363 research outputs found

    Scientific and technical knowledge of sugarcane cover-management USLE/RUSLE factor

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    Sugarcane covers 10.6 Mha of Brazilian agricultural land (13 % of all cropland), mainly in the south-central region. In tropical climate conditions, the physiological characteristics of sugarcane allow a wide range of management systems with contrasting soil erosion outcomes. Models can assess these differences and the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) based models are the most frequently used. The cover-management factor (C Factor) is the USLE input variable that represents the changes in soil cover and management. We collected, compared, and evaluated sugarcane C Factor values reported in technical and scientific literature to support modelers and soil scientists on the adequate choice of these values. We analyzed references reporting primary C Factor values and sources that applied these values or described them. We found 50 references, showing a wide value variation ranging from 0.0012 to 0.5800. Thirteen references were primary sources. We found seven primary sources for Brazilian sugarcane growing conditions, but only two papers were peer-reviewed. Sugarcane C Factor modelers frequently used C values based on a poor understanding and description of the methodological and geographical origin of these values and out of the context of the specific crop management systems of application. Therefore, the results may not be compatible with the study site conditions. The primary sources lack clarity in the description of the site–specific environmental and management conditions in which the C Factors were obtained, hindering the use of these specificities by the end user

    Análise multiperspectiva da tolerância à erosão

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    A tolerância de perda de terra é o campo mais multidisciplinar das pesquisas em erosão do solo. Os cientistas têm demonstrado falta de habilidade para analisar adequadamente a enorme lista de variáveis que influenciam a definição da tolerância de perda de solo. Para isto, a ótica dos agricultores, ambientalistas, sociedade e forças políticas têm que ser considerada simultaneamente. Definições de tolerância parciais ou tendenciosas podem explicar não apenas o caráter polêmico dos valores sugeridos atualmente como também, em parte, a não adoção dos níveis de controle de erosão desejados. Consideráveis mudanças na forma de investigação deste tópico devem ser implementadas visando uma solução mais adequada, especialmente entre os cientistas, que teriam que mudar métodos e estratégias e ampliar a sua ótica para fronteiras além da física dos processos envolvidos e dos limites da academia. Uma integração mais efetiva e uma comunicação mais eficiente com a sociedade e com os agricultores, procurando aprender com as suas óticas sobre erosão e uma abordagem multidisciplinar, integrando as ciências do solo, sociais, econômica e ambiental são essenciais para melhorar a definição da tolerância de perdas. Na opinião dos autores, a ciência do solo não está se movendo nesta direção e uma compreensão melhor da tolerância de perda não deve ser esperada num futuro próximo.Erosion tolerance is the most multidisciplinary field of soil erosion research. Scientists have shown lack in ability to adequately analyze the huge list of variables that influence soil loss tolerance definitions. For these the perspectives of erosion made by farmers, environmentalists, society and politicians have to be considered simultaneously. Partial and biased definitions of erosion tolerance may explain not only the polemic nature of the currently suggested values but also, in part, the nonadoption of the desired levels of erosion control. To move towards a solution, considerable changes would have to occur on how this topic is investigated, especially among scientists, who would have to change methods and strategies and extend the perspective of research out of the boundaries of the physical processes and the frontiers of the academy. A more effective integration and communication with the society and farmers, to learn about their perspective of erosion and a multidisciplinary approach, integrating soil, social, economic and environmental sciences are essential for improved erosion tolerance definitions. In the opinion of the authors, soil erosion research is not moving in this direction and a better understanding of erosion tolerance is not to be expected in the near future

    Soil erosion evaluation in a small watershed in Brazil through 137 Cs fallout redistribution analysis and conventional models

