširno raziskanih akumulatorjev. Čeprav ima ta sistem številne prednosti, ima tudi nekaj bistvenih pomanjkljivosti, med katerimi so neprevodnost aktivnega katodnega materiala, odtapljanje litijevih polisulfidov, redoks prenos naboja prek litijevih polisulfidov[1] oziroma mehanizem »shuttle« (angl. Shuttle efect) in dendritska rast litija [2]. V sklopu raziskovalnega dela magistrskega dela so bile opravljene elektrokemijske meritve litij-žveplovih akumulatorjev, sestavljenih iz katodnih materialov različne sestave. V raziskavi uporabljene katode so narejene tako, da je žveplo impregnirano v grafen oksidne (GO) strukture v različnih razmerjih C in S. Izvedba akumulatorske celice, uporabljene v raziskavi, je t. i. vrečasta celica »coffee-bag«. Sestavljanje akumulatorja se je izvedlo v suhi komori z argonovo atmosfero, brez prisotnosti kisika in vode. Celice so bile testirane na določeno število ciklov polnjenja/praznjenja, podatki pa so bili obdelani z uporabo programa Origin. Postopki priprave materialov, sestavljanje akumulatorske celice, uporabljene kemikalije in oprema so predstavljeni v poglavju Eksperimentalni del. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljeni osnove elektrokemije in karakteristike elektrokemijskih celic, princip delovanja litij-ionskih akumulatorjev, princip delovanja litij-žveplovih akumulatorjev ter delovanje katodnega materiala, elektrolita in separatorja. Rezultati meritev in z njimi povezane raziskave katodnih materialov v litij-žveplovih akumulatorjih so povzeti z vidika izboljšanja elektrokemijskega obnašanja akumulatorja, iskanja optimalne sestave katode med pripravljenimi kompozitnimi materiali in primerjave z akumulatorji, pripravljenimi na osnovi infiltracije žvepla v komercialne ogljikove materiale. Končni rezultat je bil naslednji: preiskovane katode so se izkazale kot neprevodne oziroma žveplo ni sodelovalo v elektrokemijski reakciji. Razlog, zakaj so bile katode neprevodne, je najverjetneje nepotečena reakcija disproporcionacije ter parcialna redukcija grafen oksida.With such a fast-paced society development, a need for portable devices with more efficient batteries is quite obvious. Li- S batteries are among the most favourable candidates for primacy takeover from the Li-ion batteries, above all because of the significantly higher theoretical energy density in comparison with commercially available Li-ion batteries. They also have a higher theoretical specific capacity, a lower cost of active materials due to the abundance of naturally occurring Sulphur reserves on Earth as well as a smaller impact on the environment.[2] Consequently, Li-S batteries will be enlisted as one of the most important batteries to research in the future as well as ones on whom is already done extensive research. Although this type of battery has many advantages, there are some key disadvantages that need referring to such as low Sulphur conductivity, the shuttle mechanism and dendritic lithium growth. As a part of my master’s thesis research, I did electrochemical measurements of Li-Sulphur batteries composed of different composition cathode materials. The cathodes used in the research were made by impregnating Sulphur in a graphene oxide structure with different C:S ratios. The battery cell execution was a ˝Coffee-bag˝ type. Battery assembly was done in a dry chamber with an Argon atmosphere, without the presence of air or water. I tested all battery cells at a predetermined number of charge/discharge cycles, all data was processed using the Origin program. All preparation procedures such as materials preparation, battery cell assembly, used chemicals and equipment I introduced in the ˝Experimental chapter˝. In the Theoretical chapter I explained the basics of electrochemistry and electrochemical cell characteristics, working principles of Li-ion batteries, working principles of Li-Sulphur batteries with emphasis on cathode material working principles, electrolytes and separators used in those systems. I reviewed the results of the measurements and with them connected researched cathode materials from the following point of view: improving of the electrochemical behaviour of the battery cell, finding the best working compositional cathode among all tested cathodes as well as comparison between efficiency of the batteries comprised of the new cathodes and those made with commercially available carbon materials

    Accuracy in determining absorbed irradiation dose at different temperature measurements using ethanol chlorobenzene - oscillotitrator system