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    An investigation of rates and patterns of soil erosion on agricultural land cultivated with sugarcane was undert a ken using the 137Cs technique, USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) and WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) model. The study was carried out on a representative catchment of a small watershed of the Piracicaba river basin, State of São Paulo, Brazil, called Ceveiro watershed, well known for its severe soil degradation caused by erosion. The results from the 137Cs technique indicate that most part of the studied area (94%) are eroded at erosion rates that go up to 59 Mg ha-1 y-1, with a weighted average rate of 23 Mg ha-1 y-1 . The weighted average rate of infield deposition and sediment retrieval that occurs in only 6% of the total area was estimated to be around 12 Mg ha-1 y-1 . These values led to very high net soil loss from the field, with rates of the order of 21 Mg ha-1 y-1 , which represents a sediment delive ry ratio of 97%. A linear correlation between soil erosion rate estimated by the 137Cs technique and the amount of available K in the top soil layer (0-20 cm) was observed. Based on this correlation the estimated amounts of net and gross K loss in the grid area due to soil erosion were of 0.2 and 1.52 kg ha-1 y-1, respectively. The erosion rate estimated by USLE was 39 Mg ha-1 y-1 and by WEPP model 16.5 Mg ha-1 y-1 with a sediment delivery of 12.4 Mg ha-1 y-1 (75%). The results are a confirmation that the soil conservation practices adopted in the area are very poor and can explain the high siltation level of water reservoirs in the watershed

    Dimensão dos impactos causados pela erosão nas pastagens brasileiras

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    As pastagens normalmente são associadas a menores problemas causados pela erosão devido ao fato de serem eficientes coberturas do solo, controlando bem as erosões em sulco e entre-sulcos. Mas, considerando a freqüência da renovação das pastagens cultivadas no Brasil e sua grande extensão territorial (178 milhões de hectares) é possível identificar que áreas expressivas, usualmente cobertas por pastagens, permanecerão descobertas e serão intensivamente preparadas sem nenhuma prática complementar de controle da erosão. Esta área equivale ao mesmo montante da área ocupada pelas principais culturas anuais (soja e milho) que são normalmente cultivadas em plantio direto ou suportadas por programas governamentais de conservação. A precisa avaliação desses impactos, causados pelos 10 milhões de hectares de pastagens em renovação anualmente, não é conhecida havendo grande carência de conhecimentos científicos para sugerir uma solução adequada. Este é, provavelmente, o grande desafio da conservação do solo no Brasil e necessitará, para adequada resolução, de um esforço conjunto de pesquisadores, técnicos, educadores e extensionistas.Pastures are normally associated with minor erosion problems because of their efficient soil cover. Soil cover is without doubt the most effective inter-rill and rill erosion control practice. However, considering the frequency at which pastures are replanted in Brazil and their enormous territorial extension (178 million hectares) we identify that extensive areas, usually covered by pastures, will remain bare, intensively tilled, and without complementary mechanical soil control practices. The pasture area is equivalent to that occupied by most important Brazilian annual crops (corn or soybeans), that are usually cultivated under no-tillage or supported by governmental soil conservation programs. The precise assessment of these impacts, caused by the estimated 10 million hectares of the yearly replanted pastures is unknown, and there is lack of scientific knowledge to suggest an adequate solution. This is, probably, the greatest challenge of Brazilian soil conservation and for an adequate resolution, will require a joint effort of researchers, technicians, educators and stakeholders

    Viabilidade do cultivo de cana-de-açúcar e sistemas agroflorestais

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    O Brasil é o principal produtor mundial de cana-de-açúcar e seu sistema de produção tem sofrido mudanças devido a aspectos legais e técnicos. Na região de Piracicaba, grande parte dos pequenos produtores cultiva cana-de-açúcar em áreas de grande declividade, mas a mecanização da colheita tem inviabilizado seu cultivo nesta condição. Assim, foram identificados e selecionados terras e árvores visando compatibilizar a produção da cultura e a conservação de recursos naturais em sistemas agroflorestais. Os solos presentes no intervalo de 12-20% de declividade foram identificados, selecionamos árvores com potencial para serem cultivadas com cana-de-açúcar foram selecionados e os desenhos dos sistemas a serem adotados foram avaliados. A classe de declive identificada ocupa área de 11.556 ha e Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo e Neossolo Litólico são os solos mais representativos. As espécies arbóreas exóticas coco-anão-verde, eucalipto, pupunheira, seringueira e outras oito espécies nativas têm potencial para serem cultivadas com cana-de-açúcar em sistemas agroflorestais de aléias em contorno. Sugere-se o plantio inicial de árvores exóticas domesticadas e a introdução gradual de espécies nativas não domesticadas, de acordo com suas exigências ecológicas.Brazil is the world's main sugarcane producer and the production system has changed abiding to legal and technical recommendation. In Piracicaba many smallholders grow sugarcane in steep areas. Under such situation, mechanization at harvest makes cultivation impossible. This work assess the viability of agroforestry systems on joining crop production and conservation of natural resources. Soils at 12-20% slope class were identified, tree species which could be cultivated along with sugarcane were selected, and the design of the systems to be adopted was evaluated. Identified area occupies 11,556 ha and the most representative soil types are Typic Kandiuldult and Lithic Hapludoll. The exotic species coconut, eucalyptus, pejibaye and rubber, and eight native species have potential to be grown in contourhedgerows with sugarcane. Initial planting of exotic, domesticated trees is recommended, and gradual introduction of native, non-domesticated species, can be set according to their ecological requirements