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    Elhanol-chlorobenzene/oscillolilralor dosimetry system is widely used in controlling the irradiation process in gamma facilities. The elhanol-chlorobenzene dosimetry system provides a reliable means of measuring absorbed dose. It is based on a process of radiolytic formation of hydrochloric acid in aqueous elhanolic solutions of chlorobenzene by ionizing radiation. The irradiation temperature dependence of dosimeter response is a complex function of dose and temperature for each concentration of chlorobenzene. At different temperature the mobility of conducting species from hydrochloric acid is changed leading to dilTerenl oscillolilralor deflections during high-frequency conduclomelric readout. In this paper, we examined the influence of temperature on the calculation of the radiation dose. We showed that the temperature significantly influenced the measurement results, and that the calibration curve has to be formed at the irradiation temperature in order to obtain precise values of the absorbed dose. © 2018; Vinca Inst Nuclear Sci. All rights reserved

    Optimised In 2

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    Indium sulphide has been extensively investigated as a component for different kind of photovoltaic devices (organic-inorganic hybrid devices, all inorganic, dye sensitized cells). In this paper, we have optimised the growth conditions of indium sulphide thin films by means of a low cost, versatile deposition technique, like spray pyrolysis. The quality of the deposited films has been characterised by micro-Raman, vis-UV spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Substrate deposition temperature and different postdeposition annealing conditions have been investigated in order to obtain information about the quality of the obtained compound (which crystalline or amorphous phases are present) and the morphology of the deposited films. We have shown that the deposition temperature influences strongly the amount of amorphous phase and the roughness of the indium sulphide films. Optimised postdeposition annealing treatments can strongly improve the final amount of the beta phase almost independently from the percentage of the amorphous phase present in the as deposited films

    Liposuction Assisted Lipoma Removal – Option or Alternative?

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    BACKGROUND: Lipomas are the most frequent soft -tissue tumors arising from adipose tissue. Traditionally, open surgery is a mainstay of their treatment. Recently, new treatment modalities emerge in order to decrease morbidity, to increase satisfaction rate in patents, but not to raise recurrence risk at the same time.AIM: The aim of this article is to present our experience with liposuction assisted lipoma removal in terms of efficacy, complications, risk of recurrence and patient satisfaction.METHODS: The study was prospective in which treated lipomas with vacuum suction were analyzed. Preoperative diagnosis comprised clinical exam and additional diagnostic tools as to rule out malignancy. Subcutaneous lipomas with diameter of at least 5cm were taken into account. Tumescent liposuction technique with modification was used.RESULTS: Lipoma’s size, distribution and demographics are given. Total removal with affordable rate of complication was achieved in each case. No recurrences in 12 months follow-up period were seen. Satisfaction rate in patients was high.CONCLUSION: Liposuction assisted lipoma removal is a good alternative to open approach lipectomy and we would recommend its use in selected cases where, it might be more advantageous. However, prospective randomized controlled studies are needed in order to estimate its accurate clinical value

    Acute Inflammatory Changes of the Placenta in Patients with Preterm Delivery Syndrome

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    Preterm delivery is one of the most serious challenges of contemporary perinatology. Considering the multi factorial etiology of this issue, contemporary scientific approach addresses this topic as a Preterm Delivery Syndrome. If we exclude the congenital anomalies of the female reproductive system and iatrogenic causes, we can pinpoint infections, as one of the most important etiological factor for preterm delivery. The aim of the study is to determine the frequency of the histopathological changes of the placenta in patients with preterm delivery, to determine their stage and grade, according to the classification proposed by the Amniotic Fluid Infection Nosology Committee of the Perinatal Section of the Society of Pediatric Pathology (AFINCPSPP).  Finally, to define the correlation between those changes and the gestational age, as well as the correlation between the degree of the histopathological changes and the time passed from the preterm premature rupture of the fetal membrane and the delivery. This cohort prospective study includes 30 patients delivered at the University clinic for Ob/Gyn in Skopje. We’ve selected the patients according to the previously determined inclusion and exclusion criteria: gestational age between 24+0-34+0 weeks of gestation (w.g), premature preterm rupture of the fetal membranes (pPROM), presence of uterine contractions, cervical dilatation of ≥ 2 cm determined by vaginal examination or shortening of the cervical length by > 50% determined by vaginal ultrasound.For the evaluation of the histopathological changes of the placenta, 6 samples were provided from four (4) zones of the placentas of the delivered women: chorionic plate, umbilical cord, border between amnion and chorion, and fetal membranes. Statistical analysis was performed on IBM SPSS Statistics software package, version 23.0. Probability of p≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Differences between descriptive variables were determined using Chi square and Fisher exact tests. For determination of correlation between variables, we used Kendall tau correlation coefficient. Of all the patients included in the study, 14 (46,7%) were at gestational age of 32+0-34+0 w.g, 7 (23,3%) were at gestational age of 28+0-31+6 w.g, and 9 (30 %) were at gestational age of 24+0-27+6 w.g. PPROM was registered in 14 (46,7%) of the patients, out of which almost half, 42,8 % were delivered in less than 24 hours after the rupture of the membranes. In 42,8% of the patients delivered between 32+0-34+0 w.g, histopathological analysis of the placenta did not detected presence of inflammatory response. On the other side, in patients delivered between 24+0-27+6 w.g,histological chorioamnionitis was present in all cases. Even more, in as high as 66,7% of these cases, inflammatory changes of the placenta were categorized as Stage 3, which is highest or most advanced stage of inflammatory response. Results of our study are consistent with previously published data. They confirm the inversely proportional relationship between gestational age at the time of delivery, and the stage and grade of histopathological changes of the placenta, defined as acute chorioamnionitis. Additional evaluation of the data showed that, there is no correlation between the degree of the inflammatory response, and the time passed from the pPROM and delivery, expressed in hours