    Solid capillary support for fluid fertilizer: I. Residual effect experiment

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    Procurou-se avaliar o comportamento agronômico do Suporte Solido Capilar para Fertilizantes Fluídos (SC), que é um produto fertilizante experimental desenvolvido pela ULTRAFÉRTIL com comportamento potencial de Fertilizante de Solubilização Lenta. Procurou-se avaliar seu efeito sobre as plantas e sobre os solos além de compará-lo com fertilizantes convencionais, através de um ensaio de efeito residual. O SC não se comportou como Fertilizante de Solubilizaçao Lenta, igualando-se aos outros tratamentos. O K quando aplicado via SC é melhor aproveitado pelas plantas e a presença do SC no solo provoca variações nos teores de P, Ca e S - SO4-2 no solo.A residual effect experiment was conducted to evaluate the agronomic behaviour of the Solid Capilar Support for Fluid Fertilizer (SC). SC is an experimental fertilizer developed by ULTRAFERTIL and has possibilities as a slow Release fertilizer. Plants absorb K better when it is applied via SC, and the presence of SC in the soil changes, P, Ca and S-SO4-2 contents

    The false dichotomy between preservation of the natural vegetation and food production in Brazil

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    Este artigo mostra através da análise de dados censitários sobre uso da terra no Brasil que a possível dicotomia entre a preservação da vegetação natural e a produção de alimentos na realidade não existe. Demonstramos que o Brasil já tem uma área desprovida de vegetação natural suficientemente grande para acomodar a expansão da produção agrícola. Demonstramos também que a maior expansão se dá nas áreas ocupadas pelas chamadas culturas de exportação - soja e cana-de-açúcar - e não propriamente nas áreas ocupadas por arroz, feijão e mandioca, que são consumidos de forma direta pelo mercado nacional. Pelo contrário, a área colhida de arroz e feijão tem inclusive decrescido nas últimas décadas, enquanto a área colhida de mandioca encontra-se praticamente constante há quatro décadas. Os maiores entraves para a produção de alimentos no Brasil não se devem a restrições supostamente impostas pelo Código Florestal, mas, sim, à enorme desigualdade na distribuição de terras, a restrição de crédito agrícola ao agricultor que produz alimentos de consumo direto, a falta de assistência técnica que o ajude a aumentar a sua produtividade, a falta de investimentos em infraestrutura para armazenamento e escoamento da produção agrícola, a restrições de financiamento e priorização do desenvolvimento e tecnologia que permita um aumento expressivo na lotação de nossas pastagens,Through the analysis of census data on land use in Brazil this article shows that the dichotomy between food production and preservation of natural vegetation used as the main driver to change the Forest Code is false. We showed here that Brazil has already cleared an area large enough that support the production of food, fiber and bioenergy to meet the requirements of the country and global markets. We also showed the area of export-oriented crops like soybean and sugar cane have been expanded significantly in the last decades, while staple crops like rice and bean have decreased and the area planted with cassava has been stable for the last four decades. At the same time we show that the productivity of export-oriented crops has increased in a much more significant rate than staple crops or cattle stocking rate, which in average is extremely low in Brazil. We concluded by stating that the real constraint for food production in Brazil does not rely on the Forest Code environmental restrictions but instead in inequalities in land distribution and income, coupled with lack of credit to small producers and investment in research and development in the staples crops of the country

    Soil erosion evaluation in a small watershed in Brazil through 137 Cs fallout redistribution analysis and conventional models

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    An investigation of rates and patterns of soil erosion on agricultural land cultivated with sugarcane was undert a ken using the 137Cs technique, USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) and WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) model. The study was carried out on a representative catchment of a small watershed of the Piracicaba river basin, State of São Paulo, Brazil, called Ceveiro watershed, well known for its severe soil degradation caused by erosion. The results from the 137Cs technique indicate that most part of the studied area (94%) are eroded at erosion rates that go up to 59 Mg ha-1 y-1, with a weighted average rate of 23 Mg ha-1 y-1 . The weighted average rate of infield deposition and sediment retrieval that occurs in only 6% of the total area was estimated to be around 12 Mg ha-1 y-1 . These values led to very high net soil loss from the field, with rates of the order of 21 Mg ha-1 y-1 , which represents a sediment delive ry ratio of 97%. A linear correlation between soil erosion rate estimated by the 137Cs technique and the amount of available K in the top soil layer (0-20 cm) was observed. Based on this correlation the estimated amounts of net and gross K loss in the grid area due to soil erosion were of 0.2 and 1.52 kg ha-1 y-1, respectively. The erosion rate estimated by USLE was 39 Mg ha-1 y-1 and by WEPP model 16.5 Mg ha-1 y-1 with a sediment delivery of 12.4 Mg ha-1 y-1 (75%). The results are a confirmation that the soil conservation practices adopted in the area are very poor and can explain the high siltation level of water reservoirs in the watershed

    Aprendendo a classificar solos com os índios Kayapó

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    The Kayapó Xicrin do Cateté (Xicrin) indigenous reserve is located within the Amazon forest in Pará (Brazil). The Xicrins have developed a soil classification system that is incorporated in their language and culture. The etymology of their classification system and its logical structure makes it similar and comparable with modern soil classification. The etymology of the Xicrin's language is based on the junction of radicals to form words for different soil names. The name of the soil is formed by the main noun radical "puka", to which adjectives referring to soil morphological attributes are added. Modern classification systems are also based on similar morphological variables, and analytical support for defining boundaries of chemical or physical soil attributes are important only in lower hierarchical levels. Soil scientists have developed a soil classification system that is sensitive for the restrictions and potentialities the soil will show for modern agriculture. The Xicrins classify soils for what is important for their life style, i.e. a harmonic and friendly life with the resources they gain from the forest.A reserva indígena Kayapó-Xicrin do Cateté esta localizada na floresta amazônica no estado do Pará (Brasil). Os Xicrins desenvolveram uma classificação de solo que esta incorporada ao seu idioma e cultura. A etimologia da classificação dos solos e a sua estrutura lógica são similares com os sistemas modernos de classificação de solos. A etimologia do idioma Xicrin é baseada na união de radicais para formar as palavras e a mesma é utilizada para formar os diferentes nomes dos solos. O nome do solo é formado pelo radical principal "puka" ao qual são adicionados adjetivos referentes aos atributos morfológicos dos solos. Os sistemas de classificação de solos modernos também são baseados nos mesmos atributos morfológicos, apesar de que apoio analítico é importante para definir os limites entre os atributos químicos e físicos dos solos em níveis hierárquicos mais baixos. Os cientistas de solos têm desenvolvido uma classificação de solos interpretativa para as restrições e potencialidades que o solo tem para a agricultura moderna. Os Xicrins classificam o solo para aquilo que é importante para a vida deles, uma vida harmônica e simbiótica com a natureza

    Avaliação agronômica do suporte sólido capilar para fertilizantes fluídos: II. Aplicação de micronutrientes

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    The application of micronutrients in the soil, in a homogeneous way, with the least contact with soil particles may increase its agronomic efficiency. Storing a solution of fertilizers in a solid porous medium, which is used as a vehicle for application, links great homogeneity to low soil contact. The Solid Capillary Support for Fluid Fertilizers (SC) was used as porous solid medium. It is a compacted cylinder made of gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O), developed experimentally by ULTRAFERTIL. The SC was an efficient way in supplying micronutrients, resulting in similar or better yields in relation to direct application in the soil.A aplicação de micronutrientes no solo de maneira homogênea e com o mínimo de contato com as partículas sólidas do solo, pode aumentar sua eficiência agronômica. Armazenar uma solução de fertilizantes num meio sólido poroso, que é utilizado como veículo na aplicação, alia grande uniformidade e pouco contato com o solo. Como meio poroso utilizou-se o Suporte Sólido Capilar para Fertilizantes Fluídos (SC), que consiste de um cilindro de gesso (CaSO4 2H(2)0) compactado, desenvolvido em caráter experimental pela ULTRAFÉRTIL. O SC mostrou-se eficiente no fornecimento de micronutrientes via solo, proporcionando produções iguais ou superiores, em relação à aplicação direta no solo