    Chemical spray pyrolysis of β-In2S3 thin films deposited at different temperatures

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    In2S3 thin films were deposited onto indium tin oxide-coated glass substrates by chemical spray pyrolysis while keeping the substrates at different temperatures. The structures of the sprayed In2S3 thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XFD). The quality of the thin films was determined by Raman spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy were used to explore the surface morphology and topography of the thin films, respectively. The optical band gap was determined based on optical transmission measurements. The indium sulfide phase exhibited a preferential orientation in the (0, 0, 12) crystallographic direction according to the XRD analysis. The phonon vibration modes determined by Raman spectroscopy also confirmed the presence of the In2S3 phase in our samples. According to SEM, the surface morphologies of the films were free of defects. The optical band gap energy varied from 2.82 eV to 2.95 eV.This research was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana through the grant PROMETEUS 2009/2013 and the European Commission through the Nano CIS project (FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IRSES ref. 269279).Sall, T.; Marí Soucase, B.; Mollar García, MA.; Hartitti, B.; Fahoume, M. (2015). Chemical spray pyrolysis of β-In2S3 thin films deposited at different temperatures. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 76:100-104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2014.08.007S1001047

    Development of a novel microbiological method for detection of gamma irradiated spices

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    Spices are food additives that are used in many different areas of food technology. Most of the spices contain essential oils sensitive to thermal degradation processes. Therefore, an alternate method of decontamination, other than thermal, should be used so that the microbial safety of the spices is ensured. This study was focused on the evaluation of the effect of ionizing radiation, known as radurization, on microbiological safety in samples of red pepper, black pepper, and stinging nettle, from North Macedonia. Samples were irradiated by 60Co γ-rays. The possibility for development of a novel, shortened microbiological method was investigated. The conventional agar plate method was used, as a standard microbiological method, in order to evaluate the effect of irradiation on the microbiological safety of the food. The red pepper and the stinging nettle did not show any microbial growth when inoculated on both growth media, after being irradiated. Additionally, the photostimulated luminescence and thermoluminescence method were used as physical methods. By comparing the two glow curves for the glow ratio, the obtained values are greater than 0.1, which confirms that the samples have been irradiated

    Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Colorectal Cancers and Their Prognostic Value

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    Abstract Introduction: Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) in tumor stroma are considered to be involved in elimination of malignant cells and in prevention of metastasis formation. TIL are consisted of T lymphocytes including cytotoxic lymphocytes that are a constituent part of the effector mechanism of anti-tumor immunity and B lymphocytes that can form tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS). TLS have been described in several solid tumors and in colorectal carcinoma (CRC) and they influence on the local and systemic anti-cancer response. The aim of this study was to quantify the presence of TLS in CRC patients and to determine their role in tumor progression. Patients and methods: The study included 103 patients with CRC who underwent surgery at the University Clinic of Digestive Surgery in Skopje, whose operative material was analyzed at the Institute of Pathology, Medical Faculty in Skopje. The density of TLS was determined and correlated with neoplasm status of local growth (T), positive lymph nodes, lymphatic invasion, stage of the disease and tumor grade. Results: The density of TLS was significantly higher in patients with higher stage, lower T status, negative lymph nodes, in patients with no lymphatic invasion and with better differentiated tumors. Conclusion: The density of TLS plays an important role in controlling the tumor growth and it can be a parameter for neoplasm progression in CRC patients. The density of TLS has influence on the control of tumor progression